Monday, April 1, 2013


Another month of thanksgiving begins just after Resurrection Sunday!
I celebrate a new release of JOY as I continue to give thanks for each day.

#1362-1364  Gifts Round:: The "O" in JOY! It's so nice to round out my mouth with that word;
Sun that peaked out of the clouds early this morning and then shyly hid again;
The rim of my tea cup as I sip tea on this chilly day.

#1365-1367   Gifts White:: Lovely linens on the dining table and side tables; this little computer; sun-streaked posts on our porch.

#1368-1370  Gifts surprisingly found:: Peace in the midst of chaos; Patience when everything seems to spin out of control; Kindness when my hubby wants to try on everything in his closet with me right there by his side.  A few things did not fit anymore.

#1371-1373:: Gifts found in His Word:: From Paul's Epistle to the Romans 1:3- God's son... a
descendant of David and, through the Spirit of holiness, was appointed the Son of God, in power, by His resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ Our Lord. Romans 1:4 Through Him we received grace and apostleship to call all the gentiles into the obedience that comes from faith for His name's sake.  Romans 1:16 ...I am not ashamed of the Gospel because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.

#1374-1376  Gifts at 11am:: Ability to write my words of JOY for today  2pm:: God's grace as I gather His words to share on Sunday.  6pm:: A lovely dinner with my husband.

#1377-1379  Gifts nailed together:: My desk; The frame of the home where I live; Jesus' feet on the Cross so that I might live.

#1380-1382  Gifts Waited For:: Finally being able to say Hallelujah after 'fasting' from this word during Lent; Forty days of walking with Christ as He visits His disciples after His resurrection; Helping at another church for a short time - three hours away.

#1383-1385  Gifts Rising Up:: Early morning Sun!; Green tips of late-sprouting daffodils; My spirit as I serve the Lord.

#1336-1338  Gifts Hiding:: Spring!  Held:: Hands of the hurting as we pray; Heard:: God's word in my heart as I continue to memorize Romans 1.

#1339-1341  Gifts Opened Up:: My heart to God's plan for me; My hears for words of direction; My soul to drink in resurrected life as we celebrate this season of Easter.

#1342-1344  Gifts Budding/Blooming:: Blooming Forsythia that gets all-day sun; budding rose bushes, so fragile looking; Budding daffodils almost ready to open.

#1345-1347  Gifts Worn:: A wool shawl a friend knit for me; flip-flops inside; a fragile heart as I hear news of the yesterday's deaths of a friend and the son of my old boss.

#1349-1351 Gifts Bright:: The Red-shade lamp in a dark-night room; My spirit after a time with the Lord; The Sun as it peaks from behind early-morning clouds.

God cares for every step we make and
even the tiny specks of sand on the beach.
#1352-1354 Gifts Found Looking Up: Hawks circling early-green fields; Knowledge that Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God: Father almighty; Seeing a vast sky and a big world and realizing that I am but a tiny speck as part of God's glorious creation.

#1355-#1357  Gifts in a Bag:: Freshly dried pear slices;
 in a Box:: Neatly folded clothes for the thrift shop.
 in a Book::  Road Trip by my brother, Ross Robbins.  It's a diary of some of his most noted road trips, written with a chuckle in the heart that puts a smile on the reader's face.
Purchase it on
It is so fun!

#1358-1360  Hard Eucharisteos:: Praying with a group of people who have been deeply hurt; Traveling 3 hours each way to provide leadership for a small church; Juggling responsibilities in three areas, all which bring joy to my heart.

#1361-1363  Gifts Woven Together:: My life with my husband; Our circle of prayer that winds in and out of so many other circles that we feel the connection with God in Christ; Hearts that seek God in Christ.

#1364-1366  Gifts Inherited:: All the treasures of heaven through my faith in Christ Jesus; A precious rocking chair from my mother; The responsibility of carrying on as family matriarch.

#1367-1368  Gifts Square:: My little flip-card set of scriptures from Romans 1, 8, 12, that I choose to memorize;  Napkins that fit perfectly on my lap;  Space I choose to live in and expand as I press into exploring God's vast world.

#1369-1371  Gifts Stashed:: My chocolate in the fridge for when I need a bite;  Stacked::Piles of books to be read - it never gets smaller;  Stilled:: My soul when I am riveted on scripture.
#1372-1374  Gifts Found in Christ:: Forgiveness; A still soul; Hope
#1375-1377  Gifts Close:: My favorite chair that greets me each morning; The back porch that is waiting for warm weather to become alive; My hubby and I who love hugs and words of encouragement.

#1378-1380  Gifts Reflecting:: Sun on a puddle; My heart as it absorbs Apostle Paul's exhortations; God's image in all of us, especially when I see acts of love.

#1381-1383  Gifts Fragile:: My spirit when not fed enough assurance; My favorite Hummel figures sitting on the shelf; Our ecosystem when too many chemicals seep into the earth.

#1384-1386  Gifts Cloth:: My comfy skirts;  Steel:: My gaze as I concentrate on memorizing scripture; Wood:: My computer desk that is tall enough so I can stand in front of it - no sitting.

#1387-1389  Gifts Moving::  My body after sitting too long; The rain storm as it passes quickly; My thoughts as I create a story to share.

#1390-1392  Ugly-Beautiful:: Rich earth that waits for the temperatures to rise before blooms sprout; Brown and gray landscape as trees begin to bloom; The highway as we drive three hours each way to a church that needs help for awhile.

#1393-1395  Orange:: Sunset on a clear evening; Ripe tomatoes at the reception we enjoyed after two children were baptized; Signs on the back of Amish buggies.

#1396-1399  Gifts in Dirt:: My herb garden; Tulips finally popping up; Bugs

#1400- 1402 Gifts Given:: A Bible to a newly baptized teen;
 Made:: A fresh smoothie for my hubby so he does not starve while he runs errands;
 Sacrificed:: My time an energy for the Lord's work which is not really a sacrifice at all.