Almost yesterday I was basking in the summer sun, enjoying the heat and sipping ice tea.
Separated by a few months, November seems so far away from summer bliss.
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Now this is a POP of the last color of the year! |
Perhaps I have more time to linger in thought as I cocoon in my favorite corner by our large window overlooking fields of gold and brown and beige.
The garden looks dried up as it begins its slumber for the next several months.
My favorite part of the house, the porch, is all tucked away and protected from windy weather.
I now have time to be nostalgic over the past year as I prepare our annual letter to friends.
Ah, November.
It's a grand month to be still and wander through my labyrinth of memories I've stored up over the past several months.
November 1, 2016
Today is All Saints Day.
The day after All Hallow-ed Eve is always set aside to celebrate the saints who have gone before us.
Those who celebrate the traditions set by centuries of church history take time on this day to celebrate those who died claiming the name of Christ.
Many were martyrs who died for their faith.
Many were 'faithful' to Christ to the end of life, like St. John who wrote the book of Revelation and is suggested to have written the Gospel of John and the other books of John.
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Pro-life Art by Nellie Edwards can be ordered from her web site. Of all her paintings, this one struck my soul. Mary contemplates the "Light of the Divine" within her. |
She is married to Jeff Cavins, a well known theologian but she is a theologian in her own right.
We who try our best to simply remain focused on God in Christ throughout our lives seek to learn from the lives of those who have modeled a faith-filled walk in Christ all their lives.
From Abraham to Job (spoken of in Emily's quote) to St. Mary through St. Theresa . . . all have totally focused their lives on God and have 'died in the faith.'
Hubby and I have focused on Mary, the mother of Jesus, these past two months as we pray the rosary.
I've never done this before but, at my husband's suggestion, decided that it was a good way to pray for our election and remain focused on our very profound prayer that we elect a pro-life president.
There is no one who became more vulnerable in pregnancy than Mary.
She knew she would be killed for being pregnant out of wedlock.
Yet, she knew that the life within her came from God alone and was a precious gift to be carried as faithfully as the Old Testament kings carried the Ark of the Covenant.
Mary was carrying the "Ark of the New Covenant."
It's impossible for this generation to imagine the strict moral boundaries set by devout Jews and their belief that all life, young and old, was a treasure from God.
These devout 'believers in God' lived for YHWH and not for themselves.
Thus, we celebrate Saint Mary today and seek to gain deeper understanding of God through her life and the life she bore as the Redeemer of the world.
11-2:: All Souls Day
There has been some confusion regarding All Saints day and All Souls day.
For protestants, few denominations even set aside such days.
For the 'liturgical' churches these days are important but may not be celebrated on the specific day.
More likely, we celebrate the life of 'souls' on the Sunday after we celebrate Halloween.
Many churches choose to read the names of those who died within the congregation's families over the past year.
I feels sad that we do not celebrate the souls of those who have gone before us, whether they are sainted or not.
It's a wonderful day of remembrance.
On All Souls day I telephoned those widowed this year in families that are close to us.
I have tried to send notes to each widow at significant times during the year such as birthday, Christmas, special dates important to each.
This gives me a moment to remember that each soul never dies.
Our body shrivels away into nothingness but our soul is eternal.
It's our choice whether we spend eternity fully connected to God, who created us, . . . or not.
Fond memories flood my mind as I think of my brother, my brother-in-law, my mother, my grandmother and my great grandmother.
Each had distinct gifts which make me smile as I remember.
They are souls who will continue to bring forth wonderful memories.
11-3:: COLOR
It's finally here! COLOR all around.
My mums are fading as the Maple trees are finally showing their glory.
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COLOR bursts through the skeletons of empty limbs. |
I've tried to find a brilliantly colored tree that is retaining its full glory but most show empty limbs.
It's still glorious.
I often wonder how much raking some people must do with their majestic Maples taking up most of their front yard.
COLOR is the last glory for these leaves before they drop into oblivion.
The green color of chlorophyll, a sign that the tree is absorbing nutrients, has ceased.
Peel back the green and we see hues, natural to each type of tree, that delight the eye.
It's the last HURRAH
Isn't this the same story for our lives?
There is a period we might go through filled with energy, zest, colorful adventures, bright ideas and dazzling triumphs.
As we slow down a bit, our Zip has less zing and the colorful life-spots become less abundant.
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Blown glass at the Corning Museum is filled with color and delight. A gifted glass blower perhaps giving us a self portrait? |
I choose comfort over fashion.
I choose quiet times more than wild times.
I choose fewer daily adventures but seem to stretch them through an entire week.
An 'event' might be going to the doctor or visiting a friend.
And then I catch myself.
Wait a minute.
My body might be dying and I may not be soaking in as much 'fuel' that gives me color.
BUT, I'm not dead yet.
I burst forth with a colorful adventure idea that hubby and I can enjoy.
We may not have as much zest in our step but we still drink in the beauty of art at various museums, the colorful sounds of a music at the symphony, the dark-colored intrigue of a mystery movie or the majestic glow of our local gardens that will soon be dressed in winter finery.
