Monday, December 1, 2014


It's the first day after our first Advent Sunday.
December begins with crisp air and clear skies.
We already have some 'white' for December

We continue to travel but closer to home.
Soon we will be home and settle in for a quiet month of preparation for our celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.
Christ IS the reason for the season.
We celebrate quietly.

#3306-3308:: Linger in the lounge of a luxurious motel, breakfast waiting for us, someone else makes the beds.  We move on into another state where we listen, learn and connect with others in our field of work.  Blue skies, fresh air, Atlantic ocean, beauty all around.

#3309-3311:: Winter gardens glimmer like gold against the sparkles of sun that peak through the
Simple decorations this year.
Our Winterberry bushes are a great asset.
clouds.  Linger in the balmy day as Christmas lights twinkle from behind trees and bushes.  Outdoor trees decorated in pods and seeds and grasses and all things natural.

#3312-3314:: Gray, cold, and wet does not matter as we pile on layers and enjoy some silent moments.  I let my mind rest after weeks of intense processing.  A cup of tea and a slice of raisin toast warm both body and soul.  A meeting tonight will be fun as women gather to celebrate our chapter's 55th birthday!

As President of this chapter, I am glad we are
celebrating another year of earning money for
scholarships for women who choose to continue
their education.
#3315-3317:: Lighter skies, dryer air, nice day to visit the doctor to see if this body is going to make it for another twenty years.  Hot tea, almonds and yogurt - a yummy breakfast.  Maintain about 65 memory verses but it's time to add a few more - next month?

#3318-3320:: Crunch numbers, plan ahead, work out best direction for church as we work with a
fabulous finance volunteer.  Serendipity lunch at the new Golden Corral in town.  Errands to run, food to purchase, not home until evening.  Early darkness brings soft sounds, a quiet night.

#3321-3323:: Back to church early to bid farewell to our dear friend and parishioner who passed away.  A surprise crowd of friends share happy memories and re-connect with one another.
We decided to take a Sunday afternoon to see  Longwood Gardens
all decorated up for the Christmas season.  Music played as
water danced and children came close to the fence to see up close.
Another long day but feel so blessed to have been part of Jim's life.

#3324-3326:: This second Sunday of Advent we focus on 'preparing the Way for Christ'.  John, the baptizer prepared the way for Hebrew people, the wanderers, to repent and return to God and be baptized by water, a sign of renewal of their faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  This also prepared their hearts for the One who would baptize them with the Holy Spirit, Jesus, the Christ, the anointed one.  We rejoice that we can prepare ourselves, during this Advent season, as we anticipate the celebration of Christ's birth.

#3327-3329:: Monday, monday, this is the day . . . to rest and breathe and drink in our surroundings.
I love the different scenarios each year in the covered Conservatory.
"Celebrate inside" and let the brave ones encounter
the freezing temperatures.
 Shops with decorated windows, lights on everywhere in anticipation of Christmas.  We run one errand that takes about four hours of waiting but well worth it.  I brought no work with me so I simply sat, and wondered and rested my brain . . .  so planned by God, I am sure.  We took time but we also saved thousands by being patient.

#3330-3332:: Early up for a visit from the furnace guy.  All looks well, which is good because it looks like we are going to have a long, cold winter.  Nice notes, words to write, phone calls, catching up.  Maybe . . .  just maybe . . .  I might put the dust mop to use - hooray!

#3333-3335:: Thankful for the smell of clean sheets, gathering with other women as we discuss our walk in Christ, reflection on Love as I prepare to speak at a wedding.

#3336-3338:: Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.  Clean, white, light, still falling. Hopeful that the streets remain clear for us to attend a meeting tonight.
And they came, two by two, as God ordained, both male and female,
to unite, according to their own species, and multiply.
And God gave creation another opportunity to fill the earth.
(This ark, made with 'critters' sold every December at the
 Brandywine River Museum of Art in Delaware
 which also houses the Wyeth collection)

#3339-3311:: Quiet, cold, snow sticks, painful 'joy' reading an article about my dear friend's death from a car that jumped the center line to crush his head as he was riding his bicycle on the other side of the street.  He is safe with the Lord but a huge emptiness lingers as the church he was leading grieves with friends and family.  God created us for His purpose, to remain on this earth only for a wink of time.  Our extended purpose is to be 'one with God in Christ . . . .  forever.

#3312-3313::  It's the third day of our commuting marathon.  Today is the wedding, a simple celebration in the midst of Advent.
Two become one, a vow for life.  Only their continued focus on God in Christ, the 'glue' that holds them
An Advent wreath made from forest materials.
Birch sticks make great candles
together, will help them cement this vow over the next several decades.  A wonderful time for all of us to 'cement' our own vows. Joy.

#3314-3315:: This third Sunday of Advent, Gaudet Sunday, means REJOICE!  As darkness wraps its heavy cloak around us, we remind ourselves of that glimmer of light, hope, peaking through - the hope that was and is and is to come, Jesus Christ.  The Light of Christ and the anticipation of His birth, moves my soul to 'Rejoice in the Lord, always.  Again, I say rejoice!"

