Everyone loves NEW.

Filled with possibilities.
Filled with resolutions thrown aside over the past years.
Filled with anticipation of change . . . or not.
Filled to overflowing with hopes and dreams and expectations.
Filled full of whatever we choose to fill the year.
It's our choice.
Pray, plan, prepare . . . for a deeper embrace of the PRESENCE of God.
God is with us, Emmanuel, for those who choose to bond to God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Sunday, January 1, 2017
Breathe deep
Pray those prayers that make your heart heavy.
Release words to God so that your heart becomes lighter.
Release expectations that may become a burden.
Release expectations BUT continue to anticipate good surprises.
Release all that makes us weary and heavy laden . . . give that heaviness to the Lord, thy God.
B R E A T H E out the old year's challenges.
B R E A T H E in, v e r y s l o w l y, the fresh air of a new year.
Breathe, pray, release . . .
Ahhhhh, doesn't that feel good.
This truly is the day that the Lord has made, let us REJOICE and be glad.
We celebrate the Holy Name of Jesus today . . .
LIFE, purpose, and focus on a new path to follow.
Mary and Joseph go about their business coddling and feeding and meeting every need of this helpless infant.
Fully human yet fully divine, Jesus totally relies on others for his daily needs. Yet, the name given to him reminds us that Jesus is our Savior.
Here He is in one sweet package as we look at the tableaux in our little manger . . . sans wise men.
Because Mary was the Christ bearer, because she and Joseph are parents to One, both human and divine, their purpose is greater than we can imagine.
We wait, still focused on this Holy family . . . with 'Savior' in arms.
angels, shepherds, humanity . . .
breathes deeply . . .
and waits just a little longer . . .
for God's direction.
1-2-2017:: Life goes on
It's weird having Christmas on a Sunday.
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I linger longer after my beach walk. Ibis also linger. |
Which means that the world stops on Monday also.
We don't know what to do . . . extending the celebration of the new year an extra day.
So, I focus on the coming Epiphany in just a few days.
Baby Jesus would be nine days old today. . .
That means He, like all male Jewish babies, was circumcised yesterday.
We forget that Jesus' family celebrated every fast, feast and requirement of the Jewish faith.
They were diligent in their devotion to God.
The tide is low. Little sand-islands pop up. I cross through the pool of wave-less water to smooth sand. |
What the world would not know for decades is that Jesus has an instant connection with the Father.
We see this in tiny ways as Jesus' divinity is affirmed from infancy.
In the mean time, I'm taking tiny steps to make my journey in Christ extra special.
I breathe deep and pray for guidance as I move blindly into a year that is totally unplanned.
I know what I'd like to do and I keep adding to my bucket list.
I'm fascinated by the trail of the mollusk. See it boring through the sand - upper left corner. |
I want to catch the breeze as it fills my soul and seek joy in tiny pleasures.
I choose to stop my brisk morning walk and linger on a tiny 'shoal' as I watch mollusks dig out of their sand-home in the receding tide.
I feel so 'new' this year as we experience a different residence for a few months.
Possibilities are endless.
Yet, I linger, breathe deep and wait for God's direction . . . just as Jesus may have done as he grew from a babe in arms to a toddler, through youth, into the man-God we know and love.
I love that life goes on no matter what I plan.
God is totally in charge.
1-3:: Swirl, twirl, spin a little and enjoy moments with hubby.
We head out to mega-traffic . . .
slow, stop, wait, start up again as the light sits green for umpteen seconds.
Breathe and enjoy the homes we never see when driving by at a swift pace.
We slow down and linger at a huge Hobby Lobby shop.
Hubby thought he would wait in the car but decided to enter the fray of crafts and "stuff."
He was in his element.
I don't think he'd ever seen so many opportunities to be creative.
I picked blooms from the myriads of dried options.
He picked up one thing after another . . . and put it back when he realized we had no place for it.
BUT, he found a delightful bit of fabric to lighten up his 'man-cave.'
"Could you make a cushion?" he asked me.
We bought one yard . . . that truly gives a bit of color to his work area.
What fun we had discovering, together, the joy of inexpensive bits of color to enhance our decor.
That's what God does with us daily if we wait, watch, listen and absorb what is before us.
A sunrise or sunset give a pop of color to a pond of listless water.
A bright bloom bursts with joy.
A twittering bird speaks to us in melody that reaches my soul.
The smell of Gardenia overpowers freshly mowed grass.
The touch of a soft fern or the skin of a Myers lemon, though so very different, remind me of God's creativity in giving me a variety of senses when I touch.
Taste, touch, sight, sound and smell help me to swirl and twirl more slowly through busy days as I recall the many gifts within me that are used daily.
The hobby shop is a pleasant addition every now and then.
1-4:: The Jesus Prayer
This is one of the small windows in the church where we worship. Mother Mary and Jesus, the light of the world. |
I arrived at church a little early so I could wander and remember what I'd left almost eight years ago.
Lots of people remembered me as I tried to remember their names.
There were also many new faces.
The familiar building facade and interior invited me in, as it did before.
I sat, prayed, remembered, and breathed deep.
I feel so at home.
During the noon Mass we were reminded to focus on the Name of Jesus with the Jesus Prayer.
At the end of the short sermon we were led in the prayer, repeating it several times . . .
until the prayer became a whisper deep within each of us . . . and then silence.
O Lord Jesus Christ,
Son of God,
have mercy on me,
a sinner.
Breathe in , breathe out with each phrase.
Go slow.
Let the words penetrate my soul.
So affirming . . . God's mercy, through His Son, envelopes me in my 'going out and my coming in.'
1-5:: Too Late?
It's one of those days.
It's never too late to make footprints in the sand. |
My blog was not tended, my reading was bypassed and my time to simply breathe in did not happen.