COLOR assures us that we still have life in us even if we are in our winter years.
COLOR, it makes my day.
11-4:: TILT
I'm still feeling the swoon and swirl of movement when I get up and begin to walk anywhere.
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This is the best solution to any problem. |
However, trying to walk is another story.
Each time my body goes on 'tilt' I trace through a litany of "what did I consume?"
I could either absorb a toxin through my skin, ingest it or even breath in something toxic.
For decades the doctors have said, "inner ear crystals" but they have not denied toxic reaction.
Each time I have traced my vertigo back to ingesting something that my body rejects as I focus on how to overcome this mystifying tipsy feeling.
There are a number of option so I temper my eating habits, my breathing habits and any other habit I find might attribute to this sense of nausea.
One time I'd been stirring 'silver' paint for at least a half hour.
Toxins filled my body and I was bed-ridden for a few days.
Another time I reacted from a flu shot; perhaps a tiny dot of 'flu' consumed my body?
Many other times I'd eaten food that may have been 'over-ripe' or sauces that are too rich for my blood.
The reaction is all good.
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I think this was done by It's hard to read but the scripture is forever. |
My body is telling me that I need to love it more, feed it natural substances, lay off the 'artificials' and breath more fresh air.
I maintain my daily workout on the glider and make sure I meet my goal . . . even if I do go a little slower.
I breathe in the crisp fall air a little longer than usual and eat 'clean.'
Oh for a cheeseburger or pizza.
Not to be.
The body needs good stuff so it won't go on 'tilt.'
"Tilt" is not a negative to me but a sign that I need to pamper myself a bit more than usual.
11-5:: FALL BACK
I love these pithy reminders like 'fall back' and 'spring forward.'
I've always wondered why we have to go through this ritual twice each year.
Why not simply save more daylight all year?
Our farmers go nuts trying to keep 'cow time' and standard time.
Why can't "day-light savings time" become the standard time?
ONE good outcome of this annual Fall ritual of changing all the clocks back one hour is we all get an 'extra' hour of sleep!
It's great for clergy who have no choice but to wake too early on Sunday mornings.
It's great for anyone who wants to throw a party on this Saturday night and arise early the next morning for church.
In fact, we discovered so many planned events scheduled on this night that we, who rarely attend anything on a Saturday, had to choose between three different events.
We enjoyed going into the city with lights and action where we enjoyed Broadway entertainment at a fund raising Gala.
I never saw so many people walking, driving and enjoying this wonderful November evening.
I, who hates cold, enjoy strolling back to the parking garage a block away.
We enjoyed sharing this festive evening with hundreds of people who also extended their Saturday just a little longer.
I wonder.
Does it take an hour's change in time for us to get out and enjoy special events?
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We think we have trouble during time changes. These are not hebrew clock numbers as I first thought. Are these symbols for various branding irons? |
11-6: Tough Choices
As we near the end of our 'liturgical' year in which we walk with Jesus from birth to resurrection, the bible stories remind us how tough it is for so many to live as Christ called us to live.
We continue to pray for the persecuted Christians all over the world, especially those in the Middle East who are being slaughtered for simply claiming Christ as Lord.
I love this depiction of Jesus in the National Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit Adored and Glorified above All. |
Today's story in Maccabees reminds me of the fortitude we must have if we are to live in areas that have called 'jihad' against Christians.
The Maccabees, faithful Jews committed to glorifying God in all they said and did, were commanded to eat pork, which was against God's law according to the Scriptures.
These Maccabee brothers chose to be torchered (hands and tongue cut off) and then killed before they would consume pork. The Roman soldiers tested their faith but the Maccabeen's knew the only authority that would give them eternal life was God.
We are blessed in this United States of America with the freedom to worship anywhere we choose but slowly creeping into society (for the past sixty years) are seeds of being 'politically correct' and 'choosing health' over life over the unborn.
Businesses are challenged because they choose to live the way God has called them to live.
Charities might be closed because secular laws, passed by those who do not know the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, are deciding that humanism that preaches the wrong message, 'politically correct' is superior to God's message: "Glorify Me in all things according to my Commandments."
We who are devoted to the Scriptures of the old and new covenants are being called to make choices that may well test our perseverance in the same way the Maccabeens were tested.
Think about each choice we make daily.
Does it glorify God or glorify humanism, being politically correct?
11-7: B R E A T H E
I often tell those going through extreme stress to breathe . . . deep breaths.
Breath IN from deep down inside for T E N S L O W COUNTS.
Then HOLD that breath for ten long counts.
It's good to have that CO2 rattle inside us for a bit.
Then, very slowly, breathe out counting slowly to ten.
Do this throughout the day at least 20 times.
This little exercise if very healing to the body, especially when it is feeling stress.
Today, at least 50% of America is feeling stress because the ball keeps bouncing between candidates with HC remaining on top most of the time.
Ravi Zacharias wrote the following to the world in his blog today:
I am told that when a pilot in his private plane runs into trouble, he has to live by the four Cs:
Keep calm
Climb high
Communicate with the controller
Comply with the instructions
Climb high
Communicate with the controller
Comply with the instructions
Ravi continues:
That’s the code I’m following. I am speaking my heart out to the Lord and am at peace that He will do His will.