#3316-3318:: The first day I actually have to myself!  A very long visit with a dear friend reinvigorates our spirits as we share our stories
over the last six months.  Hands press on sore shoulders and stretch the skin with soothing cocoanut oil as my body receives a massage.... sooooooooo nice.

#3319-3321:: A foggy morning invites buckets of rain by noon.  A great day to sit by the fire and clean up messes . .  . like too many emails that have not been deleted.  A good time to read stories others have sent to me over the internet and simply linger in another world for awhile.

#3322-3324:: We gather in the midst of old fashioned decorations.  A six foot tall Nut Cracker soldier watches us enjoy good food, great conversation and a much needed break' during a very busy time of the church year.  Sun peaks through clouds for a morning moment and then hides behind black clouds as darkness wraps around us in our travels to and from work.

#3325-3327:: A rare serendipity moment when I visit a few friends where they meet daily.  Catching up with old news, good news, sad news - so much
Our manger, brought back from Germany by hubby's dad, is our treasure.
We 'play' the pageant by hiding baby Jesus and by moving the wise
men a little closer to the manger each day.
news that I've missed over the past several months.  Lingering longer with others as we drink in this season of preparation for the celebration of Christ's birth.

#3328-3330:: Ponder, write, sputter, stop. How do I put words to an overwhelming feeling in my heart.  Mary, mother of Jesus, God incarnate.  How can this be?  The miracle is too awesome, too wonderful to box into sentences and phrases and paragraphs.  Only the soul can absorb this. joy.

Life peaks through the chilling smother of snow.

#3331-3333:: We sleep later, perhaps because we don't want to face final closure of Fr. Jonathan's life.  We dress the part and make our tired bones move into a crowed space filled with grief.  Words of assurance enter my soul as the preacher, his dear friend, shares what we all feel.  Music brings sobs.  The eulogy by his son, so well spoken, so like his father, an incredible tribute.  I linger in sadness most of the day as my body goes through the motions of preparing for sabbath tomorrow.

#3334-3336:: The brain needs to focus but has difficulty.  A very fretful night with too many thoughts spinning out of control.  Breathe deep.  Translate the words of scripture for all to understand.  Mary was made holy by the GRACE of God, "the Lord is with thee . . . "  I'll ponder these words from the angel Gabriel to Mary for some time:
The old German, glass ornaments are
being revived.  A colleague gave this
to me for our tree.  Little did she know
that our tree is only four feet tall.
That's all the tree needs!
"The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be holy, he will be called Son of God."

#3337-3339:: My body rests after several hard days.  I sip delicious tea and munch on cookies the children made for us.  Hubby most likely will have few to choose from when I'm done. The manger is set in the right spot. Little tree twinkles with a beautiful glass-cross ornament given to us.  That may be all we need this year.

#3340-3342:: Bright sun greets me as I do my chores but moisture soon envelopes the bright rays.  A warmish day draws us out for last minute errands and a nice meal together.  Hubby secretly sneaks into a little store to purchase presents we told each other we would not buy.  Love it.
The manger sits at the foot of the altar for all to see.
This scene is a beautiful remembrance of the Gospel of Luke 2: 1-14

#3343-3345::  The Eve of the Christ Mass - a grand celebration of Christ's birth.  Our children's pageant is wild and crazy and fills the packed little church with joy and resounding laughter.  Parents pop pictures into their iPhones as children recite their lines and sing sweet songs.  And then the grand, festive service with incense and the blessing of the creche and holy thanks to the Lord, thy God, for sending us His only begotten son, Jesus, the Christ.  O JOY!

#3346-3348:: Sweet rest, tend to a very sore throat, share cards and gifts given to us by so many dear ones from church.  Our tradition is to eat fruit and eggs and read scripture on this blessed day that we celebrate the birth of Christ.  Quiet, still . . . nice.

#3349-3351:: Sunshine fills the breathless sky this morning inviting us outside to linger in the snowless meadows behind our home.  Fresh air is a welcome relief from the drenching rains of the past few days.  We linger at
A happy place to linger with my computer.
Pillows puffed up, kleenex beside me,
hubby is making do in the other room to stay healthy.
home, knowing full well that 'boxing day' is crazy-busy out there! Woosh, buzz, whiiiiiiine, goes the vacuum as we dust and clean ever inch of the house for the new year.  Smells so nice!

#3352-3354:: Sneeze, hack, cough, gargle, blow . . . the sore throat gifted to me on Christmas Eve has now left but has been replaced with all the gifts a winter cold brings forth.  My mind yearns to dance in the sunny, warmer outdoors but the body bids me rest.  Hubby is on his own today.  Selah.

#3355-3357:: Few sweet souls venture out to worship after Christmas but the few we have are a blessing.  Chat, ponder, pray with a hurting soul that needs assurance.  Healing
OH JOY!  A new year awaits us as more light shines through
these dark days of winter.
prayer offered today is well received by many.  A quick visit to two sweet gems who are using all their strength just to get through each day.  Poinsettias brighten their spirits.

