The gushing rain is finally cooling the air.
Humidity is so high that plants that did not catch water (on the porch) are still quite wet.
The Japanese beetles seem to be fading from sight but my rose bushes still look bedraggled.
There is hope on the horizon as I prune around red leaves that will soon burst forth new blooms.
The last month of summer as far as I'm concerned.
Lavender re-blooms.
Roses get a third burst.
Day-Lilies are done.
Herbs are ripe for picking.
Farm-fresh vegetables are in ample supply.
We enjoy fresh vegetables daily, especially since they are picked from the farm behind the farmer's store.
Cicadas roar as their leg-songs travel through the quiet air.
Our third set of birds are just about to leave the nest - all three of them.
I linger longer on the back porch as often as possible and watch, listen, smile, enjoy all God's gifts of nature before me.
I consider myself the most blessed person in the world to sit in a safe place and watch God's creation bloom, grow, burst forth and continue to regenerate.
All Good!
August 1, 2016 . . . A new month, a new day, a new resolve.
Today is the first day of the rest of my life.
So what am I doing about it?
Hubby and I have teamed up for a day of activities that will add one hundred miles to the odometer.
It's a beautiful day to drive through the countryside as we go from place to place.
The car gets checked to see if the small glitch means a repair.
We are good to go.
I'm having physical therapy for a shoulder injury that is catching up to me.
I call it my 5000 mile check-up.
Asses here, press there, learn new exercises, create new patterns of movement for my head when working on the laptop (cause of most of my pain).
Back and forth we go as I attend several sessions - each with new exercises to memorize and use for the rest of my life.
We visit our dear friend, Paul, almost an hour away in a skilled nursing unit.
He is rebuilding his strength so he can go home . . . alone . . . still grieving for his wife.
He is doing well, outgoing and now able to scoot along on his walker as if he were preparing for the Olympics.
Watch out for this little tiger . . . who will be healed of his pneumonia and gain leg strength.
It's the grief that presses into his body
We say prayers for healing, prayers to fill his soul with affirmations that the Lord is with him always
and will never leave him nor forsake him.
We drink and eat the Presence of Christ and share wonderful stories and laugh and feel joy and give hugs when we leave . . . and more hugs as we say good-by after he races us down the hall.
He'll be just fine.
He just needs time.
Grief, with heart-felt tears, and repeating the stories and sharing the loss, can bring healing . . .
He is in charge of how long this will take.
He has all the time in the world.
We will be there to listen.
Jesus will be there to hold his hand or carry him if the walk becomes too difficult.
"Miles and miles before we sleep, Miles and miles of memories to keep." (parts taken from Carl Sandburg's poem)
8-2:: The Daisies died.
I was hoping they would last another month but they sit in a very sunny spot along the upper fence.
Lush green leaves, tucked tightly together seem to show life.
It's the flowers, standing like black hats on sticks, that needed plucking.
My hope is to cut back the dead tops and maybe, just maybe, new blooms will spring forth.
After all, it's just now cooling off enough, and rainy enough, that it might happen.
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Nothing beats fresh daisies but they did not last long this year. This fence sits on top of our garden wall. We have a 'secret' garden below for all the neighbors to enjoy. |
Rose bushes, brutalized by Japanese Beatles, were trimmed just enough to grow fresh, red leaves, soon to send forth new blooms.
Daisies die but they bloom again.
The life-cycle of flowers reminds me that hope blooms eternal.
If our hopes get dashed, there is always an opportunity to see hope bloom forth again.
That's why I love working in the garden.
I'm reminded of hope that springs eternal as I journey with Christ Jesus.
I just keep 'blooming' just like my flowers.
God will do the rest.
8-3:: Morning meeting.
Most meetings are simply a means to an end - a way to get to the next step.
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Girlfriends, of every shape and interest, always fun! |
It's a gathering of women.
We take a moment out of our busy schedules to come together in order to find ways to encourage woman which, in turn, encourages each other.
We help fund women who choose to return to school to better themselves.
We share stories of overcoming, of reaching beyond the impossible to see possibilities.
It's the possibilities, even in the midst of difficult challenges, that spurs us on.
Even the most challenging story must include a moment of hope.
That's how the impossible becomes possible.
I've learned to hope in that which is beyond me, to hope on One greater than myself.
The One who shows me how to make 'impossible' become possible.
I just need to keep riding the roller coaster of life, encouraging others who also encourage me.
God is in charge of my path, even on a roller coaster.
8-4:: Porch Life
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I wish I could have enjoyed this porch in Cape May. Gorgeous. But I enjoyed one much like it in Mt. Gretna and did not take a photo. |
I have my little porch where we eat and where I linger for hours in the shade.
But a PORCH, a really big porch, that wraps around the front and side of the house is the ultimate in Porch Life.