I will put my head down on the pillow that night and wake up with the promise that He is in charge.
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The Cross and the rainbow both show us God's gifts to us in every day places. A quick glance out our back window shows us God's glorious gifts. B R E A T H E, I tell myself. |
He can change the heart of a king. My life is in my Lord’s hands, however daunting the glimpse of what lies ahead.
Years ago, Senator Jeremiah Denton, a one-time Vietnam POW, wrote of the crucifixion of Jesus from Mary’s perspective as she watched in horror:
Her face shows grief but not despair,
Her head, though bowed, had faith to spare.
And even now she could suppose
His thorns would somehow yield a rose.
Her life with Him was full of signs
That God writes straight with crooked lines.
Dark clouds can hide the rising sun
And all seem lost, when all is won!
Ravi adds:
History moves in pendular swings.
God’s clock is keeping perfect time.
Let’s be calm, let’s climb high, let’s commune with the Lord, and comply with His instructions. None of us can accelerate the march of history but with His light on the terrain ahead, we can make a safe landing.
My words: I could never be as eloquent as Ravi so I use his words but I can understand that . . .
Mary experienced the greatest 'stress point' of her entire life when she saw her Son crucified.
The world back then was oblivious to God's power working in their midst.
Jesus rose from the dead . . . BREATHED LIFE . . . and assured those who follow Him that resurrected life, eternal life, is a far greater perspective than what happens yesterday, today or tomorrow.
Let's all breathe deep, climb high, commune with the Lord and comply with HIS instructions.
November 8, 2016::National Election but I choose to chat about the word . . . ENHANCE
Two days ago I was ready to write about Election Day.
BUT, Google decided to ENHANCE the"Blogger" blog site.
Each time Google decides to "enhance" something, I am kicked out and cannot get back in.
Every block in the book stopped me this time.
Hmmmm, election day boondoggle?
I'm sure it was simply bad timing on the part of Google.
I began writing several years ago on and have done pretty well.
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This is my blueberry bush with leaves that turn fire red in the Fall Not that is a good enhancement. |
Then I purchased a web site for 'Women of Worth Ministries' from Enom but enter information through Blogspot.
Google bought out Blogspot and I've had trouble ever since.
I use the "Women of Worth Ministries" website as a teaching tool so have not added blog notes in a couple of years.
This site dwells on insights regarding the Proverbs 31 Woman . . . Proverbs 31:10-31
I have not written in the "Linger Longer with God" blog for six months.
It's because I seem to write long daily blogs on my 'Daily Graces From God' blog.
Long story short, things need to change.
These ENHANCEments are happening too often and keep me off line too long.
So much for my vote on this one.
BTW . . . I DID VOTE IN THE NATIONAL ELECTION, which I'll chat about tomorrow.
Back to "normal", at least with the blog.
Working with every possible solution to get back to the blog took all day.
In the mean time, hubby has been frenetic over the election.
I was fully resigned to support whomever the populous elected even if the ideology was far beyond anything compatible with my personal ideology.Hubby and I prayed long and hard, daily.
We know God is totally in charge of the outcome.
So be it.
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This is what we need now more than ever. Just love those who are deeply hurt by the results of this election. |
What a SURPRISE when he woke me at about 3:30 am, unable to contain himself.
I thought something had happened and we would be on our way to the hospital.
"WE WON" . . . were the first words out of his mouth.
Surprise turned to astonishment.
I'd been resigned to the choice of one who did not give priority to the life of the unborn child.
I was ready to remain in deep prayer for the next four years in order to keep cool, calm and collected.
SURPRISE is the perfect word what seemed totally impossible.
In fact, I guess the entire nation was surprised.
Who knew!
We now must pray that this administration remain focused on the Pro-Life agenda and select Supreme Court judges who adhere to the Constitution when making their decisions.
Neither candidate was my choice but God prepares the heart that seeks God's best for us.
I'll not stop praying but perhaps my prayer time will be more relaxed?
I think we are in for many SURPRISES during these next four years . . . hopefully good.
We'll see.
I shouldn't have been surprised.
God is still in charge.
It's an affirmation that Jesus repeated throughout his ministry.
"Love one another" continued to be the 'mantra' of the disciples as thousands came to know God through His Son, Jesus Christ shortly after His resurrection and ascension.
So, my heart grieves knowing that a very few, who do not know the love of God, are behaving badly . . . like hurting people that have a different ideology or breaking windows of cars that are not theirs.
None of us, who call ourselves 'humans' were created to behave badly but we do.
We may have a temper tantrum or shout words that are not nice.
Who taught these few to damage other people, other's property?
Where is God?
Over the past sixty years, the schools have slowly taken God out of the classroom.
In fact, we have been taught that 'we' are god.
How is that working for us?
It's not.
Every four years there is a Presidential election.
Every four years nearly 50% are not happy with the results.
This has not changed in decades.
So, who is there to teach the next generation . . . and the next . . . that we must make sure we, as individuals, do our very best to enhance our lives as citizens of this United States of America.