#3358-3360:: Sleep soothes a scratchy cough and my body feels so much better.  Quiet moments with the Lord lift my spirit and a mostly sunny day invites me to hope that winter will be gentle on me this year.  Praise God for the beauty of Creation as I gaze out the window.

#3361-3363:: Oh the bleak midwinter . . . a quiet chill pierces the snowless day.  Linger over a book of incredible spirit-filled meditations that are only one or two lines long.  The Power of Word overwhelms my soul with renewed JOY.  Feeling better just in time for my special day tomorrow.

Time to CELEBRATE another year!
#3364-3365:: Hubby got up before me and seemed to be sneaking around on the other side of closed doors.  I could hear his giggles.  I ventured out and right in front of me where gigantic words to celebrate this special day. . . and part hats.  It's as if all the world is celebrating my BIRTHDAY!!!

This is the last of the blessings for 2014.
May 2015 bring an abundance of blessings to all who linger with these pithy thoughts.

Saturday, November 1, 2014


This was taken at our local grocery store.  Fresh produce is grown in
the fields around this place on a hill.  Even the squash
shows its beauty during this season of change.
November creeps in quietly as vibrant colors begin to fade and leaves drop from hundreds of maples in the area.
Temperatures drop at night but climb slowly during the day.
Yet each day seems a bit cooler.

An awesome Fall tempts me to take my time with final garden preparation and clean-up.
Before I know it the winter blasts will blow me over as rushing wind becomes more chilly.
Ahhhhh, Fall.
A delight this year.

#3216 - 3218:: All Saints Day, a time to linger in fond memories of loved ones who have died or of mentors, like the Apostle Paul, whose writings prompt my heart to become a better disciple of Christ Jesus.

A quote from Sir Thomas More: "If Paul exhorts us to pray for one another, and we gladly think it right to ask every poor man to pray for us, should we think it evil to ask the holy saints in heaven to do the same?"
This is a preliminary sketch of  one side of the little galley
kitchen in the condo.  We made a few changes.
Soon we will see the real thing.
#3219-3221:: A solemn celebration of All Saints and All Souls gives us time to breathe in our remembrances of those, no longer with us, who have shaped our lives.
Blustery day bids us to drive through glistening fields but not linger outside.
A visit with a dear friend in hospital provides hope for better days and a brighter spirit for the patient.

#3222-3224:: Cut, snip, clean, de-frizz with the hair - so nice to be pampered every now and again at the hair salon.
Shop 'til I drop as I enjoy the beautiful day and look at delightfully decorated windows in our neighboring town.
Click, pop, whizz goes the lens as I snap more Fall vignettes.

Voting is a GIFT of freedom.  We are Blessed.
#3225-3227:: Catch up, read, digest, reflect, enjoy the morning.
The condo kitchen arrived a week early but the workers found room for the boxes.
So glad I have a friend overseeing the condo rebuild.  Friends are such a treasure.
Time is an even greater treasure.
VOTING is an honor!
It's the one obligation we all should take seriously as citizens of this country with freedom to choose.

#3228-3230:: We give thanks for a beautiful drive to church for a meeting with members from four other
Dad is honored for all his work with
Boy Scouts of America
If you look closely, you can see his picture,
with accolades, in the upper right corner.
churches.  Nice.  A sleepy day brings us home just as the clouds turn darker and night begins to fall.
Pasta!  Perfect this time of year!

#3231-3233:: A call from a friend: Car broken so cannot go to food cupboard for her monthly pick-up.  I am thrilled that I have a free morning to take her, wait for her, and make sure she is doing well.
We spin in circles but feel great success booking flights to Minneapolis in February!  Dad turns 100!

#3234-3236:: Wind whips through every corner of the yard as I sit cozy by the fire working on wedding words for a sweet couple getting married on 12-13-14!
Letters to write make for a fun 'chat' time on email.
I schedule the next month: An amazing swirl of conferences, trips, activities, obligations, Advent and Christmas services!  B R E A T H E deep.

#3237-3239:: Arise, shine, the day is full!  Slurp a shake as we gather to go over final wedding details with a couple who are very much entwined with their decisions.  Nice.
Another visit with a dear friend from church: cheerful and joyous. His room is filled with chatting people.  God's energy was very present at this very 'present' time.
I love the 'stands' that house the pumpkins.  Creative farmers
revise old wagons so that mounds of produce can sit in the
elements for weeks or months.  Pumpkins everywhere!

#3240-3242::  Crisp morning with a supremely clear sky offers us glistening fields as we take a detour through new sights.
Traffic was closed due to an accident but the detour was delightful.
A guest speaker tells his story of how he survived birth and existence in Ghana, poverty but a sense of freedom in Brookline and how a visitor drew him into a lifetime journey with Jesus.
His vision has enabled a $4 million complex to be built for 'at-risk' kids . . .  supported by 24 community churches.
God is good!