I was blessed to enjoy a meeting on a HUGE, well furnished porch that overlooked other homes with the same wrap-around porches.
What a JOY!
It felt so GRAND.
Yet, it was just a porch.
It was very wide and held furniture in several 'conversation' areas so that many could carry on intimate conversations with a certain amount of privacy.
It also accommodated a huge slew of people who could all converse together if the furniture was placed in a certain manner.
It's a gathering place.
It's a lingering place.
It's a place to sway on the porch swing or rock back and forth as one watches the birds flit about.
It's a place to read, to meditate, to simply BE.
A warm breeze, a little time alone and soul-healing seems to take place.
I highly recommend finding a porch for lingering if at all possible.
It's the best way to renew JOY of the SOUL.
8-5:: Retreat
We are off to a retreat in a few minutes.
Hubby and I have not gone on one together in years.
We love the speaker, Nigel Mumford, who leads a healing ministry in Virginia.
What a blessing that he just 'happens' to be leading a retreat at a lovely convent up this way.
We look forward to quiet walks, active listening and healing prayer for one another.
We also look forward to hearing Nigel's ongoing story of how God has used him incredibly in the healing ministry.
He truly has the gift of healing, the gift of teaching, the gift of telling his story and all with a sense of humility I rarely see in one with such powerful gifts.
I pray I can learn something, drink in the Presence of the Lord and serve Him as He wills.
I might simply BE and not do a thing.
That would be fabulous but God is totally in charge.
I look forward to whatever comes to be.
8-6:: Sleep
Windows like this throughout this incredible home. |
Dorm beds.
Slabs of wood on short wood sticks
Slapped on top is a huge rectangle shaped like a mattress but feels like a metal door.
It's wrapped in plastic!
Every movement sounds like C R I N K L E, C R I N K L E, CRINKLE.
After the seventieth body movement we are exhausted from aching body joints and the thunderous sound of CRINKLE.
God lays His hand on us and fills us with solace enough to spend a few hours in sweet slumber.
Trumpet sounds from the hall greet us at 0-dark-hundred (not really but 7am seemed early)
I awake with a smile.
What a gift for some sweet spirit to arise early enough to wake us with reveille.
The day begins with thirty minutes of one person reading scriptures . . . s l o w l y . . . repeating them so we could tuck them into our hearts.
We walk to the mansion to be greeted by the two nuns who are in charge of this entire estate, and serving and cleaning and organizing the retreated scheduled two years in the future.
And then we listen to more of Nigel Mumford who shares incredible stories of healing, including his own after he contracted Swine Flu in 2009.
A grand stair case any princes wannabe would cherish. |
He has only been out of the hospital a week after his latest bout with pneumonia.
And here he was, cracking jokes in his soft Irish brogue.
Heavy words seep into our soul with an occasional reprieve of laughter.
God is so good.
I'm beginning to feel soul-strength.
The cloud of grief is slipping away after our small group gathers for prayer.
The art/writing experience enabled me to express the Trinity in a new way and how our Lord is with us always, guiding us, loving us, filling us with His grace, 24/7/365.
The evening focused on healing prayer.
Fr. Nigel anointed and prayed for each couple as hubby and I stood before him with our hands clasped as 'one.'
Then we all got into groups of three (with spouses in other groups) and prayed for each other.
A lovely time of learning for many and of deep prayer for those who are use to healing prayer.
Ahhhhh, most certainly I will sleep well tonight since I feel such a sense of serenity.
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'Mother Mary with child' outside main entrance. This was taken by Fr. Nigel. What a beautiful greeter for all who enter. |
The night was shorter than the last but I managed to rise at trumpet call.
Hubby needed more sleep.
I needed breakfast.
Meditation time, breakfast, a tour of the majestic estate on the property. WOW!
We stayed at a special conference center, built on the now-diminished estate of 40 acres.
St. Mary's of Providence is still an amazing expanse of well groomed open space with grottos and shrines and myriad Stations-of-the-Cross.
We celebrated Holy Eucharist after Fr. Nigel gave his last talk.
Off he went to catch a plane as hubby and I lingered beyond the last farewell.
We met Joanne, one of forty residents, each with their own 'attached villa' on the estate.
She pays low rent and gives of her extra time at the gift shop (there is always a gift shop).
She takes us into the grand expanse of the mansion and shares the story of its origin.
An hour later we slowly wind our way through pasture-land back into the big, crazy world.
What a gift from God, this weekend.
Fond memories will last as we seek guidance from the Lord as to how and where we will continue our ministry of healing prayer.
We have the heart and the desire.
God will show us the new direction He has for us.
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I forgot to ask if this was once a water tower for the estate. |
8-8::Doctor's appointments
Early up! Creaky joints don't want to move.