It's not up to 'others' to make our lives better . . . it's up to us.
I was among thousands who have been in deep prayer about our country.
I will not stop praying.
This nation needs daily prayer.
But, I also believe in God, our Creator, who is totally in charge, no matter who we, as citizens, decide to elect.
God is the ONE who continues to tell us, "Love one another."
So, those who choose to join me in prayer, let's pray that the Presence of God enter the lives of the thousands who do not know God, who feel there is no hope.
Let's pray that all seek the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who says, "Love one another."
What a day!
There are so many organizations and volunteers who have reached out to the thousands of
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This store invited vets and families to send in stories and pictures of those who have and are giving their lives for freedom in the USA. |
They need to be honored . . . all of them . . . the scruffiest, the most hurting, the ones who have turned to drugs because PTSD is consuming them.
This is a special day to honor the Vets.
It's wonderful to see flags flying and stories unfolding through various forms of media.
I received several emails today that honor the vets.
The song, "I'm Proud to be an American," cannot say it better.
We should all be proud that we live in this United States of America, no matter what is happening around us.
We are blessed beyond belief.
We are the greatest nation on this earth.
And it's very much because of our Veterans . . . who have fought for this incredible freedom we take for granted.
I pray that each veteran sense the honor given to them.
I GIVE THANKS TO EVERY VETERAN for the service they have offered, no matter what the job.
Veterans should be our heros, not singers, not athletes, not some glitzy TV personality.
VETERANS . . . may every day be YOUR DAY.
11-12:: THE END
I was watching an old movie while doing my daily 'jog' on the glider.
I'm up pretty high on the reps and have extended my 'travel' a bit more each week.
This exercise regimen will never end.
Daily exercise enables me to better digest my food but it also builds up my cardio function.
Unexpected benefits are a trim body and greater endurance along with greater balance.
Back to the movie.
Movies always END.
We know it is the end because each has the definitive words, "THE END."
"Of course it's the end", I tell myself.
The handsome hero kisses the beautiful damsel.
What more could be said?
If I think about it, I experience "THE END" in other parts of my life.
The end of each year brings forth fire works and grand celebrations.
That's the day of my birthday so I figure the whole world celebrates with me as I 'End" one more year of my life.
Our church follows the 'liturgical' year which begins with the Advent of the birth of Christ Jesus four weeks before we celebrate His birth.
We END the liturgical year the Sunday before these four weeks begin, usually in November. [This liturgical year ends early, Nov. 27. More on that later]
As we near the beginning of the 'end' of Jesus reign on earth we study scriptures on the 'End Times.'
Every year we read the same stories from different Gospels.
This year the story is in Luke 21.
The sky is falling.
Earthquakes, volcanoes, uprisings, catastrophes . . . and more.
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The beginning of the END |
We are currently in the "end times" that have yet to end.
The 'end' is when Christ comes again but the beginning of the end was when Jesus died, rose from the dead and ascended into heaven.
We've managed to survive thus far but in the mean time people's lives begin and END.
I prepare my soul daily, by giving glory and thanksgiving to God so that I am ready for my 'end' on this earth whenever it happens to come.
Hubby and I have experienced the death of close relatives for the past two years along with dear friends.
THE END was marked for them on this earth but their's souls live on.
So, even though the 'movie' of our lives might say, "THE END," God simply wants to make sure we make the choice to live eternally with Him.
The words, "THE END" may signify a pause from year to year, or a pause in the story of our journey but, with God, our time with Him will never END.
11-13:: PURPOSE
We all are called to a purpose in our lives.
That purpose may change as we mature, learn more about the world around us and seek to better
our lives and the lives around us.
Purpose is the motivation behind whatever we say or do.
One of today's scriptures [ Thessalonians 3:7-12] speaks to purpose . . . or lack of purpose.
". . . if anyone is unwilling to work, neither should that one eat."
". . . some are conducting themselves among you in a disorderly way, by not keeping busy but minding the business of others."
This letter to the new Christians of Thessalonica instructs those who have not focused on God's purpose for them to get back on track.
Instead of sitting around all day waiting for others to feed us, we should seek some sort of way to earn what others are giving us.
Instead of minding other people's business, holding disorderly rallies that fight the current stream of order, we should call upon God to help us become part of the solution.
Too often we see small groups of people disrupt our lives, dangerously, instead of finding a creative way to find a better solution.
The greatest PURPOSE we could have is to pray daily for God to stimulate our hearts and souls in order to love our neighbor as our selves by doing for others instead of doing for selves.
What a grand world this would be if we "purposed" to seek God's way in all things . . . to glorify God instead of ourselves.
Purpose: a wonderful way to live.
11-14:: My Little Room
I have a little room all my own.
It's called a 'study' and is filled with books and memorabilia that remind me of my life journey.
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A long distance shot. The meadow was filled with wild flowers. We did not go all the way to the top but got pretty close. |
I have a photograph of 'Key Hole' . . . a destination in the Colorado mountains that is thousands of miles above sea level where I hiked with my sister on her birthday, decades ago.
It was mostly a gentle stroll that began high above the mile-high city.