I take every opportunity to fly the FLAG.
Veterans Day was especially patriotic
this year.  We are blessed beyond
measure because of those who have fought
hard for our freedom.
#3243-3245:: A call to one I was suppose to encourage turned right around and filled me with renewed JOY in Christ. My spirit soars! Lists of action items get checked off.  I take time to write a note to a friend on real paper with a real stamp!

#3246-3248:: Remembering the Veterans today as we put our flag out and take time to thank them, and God, for our freedom in this incredible United States of America. TV specials share riveting stories about our Navy SEALs.  I give thanks for all we have because of so many who have died.

#3249-3251:: Early morning mist with warm air may be the last we see for awhile - gorgeous before dawn.  Clear skies by noon give me the incentive to finish the outside clean-up before I hibernate inside . . .  or go to Florida?  LOL
I'm excited to gather with other women I have not seen in months as we dig through the book of David.  Love it!

#3252-3254:: Chilly air comes our way after causing freezing temps and snow out West.  The tempest has mellowed greatly, thank you.  Stillness, quiet, flames steady in our fireplace, linger, rest, sooth my spirit.  Budget meeting tonight: a great team makes all go well.

#3255-3257::  Safe travels last night as we drove an hour each way to church in sleet . . .  then snow. Ride home was quiet, beautiful, bright, as snow fastened to the freezing grass and glistened in the dark night.  Today is glorious as green grass melts white flakes.  LOVE this fireplace today.

A great shot from the car as we moved through this junction point
where back roads meet a busy highway.
Brilliant colors pierce the gray skies.
#3258-3260:: Up early to blue skies and vibrant colors as we drove an hour to a conference; All day inside listening and learning; Drive home as darkness overtook a brilliant day but made it home before dark night engulfed us.

#3261-3263:: An early drive to church viewing pink streaked skies, pristine fields harvested empty of corn; great time at church with wonderful words filling the air, music to fill the senses and two hospital visits that offered good conversation, prayers and lifted spirits.

#3264-3266:: Darkness lingers into the late morning hours as rain patters on windowsills; still, silent, reflection time to breathe deep and re-engergize my soul in God's Word.  Lots of e-chat as I tie up  loose ends and set aside work for a couple of weeks.

#3267-3269:: Tuck away, clean up, turn off, re-set . . . prepare for a nice change of pace away from
Florida Sunsets cannot be beat.  This is from last year
because the cold cloudy days have not
given us much sun so far.
the lingering cold.  Easy ride throughout a long day that ends up in southern cold but not so bad.  Acclimate to new surroundings, unpack, regroup, B R E A T H E.   I love the moist air.

#3270-3272:: Put on layers, ready to ride out the details of a full day with a dear friend who is helping us 'glue' this southern home to our renter back together.  Contractor, tile guy, deliveries, more shopping, many more decisions, paint, silt all over, a mix-up to be resolved . . .  and . . .  the most easy going contractor I ever met.  His stories teach me 'not to worry' . . .   his most favorite words.  He's from Cuba and has stories that really teach us NOT to worry.  A lesson I pray I can learn some day.
My sister took this shot a few years ago.
  I look at it often as a reminder that I should
be doing the same thing.  Another time, perhaps.

#3273-3275:: Sleep in, bundle up, fresh start for another day of decisions.   Slow down, think outside the box, resolve a dilemma through prayer.  God answers as I find a much needed remnant that we must have to complete counter tops.  Healthy dinner and early sleep.  Nice.

#3276-3278:: Rooms are 'muy lindo' . . . more beautiful than beautiful after they are painted.  Shop for window shades with hubby and make sure light fixtures are in place for tomorrow.  News that our ailing friends died: so sad but relieved that he is now breathing more easily as he sits with the Lord and asks those dozens of questions he was waiting to ask.  Phone calls, prayers, mutual grief as I speak with his wife.  Now we plan the funeral.

#3279-3281:: Measure twice, cut once . . .  as we pick out shelving at the hardware store.  Then we measure again and again.  Shelves, rods, places for hanging things, places for boxes and shelf things - all things to consider for closets.  So thankful for great helpers at the hardware store who made this job so much easier.

#3282-3284:: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding.  In all your
I had minutes to capture the moment before we flew north.
The renter will hopefully find a fresh, new abode.
ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight."  Today we rest in the Lord, visit a beautiful church, trust that the work on the condo will be complete enough when we leave in a few days, and REJOICE that we have so very much . . . grace, unconditional love, presence of God and that we are so very blessed beyond expectation. We move furniture into the condo today even though there is little finished space.  We'll simply cover everything with plastic and unpack boxes later.

#3285-3287:: Final coat of paint as guys scurry, tweak, caulk, make nice the walls in this little place.
Two speeds: slow and stop . . .  for workers.  I try to unpack several boxes but no shelves yet.  Plop,
A view from the kitchen across the new black counter and open
wall that enables the cook to enjoy what's going on in the living area
put, place, find a niche . . . any place to put kitchen stuff.  Pull up tarps, grasp drawers with no handles.  A lid w/o a pot and a pot w/o a lid. The renter will have to place and match everything that is stuffed everywhere I can find finished space.