Best night's sleep we have had in three days!
Gotta move on to my fifth physical therapy session and drop hubby off at the eye doctor.
We scheduled our appointments so we would be finished at the same time.
I learned new exercises for my knee so that I could thwart ye old arthritis as it creeps more deeply into my body.
Hubby's eye appointment met hours-long delays but was well worth it.
This specialist finally diagnosed the malady and found a solution.
We both felt renewed spiritually after the weekend and physically after our 'doctor' day.
We realized that we are spending more time at doctor's offices each year.
Age is creeping in more quickly than anticipated.
Time to get back out into the garden and work out those kinks in ye old body.
I'll be darned if this 'age' thing is going to get the best of me.
We are so very blessed to have such good doctors and great solutions as we decay ever-so-slowly.
The grand foyer with three flights of stairs always well lit on a sunny day. Who would ever think of stained glass on a roof? Love it! |
I thought I could linger a bit before our departure but all the exercises kept me busy.
Garden time was refreshing . . . a time to be silent and watch the bugs wake up and catch more Japanese beetles while they were still snoozing.
My container of bubble-water filled up with bugs as I captured these unsuspecting rose-lovers.
Clean up, fix hair, wear nice clothing, prepare to sit through a lecture on senior living for boomers.
We're already in a nice place where we could stay for another ten years.
However, we are always vigilant regarding 'next-step' living.
We thought it a good idea to educate ourselves on possibilities for a planned three-step community.
Much to our surprise, we were not the only ones at the luncheon-lecture.
In fact, most of the first phase housing of this new community were already sold.
Let's sign up for phase two, we say.
That will give us at least two years to adjust to the idea.
We soak up information, we scrutinize all the possibilities, we linger over floor plans and wonder about the few sites that are still available in phase one.
After a full day of appointments and errands, we settle into our lovely home and think a bit more.
I look out the back window, now dark with evening shadows of our garden.
The view is breathtaking.
How can we ever leave this incredibly serene place of beauty?
We will pray long and hard about this change.
Is it time yet?
We are already experiencing other major transitions.
Perhaps we need to S L O W down . . . s l o w d o w n . . . s l o w d o w n.
Simon and Garfunkel's phrase, "slow down, you move too fast, you gotta make the morning last . . . "
Too many times this comes to mind over the past year.
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Fr. Nigel Mumford repeated this throughout the conference. He posted this on his Facebook page so I give him credit here. |
Whatever happens will be right at the right time.
8-10::Breathe deep.
I awake with visions of villas in my head.
I'm anxious to look at the blue prints again.
Then I come out to my little porch to watch the sun rise and linger in the misty air of summer.
Fresh air,
Rolling hills.
Huge green balloons of trees divide acres of farm land as far as the eye can see.
Cicadas sing too loud to think clearly.
Breathe, smile, pray.
Roses ready to pop for a third time.
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Fr. Nigel took this shot of the old entrance to the mansion. Such a majestic entrance that is no longer used. I wonder if our life on the outside seems majestic but we choose not to be used by God. |
No more birds to watch. They grew up and flew away while we were gone.
Hosta - green, variegated, HUGE, full, next to geraniums and mounds of herbs all over the garden.
This is what summer is all about.
Thank you, Lord, for time to reflect, linger, drink in your presence.
A great beginning for a busy day.
8-11:: Running the race.
I'm working on words for Sunday.
Amazingly, Hebrews 11-12 talks about faith and running the race with perseverance.
Building our faith in Christ takes perseverance, faithful pacing, endurance, fortitude.
I watch the Olympics and see the same qualities.
in these gifted athletes.
They have devoted their entire lives, thus far, to a goal for the gold.
They have focused on their passion as they endure challenges beyond my imagination.
Sacrifice, pacing, endurance, fortitude, pressing into the pain and so much more has surrounded them as they move forward toward their goal of winning.
As a Christian, that is what I am called to do.
Some days I feel the pain of others' unbelief and disdain for God.
My heart hurts but I must 'press on toward the goal for prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.'
8-12:: A friend's request.
HOT, humid, sultry-wet greets me on the back porch today.
I linger less as the heat consumes me.
A day to remain inside?
Breeze fills the stale air.
I linger a bit longer later in the afternoon.
I reflect on a dear friend's request.
"Will I help lead women as we build a stronger relationship with Christ?"
I smile deep inside.
WOMEN OF WORTH MINISTRIES is my first love.. .
I've kept this ministry on the shelf for awhile as I minister in other ways.
Perhaps it is time to dust off the practices that assure women of Christ's unconditional love and show them how to have a deep personal relationship with our Lord.
There is so much to juggle this Fall but when it comes to teaching others to grow in Christ I am all IN.
My heart burns with joy as the heat of the day ebbs away.