Part of the hike tested my endurance but my body was very ready to meet the challenge . . . which I did.
Other momentos, especially schooling certificates, mimic that climb.
I've chosen to face too many challenges to count.
Most have been a steady walk but, as I near the end of each 'journey' marker, I have faced many challenges.
When I sit in this tiny room, filled with memories, I feel affirmed of my decisions.
However, I don't sit in this room often enough.
I take my work out to the dining room table or a comfy chair since most of my work is on my portable computer.
Isn't that the way with with much of life?
I forget to surround myself with positive moments of overcoming challenges.
I forget to focus on God's purpose for my life that I actually grasped and accomplished and continue to accomplish.
Instead of dwelling on missed opportunities or 'empty life-spaces' or woulda, shoulda, coulda moments, all I need to do is sit in my little room.
I look at the shelves filled with memories and future possibilities.
I look at the walls, covered with pictures and documents of purpose-filled life-changes.
I love my little room.
I need to sit here more often.
11-15:: A Pleasant View
That's what the place is called.
Indeed they do have a very pleasant view from every window.
We live so near to this place that we never seem to think about what it offers.
So, today we decided to ask a few questions and take a tour.
We are way too young . . . famous last words . . . to move into a 'step-community' like this.
We have at least 15 more years to consider alternative living.
Or do we?
Since we have not children to 'pick up the pieces' so to speak, we have to think ahead.
What if one of us has a stroke and is debilitated for life?
What if one of us develops server dementia due to some injury or early onset brain disfunction?
We have insurance but sometimes, when devastation of a soul-mate happens suddenly, the mind is spinning too fast to make sense of anything.
It's a good idea to have some idea of 'next steps.'
So, we took the tour, as we did in another place being built as we speak.
We like the expanse of this place that has been here for several years.

We 'know' we will stay where we are until a life-change forces us to move.
Our 'pleasant' view is totally too amazing for words.
But it's nice to know that there is another place one or both of us can reside if this place becomes too difficult to manage.
God is always directing our paths.
All we have to do is be prepared for anything and move ahead as circumstances direct.
Wherever we end up, we know we will always have a pleasant view.
11-16:: A little clean-up
I thought it would take a few minutes . . . perhaps one hour at the most.
I've been cutting back the gardens around the house and cleaning them as the foliage died back.
It looked like there were just a few snips here and there and I'd be done.
I did not realize that my eye scans the panorama without identifying the quantity of work involved.
I forgot that, due to a complex commute to my job, I have not taken enough time to 'clean' the garden in three years.
That's right.
Three years.
The vines look like the sort that hid Sleeping Beauty.
Summer blooms hid the old foliage as new beauty burst forth.
Now that cold temps and several frosts have turned vibrant color into grays, tans and browns, it was time to really cut back, dig out leaves caught by bushes and get into the dense parts of the gardens.
Nearly four huge bags, filled with shriveled masses of whatever, currently sit out back patiently waiting for hubby to gather them on the next garbage day.
One hour in the garden turned into three.
I only stopped because drips and drops made their way from the sky onto my head.
Almost as soon as I put everything away for the day the rain stopped.
What I thought would be a "little clean-up" turned into a greater challenge than I thought.
I have little left to clean up so that the garden will be super ready for Spring blooms.
It's that way with our lives, isn't it.
We look at ourselves and think that a little learning here and a little attention to self there and we become totally complete, ready to embrace the world.
My life-garden has needed much cleaning up over the years.
I think I spend more time pruning plans, gleaning information for decision making and raking up experiences that might apply to my teaching.
Just when I think I have 'bloomed' in one area of my life I realize that some of my hair brained ideas are now a tangled web of weeds.
Just as a garden bursts forth with life each Spring and dies back to what looks like nothingness in the Fall, we know that the flora is simply hibernating for the winter.
In fact, after several years I find that some of my blooms are exceeding all expectations.
As I mature in my own growth I am slowly realizing that I also have matured.
Knowledge and experience are actually turning into small surprises of wisdom that I'm able to share with others.
I will forever clean out old 'garden' of habits.
Many have died and many have re-bloomed with extra 'color' each year.
Just like my garden, I continue to bloom, grow, die back in parts of my life and keep repeating the cycle as long as I can breathe.
A little CLEAN-UP is always a good thing.
11-17:: Whirl Away
This was a term my parents used when the entire family was 'called into action.'
The 'action' was cleaning the home, inside and out.
Not that it was ever that messy.
It was just mom and dad's way to get us all working together to make sure our rooms were really clean and common areas of the house were sparkling.
The 'whirl away' did not happen often but was always met with groans by us teenage siblings.
Once our rooms passed inspection [bed made, clothes off the floor, closet in good order and desk and shelves given some semblance of order] we were each given a 'family' chore.
We could opt for inside or outside.
It seemed like the chores took forever but actually, after two hours, everything was spic and span.
Mom usually treated us to a special lunch which added to our sense of satisfaction for a job well done.
That's how hubby and I live now.
We make sure the house is in good order at the beginning of each day and try to take time for a whirl-away weekly.
