Friday, June 1, 2012


Three Gifts/Thanksgivings each day continues through the month of May!
              # 364 - #456

364-366: Gifts Tasted: yogurt, Hummus, early 'hothouse' tomatoes.
367-369: Gifts Flat: My journal, books, my laptop computer.

370-372: Gifts found in difficult people: Opportunity to listen, reflection on my own life, yearning to be more godly in thought, word and deed.
373-375: Gifts before 9AM: Contemplative prayer, exercise, breakfast.

376-378: A gift in a sign: ENTER; A Smile: a child's trust; A Snack: Almonds
379-381: Gifts found in Christ: Eternal life, unconditional love, Grace
382-384: Gifts about home: Haven of rest, Cozy, A view of endless beauty

385-387: Gifts inside a closet: Cotton for summer, Wool for winter, A variety of colors to choose from each day.
388-390: Gifts found in the dark: Greater sense of touch, sensitive to subtle smells, soft sounds become loud.

391-393: Gifts Outside: My garden,  Inside: Cozy habitat,   Upside-down: My crazy circumstances as I continue to seek God's direction.
394-396: Gifts about my parents: Love of music, Creativity, Curious mind

397-399: Gifts held in my hand today: Food served at a women's luncheon, Aged bodies as I hugged those who attended, dirty dishes as we cleaned up.
400-402: Gifts found in my mother: A love of life, Ability to create beautiful spaces, gracious hospitality.

403-405: Gifts Picked up: my spirit; Put away: Clean laundry;
   Put back: Piles of books after a research project
406-408: Gifts about ME: JOY of study, JOY of gardening, JOY of discovery

409-411:  Gifts found in God's Word: Hope, Assurance, Direction
412-414:  Gifts in a Box: Girl Scout cooks that are still being sold!
Bag: Groceries   Book: Insights to share with others.

415-417:  Gifts unexpected: Five different kinds of lavender to plant, A new mini-rake to use in tight spots, a wonder of plants not seen before.
418-420:  Gifts from my childhood: memories of creative play with siblings and friends, bold sense of discovery, determination to overcome challenges.

421-423:  Gifts Sweet: The Spirit in worship;    Sour: Wine for Holy Eucharist;    Salty: God's call to be the 'salt of the earth' as we spread the Gospel.
424-426:  Gifts found in little people: Perseverance, Courage, Can-do spirit.

427-429:  Gifts that made me laugh: My husband's story, an encouraging email, conversation in our women's formation group.
430-432: Gifts found in community: A listening ear, gracious hospitality, words of encouragement.

433-435: Gifts on a Plate: Fresh Fruit;   in a Pot: Oatmeal;
    in a Package: Postage stamps
436-438: Hard thanksgivings -  Meetings that accomplish little; Encouraging another in the midst of great suffering; knowing we must replace our heater and AC because the wrong system was installed three years ago.

439-441: Gifts Worn: few clothes on this hot day;  White: Porch Curtains   Whispered: God's word's of assurance in my heart.

442-444: Gifts found in church: Many in RED!, Celebration of Life, Empowerment of Holy Spirit in community as we celebrate PENTECOST.

445-447: Gifts in today's day of Remembrance: Wearing Red, White and blue; Crosses on military graves; Memories of those who died fighting for our FREEDOM.

448-450: Gifts at 8 AM: digging in the garden    NOON : lunch at a restaurant with hubby     8PM: Clear skies after a harsh hail and rain storm.

451-453:  Gifts Blue: Church doors that always welcome; my favorite porch chair; clear skies.
454-456:  Thanks I gave today: Freedom to fly the FLAG every day of the week, flowers bursting like fireworks, cool breezes with a cloudless sky.

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