Saturday, June 30, 2012


JUNE is here!  OH JOY!  Ninety more gifts to share . . .  #457 -  #546

457-459:: Gifts orange - morning sun today; apricots for breakfast; wild poppies swaying in the breeze.

460-462:: Gifts funny - conversation with neighbors at our garage sale event; things for sale that make me giggle; response to hubby as we walked and talked on our city visit.

463-465:: Today's conversation - We chatted with a retired pastor at coffee hour; discussed the endless circle of Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit; learned about a visitor's Christ-walk as she shared her journey.

466-468:: Gifts found in Christ - Salvation, eternal life, promise of His advocate, the Holy Spirit, to live in us eternally if we call upon the name of the Lord.
469-471:: Gift of Peace - inner tranquility from contemplative prayer; Hope - Jesus, our only Hope, the I AM;  Love - unconditional from God, always and forever.

472-474:: Gifts 'ugly-beautiful' - Dead flowers repurposed, mud after our first deep soaking rain in ages, raindrops clinging to porch screens.
475-477:: Gifts read - reread One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp; One of 25 Books every Christian should read, selected by Renovare ministries; 1 & 2 Timothy.

478-480:: Gifts empty - water jug, bags of dirt that went into my potted plants, my brain when I sit quietly and empty it  in silence.
481-483:: Gifts that made me smile - conversation with a friend at a conference, walking around a university town, laughing with my husband.

484-486:: A gift at 8am: Visiting a small church;  Noon: Lunch at a tiny restaurant in the mountains;  2pm: Discoveries in small towns as we drive home.
487-489:: Gifts painted: Our anniversary card; design on a flower pot; a fresh coat on my outdoor yellow chairs.

490-492:: Gifts full: our lives as we minister to others; my tummy after a healthy breakfast of yogurt, oatmeal, nuts and banana; my brain when I choose to be creative.
493-495:: Gifts smelled: farm soil as it rains (we are getting use to it); cinnamon as I fill the shaker; a scented geranium I am repotting.

496-498:: Gift unexpected: time to linger with my writing; unwanted: a husband who is too sick to get out of bed; unlikely: a windless day.
499-501:: Gifts in God's Word: Matthew 11:28 . . . "Come onto me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.' Prov. 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all your Heart"...  and :8 "I will be healing to your body and refreshment to your bones."

502-504:: Gifts moving: This list of eucharisteos - thanksgivings- as I am half way to one thousand!  Birds flitting about in the garden; Time that continues to spin forward.
505-507:: Gifts in Dad: Stamina, wisdom, longevity (he's 97 and going strong!)

508-510:: Gifts from my Abba in heaven: Everlasting love, the promise that He will never leave me nor forsake me, eternal trust.
511-513:: Gifts I attained today in serving: servant's heart, humility, great JOY in giving myself to others.

514-516:: Gifts Bent: the sun's rays as they float through beveled glass;
Beautiful: my garden as the blooms exceed all expectation;
Loved: lazy summer days filled with warmth and sweet flower smells.

517-519:: Gifts found in light: ability to read at night, better vision in the dark, sparkles that flicker from beveled glass.
520-522:: Gifts difficult: My walk with God in Christ; seeing JOY in dark days;  sharing God's Word in ways that others remember.

523-525:: Gifts found around a table: family members, crazy conversation, energy!
526-528:: Gifts in Water: hydration on a hot day; Words: encouragement to remain focused on Christ Jesus; White: St. Francis in the garden.

529-531:: Gifts in someone older than me: Wisdom from a long life lived; faith through experience; poise in adversity.
532-534:: Gifts in fabric: The apron I'm wearing; porch curtain flowing in the breeze; fun pillows.

535-537:: Gifts framed in a frame: My sister's botanical arts, our wedding photos; special quotes.
538-540:: Gifts eaten: Nectarines, Apples, home made hummus.

541-543:: Gifts Small: my wedding ring;  Big: my hubby;
Just right: God's grace.

 544-546:: Gifts I gave today: A smile, a servant's heart, time to help another.

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