We have been doing extra 'whirl away' chores all week to make sure everything is in order for our long winter.
Up early, we looked at our long list of 'chores' from phone calls to more yard work to running errands, doing laundry and completing tasks necessary for some semblance of order in the house.
We are 'chipping away' at a list of long overdue projects that are slowly being completed.
After a very long day we 'whirled away' ourselves . . . into bed . . . far earlier than normal.
It's a great feeling to check several more projects off the 'list.'
We have about two more weeks to 'whirl' and then we will be done.
What a wonderful sense of accomplishment.
11-18:: Away we go!
Didn't Jackie Gleason say, "And away we go . . . " as he went forth on another crazy adventure?
Our plan to take one adventure weekly seems to have derailed.
So, we decided to turn one complex task into an adventure.
Hubby loves, and needs, a specific IKEA pillow.
But IKEA is a 1.5 hour drive from our abode.
The beautiful weather and glorious foliage invited us to enjoy the long drive.
Fresh air, vibrant colors, pristine skies and easy traffic drew us into another world.
Walking the expanse of IKEA and dining on Swedish food was an additional delight.
We checked off several other items on our 'whirl away' list as we enjoyed another very long day.
We felt less tired and enjoyed a lovely evening.
Perhaps we need to make having a weekly adventure just as important as our 'whirl aways?'
We are refreshed: mind, body and soul.
We already have our next week's adventure planned.
It's a hum dinger.
"And awayyyyyy we go!"
11-19:: Surprise!
Today was suppose to turn sour with cold temps and rain.
I was surprised by the balmy, sunny day.
The berries are full ripe and ready for winter! I'm keeping St. Francis, made of metal, outside for the winter. |
I try to do this each day.
Hubby lives by lists.
'Just in case,' he usually says.
Let's get this and that done just in case we can't do it tomorrow.
So, having completed all our outdoor chores, we were able to actually enjoy the day.
We walked, raked the extra leaves and took our time with the few chores we needed to complete.
By 'planning for the worst' we did not panic when the wind picked up and a late afternoon storm swept in.
Did it ever blow!
We were ready.
We enjoyed reading by the fireplace, sipping tea and giving thanks for a cozy home that has been well prepared for winter.
11-20:: Christ the King!
This last Sunday of the liturgical year celebrates the greatest sacrifice God gave mankind.
Christ crucified.
King of the Jews.
King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
In the Old Testament, King David, who became king after Saul, was what the Jewish people wanted.
They wanted to have a King with 'skin on.'
They wanted to have a human leader like all the pagan tribes surrounding them.
God warned His people that a human king would take and take and would give little in return for what the people would give up.
But, they did not listen.
Judah had a few good kings, like David, but even David grieved the Lord with sinful behavior.
Yet, it was David's heart that kept him close to God.
Israel, the northern part of this tribal nation, where ten of the twelve tribes resided, had not one good king.
In fact, God's 'Promised Land' was a divided nation.
Sin was rampant.
God seemed to be a mere convenience to pray to when the Jewish nation ran into trouble.
Yet, the Jews were and still are God's chosen people.
God never gave up on them.
After hundreds of years God provided the Jewish nation with an eternal king, One who is both human and divine . . . born of the virgin Mary . . . suffered under Pontius Pilot . . . was crucified, died and was buried . . . is risen from the dead and ascended into heaven.
We celebrate the cycle of life of Jesus twice in twelve months.
Today we celebrate the second cycle, the life of Jesus, as we give praise and thanksgiving for the risen One of God . . . our eternal Christ the King.
11-21:: Blown away!
For days wind has whipped against windows and swooshed down vents.
I could feel a cool breeze pressing down the chimney of the dormant fire place.
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Our neighbor's tree emptied it's leaves. It now stands nearly bare a day after I took this picture! |
We know it was ours because we are one of very few in the community who subscribe to the Wall Street Journal.
The sound of wind puts me on edge for some reason.
I tense up and it seems as if my bones become stiff.
Perhaps it's a natural reaction to plummeting temperatures and 25 mph winds?
I was actually brave enough to open the front door for about ten seconds to chat with hubby who, BTW, loves this kind of weather.
Good for him.
As much as he loves this weather, I marvel at how bundled up he was in scarf, hat, mittens and a thick layer of clothes under his windbreaker togs.
He will only have a couple more weeks to be 'blown away' so he might as well enjoy it.
As for me, I choose to stay inside and bake hubby a blueberry pie.
He was not only surprised but he was 'blown away' by my kind deed.
You see, it is the very first blueberry pie I've ever made.
There are many ways one can be 'blown away' and baking a pie seemed the easiest.
It was FUN and far more inviting that warring with the wind.
11-22:: All Alone.
Today I was all alone for at least four hours.
Before I retired there were many days when I never saw hubby until the evening.
With retirement came this unspoken 'pact' that seemed to say to hubby, "I will be with you wherever you go and in whatever you do."
Hubby has delighted in being with me all day, every day . . . after day . . . after day.
I also enjoy being with him as we run errands together or study or whatever.
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So many options today. I love symbol of choice. |
Most people might say, "How sweet that they are together 24/7."