"Can you wait just a minute," he says, "and I'll walk on the beach with you."
Forty-five minutes later we are ready but it's too late for low tide.
People's footprints have churned up the soft sand so we have a bit of a challenge before us.
I walk down by the water, well aware of the fits and flits of the tide waters.
My "Crocs" are perfect for sand and sea as I slip and slide along.
Hubby, determined to walk in his tennis shoes, finds a more lumpy path further away from waves.
Indeed, we each enjoyed our precarious walking strides, the balmy breeze and good exercise.
Sometimes, when I think I am too late to complete a task or take a walk in silence or finish a blog
Dad made sure he had a 'place of remembrance' down here before he chose to live up North when he was 95. It's never too late. He's now almost 102 and enjoying assisted living. |
It's NEVER TOO LATE to do anything.
I realize that there might be unique challenges to squeezing in all my 'wants' in the day but I'm at the point in my life when I need to linger longer, wait patiently, breathe deeply and take a deeper look at my surroundings.
I'm reminded to THANK GOD that I can do so.
So many of our friends have died or in late stages of an illness or are physically unable to do something as simple as walk the beach.
It's never too late to enjoy untamed moments in the day and relish the thought that I can see, hear, touch, taste, smell.
Hubby and I rest on Dad's bench in park on the beach after our morning walk. It's never too late to "Come rest a bit." |
It's never too late to give praise to God that I am here and alive and enjoying incredible days off!
I still cannot believe we are in a place of sunshine and warmth and great friends and a wonderful church family and a kazillion opportunities to serve the Lord with gladness.
I may have begun my day later than I thought I should. . . but. . . IT'S NEVER TOO LATE.
1-6:: The Light turned on . . . again.
I have an 'epiphany' almost weekly when I take time to ponder, pray, plunge into God's Word or simply linger awhile with my thoughts.
Today, in our Christian tradition, we celebrate the Epiphany . . . twelve days after we celebrate the birth of Christ.
I was thinking about the Magi and how they managed to seek out the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
I wonder what prodded them to pack up supplies that would last for months, pay the expense of a caravan of animals and servants and journey from Persia all the way over to Judah.
Was there an openness to the 'call of God' well before the light of the star beckoned to them?
Perhaps their search for a king was couched by a deep knowledge of the one-God of the Jewish people.
Perhaps there was such a magnetic pull by God for them to seek, learn, know and believe that they knew, deep inside their souls, that this was the opportunity they would have to fill that void that had been stirring in their hearts and the hearts of their people.
Perhaps they had no idea what to look for but to follow.
By following they would seek, learn, know and find the One who would fill their souls.
They were drawn to the shimmering light of the gold-covered Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.
After all, the 'star-light' brought them thus far.
And, there was a king . . . Herod . . . who might lead them to the new king.
The same 'sensing' that ultimately drew the wise men to Bethlehem also helped them discern that Herod was clueless about this magnetic pull the wise men felt.
Herod's servants knew the prophecy, the average person knew the prophecy, every Jew knew the prophecy.
But did they 'see the light' so to speak?
Shepherds did, along with the Angels God called to hover over the christ child.
The wise men knew, the instant they met the Holy Family, that this was Holy ground, that the Presence of God was in their midst.
A light turned on.
These seekers connected with God through God's son.
We could say that they were the first 'converts' to Christ.
Yet, this story can be our story.
When did we feel the 'pull' to seek the Word made flesh, to bring the Light of Christ front and center in our life?
When did we discover a deep appetite to persevere in our quest to know God more deeply through His Son, Jesus Christ?
How many times were we diverted from our path by 'false' light, the bling of the easy way to JOY?
I ask myself every day if my 'focus' on the Light of Christ through the living Word is diverted by too many other paths that look like God's path for me.
Each day that the 'light turns on' in my soul I observe something new.
Did my journey take a false turn?
Did I hesitate or linger too long on empty detours?
Even on the detours God always gives us the opportunity to seek Him and return to the path he has set before us.
All I have to do is turn on the Light.
1-7:: Let it Rain!
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Sand sucks up the wet as blooms burst forth. |
I thought I could take a walk on the beach when there was enough light but I was mistaken.
Just when I was ready to pop on my rubber clogs the downpour let loose.
Our first rain in this sunny land.
One minute I was looking at a pink sunrise and the next minute black bunches of low lying clouds fill the sky.
A sweet, soft drizzle prompted me to open the lanai door and drink in the soothing moisture.
So nice to turn off the AC and let the smells permeate our abode for just a few minutes.
I linger over words and absorb the meaning of "follow the Light."
I wonder about the Magi's journey and what prompted them to follow a path they'd never walked.
What was it like to follow the 'light-mover' in the sky until it stopped, hovered, and moved again?
What was it like to know the right voices when they asked Herod about the 'king' that would be born?
What was it like to carry gold, frankincense and myrrh to an unknown Hope?
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Wind, rain, sand storms and people make this spot hearty. |
I opened windows and doors.
The cool temps and the fresh air moved in while drops hit ground straight.
I follow my senses as darkness moves in.
I curl up and linger in my thoughts.
What a grand day to meditate, wander through my imagination, make a pot of tea and enjoy.
After fits and starts, rain overtakes dry.
We're going nowhere today.
Love it!
Let it rain!
1-8:: A mixed blessing of Epiphany and the Baptism of our Lord.
Sometimes our scriptural journey gets a bit backed up.
Our denomination follows a set pattern of scriptures that journeys with Christ Jesus from birth, to death on the Cross, to celebrating the fullness of the Trinity at Pentecost.
Then we begin again as we journey with Christ through the parables, stories, that draw us into true discipleship with Him.
Unless we walk the walk and embed God's Word into our hearts we cannot very easily grow in Christ.