Thank you, Lord, for your continuous whispers to help me remain focused on you.
8-13:: Olympics
I watch snippets of the games as I tend to daily chores.
The U.S. gold medalists are so totally the focus of the TV anchors that we rarely get to experience americans who have won silver or bronze (unless a gold medal was expected).
Have we become specialists in winning?
What about ALL the winners who have been chosen to enter the Olympic games?
Every single athlete should be commended for their years of sacrifice, perseverance and hard work throughout their young lives.
I wonder if any of us is leading a 'gold medal' life as we pursue with excellence whatever path God has set before us.
Did we choose our path?
Is it a good and fruitful path that may influence others to live with total focus on our first Love, the Lord?
Each of us is fully capable of 'winning' our personal olympics simply by persevering and striving to be the best at whatever passion we choose.
We don't have to be physically fit to excel.
We just need to remain focused, persevere, invite others to encourage us and keep moving forward.
I feel blessed that God is with me in everything, helping me to change direction if necessary.
I only need to continue maintaining my personal relationship with Jesus Christ in prayer and scripture meditation, take all my concerns to Him, continue my 'love relationship' with Him and keep moving forward.
So far, I have been blessed in every endeavor.
8-14 Give GLORY to God.
Katie Ledecky, Michael Phelps, Simone Manuel, Simone Biles and so many more give glory to God for giving them the right perspective as they win medals.
As we review today's scriptures, we see the many faithful throughout the old and new testaments who run the race and press into adversity while they drink in the strength of God through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Olympic winners, too many to count, give glory to God for their ability to do as well as they did.
Michael Phelps' story is the most profound.
Already the winner of numerous gold medals, he hit bottom and was suicidal two years ago.
While in a rehab facility, another athlete sent Michael a copy of Rick Warren's book, "The
Purpose Driven Life."
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A reconnection with his earthly father, who left when Michael was nine, helped to cement his 'new birth' in Christ.
Subsequently, Michael returned to this year's Olympics, as team leader, with a new perspective.
He returns home to marry and raise his three month old son.
It's a story for us all as we collect material possessions, high accolades or win the ultimate prize for hard work.
These "prizes" most likely will not give anyone the satisfaction we need for life-purpose.
Medals won, goals achieved and then what?
We need more.
We need our personal love-relationship with God through His son, Jesus, to show us life-purpose that will last an eternity.
In Hebrews we are reminded to 'run the race' but Philippians tells us how.
"Forgetting what lies behind and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the PRIZE of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."
To 'press on' with purpose, we need to remain focused on God's purpose for us.
His first purpose for us is to develop a personal relationship with Him though His Son, Jesus Christ.
In Jeremiah we are invited to "Seek Him and find Him when we search for Him with all our hearts."
This is life-long.
We who cling to God in Christ are already in the kingdom of God, heaven on earth.
Praise God we can win whatever earthly prizes we strive for and know we have already won the prize of eternal life with God in Christ.
8-15 Nourished by God
A friend sent the following to me via an email:
If you're spiritually dead, you won't want to read it.
If you're spiritually curious, there is still hope!
A Church goer wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper and complained that it made no
sense to go to church every Sunday.
He wrote: "I've gone for 30 years now, and in that time I have heard something like 3,000 sermons, but for the life of me, I can't remember a single one of them.
So, I think I'm wasting my time and the preachers are wasting theirs by giving sermons at all".
Much to the delight of the editor, it went on for weeks until someone wrote this clincher:
"I've been married for 30 years now.
In that time my wife has cooked some 32,000 meals.
In that time my wife has cooked some 32,000 meals.
But, for the life of me, I cannot recall the entire menu for a single one of those meals.
But I do know this: They all nourished me and gave me the strength I needed to do my work.
If my wife had not given me these meals, I would be physically dead today.
Likewise, if I had not gone to church for nourishment, I would be spiritually dead today!"
When you are DOWN to nothing, God is UP to something!
Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible.
If we cannot see God IN all, we cannot see God AT all.
B. I. B. L. E. simply means: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth!
8-16:: Physical fitness- my own personal Olympics
Most everyone is watching the Olympics either via television or via social media.
Who won?
When can I see the actual event?
In the mean time I am in the midst of my own olympic challenges.
Physical therapy.
Oh my.
It's been four weeks, twice each week, of stretching, pushing, pulling and resting my weary muscles.
I am finally realizing why I feel so tired half the time.
I had to reduce my protein over a year ago, really reduce it, most likely by 90%.
I was consuming protein when I was cold, when I was tired, when I wanted a snack.
I thought it beat sugar.
Turns out the my kidneys never developed properly and are working at half-function.
Protein was killing me.
Who knew?
So, I immediately began measuring grams and limited daily meat to a portion no larger than a deck of cards.