Yet, we all need a break at some time.
Today was our 'all alone' day.
Hubby was thrilled to take the car for an inspection and sit for hours.
In the back of his mind he had already rewarded himself with a Chinese Buffet.
He ran a couple errands, ate his favorite foods and took a few detours from his planned chores.
I had empty space . . . to do anything I wished.
Of course all my girlfriends were preparing to leave town to visit their children.
So, tea with a friend was not gong to happen.
I could choose to read one the three books I have not yet finished,
OR finish some projects.
I decided to finish projects as they really needed my full attention, without the distraction of "honey, look at this . . . honey, what about this . . . honey, can you help me with this?"
I could not believe how much free, uninterrupted time I had.
I was in heaven!
Don't get me wrong.
I adore my hubby.
But there is nothing that beats 'being alone' for a few hours.
In fact, we actually had fun stories to tell each other over dinner.
It seemed like the 'good old days' when we only had time to share our adventures every few days.
We both felt refreshed, invigorated and filled with tidbits to share with each other.
11-23:: What About This?
After several years of 'sitting' on STUFF, we began making drastic decisions.
Keep, Throw or Give Away.
Those are the options.
Of course, I am the little packrat who says "We might need this some day."
Hubby is the 'tosser' who tends to throw out any piece of paper that sits in one place for more than a day.
I am reminded of the ditty, "Jack Sprat could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean.
And so between the both, you see, they licked the platter clean."
This is true for us in many ways.
First, he hates frosting and I love it.
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I'm even gleaning pictures. This one is a little fuzzy but I love the sense of Fall. It is even hard for me to edit pictures |
Fortunately, we are both trim due to my daily work-outs.
In the same way, hubby's frequent tossing and my resistance has worked out quite well.
Hubby reminds me to purge as often as possible and I remind hubby to keep things at least a week . . . perhaps longer . . . if it is an item I know he will want to use later.
We have found that we use certain items in cycles.
If, indeed, we have not touched a piece of paper or an item for a few years . . . out it goes.
I use to purge my office of piles of papers every six months but I have not done so for three years.
One reason is my job was so consuming that used spare time for gardening or taking adventures with hubby.
The other reason is that I am trying to use less paper so use 'digital' filing as much as possible.
I have thrown volumes, saved little and have piles of clothes and trinkets to give away.
We have kept some lovely items far too many years.
Now we pack to go south for awhile so our same questions is:"What about this?"
It's a great question to ask our souls if we hang on to negative emotions or thoughts.
Do I keep it or toss it or give it to the Lord who can take care of it nicely . . . if I don't relinquish it and stuff it back into my soul. "What about this, God?"
We are filled with THANKS for so much God has given to us.
In fact, this entire blog is about Thanks-giving as I praise God for our daily abundance.
We still have our health and ability to go on wonderful adventures so, today we are off on a special jaunt.
As we enter the garden from the information center we see a small rendition of the main theme of this year's garden. |
Longwood Gardens is a long drive from our house but we manage to visit this glorious delight every Thanksgiving to see the first of the winter decorations.
(We also make sure we visit in Spring or Fall to enjoy a completely different view of the gardens.)
I loved this year's display because they used more natural colors for the season: Green, Red, White.
A picture says a thousand words so enjoy! I'll add pictures here and there over the next several days.
Close up of hubby's favorite tree . . . filled with rose buds. Each is tied so it will dry nicely over the next several weeks. |
Here is the tree. Notice the ball of white flowers and the grass. We are inside the Conservatory. |
Today we move slowly, trying to identify tasks that are absolutely necessary as we complete our long list.
I sit by the fire on this murky, drippy day . . . so perfect for catching up on writing.
I have another blog I have not accessed in since April:
Linger Longer with Gail
I'm realizing that this 'daily' blog (Daily Graces from God) is getting much too long for my daily musings.
I ought to use three sentences each day at most.
When I feel long winded, and have plenty of time, I can LINGER a little LONGER on my other blog.
I'll take a bit of a break at the end of this month and then begin again, in December, with another format.
In the mean time, I'm going to finish reading my four books and do some hand-writing in my notebook.
Here is a tree in its natural setting. |
I add color by highlighting words or phrases or by drawing simple pictures.
There are so many ways to linger a little longer with thoughts that overflow from my soul.
We are changing many routines so I might as well change writing habits.
All in all, I love to linger longer with so many delights beyond writing.
Perhaps I will discover new ways to linger a little longer each day.
It will be interesting to see what unfolds.
11-26:: Birds of a Feather
I looked out the backyard window where I see the great expanse of meadow where birds can feed to their delight all year.
Much to my surprise I saw well over a dozen Robins feasting on our Winterberry bushes.
Every spring I wonder why no bird has even pecked at these ripe red morals of delight.
But today, after seven years of watching these bushes grow, birds were in a frenzy.
Two of the three huge bushes had already been consumed!
What's going on?
A couple hours later I figured it out . . . after temps dropped and chill winds swept in.
Not a bird to be seen.