Over three years we manage to embrace most all of scripture as God paints a picture for each of us to cement our personal relationship with God in Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit.
This Sunday we mixed the blessing of Epiphany with the Baptism of our Lord.
That means the calendar was tightened a bit and we zipped through more than thirty years of Jesus' life in just a few days.
I've heard the same scriptures for forty years.
Yet, I cherish the way we linger over Epiphany and then, the following week, linger over Jesus baptism in the Jordan by his cousin, John.
Zip, Zip, Zoom . . . we mix the blessings and toss them up like a delicious salad.
God opens the skies for me to enjoy His beauty. |
The Magi follow God's light in the sky as they seek the King of kings.
They worship the babe in arms and return to their far away Persia to spread the Good News.
Jesus grows into adulthood in the midst of a melting pot of Jews and Gentiles and is filled with the Grace and Presence of God to fulfill the 'calling' for which He was called.
We begin a new year with Baptism . . . a step of obedience as Jesus does what He is called to do.
In one glorious moment Jesus sinks into the water via John and rises from this wet darkness to the majesty of God's Spirit and voice and affirmation, “This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased.”
What can be more powerful than this moment?
What a glorious beginning of a new year!
The Magi's affirmation of God's glory in Christ and God's affirmation to us of the true Presence in humanity's midst.
This 'mixed' blessing shows us God's perfect glory.
1-9:: What Happened? Ultreya!
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Kayaking is on my list - one of these days |
I'm suppose to linger longer with the newspaper, spend a bit more time in prayer and reading of scripture so that I can be a little less myopic in my walk with Christ.
Somehow the day slipped by too fast to write about it.
I'm trying to be mindful if this new beginning . . . another year to start anew.
I'm trying to maintain my daily habit of blogging and be mindful of time I need to spend with hubby.
"This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad."
OK, I can do that.
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The clouds are heavy and low but it does not rain. There is always time for a walk on the beach. |
We return home at about 4:00, just enough time to change clothes, make a salad for the supper at church and drive nearly half an hour to get there.
I'm amazed.
I'm more than amazed.
What happened?
Suddenly my hubby, who is usually totally beat after two hours of running errands and, perhaps, a beach walk, is moving like the energizer bunny
. . . he wants more!
Fine by me!
I love the Ultreya gathering every month where we sing and share and dine with dear friends who continue their faith-walk by being accountable to one another in weekly groups.
I don't know what is happening but I love it.
Hubby is raring to go and I, ever trailing behind, am doing all I can to keep up!
1-10:: Hear what?
I nearly complete the 'to-do' list by noon.
That includes three loads of laundry and a myriad of other tasks we jotted down last night.
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Even if I could not hear, my eyes embrace vivid color. What a blessing to both hear and see! |
Hubby has a 'hearing' test . . . a what?
Yup, ye ol' hearing aids are just not doing the trick.
We figure a simple hearing test, a little tweak of the nine-year-old hearing aids and all will be well.
Not so fast.
We never knew the the ringing in his ears has only gotten worse because there was no technology to retrain the brain nine years ago . . . at least for the ringing in the ears.
Good news.
Physiologically, everything is in good order except for those little ear hairs that send signals to the brain that allow us to hear high and low tones . . . many are just not working.
So, nearly three hours later, we walk out with a new set of hearing aids that are so tiny and so comfortable that he forgets they are in his ears.
He has gone from 'Hear what?" to "I can hear!"
We are blessed beyond measure that we an afford these ear-wonders.
It's like a new beginning.
1-11:: A New Beginning: Blessing
Speaking of new beginnings, I linger over words that draw me in to the new beginnings God offers us daily . . . over decades and millennia.
The Magi stepped out in faith to find a new beginning for their nation.
When they brought gifts to the King of kings, Jesus, they received a gift of far greater value than what they brought.
They saw, experienced, embraced and took away the glory of the Lord, the understanding that God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, Savior, for them and for the whole world.
They returned to Persia and spread the word, the gospel, while Jesus was still a child.
Incredible blessing came out of this new beginning.
When Jesus grew into adulthood and presented himself before his cousin John, the baptizer, the crowds that had come to be cleansed in baptism, and return to their devotion to God, were incredibly blessed during this awesome experience.
Jesus, one without sin, knew he was to submit to John in baptist as an act of righteousness.
Upon coming up out of the water the explosion of blessing poured forth.
Variation on a theme - love those boots. |
The Spirit, like a dove, landed on Jesus and remained.
And then, for all to hear, God spoke.
God's voice penetrated the souls of those in the crowd.
"This is My Son, My beloved, in whom I am well pleased."
What an introduction for ministry!
Jesus most likely heard the voice of the Father constantly.
Yet, this time all heard God's voice.
These words not only introduced Jesus to the crowds as John redirected people to Him.
That voice was for us!
The more we die to self and live for Christ, beginning with our baptism, the more we are affirmed by God . . . son, daughter . . . God's beloved . . . in whom God is well pleased.
The deeper into our faith we step, the more we are affirmed by God as Jesus was affirmed.
What a blessing!
What wonderful beginning of the new year . . . BLESSING!
1-12:: Day Off?
It was suppose to be my day to catch up on notes and re-organize the mess I have on my little desk.
It was suppose to begin with a walk on the beach and lingering over the newspaper and jotting a few words in my blog.
It was suppose to be . . .
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Even if our journey takes many twists and turns, we will get there. I can't imagine the engineering these twists and turns took. |
Just doesn't happen.
I WAS on the way to the beach when a dear friend stopped to chat for 'just a second.'
The 'just a second' turned into the one hour conversation we'd planned to have . . . some day.
Today was 'some day.'
I learned that if I wait for the right time, when I have loads of free time, conversations just don't 'happen.'
