Tuesday, January 30, 2018


LIFE MOVES ON . . . Those who have gone before us leave fruitful memories, imparting to those left behind, God's never-ending GRACE.
My brother, a black and white photographer, sent this to me years ago.
I saved every photograph he sent me.
This is my favorite.
Over the past years this particular blog has changed a little at a time.
I began this blog with THREE words each day . . .  positive, simple, affirming to me in my own world.
Then these three words became sentences . . . which, in time, became paragraphs.
All too soon my 'simple' blog became a lengthy conversation between me and whoever was willing to slog through my thoughts.

This time I will add a simple quote with reflection or a picture or whatever is on my heart every few days.
My goal is spontaneity and simplicity.
Sometimes I will expand my pithy statements on my other blog: lingerlongerwithgail.blogspot.com 

My third blog: Women of Worth Ministries, has been in limbo since 2014 when I wrote my personal analysis of Proverbs 31:10-31. 
 I'm still wondering how to continue this but I'm getting there. 
 I have some ideas to add to the conversation. 
 If you are brave, go to  womenofworthmin.blogspot.com             and linger awhile according to the directions at the top of the page.  You might find it interesting.

In the mean time, as we near the end of this first month of 2018, I leave you with this "Daily Grace from God." . . . 

After sending photos of some sand castles, my sister-in-law sent me this. She and my brother lived in Japan for a few years.
 I love her grace-filled insight. . . 
 "Sand castles . . .  What wonderful constructions - the ultimate ephemera.  From the Greek - ephemerios - short-lived - lasting but a day. Do not store up your treasures here on earth!  In Japan - sakura - cherry tree blossoms - the symbol of fleeting life."

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