#3288-3290:: No fretting again.  News that Fr. Jonathan was hit by a car while riding his bike and is now in an induced coma with a broken neck.  Lord, heal him fully in both body and mind.  He is such an incredible, loving, giving, easy-going guy.  Another reason for me to take time to stop, pray for others, breathe, linger, seize each moment as if it were the last.  So what if bathrooms have not been done, no plumbing, kitchen is without counters.  It's simply a space for someone, a place to lay one's head, a place that we do not even call our own.

#3291-3293:: Kitchen counters arrive.  I had no idea how much work they do 'on-site.'  After about
The little galley kitchen is all open and looks so BIG!
three hours we have a KITCHEN! . . .  almost.  Now to connect the stove, fridge, dishwasher, and faucet.  Tile the backsplash and install the microwave.  Finish closets at end of day so I can now store the renter's possessions that were dumped in boxes when the flooding seized this little space.  Store stuff, bring stuff from where we have been staying, fix-up this space the best we can.  Still not done but that's all the time we have.  Tomorrow we return home to help a family grieve, celebrate the beginning of Advent, usher in a new year as we walk with Jesus as His disciples.

#3294-3296:: Early up to a beautiful, crisp day in Florida.  We GIVE THANKS on this Thanksgiving Day, for our health, our abundance, too many blessings to count.  Pack, put, putter and give instructions to a friend who will make the 'abode' look
Morning sun glistens on winterberry bushes and a glaze of icy snow
nice for the renter.  Drive, fly, switch planes quickly, put on sweaters when we arrive . . .  and then more layers . . .  as we drive through snow-covered farmland. HOME SWEET HOME.  No place like home.  Ahhhhhhhh, sit by the fireplace before we unpack.  Linger over spinach pasta.  YUM!

#3297-3299:: Bright, windy, cold  . . . pretty normal for these parts.  Loads of laundry, repack for a conference we drive to after church this Sunday, write words for burial service, visit grieving wife and then visit another in a nursing home.  Write words for Sunday.  Photograph the beauty outside as green grass spikes through glossy white.

#3300-3302:: The eve of Advent and all through the house . . .  Ann Voskamp wrote a sweet poem to
help us focus on the 'coming' of Christ as we celebrate this Advent season.  An easy time having blood taken this morning and then work through a long list as we prepare for tomorrow and another conference.  Quiet, still, a visitor breaks the silence with sweet words.

#3303-3305:: Celebrate!  A new year, a fresh look through the eyes of Mark.  Celebrate with a brunch for the whole church, celebrate with music, celebrate with words and colors and majestic preparation for a pregnant pause this Advent season.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


AHHHHH, October.
Our little Burning Bush is 'burning red'.  What a beauty.
The fuzzy part in the lower left corner is a spider's web.
 It's such a changeable month as weather dictates each day.
Cool nights, warm days, less light, more events before we hide inside and hibernate through another winter.
 It's a time to enjoy the outdoors as much a we can.
 It's a time to drink in the smells and sights and the sounds of harvest and crackling leaves and smoke houses sending rich smells into the air.

#3123-3125:: Morning fog, beautiful spider webs, warmish days.  A lovely Fall day.

#3126-3128:: A stroll in a quaint town, kicking leaves with my flip-flops, listening to crickets and seeing grasshoppers flitting about.
The Spider's web fascinates me.
Only one morning, after a thick dew, did
I find webs all over my burning bushes.

#3129-3131:: Crank, ka-thump, bang goes my brain as I dive into paperwork and phone calls to help fix dad's southern abode.  Chug, push, breathe deep as I prepare to meet with a couple who plans to marry.  Clang, scrunch, bloop, as I prepare cake for hubby's birthday tomorrow.  HOORAY!

#3132-3134:: Drippy, quiet, soggy morning - so nice to linger by the fire after my workout.  Hide clues to trinkets for hubby and bask in the delight of silence. Hugs and more hugs and giggles galore as hubby looks for surprises.  Laugh, chat, ponder as I share with a couple over the wedding ceremony.  So sweet.

#3135-3137:: COLD morning but bundled in down vest over layers of Sunday clothes - warm.  Pet blessing as we celebrate St. Francis today with families and dogs and cats and a rabbit and turtles and a hamster and a fish in a jar right in the middle of the service.  Crazy fun.

Cold nights seem not to temper these blooms.
What a lovely Fall.
#3138-3140::Sun peaks out at noon and beckons me outside to pluck at still brilliant geraniums.  Autumn creeps in slowly with bits of 'fire' in leaves and wilted plants tucking themselves in for the winter months.  Breeeeeezy.

#3141-3143::  Oh JOY!  I can bend over without my head feeling like it is going to fall off.  Two hours in the garden pulling and nipping and cleaning dead foliage that I have been staring at for several weeks.  Fresh air, warm, sprinkles of rain and time in the garden. Can't get better than that.