Conversations happen when God brings two together at the exact time we need to address our concerns to God.
Often, by conversation - mostly listening with a few questions interjected for clarification - we can see what God has set before us more clearly.
When another hears our words and discerns them from a new and different perspective, with clarifying questions, clarity blooms out of seeming chaos.
That's why it's so important for us to maintain accountability with a trusted person during our life-journey.
That trusted person may change according to circumstance and location but living a Christ-centered life without coming into a safe space where we can voice our concerns impedes our growth.
I listened.
I asked questions.
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A simple $1 notebook. Add a fun picture on the cover. Fill with clippings, words, verses and enjoy! |
She then drew conclusions from her own thoughts.
I made a couple of simple suggestions for her to keep those thoughts moving.
She felt good and so did I.
Suggestion: Journal thoughts periodically and place a date by each entry.
As more clarity is needed, read previous entries and see if there is a path or story-line that points in the direction that enhances the journey.
There were more serendipity moments in this day . . . even one that led to enjoying a free performance at the symphony . . . the POPs with Divas (four incredibly well trained female vocalists who knew opera as well as 'popular songs' from the 30s to this millennium).
And, since hubby was taking a class, I joined two dear girl-friends.
What a JOY.
If I had not been flexible enough to drop my 'plans' I would have missed an incredible DAY OFF!
1-13:: A day of Blessing
Another Friday the thirteenth.
Another day of blessing.
There is something embedded in the mind that says 13 is not good.
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COUNT your blessings. Add two more and you'll have thirteen. |
It's an 'odd' number, of course.
There are many odd numbers.
But why does this get a bad rap?
There is no 13th floor in many tall buildings.
There is no 13th row on an airplane.
Yet, my incredibly bright, handsome nephew was born on the 13th.
When I count steps in my work-outs . . . especially going up . . . I always count the 13th step.
What happens when the clock shows 13 minutes after the hour?
Why not call a Baker's dozen . . . thirteen?
We trip ourselves up by being fearful of odd things in life.
If we turn this around we can embrace 13.
We can make anything '13' into a BLESSING.
Today was indeed a day of blessing as I took a friend to pick up her car from the shop, before we all met in our weekly accountability group.
The stories of 'blessing' flowed.
Hubby and I walked together . . . a rare blessing that I always love.
I had those 'lost hours' to clean up my desk and organize a bit and simply enjoy the day!
The 13th . . . what a blessing!
1-14:: The Broken Way thebrokenway.com
This blog has morphed out of a simple daily discipline of giving thanks.
Ann Voskamp introduced this to me and millions of others nearly five years ago.
Give Thanks.
About a year ago I replaced the simple "Three daily blessings" with deeper thoughts and whimsy and,
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Order it on Amazon.com It's on sale. Bible study is FREE |
I've finally found time to return to Anne Voskamp's blog as she introduces a FREE video and bible study.
Just purchase the book, "The Broken Way" and she provides everything else.
I listened to the first video that will be introduced next week.
Fabulous, as usual.
Ann reminded us that in writing our daily blessings and sharing them with others, we may still hide our hurt, our pain . . . our broken heart.
In Ann's first of several teachings on 'THE BROKEN WAY" she tells us that the open wound in Jesus' side is a reminder that Jesus suffered for us, for those who suffer, for the destitute, the invisible, the deeply wounded.
A mother of six, Ann Voskamp has shared with the world her own brokenness and how she continues to overcome the pain she carries. She writes, home schools, travels to care for the needy, helps her husband on their farm, gives love to her almost grown children and lives so daily in front of the world.
We are all broken in some way.
We may carry it deep or wear it for all to see.
Perhaps our cracks and crevices are meant to be open for other's brokenness.
Perhaps, in our own brokenness, we are meant to absorb another's story . . . not to carry it with us . . . but to empathize, to love through, to see that our own brokenness is meant to be shared with a few, the ones God brings to us, in that serendipity moment.
Being open and honest with our brokenness brings healing, not only for ourselves, but also as encouraging salve for another.
The broken way . . . Jesus' way.
It's all good.

1-15:: Come and See
Today we focused on the scripture in the book of John that continues the introduction of Jesus' ministry.
The Apostle, Andrew, saw it all.
He saw John baptizing Jews who wanted to be cleansed, cleaned off, so they could begin again to focus rightly on God's Law and walk in righteousness.
Andrew witnessed the Holy Spirit, like a dove, come upon and remain with the One whom John was baptizing.
Andrew heard the thunderous words, "This is my Son, My Beloved, in whom I am well pleased."
Andrew's senses were so energized that he was in awe.
He had to run home to tell Simon, "Come and See."
COME and SEE !
Sometimes an event is so unbelievable that we want another to come and see.
Perhaps a sunrise or a sunset is awe inspiring.
Perhaps the sight of an Eagle soaring in the sky and landing in its massive nest on top of a tree is breathtaking.
But here, when the people heard the voice of God, were introduced to God's Son and saw the 'essence' like a dove, the Holy Spirit, land on and remain with this man, they were dumbstruck.
It's too unbelievable to even move.
Yet, Andrew was instantly prompted by God to find his brother.
They came and saw.
More came and saw.
Many lingered but a few wanted to follow.
Jesus turned to Simon and Andrew and said, "Come and see . . . come to where I am staying . . . linger awhile with me." And they did.
That's what the Lord prompts me every day.
"Come and see.
Open my book,
glean words,
press them into your heart,
linger awhile.
Be filled to overflowing.
Every day."
I spend just a little more time than usual in worship and praise as I join others for another service in the evening.
I came . . . and saw . . . and lingered awhile . . . and was filled.
1-16:: Going Deeper
That's what the women said who asked me to guide them.
"We wish to go deeper."