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These bushes lasted through last winter's huge snow storm without being eaten. |
Birds know, deep down, when it is time to prepare before they hide in the warmth of a fur tree.
They prepare themselves, almost automatically, for those times when they must hunker down . . . at least until those northern gales slow down to a breeze.
Are we prepared?
Matthew 24:44 reminds us that we must be prepared . . . prepared for the coming of Christ . . . prepared for a major change . . . from life on this earth to life eternally with God.
We never know what will happen in our lives and we do not know when God will send His Son back to us to take us into His everlasting arms.
The least we can do is fill ourselves full with God's glory, with affirmations that will sustain us through challenging times, with words of hope and expectations so we do not fear the unknown ahead of us.
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Closest I could get to a robin. Plenty of food here! |
If we practice the precious 'presence' of God and believe in our hearts that God raised Christ from the dead, only to 'come again,' we are well on our way to being prepared for the unexpected.
Just like the swarming birds, we also can swarm around and consume the food that feeds our souls . . . the Word of God . . . the stories and affirmations that remind us that God is with us . . . always . . . forever . . . if we choose to believe.
11-27:: A New Beginning
It's time to begin another 'liturgical' year as we prepare for the Coming . . . the Advent . . . of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
John, the baptizer, proclaimed to all the Jews to "prepare the way for the Lord," before the advent of Christ Jesus as he began his ministry.
Advent brings changes in light, sound, color and so much more to stimulate the senses. Purple: majestic and prayerful, is the color of this season. |
Is the celebration really focused on Christ?
Christmas has been smothered by political correctness.
We now hear of a 'holiday' tree.
Brave Christians now wear pins to remind people that they can say Merry Christmas.
We can also say, Happy Hannukkah.
There are many celebrations this time of year and they all point to giving and goodness and LIGHT.
This very dark time in our lives, and very dark time of the year needs new light.
We prepare for the Light of Christ by lighting the FIRST CANDLE of ADVENT.
No matter where we are hubby and I take a moment each Sunday of Advent to remember the new beginning. . . Genesis 1:1, John 1:1 "In the beginning . . . "
We prepare for the Light of Christ to enter this world . . . as we prepare for the Christ - Mass.
11-28:: Be Prepared
And so we begin this season with many preparations.
Hubby and I spend dedicated prayer time together each day.
It's a time to stop the computers, slow down, breathe deep and take a moment to give THANKS to God.
Another photo from Longwood Gardens The music theme reminds me of the sweet songs of the season pointing to the 'coming', the Advent, of Christ. |
I pre-prepare a meal for guests who will arrive tomorrow.
The house is clean, the food is purchased, the table will be set with care and we will linger a little longer in conversation and sharing of memories.
We also prepare for a move to a different abode for a few months.
All these preparations, in the midst of changing weather and less light, make for busy days.
Yet, if my soul is prepared for change everything seems to fall into place.
My daily schedule of early up, a quaint Amish phrase, quiet time with God and my exercise regimen make me ready for whatever surprises come our way.
It also helps to remember to, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." Prov. 3:5-6 is my life verse so I repeat it often . . . sometimes many times in a day.
This verse helps me 'be prepared.'
11-29:: We Gather Together . . .
"We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing . . . " one of my favorite hymns that is sung at
Thanksgiving services.
Our 'thanks-giving' meal was moved to today so that we could enjoy two other couples who also work in churches to spread the good news of Christ's love and redemption to all who choose to listen.
Non-stop talk, laughter, hugs, great stories, uplifting affirmations, and just being together lifted our spirits high.
Hubby and I are blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful people but when the six of us got together we were able to share theology and discuss doctrine that might be difficult for many.
We used jargon that pertained to our denomination, which is confusing for the many 'plain' denominations surrounding us.
Sacrament, saint, alb, ambo, corporal, purificator,vestment, pix, burse, cotta, surplice, cassock, stole, chasuble etc.
Husbands and wives, all with different gifts, serve the Lord with gladness but too few times do we gather to share experiences, both happy and sad.
Three are preachers and pastors, one is an organist, one helps teach bible study and theology and the other leads the children and youth.
We gathered together to enjoy a simple feast of bread, soup and salad but left feeling full to overflowing.
It's amazing how gathering together with the Lord's blessings can lift our spirit for quite some time.
11-30:: Rain, Rain, Come . . . and Stay.
Usually rain is a major inconvenience for me.
I dislike sloshing around in wet.
This is what our beautiful Leland Cypress should look like but it is basking in the fullness of a good soak. |
But, it's not summer.
It's almost December.
We have been blessed with somewhat balmy temps the past few days.
This two days of rain could have been mounds of snow.
We should be shoveling right now.
Instead, I'm cleaning out every single cupboard, throwing ingredients I've had too long, re-arraning the kitchen so that less is on the counter and thoroughly enjoying the sound of water running down the spouts as it flows off our roof.
It's a perfect 'work' day . . . inside.
I love rain when it should have been snow and I'm glad the flora is receiving a deep drink before winter ice sends them into dormant sleep.
I also love that the rain is now instead of a few days from now when we will be traveling.
God's is looking out for His Creation . . . and us.
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