#3144-3146:: Delight in warmth of a sunny day; visit the farm show and see pigs, cows, sheep and so much more; eat what I shouldn't but donations go to good causes and so YUM, YUM!

Once upon a time I lived in Aspen and flew all over
the world for my job.  I saw these and thought
of another wonderful place I have lived.
#3147-3149:: Cloudless sky, crisp breeze in the morning that warms up later in the day, looking forward to an evening meeting that will enhance our year at church.

#3150-3152:: Spin, swirl, plop like the leaves flying by - response to last night's action items.  Words for Sunday come easily; enjoy the gorgeous day of beauty.

#3153-3155:: Prep for Bishop visit only needs final tweaks, a sweet 'congratulations' to those being confirmed spins out of the printer.  Last minute call for food finds me making a wonderful salad.
I need a new picture.  This is our church in the summer.

#3156-3158:: Darkness greets us as we awake but the painted sky gives us a breathless view as we drive to church.  A grand time with the Bishop who wants to greet everyone just where they are - kitchen, outside etc.  Too much food, as usual, goes home with a street-wanderer who walked in and enjoyed the banquet with us.

#3159-3161:: An early flight to Florida to work on repair details for the flooded condo.  A time of listening as a passenger really needs to talk.  Florida greets me with warmth but low humidity.  NICE!

I so wanted to linger on the beach.
I did pop over for a sunset as I try to do on these work trips.

#3162-3164:: Stop by skilled nursing to visit with a dear friend who is amazing after double knee replacement surgery.  Four hours of chat with her and her sweet room mate.  A time of prayer and sharing of how grace-filled our lives are even when challenged.

#3165-3167:: Early day with contractor, condo inspection, working with final details.  A friend-helper works with me as we finalize more purchases.  Insurance paid for clean up!  God's grace is in every detail.

#3168-3170:: Fresh air, low humidity, evening rain - perfection!  Twelve more hours of details.  We only have a few more items on the list, tile floors are being laid, final instructions, a few more signatures and voila!  All will be done when we return.
Funky gate in the neighborhood.
It's decorated for Christmas - last year!

#3171-3173:: A day of sitting, transferring flights, new seat partners, lots of time to regroup.  Hubby and I dine at our favorite Panara, run a few errands, pick up groceries and nestle in as temperatures begin to drop.  It is truly Fall with colors too fantastic to miss.  I so love both places.  I am blessed!

#3174-3176:: R&R as I prepare for tomorrow, unpack, re-group and enjoy looking outside.  The slight breeze turns into gusts as I watch the last of the corn harvest across from my back yard. Amazing!

#3177-3179::  This is the day that the Lord has made, let us be glad and REJOICE! We stop at a buffet after church that is packed with fall visitors - fun.  Sun glances off of a huge field of green grass as Canadian geese linger by the pond.

#3180-3182:: Follow up medical appointments find my head mostly healed!  Tests for other parts of my body will consume the next six weeks but then we are done!  Crisp day brings us inside at Panera but FUN!

The new rage is finding variations on these
wonderful English signs.  I found this
one and so agree.  Some days are
totally based on FAITH!
#3183-3185:: Greetings and glad tidings with gals as we meet together in Intercourse, a junction where five roads come together.  A nice change from computers and decisions and all else I work through from day to day.  Tans and golds and reds and leaves and tobacco in barns and buggies everywhere make for a lovely fall day.  Thank you God for my senses.

#3186-3188:: Words and actions and grace and soft voice bring peace to the soul this morning.  God is present on this rainy day as slippery leaves stick to our shoes.  Gray mixes with gold and brown and red as the sky is filled with blowing leaves. Beauty is a gift from God.

#3189-3191:: Chilly blasts of air rush into every space as dark clouds wrap us in blankets of cold.  The sound of tractors cleaning empty fields reminds me that winter is coming.  A quiet day with much to learn invites me into God's presence.

I love this 'nest' at Winterthur Children's Garden.
As I put away our bird house, I know this nest will
stay forever.  Kids can even sit on the eggs!
#3192-3194:: Gray skies invite warm air - a great opportunity to continue cleaning out the garden.  Catch up on scripture study leaves me floating on a cloud with the Lord.  Construction woes make me put on my 'happy face' and pray that my attitude matches - Thank you, God, that we can replace what water destroyed in August.

#3195-3197:: Sun peaks over the horizon PINK - God's paintbrush brings gleaming skies.  Words on paper for tomorrow encourage us to acts of Love as God so loved us by giving us His Son. Another great day to clean up crisp, brown foliage in the midst of vibrant fall garden colors.

An erie look to a Fall Full Moon is perfect for October
#3198-3200:: A glorious morning so dark and still invites into quiet space on our one hour drive to church; Healing prayer, a gift from God, as so many came forward with personal requests on this special monthly occasion.  Swirl, spin, meet, discuss, then meet with another group after the services and then we took some time to linger and think and pray and drive home through fields that glisten in the late afternoon sun.  A long but wondrous day.