Like digging into scripture more deeply than a normal bible study?
Like digging into your heart to see how deeply you can commit to Christ?
Like asking the tough questions that no one seems to be able to answer?
"All of the above," they said.
So, I began my day in prayer for each woman and asked God to direct my heart, keep my mouth shut and simply listen before giving direction or adding my pithy remarks.
God is so good.
I began with a short prayer that the Lord would guide is more deeply into His Presence.
Immediately, one had a concern about her depth of prayer.
It was a normal question.
None of us feels like we spend enough time praying.
Another woman shared her story of prayer and how the pain of others hurts her heart so much, sometimes, that she can barely breathe much less pray.
She shared from the heart.
Conversation circled around prayer.
Do we need words to pray?
Is one prayer enough?
God knows people's needs before we even talk to God about them so why do we need to pray?
This is what our Christian walk is all about.
It's about sharing our growth concerns, checking in with another when we get 'stuck' and encouraging one another in love.
I listen.
I muse inwardly.
I ask a clarifying question and then seek another's input.
What a joy to simply be part of the conversation of women who want more in their Christian walk.
We're not talking about a youthful beginner here.
We're all grandmothers and more.
We've been walking in the footsteps of Christ - or at least trying to - for decades.
To still be seeking, to know that we don't know half of what we should know is exciting.
Yet, these women know so much more than most people who attend church.
The reason we are still alive is to keep seeking, keep giving to others what we learn from our seeking, and to glorify God in all we say and do as we mindfully walk more deeply into God's Presence.
That's what our life is all about!
God is good, Life is good and WE ARE GOOD as we continue to "Go Deeper."
1-17:: Are we having FUN yet?
Every year we try to get to a discount mega mall that is a long drive, is huge and is filled with discounted goods.
Usually, we tuck this event into our ten-day vacation.
This year, when we are 'living south' for several months, it has taken us six weeks to add this event to our schedule.
In fact, a friend asked me yesterday if I'd been to a movie, seen a play, read a book, been to the local gardens, enjoyed an art store or traveled to the other coast yet . . . etc.
After she finished with the long list I said, "We have not found the time as yet."
How strange an answer is that?
We manage to clip through our list of FUN on our short vacations but we've done nothing 'fun' yet?
What kind of fun ARE we having?
So, we made time to enjoy the mall and pick up some T-shirts and sport shoes for hubby and, perhaps, find some fun bargains for me.
Little did we know that the 'mall" had changed drastically.
Stores had discounts on huge sized items or too petite for the average person.
The couple of stores I was looking for went out of business.
Prices for our sizes were no different than the regular retail store.
This "bargain" shopping mall was a bust.
BUT, we did enjoy the drive, ate a picnic lunch in the parking lot, managed to run several errands on the way home, and felt we'd had a very enjoyable day.
Yet, I return to the question that was asked of me.
Are we having fun yet?
I realized that hubby and I so enjoy other ways of having fun.
Teaching our classes gives us a sense of joy and is truly fun.
Watching the sunrises and the sunsets feed our senses.
Most of all, we enjoy catching up with so many friends we'd left years ago when we moved north.
We are spending reams of time simply enjoying conversations and shared meals.
We linger longer in the laundry room.
We stop when a neighbor wants to chat.
Our daily 'list' is not as much of a priority as reconnecting with friends and neighbors.
In fact, we spontaneously said, "YES" to another gathering on Sunday with friends we've barely seen.
So, have I read a book? Not yet . . . fifteen are piled up and ready.
Have we seen a movie? On U-tube we've watched old films if we've had an hour to spare.
I was invited to the symphony . . . the POPs with Divas . . . fabulous.
Before the concert began we wandered through the art exhibit next to the symphony hall.
The way we're going, if we simply keep moving forward we will be guided into exactly the kind of FUN that makes the heart happy.
Each day is totally amazing.
So, if anyone asks me, "Are you having fun yet?"
I'll reply, "It's all fun!"
1-18:: In God We Trust
Over the past few months I have encountered people who have intense fear of the future.
They seem to think this next president will make decisions in a vacuum, with no input from congress.
I believe these are called 'executive decisions' and most have been unconstitutional over the past eight years.
If we survived some ludicrous decisions made by the president who is leaving office, can't we survive the next eight years and the next etc.?
Who says some of us will not die tonight or tomorrow?
Why is God so vague in the souls of most people I meet?
Why is God not even on the radar of so many in this United States . . . One Nation, Under God?
Where is God in the life of those who are panicking and not even giving the incoming president a chance?
Find a Penny . . . a one-cent piece.
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Liberty: The Freedom to Trust in God |
Clean it off and read the inscription . . .
IN GOD WE TRUST is written on the rim of the penny.
It might be a great idea to keep that penny in one's pocket each day.
Any time we worry or have a fearful moment, we simply ought to reach into our pocket, feel this small round piece and remember 'In God We Trust."
If, indeed, we trust God, why do we have anything to fear?
If we have survived the daily challenges of life, why is the future so frightening?
What does it mean to trust God?
"If you believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord, and know in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved."
If, indeed, we know we are saved from eternal death and have resurrected life in Christ when we leave this earth, what do we have to fear?
"There is nothing to fear but fear itself" ... FDR's inaugural address.
We all need to B R E A T H E D E E P, PRAY HARD, and TRUST IN GOD.
1-19:: Abraham Lincoln
Interesting face on that penny.
Abe Lincoln.
He was elected for President with only 40% of the popular vote.
Lincoln was seen as that 'hick' who lived in the boonies and never went to school.
Yet, he was brilliant, as they learned much later.
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A copy of Gettysburg Address from Wikipedia |
"Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. " (November 19, 1863)
We are STILL engaged in a great civil war.
A war of rhetoric, of ideology, of political policy.