I can eat only a small amount of carbs and limit dairy products.
BUT I learned to fall in love with huge salads filled with yummy vegetables.
Summer is fabulous because we buy produce from our neighboring farm store - some items fresh picked within the hour, depending when we arrive.
Turns out, like anything else, my muscles were not being sustained well after my workouts due to so little protein in my diet.
I need to change how I exercise - no weights - loads of stretches and very intentional movements.
I still keep up with my cardio daily, which is a good thing.
Memorizing new exercises, faithfully following daily routines and enjoying my wonderfully active life is a challenge that makes me feel young at heart.
God is good.
Life is good.
8-17:: Fixing is painful
My body was just fine except for some sharp pain in my shoulder, hip and knee.
Little did I know that they needed 'fixing.'
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Another delight from Susan Branch. I need to take time with these essentials of summer. At least I can sip lemonade, eat cool treats and hang out with a good book. |
By FIXING my diet, I UNFIXED my muscles and used other parts to compensate.
Shortened ligaments?
So, the certified physical therapist begins to move my joints, massage the deep muscle knots and teach me umpteen stretches to teach my joints how to move properly.
The sessions have been fabulous with the extra treat of huge hot pads covering my right side for at least ten minutes after nearly an hour of pulling and pushing my body.
HEAVEN is laying quietly with heat on my side for much longer than the allotted time.
Zero pain.
. . . For about thirty minutes.
Actually, it's the next day that I'll feel it.
But today, after four weeks of hard work by my PT and myself (a dozen different exercises twice daily along with my cardio) I feel GREAT!
So why am I scheduled for at least four more sessions?
The next day I find out.
Read on . . . .
8-18:: Hubby Care
This card is created by Mary Englebreit. It sits on our dresser. We both put our heart into life. That includes helping each other. |
You know the drill.
I've been his CARE GIVER for 36 hours and, believe me, it has not been easy.
Making sure he drinks enough liquid and does not eat what's on the list has kept me on the alert the entire time.
It's because the process has become a bit more complicated.
I have little time to do my exercises but manage several in the waiting room.
By end of day when we arrive home, my leg and most of my right side feels like a thick block of wood that must be hauled around in order for me to walk.
I hobble home and plop myself in the chair while hubby takes the couch.
There we sit for three hours of Olympics!
One can get addicted to these.
Rest seems to have done the trick.
I sleep well through the night.
I know there is a lesson in all this.
This card, above, says it all.
When we put our hearts into each other, the payout is priceless.
We've won our own 'team' olympics simply by being each other's 'care partner.'
8-19::Gimpy Leg
I know I wrote about this earlier but it really does feel like a gimpy leg today.
I figure I will 'un-gimp' as I follow through with my morning stretches.
I linger in one of my favorite chairs, leg propped up. If only I could drag this out onto my little porch. |
I decide my cardio on the glider will do the trick.
Nice leg movement, much slower paced than usual, and I'll get the kinks out.
Driving the car to the farmer's place to pick up our weekly produce becomes a challenge.
Slow movements.
More stretching.
I give up.
My favorite chair, here I come.
Might as well watch some more Olympics - fun!
I have wasted the entire day with this gimpy leg but finally, at the end of the day, I feel that I am able to click a few keys on the computer and write about my day.
I am not complaining, mind you.
I'm just tracking my 'progress.'
We are so blessed to have a fabulous health system where we live, very good health and the ability to press through this aging process with a mild sense of dignity.
I am so grateful that I have forever-exercises to keep my body moving when it stiffens up.
I am NOT walking as if I have a gimpy leg because I remain intentional with every step I take.
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Now this is a little bit of heaven. I finally made myself sit outside. It's good to set both feet on the ground for a bit. |
When the pain is eventually gone, the brain still tells the body to over-compensate.
Thus, limpy, gimpy body.
No thanks.
I'm determined.
Tomorrow I look forward to walking to a friend's house just a block away.
I'll prove to myself that I'm back in the race.
I have my own olympic medals to win.
I will win if I am intentional, patient, continue to exercise properly and BREATHE.
All good!
It does not hurt to pray, daily, for the Lord's healing hand on my body as others help it along.
I'll take all the healing I can get so why not ask the one who knows me intimately, the Lord.
It's in the pain and the gimping and the awkward struggles that I feel closest to God because I'm praying, connecting intimately, throughout each day.
Thanks, Lord, that I feel so close to you when I'm hurting the most.
If we read Ecclesiastes, we may sense that the author is telling us that life is meaningless.
In fact, the word is repeated 40+ times.
The best translation for this word, "Hevel" is not meaningless but SMOKE.
Life is like walking through smoke.
We may grasp images but when we grab them they are intangible.
They melt, eventually becoming nothing, meaningless.