#3201-3203:: A slow start as I linger with the Lord before I respond to emails. A great workout helped me to pray and let go of that which impedes God's work in my life.  B R E A T H E in B R E A T H E out, over and over, throughout the day, as I sort through what must be done and what must be left undone for now.

#3204-3206:: A glorious warm morning surprises me as we finish clearing the garden for winter.  I linger on the porch one more time as I
Harvest is in and farms remain neat and tidy as silos
are filled to overflowing 
absorb the colors of Fall.  A great sense of accomplishment as I taylor a new course to be taught over the next several months.

#3207-3209:: Another doctor, another diagnosis, all good news as MDs chip away at anomalies in my body.  God made me with little blips that are showing up now - nothing to worry about.  Another lovely meal at my favorite place on this drippy, droopy day.

#3210-3212:: Up in the dark for our long drive through glistening foliage, a marvel of God.  Meetings all day give us a sense of accomplishment as we create solutions.  We stop at some favorite spots to take pictures as we linger on this gorgeous fall day.

#3213-3215:: A lovely end to a fabulous month as we nestle next to the fire.  Gray skies and  stillness envelope us as we wrap ourselves in a blanket of soothing words from God's Word.  I catch up on my monthly blog, which is always fun.  All Hallows Eve - a time to prepare our hearts to remember the saints who are now singing praises from heaven.

Monday, September 1, 2014


September already!
I captured these just before they died back.
The garden still looks GREAT!
How can that be?
We were shoveling ourselves out of the driveway only a few months ago.

The Splendor of summer reaches its pinnacle during this final season of sensational weather.  September arrives lazy and quiet on this Labor Day.

I only hear my neighbor's air conditioner once in awhile as it drowns out the cicadas and frogs in our little meadow beyond the back yard.
It's actually HOT today.

And so I begin another month of ''eucharisteos" THANKS to God for all that I see, hear, touch taste, feel and embrace from day to day.

Using my brain is like riding a bike on
a road like this - a bit tricky.
#3034-3036:: I love this lazy day that I can catch up on tasks, vege in my favorite chair on our back porch, and ponder this coming month of endless activities.

Praise God there is no bleeding in the brain: The reason this blog stopped for awhile? Concussion.

#3037-3039:: The brain is good and the head will get better. A trip to get a CAT scan; told to 'not use my brain' for awhile' LOL!!!!  Lovely lunch with hubby at our favorite Panera Bread - outside with a cool breeze.

#3040-3042:: Long morning and evening meetings with loads on the agenda. . . which I lead - and not use my brain? LOL  All went smoothly but I did have a few 'moments', which others just took as regular ol' me.  Good day, all in all but tired.

#3043-3045:: Linger a little longer on my back porch.  Collect my thoughts as best I can for the weekend words.  Rest . . . lots. . .  nice.

Tobacco harvest time.  Every place we look Amish
barns are filling up with tobacco to be dried.
#3046-3048:: Finance meeting goes well.  I even catch a few numbers for which I have questions.  Incredible drive home with Amish out in droves.  Another gorgeous day.  Hubby is catering to my every need.

#3049-3051::  Words come easily as I create a 'Backpack Blessing' poem for the little ones tomorrow.    Each will receive a Bookmark Blessing for their backpacks.  Words for tomorrow will not be memorized but will be read . . .  glad God gave me the words to give to others.

#3052-3053::  A cool Sunday filled with worship, food, meetings, blessings, crazy kids.  Amelia, a tall two year old, just learned how to ring the church bell!  Crazy fun.

It's hard to see but the bell is actually mounted on the ground to the right of the bush, next to the covered stairs
that lead up to the area with that beautiful stained glass window.  It is a beautiful church with a bell on the ground.
#3054-3056:: I now am beginning to feel my brain when it is working too hard - like when the vice squeezes more tightly.  Pacing myself with 'think' time and 'linger' time.  Hubby fixes the best breakfast and, as usual, runs the errands.

These are in a different part of the garden than the ones
you see at the top.  I think I love the combination of
purple and yellow throughout the garden.
#3057-3059:: I ventured into the garden and actually leaned over to pick two 6 foot weeds, can you believe, in the middle of my Russian Sage.  Cold breeze, like it's October, whips past me and feels good on the face.  Geraniums flourish as periwinkle Asters in pots linger behind them. All Good.

#3060-3062:: Another scan to see if my bones will last a few more years  Warming a bit so sitting on my porch is rather nice - no wind!  Catching up on little things and feeling good.

#3063-3065:: So many notes to combine into a simple report strains my brain but great feeling of accomplishment.  Workout today went well.
Long evening with visit to the POINT (funded by area churches to help at-risk kids) and a meeting afterward should be fun.
It was cold enough to light the fireplace today.
A cup of tea and my favorite chair and ahhhhhh.

#3066-3068:: Brain needs rest so nice, lazy day catching up on things.  Potted plants love this cool weather.  It was suppose to rain but turned out to be a lovely day with some sun!

#3069-3071:: Up early for an MRI I have never had before.  I did not mind the experience at all and the rat-a-tat-tat was barely heard as I went through my entire prayer list from memory.  Nice.  Fuzzy head and weird taste in my mouth makes me sleepy but I wait to sleep tonight.  Good.