No matter what 'side' we are on, we are unhappy or fearful.
What if?
What if the sky was falling, as Chicken Little exclaimed.
Chicken Little later found out that it was simply an acorn that fell on him.
What if Lincoln was not assassinated?
Would he have gone down in history as the one who wrote the Emancipation Proclamation?
Would he have been remembered as the one who wrote the most profound address in history on the back of a train menu?
Would he be remembered as the one voted in by only 40% of the people in the U.S. but given the office through the Electoral Collage?
That little Penny is a profound reminder that we not only TRUST IN GOD but we have been surprised by many leaders throughout the history of the U. S.
Some were good.
Some were not so good.
Some were the 'worst ever' in some people's minds.
Yet, we, as a nation, are alive and well and thriving in spite of the lowest percent of active Christians since the beginning of this nation.
God has blessed us in spite of our unwillingness to humble ourselves and seek God.
In spite of our pride and fears, we continue to prosper.
As we touch our pennies . . . now I have one in each pocket . . . let us remember that Abraham Lincoln studied biblical scripture daily.
He knew God . . . deep in his soul . . . and prayed to God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
It was God who led him through the civil war, through the labyrinth of slavery.
It was God who he trusted . . . totally . . . absolutely . . . daily.
Perhaps we can too.
Gettysburg Address:
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate—we can not consecrate—we can not hallow—this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
1-20:: A Big Change
Today marks another historical moment for our nation - the transfer of government leadership.
At least every eight years we transfer the leadership to a new person.
This year was a surprise for us all.
Yet, as faithful, patriotic Americans, we honor the one who is now in leadership.
It is our duty to vote.
It is our duty to uphold the tenants of the Constitution.
It is our duty to honor those in leadership even if we did not vote for that person.
The electoral college followed its constituents and voted for the candidate that the most populous voted for.
There was only one who voted differently: he should have voted for our new president but chose to vote contrary to his constituency.
Even without his vote (and without the populous numbers in the count) the new leader was voted into office.
Donald John Trump will lead this country whether we like him or not.
He will do his best to honor his oath of office, as every past President has vowed.
We are still One Nation Under God.
One Nation, as far as I know, is still in tact.
"Under God" is up for discussion.
What if we actually gave this President a bit of a chance?
We have done this for centuries no matter how bad the governing powers have been.
In GOD we trust.
While trusting in God, perhaps we can trust this change in governing power.
1-21:: We can choose to stop in fear or walk boldly forward
God is in control.
God will always be in control whether we believe in God or not.
Life is given and life is taken away.
She left a legacy of beauty as seen at Christmas. She watered each poinsettia and removed the tree after Epiphany. |
I received an email late yesterday telling me that my dear friend, matriarch of altar guild at the church I last served, had died.
Two bleeds on the brain and she never regained consciousness.
The Lord took her to be with Him in the most beautiful way possible and she never knew what hit her.
When I met her she knew everything one could know about Ascension church.
I picked her brain, invited her to document everything and asked her to raise up 'disciples' who could take over in the years ahead if she could no longer do the job.
She was in her 80s and her husband was homebound so there was good reason for this.
Indeed, she did raise another up to carry her mantle, and others as well.
The 'disciple' let me know what happened.
This disciple is grieving deeply as our friend was a wonderful mother figure to so many.
This disciple does not yet realize the mantle given to her to carry but, when grief has ebbed a bit, will carry on beautifully.
Life's distractions may disturb us but losing life stops us.
We can choose to carry on and make a difference in this world, no matter who surrounds us, or we can stop dead in our tracks.
Today we can choose to scream and yell profanities in the air about a major change that is taking place or we can choose to keep moving forward on the journey set before us.
We can choose to reach out the disenfranchised, the hurting, the dying and all who are in need of some tender loving care and encouragement or we can complain and hate and stop in fear.
Life happens.
Change happens.
We are weak but HE is strong.
"Jesus loves us this we know for the bible tells us so.
Little ones to Him belong, we are weak but HE is strong."
I choose to boldly move forward according to the path God has set before me.
1-22:: Jesus chose to move forward.
Jesus was grieving deeply when his cousin, John, was arrested shortly after Jesus began his ministry.
Instead of stopping in fear of what might happen to him, Jesus moved forward, into southern Galilee, and began choosing disciples.
Northern Galilee was filled with gentiles, nasty ones, who hated the jews.
This is where Jesus decided to plant himself and minister and bring people into the arms of God.
Northern Galilee is where Jesus taught and healed and cured every disease and illness.
Jesus CURED.
Disease and illness in these people vanished.
Those cured most likely felt compelled to spend time with Jesus to see what else he would do for them.
These were gentile followers whom the Jews may have hated.
Jesus was turning the world up-side-down.
The prophecy in Isaiah 9:1-3 was coming to pass. The area of Northern Galilee will see the 'light.'
But this part of the world was not happy.
The 'Other' came into their world and swirled life to spinning.
"He went around all of Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and curing every disease and illness among the people." Matthew 4:23
1-23:: Going Deeper
What a wonderful name for a gathering group.
We seek more understanding of our relationship with Christ Jesus.
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This heart represents a woman's heart for God. I'm learning more each day as I go deeper into His Presence. |
We share deeply.
We wonder and wander through shared thoughts.
Then we do our homework.
We pray.
We meditate.
We journal what the Lord gives us in our mind and soul.
We draw personal conclusions.
Are they congruent with Scripture?
Do they also mesh with the group consensus?
Are we on track as we walk ever-so-slowly into the full Presence of our Creator?
I dig deeper into my soul.
I wander through a labyrinth of thought.
I digest what I can and give the rest to the Lord to hold for me while I chew on His Word.
Glorious blessings unfold.
I breathe deep, as I have been doing for the past two months.
