Sunday, May 6, 2012

APRIL Joy Dare

Continuation of One Thousand Gifts (three daily)  #274 - #363

274-276:: Gifts Round: Eggs, eye lenses, pin heads.
277-279:: Gifts White: Napkins, computer paper, milk.
280- 282:: Gifts surprisingly found: old penny, a stick pin I thought lost, my thimble stored in the wrong place.

283-285:: Gifts in God's Word: Jesus said, "Take, eat, this is my body," "This is my blood of the new covenant which is poured out for many. . . I will never again drink of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God," "Forgive them for they do not know what they are doing."

286-288:: A gift at . . .  11am: words come together for the Maundy Thursday service tonight;  2pm: extra time to meditate   6pm: Preparation for washing of feet and emptying out of all things pointing to Jesus Christ.

289-291:: Gifts nailed together: Jesus' body nailed to the Cross for our sins, parts of our small Cross in front of the church, church pews.
292-294:: Gifts waited for: Sunny skies, nesting birds, spring flowers.                                                                   

295-297:: Gifts rising up: Resurrected Christ, my life in Christ, hope for new beginnings.
298-300:: Gifts . . . Hiding: eggs we did not find yesterday;
 Held: A clean bird house we just put up;  Heard: chirping Robins

301-303: Gifts opened up: God's Word, hearts of women I teach, possibilities for work.
304-306:: Gifts budding/blooming: Tulips, Forsythia (still!), Blueberry bushes.
307-309:: Gifts worn: My down vest, a smile, aging body parts.

310-312:: Gifts bright: Sun, hubby's and my spirit, our future.
313-315:: Gifts found looking up: Moon, stars, clouds.
316-318:: Gifts in a bag: piles of newly purchased books
 box: A cathedral we visited   book: God's Holy Word.                                                           

319-321::  Hard Eucharisteos: Extra awareness of pick-pockets in a big city, moving with the crowds in the museum when I want to linger longer, choosing to
remain inside a museum to learn vs. lingering outside on a warm, sunny day.
322-324:: Gifts woven together: old and new memories as we visit old haunts,
satisfaction and sadness as we visit old neighborhoods, my husband and I as we enjoy, again, places we frequented many years ago.

325-327:: Gifts inherited: my mother's creativity, my father's love for numbers, our favorite porcelain salad bowls.
328-330:: Gifts square: the frame on the needlework sampler I embroidered when I was five, our house lot, the glass window panes.
331-333::  Gifts stacked: three woven baskets; Stashed: suitcases after we return from our trip; Stilled: my soul after a much needed time of remembering.

334-336:: Gifts found in Christ: Speakers at a Renovare seminar, affirmation that daily disciplines bring us closer to Christ, masses of fellow Christians on the same journey.
337-339::  Gifts close: the presence of Christ in the Eucharist, my personal relationship with God in Christ, special friends.
340-342::  Gifts reflecting: dim light in a rain drop, my mind on today's scripture, words that pop at me from Ann Voskamp's book, One Thousand Gifts.

343-345::  Gifts fragile: some relationships, cilantro sprouts, my favorite crystal goblet that pings so lightly when I touch it.
346-348:: Gifts of Cloth: My favorite skirt; Steel: our car;
 Wood: forests we pass on the way to a week-long conference.

349-351:: Gifts moving: my feet that walk me into new places, time moving too quickly, budding bushes in the breeze.
352-354:: Gifts ugly beautiful: hard stories changed by Christ, piles of teaching aids on tables, five women sharing overnight space for a week.
355-357:: Gifts orange: early morning sun, sweatshirt, faint color in my sister's shell arrangement.

358-360:: Gifts in dirt: Tulips still blooming, worms, yellow and green early growth across acres of farms.
361-363:: Gifts Given: time to reflect; Made: a lovely dinner for us; Sacrificed: my husband's time without me for several days.

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