We cannot see through smoke but we know what is in the midst of the smoke exists.
We just know it because sometimes the smoke clears and we can see what is uncovered.
Yet, most of the time we live in HEVEL, smokiness of life.
We can't see beyond it . . . the future.
We have walked through it . . . the past.
We must trust each moment, cherish it, drink it in . . . even if we cannot see clearly through it.. . . the present.
I need to take time to smell the roses EVERY DAY! |
Actually, the author is quoting the 'critic' who tells us that life is never going to go as we plan and at the end we die.
Pretty negative thinking.
No matter how hard we study, how well we live, how much money we make, circumstances will inevitably change our life-plan.
We can count on nothing, says the critic.
It's best to open our hands and let LIFE fall through our fingers.
Embrace those special moments with friends.
Enjoy a beautiful sunrise.
Let the sun rest on our face for a minutes.
Breathe deep and enjoy a beautiful day.
Then the author adds a summery note:
Fear the Lord and live by God's Commandments.
Fear = AWE
As our relationship with God grows more intimate, we better understand the awesomeness of God.
God's Commandments are a 'plumb line' for basic living.
Only when we develop an intimate relationship with God through his gift to us, Jesus Christ, can we begin to understand God's massive, expansive, impossible love for us.
Only when we are willing to walk daily through HEVEL, trusting that God has paved our life path, can we embrace the glorious mystery of LIFE that God has in store for each of us.
TRUST the HEVEL, the smokiness of life, trust God's plan by taking one step at a time and by giving glory to God for each moment of our existence.
We only have one life to live.
LIVE IT and enjoy!
8-21:: Abbey and Nikki win the better prize.
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Nikki helps Abbey at the end of the race. |
The incident with these two went viral.
I'm not really on social media but I do receive blog-notes from others.
Olympic runners trip, fall, pile on or run over each other.
Ordinarily, they do not stop, pick each other up and wait until the other is ready to run again.
Abbey was tripped by Nikki, who was tripped by another runner who kept running.
Abbey stopped to make sure Nikki would get up and finish the race so she could qualify for the next race.
And they both did finish.
They had never met before but, in an instant, a life-long bond was made.
Abbey knew something was wrong with her leg so she PRAYED TO THE FINISH LINE.
She knew she could not make it but God would move her to the finish line.
Nikki finished a full twenty seconds earlier and waited to grab Abbey with a hug.
Abbey fell to the ground in extreme pain with a torn knee ligament.
Surgery and estimated six months to recover and she is JOYOUS!
Abbey gave glory to God and so did Nikki.
They said they would not trade that moment for anything.
Sometimes tragedy can turn into the best moment of our lives.
That's what Abbey and Nikki think.
Think about it.
Had this not happened, they would have run the race, too far back to receive medals, and their life stories would never be known....
. . . giving glory to God for their ability to run would never be known.
God gets the glory and so do Abbey and Nikki.
What a PRIZE.
8-22::She died
It's always a surprise to receive a phone call regarding someone's death.
She was 92 so I should not have been surprised.
It's because she lived so long, with her mind long gone.
Her body just kept going and going and going.
Always the socialite, the 'Queen' of the world, she lived as one summoning her 'court' to her side daily.
It's good to be Queen - created by ME Mary Englebreit reminds women to be Queen of Everything. |
. . . as were many women who were raised in her day.
She, like so many others, was raised to be THE woman of the household.
She married well, lived well, raised fine children and assumed she would receive high accolades for 'a job well done.'
Her eldest child took very good care of her, throughout her endless demands.
There is something about a first born son.
He remains 'first' in any mother's eyes.
Her son lived up to her expectations "in spite of marrying someone."
Some mothers find 'competition' when their son marries.
No worries here.
Daughter-in-law is gifted with God's endless grace.
Over the years she swallowed 'suggestions' and pressed into a love that was very demanding.
She gave and gave and found some 'boundaries' were essential if her marriage to THE son was to fare well.
The marriage bloomed, son and daughter-in-law continued to exceed mom's demands and challenges of aging.
They could no longer care for a mom whose mind had eroded so greatly that she was a
danger to herself.
They moved her into a beautiful, loving care community and visited often.
Daughter-in-law provided weekly communion, prayers, and listening time for mom and others in that community who were 'home bound.'
And then, one day, loving son and wife went on a much needed vacation.
Mom knew, deep inside her soul, it was time to let go of life.
Faithful son and wife returned after just a few days away and watched as life ebbed from mom.
A long journey for all of them moved into a new realm.
No longer the Queen of her court on this planet, Mom is now with many 'queens' who are now with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
She is rejoicing in a new realm, a new kingdom, a new place created just for her.
She is now giving with others as they sing endless praise to God, our King, the Lord, Jesus Christ.