I'm refreshed.
I love going deeper.
1-24:: Botanical Gardens
I told a friend with a very busy schedule that we would visit the gardens.
Yesterday was the day.
Windy, cloudy, spurts of rain . . . a strange day to wander in this vast expanse of gardens.
I thought we would be the only ones there.
The parking lot was packed.
A seminar with 200 people was in attendance.
So many more lingered among the gardens but the space is so large we felt the expanse of space.
We ran for shelter when spurts of water gushed from the sky.
We wandered in and out of hamlets filled with wonder.
We went to Brazil, Bali, Old Florida, island living, the garden for children and so much more.
Sights and sounds mingled with Origami - like works of art.
So amazing for the eye and even more amazing for the brain.
The Cranes, stacked tall - 500 of them.
One piece of paper flattened with creases for a crane sits under the next 'fold' and the next and the next.
The metal sculpture morphs from a flat piece to a soaring crane.
Rock, paper, scissors - a tall essence in metal - reminds us of the engineering feat of turning one piece of paper into a life-like figure such as a crane.

God, our Creator, gave us the ability to be creative in our creativity and create beauty for all.
We are able to create something from our imagination for all to see and wonder and learn.
Oh, the many gifts God has given us.
Only a few are able to turn imaginings into something for all to enjoy.
Beauty beyond understanding.
God's gift to us in the Botanical Gardens.
1-25:: The Visit and one piece of paper
It was meant to be a pastoral visit and perhaps it was.
But she took me to a special place to sit and chat and make new discoveries.
It was a place where people in this community for the elder generation can meet and greet and enjoy various activities.
It was glorious!
The brand new furnishings.
The impeccable art.
The architecture.
The beautifully crafted wrought iron gates that close off the library and keep books safe at 'off' hours.
The majesty of it all.
I'd never be able to live in this community but is sure nice to visit and drink in a few moments of NICE.
I am surrounded by beauty and art and the majesty of God's creative hand and I love it.
As I write I am filled with the wonder of beauty and I contemplate the picture I took of the garden statue, above.
A piece of paper.
Folded once.
Folded again . . . and again . . . and again . . . and it flies in the air as a paper airplane.
It all starts with a piece of paper: an architectural design, a draft of a painting, the design of the magnificent iron gate.
Just one piece of paper . . . morphs into majestic beauty.
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We passed this sign at least twice a week. I finally took a picture as it was literally melting. This six-room motel was always occupied. No wonder, even the sign was relaxing. |
Today is my day of rest! . . . sort of.
I linger over God's Word in the quiet hours of the morning.
I pray for those who just had surgery and for the family of my dear friend who was buried yesterday.
I grieve.
My heart is so heavy, tired of being brave.
I'm not that old, or so I think, that so many of my friends should be dying.
It's been one after another.
Then I remember . . . my friends range from my age to 20 years older than me.
I'm at that part of the life cycle when the body slows down a bit.
I work so hard to press through heavy and try to let the Lord carry my burden.
But this kind of burden is good . . . for a little while.
I give rest to my soul by mulling over the lives of those who are no longer with us.
By doing so, my heart becomes a tad bit lighter.
Rest, remembrance, relating stories to others . . . repeat . . .
Then release, relax, breathe deep, move forward a little more slowly perhaps.
Set BRAVE aside for awhile.
Linger in the presence of God:Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
Let the arms of the Lord envelop me with quiet peace.
Ahhhhh, I feel so much better now.
The morning is all mine . . . to read, relax, review, write . . .
Later I go with hubby to his appointment and run some errands and enjoy a well paced day.
A quote from St. Francis DeSales: “Half an hour’s meditation each day is essential, except when you are busy. Then a full hour is needed.”
1-27:: Retreat
I took seven hours yesterday to 'retreat'.
What a change to my soul.
My dear friend sent me several e-sources.
A most profound quote is below.
An Excerpt from The Prayer of the Presence of God.
"Prayer is, as it were, being alone with God. A soul prays only when it is turned toward God, and for so long as it remains so. As soon as it turns away, it stops praying. The preparation for prayer is thus the movement of turning to God and away from all that is not God. That is why we are so right when we define prayer as this movement. Pray is essentially a 'rising up', an elevation. We begin to pray when we detach ourselves from created objects and raise ourselves up to the Creator."
--- Dom Augustin Guillerand, p.91.

What a wonderful day to celebrate his life.
He is still with us after a heart attack a few years ago - super healthy - dedicated to his daily walk and healthy meals via his blessed wife.
FUN to hear from him before I could call him.
An in-between-year, he is laying low and drinking in a nice winter day.
1-28:: St. Thomas Aquinas is celebrated today.
A friend sent me a new blog.
Just what I need to read . . . another blog.
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Picture from Wikipedia St. Thomas Aquinas built up the Church and the dogma of the church with Summa Theologiae |
Each day there are prayers and scripture to read.
Also, each 'Saint of the day' is presented with a short paragraph explaining the attributes of this leader and disciple.
Thomas Aquinas is well known for his "Summa Theologiae" an incredibly long a deep study of the theology of the faith.
If it were not for God giving Thomas the fortitude and focus to proceed into the Dominican Monastery we would not have privy to this genius' work.
Thomas came from a very wealthy Italian family and had been groomed to carry on the family business.
His mother locked Thomas in the 'tower' to dissuade him from leaving the family.
Thomas' brothers tried to entice him to break his vow of chastity.
None of it worked.
Thomas eventually escaped and joined the Dominicans.
It was quickly evident that Thomas had many gifts beside a brilliant mind.
The offering of his life solely to Christ, and to the church, gave us a legacy that still stands out today.
If I ever take the time to plow through "Summa Theologiae" I may be too old to finish.