Did you ever wonder what it looks like inside a covered bridge?
We drove through one the other day so I took this shot.
Fascinating bridge.
#3072-3074:: This is the day the Lord has made.  We will rejoice and be glad. Twelve hour day went well.  I think I am healing quickly.  Cold AM turned out to be a perfect later afternoon ride home.

#3075 - 3077:: Spin, spin, spin goes the day as I slowly move from one activity to another.  Woosh, the day is gone.  House smells so clean as fresh air drenches the inside.  Fall already?

#3078-3080:: People and places and things, oh my!  Connections with others, meetings, phone calls, conversations fill the hours until the haze of cloud cover reminds me it is late afternoon.  Where does time go?  How can I catch it?  I breathe deep knowing I had a wondrous, full day.
I cleaned the herb garden so it looks a bit empty.

#3081-3083:: MDs have been so concentrating on my head that we now take time to look at my kidneys.  All clear! Because I was premature at birth I simply have fewer 'filters' to do the work.  Water, water everywhere, lots and lots to drink.  Glad I love plain ol' water.

#3084-3086:: The garden gushes with colorful delights.  We trek to the local Lowes to design an entire kitchen for dad's southern home.  With computers, long distance design is such a blessing! Hundreds of shades of gold and green run past us as we drive past the changing fields around us.

We delight in passing Amish on their way home from church. 
#3087-3089:: A sad day as I help others grieve their loss but God is in the midst and they know it.
Hurry, scurry, change this, tweak that, and kitchen design for dad's abode is done.  Long distance work is so easy with computers!  Corn is being harvested and now we see for acres and acres as we drive along country roads.

#3090-3092::  Quiet.  Still.  Balmy.  A great day to rest and rediscover the garden.  Pick a little, pluck a little and, before I know it, I've filled two bags.  S L O W L Y  my body bends, testing the thudding pulse in my head.  Not bad.  Great sense of accomplishment after three weeks not being able to tend my garden.
A quick shot from the car captures these young boys.
The narrow roads make it hazardous for the Amish
to walk, much less drive their buggies with all the
trucks on the road.

#3093-3095:: Fog fills the expanse of our drive to church and does not let up until the second service is complete.  Fresh smells, soft dew on skin, frizzled hair - nice.  Lingering at coffee hour with too many conversations to track but love the banter.  Cleansing rain late in the day cools the warm day and refreshes our senses.

#3096-3098:: The 'eyes' have it as hubby gets his annual check-up and I sip coffee and study.
Autumn-summer is bright and warm and invites me into the garden.  A maze of words on paper: my 'don't forget' list gets longer.

#3099-3101:: Whirrrrr, pop, hrummm goes the lawn mower early in the morning as he cuts the still-growing grass.  Hmmm, love that smell.
Merrily, Merrily, life is but a dream.
 How wonderful to dance on on these stones in the Wintertur Children's garden.
The smell of burning wood and a tube of smoke lingering in our meadow: Smoked Pork for our farmer?  Love the smells on this cloudless, warm day.

#3102-3104:: Scurry, hurry, get out the door on time.  Traffic, travel, meeting with leaders.  Look, like, linger as the busy faithful prepare for the craft fair and silent auction on Saturday.  Visit with one who remains in a small space of tender loving care and enjoys a pastoral moment. Eucharisteo!

What a wonderful spot to linger.
#3105-3107:: Head down, concentrate, press through distractions, write, write, write.  Good feeling to accomplish the impossible knowing that all things are possible through Christ Jesus.  Ready for the Bishop's visit, more ready for Sunday.  Nice to have a rainy day where I don't mind lingering over my desk.

#3108-3110:: Up early to complete chores, finish up lose ends with anticipation of completing the final inspection of the clean-up at dad's place.  Construction can begin tomorrow!  Hooray, after eight weeks!  Warm, sunny day to linger with hubby as we roam the corn fields, run errands and dine at our favorite sandwich shop.

#3111-3113:: People, conversations, crafters' creativity, Italian sausage, baked goods, a little bit of everything makes the craft fair fun and fulfilling.  Lingering in a relaxed atmosphere is fruitful.  A long day but energy to prepare final words for tomorrow.

#3114-3116:: Another 'summer-like' day invites us to spend time outside after church.  Gaining the mid of Christ is a lifelong plan for those truly seeking the most from our faith.  New insights as we meet for evaluation of the past year.
See why I linger in the garden!
The back yard is filled to overflowing too.

#3117-3119:: Focus on details as we prepare for the Bishop's visit.  Meetings in other areas are filled with details.  My brain is working GREAT as I sift through ideas, lists, agendas.  Feels good!

#3120-3122:: The last day of this month I so love.  Warmth in a cloud lingers on the porch.  Wet, soothing to the skin, fresh, a balmy day.  Life is so much better when I can sit on my porch.  So ends this wonder-filled month.  Blessings abound as I look forward to the changing colors of October.