welcomed over 40,000 people for one day!
Welcome to hundreds of vendors at this annual event!
The town center is only two blocks wide and six blocks long but it seemed as if
I walked about five miles, up and down the town streets and through the very large park filled with vendors and people and laughter and delightful sights.
The entire town says WELCOME in so many ways as residents open their homes, back yards and front stoops to greet the crowds.
August is usually hot but this year we've enjoyed cool mornings and only slightly warm afternoons. Amazing!

All fun.
And so we wander from vendor to historic sites and enjoy what thousands see annually.
The Beauty of flowers and old buildings surrounds us and invites all to stop and linger awhile.
The herb garden next to this restored historic home was a delight.
As I linger a little longer I spot the 'convenience' house that is now a storage area.
I turn and enjoy an old stone home with wooden addition, now modernized with a deck so that wedding guests can enjoy the party in the garden. It's a good way for the historical society to earn a little extra money.
This home is on the main street that is normally teaming with trucks and vehicles. Today it is filled beyond capacity with tents and people. I had about one second to take the shot while other curious folk waited patiently to stroll by. Notice the opened window inviting the cool breeze inside.
Below, what a joy to see the old stone edifice next to the old log cabin facade. All these homes are private and, I'm sure, have been renovated with many upgrades on the inside . . . such as indoor plumbing? Actually, some of these homes have 'state of the art' kitchens and every convenience necessary and, perhaps, unnecessary. The owners linger on the streets and are more than helpful in providing the history behind their abodes.
This is part of a very large school for girls. Dorms are on the right. Lovely grounds draw us under the walkway bridge to enjoy a fountain and sculptures, available for any and all to enjoy.
This town offers a beautifully restored Inn for the traveler.
This is the entrance to the lobby and to the newly expanded pub. Upon entering I seem to be transported to the old English pubs in Britain's Lake District. Musty smells, dark walls, tin ceilings and faint light greet me in the pub. But this busy meeting place is filled with light-hearted folk who taste the latest dark ale or libations foreign to most american tastes.
Another place to linger awhile and enjoy people and conversation and, perhaps, a cup of home made ice cream sold nearby.
What a delight to the eye! I love Geraniums!
This homeowner knows how to say "welcome"!
Come on in and make a pretzel . . . or purchase one hot out of the oven! YUM! My favorite place. I can even order one without salt!
The spring, below, feeds the long canal that ends up at the fountain.
This town's welcome on a cool August day fills my memory box with new sights, sounds, smells and tastes for the month. Who can ask for more! Hubby joined me after my long walk so we could enjoy the quiet spot at the end of this park. NICE!
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