But, I have high regard for St. Thomas and the dogma that came from his mind and soul.
1-29:: Difficulty
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Can anyone imagine the difficulty of plowing this road! . . . or being in such a cold climate after being in the tropics? |
After being in the midst of joy and celebration and community and glorious worship and a meal with great conversation I read about difficulty.
My take from her quote is, if I see someone being difficult, perhaps I should turn this situation around and see that this person is actually having difficulty.
A difficult person is actually having difficulty.
What a wonderful way to look at someone in distress.
Of all the people in the crowded room with varied conversations and loud chat, I know there were many who were not there because they were having difficulty.
In fact, there may have been many present who were in the midst of difficulty but were masking it so well that they were far from being difficult.
The elderly man who spilled an entire glass of water on his lap simply sat in wet with towels trying to soak it up.
He smiled and continued conversation.
The woman who just lost her husband listened to conversation and tried to be part of the group but I know in my heart that she ached to have him right there with her.
The woman who was coming into our denomination with too many questions to spill out to just anyone may have had difficulty understanding the jargon or the dogma of those around her. Fortunately, she was with people who dearly loved her and tried to lessen her difficulty with love and understanding.
Fortunately, she is faithfully attending a class where she is learning about Christ and is encouraged to ask every question that comes to mind.
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Awesome shot of the road, in the shape of the Cross, going into the great expanse. A very difficult shot. |
I had difficulty finding the right words as my heart broke for them.
God is with us in every difficulty.
The Lord gave me the words that were meant to console and heal the soul of those who asked for prayer.
I seem to plow through that which seems difficult.
And then I look back, see that I may have bungled a bit, tripped up, been a bit clumsy.
I ponder and wonder.
Perhaps I will step lightly when talking with people and see if I can pray them through their difficulty as we chat together.
The more I look at the other's story and read between the lines and breath deep with them and simply listen, I'm better able to love, console, encourage and help their walk be a little less difficult.
Yet, it's not I who am doing the work here.
As I draw the Lord, Jesus Christ, into our conversation, He will show me those difficulties that stem from a difficult situation and show us how the road can be a little less difficult.
1-30:: The whole truth and nothing but the truth. . .
Remember when we'd watch movies with courtroom scenes?
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The metal sculpture of the origami Crane used the mind and hands of one so gifted and so dedicated to this art that focusing on anything else may not have enabled us to see such a creative gift. |
My question is why don't we make all journalists take that same oath?
The truth, as most know it, is skewed at the very least.
Learning only a snippet of information may distort the story.
Yet, in an effort to push the 'news' to the public in a click of a button, we don't even get enough truth to fill 140 Twitter spaces.
A half-truth, in my humble opinion, means that half the truth is missing.
Is the other part a half-lie?
In the Book of Common Prayer, used in the U.S. by Anglicans and Episcopalians, part of our confession to God regarding our sins is asking forgiveness for ". . . those things done and left undone."
In other words it's often what we do NOT do or do NOT say that causes us to sin.
I wonder if journalists understand that they sin against God by sending out only a snippet of the truth.
Or do they even care?
In turn, those who have compassionate hearts but who have not researched the whole story send angry tweets, gather friends and anyone who will listen and proceed to the most visual space in town to make their case . . .
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Captured in this sculpture is the process from egg to caterpillar to cocoon to butterfly. I'd rather focus on this creative gift meant for all who walk by to enjoy. |
What is their issue?
Do they know even half the facts?
What is their source of their knowledge?
Is it reliable?
Sometimes we have a 'knee jerk' reaction to a leader's decision and let our emotions overtake common sense and/or research into the 'whole truth.'
I wonder if we could step back when 'news' frustrates us.
Take time to pray for the one making decisions that rub us the wrong way.
Instead of getting upset, perhaps we could
trust that God hears our prayers, is in control of the ultimate end and is willing to pour His grace upon any who receive God as Lord.
The Whole Truth is the living Word:
Jesus said, " I AM the Way, the TRUTH and the Life . . . "
If Jesus, the Messiah, is our savior perhaps we can trust in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit to set paths straight.
Again we are called to pray, breathe deep and help the stranger in our midst who might be struggling even more than we are at this moment in time.
TRUST: it's hard but teaches us so very much as we journey on God's path for us.
1-31:: The End
I finished cutting, sewing and embroidering my Bunad several years ago but I will never end wearing it during the Christmas season. |
It feels like a very long time since this new year began.
Yet, time continues to march forward.
"The End" seems so final.
I find that I have many 'the end' moments:
I finally finished my Christmas cards this month.
I put an end to my moving things about trying to find the 'best' place for them in our winter abode.
I ended a very long 'to do' list even though I have a brand new one.
Cleaning out and fixing up our storage room is finished.
My list of phone calls is complete . . . for now.
Next month's birthday cards are finished and in the mail.
Yet, there are so many things that have not yet ended.
The book I brought down to read in my leisure time is not finished because I am just now finding leisure time.
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My mother's life ended on this earth but I will never stop thinking about her, especially when I shop or cook a difficult recipe when I say, "Mom, I need you!" |
The blog will not end any time soon.
Weekly adventures with my hubby are still happening.
Laundry, dishes, cooking meals, cleaning our abode and other testy little chores have no end.
My outreach to those who need a sounding board is still going on.
I'm still writing words to give to others as we celebrate Holy Eucharist during the week.
I continue to make hospital visits as needed.
I never cease praying . . . especially when wakened in the middle of the night.
I remain vigilant with the quiet time and my daily observations of life-happenings and meeting with my accountability group each week.
THE END is never "the end", is it.
Even when my life ends on this earth I will have all eternity to sing praises to God in heaven, surrounded by multitudes of those with the same devotion to God through his Son, Jesus Christ.
But, for month of January . . . The End.
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