My most favorite flip-flops which I wear inside all year. |
Without them, our movements are limited.
The para-olympics are coming up soon and we will see how a curved piece of metal, attached properly to a leg, can propel a runner in a race.
Because of the unending war [yes, war] on the other side of the world, we see more men and women who have lost arms, legs and, of course, feet.
If they can move beyond their emotional devastation, which can be insurmountable, there are endless means to propel them forward through life.
This thought comes to mind because hubby just returned to the foot doctor.
The big toe, the main balancing point of our bodies when standing, is in need of repair.
The foot doctor is able to apply his skill and intelligence to solving the problem.
Toe remains, nail goes, we wait and watch to see if the toe heals.
Far more simple than what our maimed soldiers are enduring.
How can one body part, a toe or even a foot, change one's life?
It happens.
Life happens.
Not so easy when it happens to each of us, individually.
That's where our walk with the Lord comes in.
Disasters happen.
Our we prepared?
A toe?
A foot?
Not so simple but fixable.
A devastated perception of self - only faith in One beyond our human power, One who loves us more than we can even understand, One who gave His life so we could endure without a toe or a foot or with any number of handicaps.
Only when we build a relationship with the One who loves us beyond measure can we ever be prepared for what ever devastation comes our way.
I think of the millions of Christians who have lost their lives or have fled their homes, who are in refugee camps or are hiding in caves, not knowing what will happen next.
They would gladly give up a toe or a foot for freedom to worship the Lord, for life in a safe place, for the simple act of living life.
A foot, a toe?
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I so love this shot that my sister took. Not a care in the world with BIG feet. |
The choice seems simple from my perspective.
For now, I must continue to embrace an intimate relationship with my Lord.
Only that intimate 'knowing', that intimate bond will help me to embrace whatever comes my way.
8-24:: John 14:1-6 . . . "Let not your heart be troubled, believe in God, believe also in Me," says Jesus. The passage then says, "In my Father's house there are many mansions . . . I go to prepare a place for you."
Later on in the passage Jesus reminds us that, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
Those are tough words.
That sure weeds out a heck of a lot of people who expect to be with the Father forever without recognizing Jesus as the path to the Father, as the Truth God sent to us, as the only life we can live forever.
I write words for a group of people who have been attending church most of their lives.
A dear one has died and we gather to grieve her loss yet celebrate her continued life with the Father.
How am I so sure? I'm not. Only God knows.
I do know that she faithfully attended church, absorbed the weekly Gospel message,
prayed with everyone and ate the 'presence' of God in Christ through receiving the sacrament of Holy Communion.
God's presence came into that bread and wine as the priest prayed for the Holy Spirit to come into the 'feast.'
This precious woman was 'present' for 92 years and truly did not have a troubled heart in the presence of the Lord.
To be in the presence of God, to know the way, the path of life is only through the Truth, the 'true God from true God', to claim this truth weekly, gave her life.
She breathed in life as she breathed in the presence of the Lord.
Her life continued when her body began to break down.
Her life continued when her brain began to lose track of time and space.
Her life continues today, in another realm that we on earth cannot truly comprehend.
Her heart continues to be free as she moved into another 'home' to be with Christ Jesus forever.
8-25:: Clip, cut, clean, done.
It is so nice to have someone cut my wild hair and make it look descent for at least one day.
I'm not complaining.
It's just that summer and humidity and working in the garden and 'doing' seems to prevent my golden locks from being smooth and shapely.
It's just nice to know that my beautiful hair can actually look beautiful once in awhile.
First, I am blessed with hair!
Second, I am blessed with an attitude of freedom, for the most part, so to not take too much time fiddling with my hair.
I really don't care what my hair looks like on most days.
That said, for me, a woman, it is part of my adornment, like tiny strands of gray-gold
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The day began with 'good' hair but then humidity got the better of it and it frizzed a bit. |
One who knows she is a "Woman of Worth" needs to show God and others that she truly thinks she is a woman of worth.
That said, my hair reflects how I feel about myself.
Therefore, I try to keep it clean and fresh looking each day.
Some days the frizz might look like I placed my finger into an electric socket.
Other days I might look like the rain drenched my head and the hair dried instantly.
Just so I LOVE who I am and LOVE how God has made my hair - on a bad-hair day as well as a good hair day.
I love these good hair days.
I am feeling the need for much grace today.
L O N G day and will be up early tomorrow for the funeral.
Good night, sweet dreams, I'll be back tomorrow.
8-27:: A grand send-off
Beautiful music, treasured words, prayers and gathering to drink in the Presence of the Lord.
By inviting Jesus into our lives and making a special place for him, Jesus has created that identical place/space for us with him.
Resurrected LIFE is the WAY God leads us to and through the TRUTH.
Jesus said, "I am the WAY, TRUTH and the LIFE. . . . No one comes to the Father except through Me." John 14: 1-6
Powerful words that made us think about our own 'resurrection' journey.
"I have been baptized in Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit."
Death has no sting if I have made a place for Jesus in my heart.
As the Gospel of John says, "Let not your heart be troubled."
She is no longer filled with arthritic pain, her mind is now clear, she is released into 'new life' in the midst of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen
By the end of the service we were all rejoicing with the person who is now rejoicing in heaven and may even be looking down on our own limited world.
I spell it LOUD.
Nothing is more difficult than walking through a day of total silence.
No radio, no chat, no smart phone, no use of technology at all, no conversation other than a leader's instructions, if not already written on paper.
No journaling, no deep reading, no newspapers, nothing, nada, yet.
We were in community, conversing, talking about a SILENT RETREAT.
The "silent" word rung deep in my soul.
I have learned to spend hours without music, radio, noise . . . but I am usually reading or writing.
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Susan Branch makes these words look so easy. |
In fact, at night they seem to ring too loud for easy sleep.
But total silence with total LISTENING is a step I have not yet taken . . . for FOUR DAYS?
Yes. 4 days. That's what a friend did. A 4-day silent retreat.
She needed to search for new direction, for new purpose that included more time with her newly retired husband while she worked.
I can't imagine how she does what she does but she found time to take a 4-day silent retreat.
She also found answers, good ones, and was able to give ALL THE GLORY to GOD.
I so often experience a 'nudge' an 'inkling' a half-conscious 'knowing' from the Lord as he directs me into new spaces.
I feel I know his plan for me at this new crossroads for my life.
But, am I sure?
I could at least take a 1-day retreat . . . silently walking, praying, listening, BEING with my Lord.
I pray I can make time because I know the reward is unbelievably great.
I'll at least pray about this.
I smile.
I need to do more than pray but at least prayer will prepare my soul for the next step God has for me.
8-29::UP, down and sideways.
My physical therapy sessions have expanded to a point.
New exercises have my leg and arm going every direction.
My muscles seem to anticipate WORK and more trauma.
It's almost as if the muscles are saying, "slow down already, can't we have a break here?"
The knee is stable if not stiff.
No more buckling.
I'm stiff, sore, feeling quite old and hesitant going down stairs.
This staircase makes me dizzy - as if I were going all directions. |
YET, I know I am getting better.
I am strengthening the right side so that I may go into my 'elder' years walking tall and feeling confident when walking for long periods of time.
Strength training is not just for the body.
Strength training is also for the soul.
My daily 'exercise' of prayer, reading, studying for even a few minutes, helps me maintain soul-strength to face the day's events or challenges or simply walk tall and confident into what each day brings forth.
I feel good maintaining strength in mind, body and soul. . . knowing that God is right there with me through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Up, down or sideways challenges to body, mind and soul become easier each day.
Each day I look around at all we have in this wealthy nation.
The discount store is brimming with products and a reasonable price.
We pass homes with driveways filled with cars.
I look in my closet and find way too many clothes.
I seem to wear the same four outfits so why do I have so much?

Trinkets I've picked up over the past fifty years silently scream back at me: "What am I doing here?"
Each item has a memory from around the world, a story to tell.
But, I am the only one who knows that story.
Hmmmm, perhaps I will write a story about each item, take a photo and then give the item away to someone who would like it.
Only one problem.
All my friends are doing the same thing and the next generation would rather see my treasures in the trash.
Letting go of thing is first a mental challenge.
Once I put them in a basket and see the beauty of empty space, I am ready to tackle other shelves, closets, drawers.
THINGS: memory clingers, space hoggers, distractions from so much else that is important to me.
Time to begin getting rid of 'stuff' and enjoy more space.
Today was filled with appointments, swirling through errands and, finally, sorting through books.
These are not old, read books, mind you.
These are all the books I INTENDED to read over the past decade that were never even cracked open.
I see interesting books at a conference and buy them thinking I have all the time in the
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A GREAT idea - read and exercise at the same time! |
Well, I should have all the time in the world now that I am newly retired.
Why do I not find the time to read them?
I do find time . . . at the end of the day . . . when my eyes become blurry and and my attention span is about five minutes.
So, I decided to set a regimen for each day . . . just like I set aside time to exercise and study scripture.
Each day I will read 25 pages . . . no matter how long it takes me.
If, by God's grace I read more, I still read 25 pages the next day.
I set aside time in the morning and move another regimen to the afternoon.
That's why this blog may not get written some days.
My new priority is reading those wonderful books - many with deep theological discoveries that may be applied to my life.
I'm working on two books right now.
One is very deep and theologically challenging.
The other is written by my dear friend about her life in England as an American.
September should be a GREAT MONTH OF READING.
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