Iris blooms up North. |
The garden will bloom.
We'll all be outside more.
Spring blooms are fabulous.
It's too cold and rainy to take pictures but my soul drinks in the beauty.
We are on our way to summer!
Love it!
May 1, 2016
It would be a good day to rally around the May Pole but it's far too cold and rainy on this particular day. We still serve the Lord with gladness as we worship at a church we've not been in for years.
The beauty of the edifice draws my heart closer to the Lord as my soul drinks in the stories in the stained glass windows, the painted story on the walls and the gift of gilded glory given to the Lord decades ago.
I can see the Gospel message in the art as I hear the message from the preacher and read the message in God's Word.
All my senses have been touched by the Spirit of the Lord.
5-2:: Sun peaks out from dark skies half way through the day.
The meadow behind us is finally shaved of green, speckled with profuse yellow dots of dandelions. The sweet smell of cut grass lightens my heart.
Good weather is close.
We are excited about our short trip to Florida.
We will return to summer, I hope.
I love the colors! |
5-3:: Glorious fresh air greets us as we stroll down palm-filled lanes drinking in the foliage we have missed for nearly six months.
"It's good to be 'home'," I say to myself.
Smells, sights and sounds fill my soul as the warm breeze touches my face.
This is the best soul-food I could ever ingest.
Thank's, God, for enabling hubby and me to take this short break to warm our bones, invigorate the spirit and linger with so many dear friends.
This is a perfect place to be in May.
5-4:: A brisk walk on the beach in the morning and I realize that my entire body has atrophied. Where do I begin reclaiming muscle and toned skin?
Even though I feel as if I were aging rapidly, this ol' bag of bones can at least get back in shape.
The gulf waves lap against my legs as I plod down the beach.
This is my favorite place in the garden to meditate. |
Love it!
I time myself so that I can get a good cardio-walk in before hubby and I run errands.
Walking on sand, even near the waves, is challenging . . . which is good.
I feel muscles I have not used in a very long time.
Little did I know that a huge storm was headed our way.
At least we made one run to pick up a few things.
The rest of the day I could use to get organized.
I took my time and lingered at different spots as I watched the swells of rain pummel whatever it hit. FUN!
Hubby and I enjoy the beach - I'm behind the camera. |
They actually close their shops on this day we celebrate the Ascension of our Lord.
Jesus rose into the heavens to sit on the right hand of God, the Father almighty.
The church I've been at for nearly three years invites members from five other churches to participate in a worship service, with food afterwards, to celebration of it's namesake "Ascension."
I'm thrilled that they continue this tradition even though there is no rector in residence.
The people adapted well to this special day of celebration when I introduced the possibility a few years ago.
Makes me feel good!
Tonight we dine with a dear co-worker and his wife from years ago.
The succulents are great in winter |
We all have had our own wonderful journeys so there will be much to share.
So great to feel comfortable sharing our journey with those of like mind.
Not too often we are able to tell our story as we usually listen to others and love them no matter what their ideology.
Tonight we don't have to be "pc."
We can just hang out and ENJOY!
5-6:: Early up, as the Amish say. I meet with the 'group' this morning, as I do whenever I am down here.
It's been sixteen years since I joined them. "How am I maintaining my spiritual disciplines each week?"
"What spoke to my soul and, perhaps, changed my heart this week?"
We share life challenges and ways the Lord is guiding us through each day.
My dear friends are aging so gracefully but we all are seeing more physical limitations each year even though we each take very good care of ourselves: eat right, exercise, move through life with grace.
G R A C E . . . the greatest gift the Lord has bestowed upon me in my lifetime.
Thank you Lord!
It's never stationary, is it.
As I recall several days when I did not write, I wonder what took all my time away from this wonderful endeavor.
Walking the beach, visiting with friends who dropped in unexpectedly and running errands with hubby (which is his favorite event of each day).
There is also preparing meals - three times a day! We've opted to remain on a healthy diet while we are in this sunny and warm environment.
We've deviated from our protocol one too many times by snacking on this or that but, for the most part, salads filled with delicious veggies have been our mainstay.
This was a good day, filled with serendipity.
Kayaks everywhere! |
That's what the preacher emphasized today.
It's difficult to simply wait.
Stand and wait.
Sit and wait.
Be patient.
Wait for that elderly woman to hobble directly in front of you, blocking your path to the deli section in the grocery store.
Wait for that red light that seems to never turn green and when it does, it only lasts three seconds!
Wait for that package that was promised by a friend and most likely was delayed in mailing. Wait for frustration over a change in the venue to ebb and flow through those affected and then wait some more to talk about it.
There was much more to the sermon but I wondered about moms today, mother's day.
Decades of waiting as baby grows into teen ager and then into young adult and then into a self-sustaining contributor to society.
It's the nurturing and loving and breathing deep and "hanging in there" . . . that turns a precious bundle of joy into the joy and delight of all whom that child meets in a lifetime.
I've not been a mom to my own children but I've watched others be the best moms anyone could have.
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"Fresh Produce" makes such bright clothes. The blue cotton jacket is just right in the chill of the night. |
Hubby is taking his time this morning so I go shopping!
I find my favorite store, Fresh Produce, which I have not been in for a couple years.
Truly 100% cotton everything.
No synthetics woven into the fabric to help it stretch.
No poly-whatever in sight.
Simply cotton.
In bright colors.
Perfect for southern climate with hot days and high humidity.
I'm in heaven! Fun!
More errands to run, says hubby.
Always the hunter, we take the list and go forth.
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Natural vegetation in our back yard is a delight to the eye. |
putty to mend some holes, a new tooth brush and so many seemingly insignificant items that I could have easily done without.
"Let's have fun!" I Say.
OK, let's go eat at Chick Filet, our favorite restaurant that is not easy access for us up north.
So, I indulge in ice cream.
So much for the weight loss regimen I had planned.
Gone is my self discipline.
But it was so good!
5-10:: I'm up early to scope out the consignment shops for a few pieces of furniture that we will need eventually.
Why pay whole sale when I can get 'gently used' for almost nothing . . . or so I thought.
The furniture is overstuffed, HUGE, and over priced.
What happened to those days when one could go to thrift stores and find an absolute deal that only needed a little fixing?
I will wait patiently until next year when I have more time.
In the mean time we join dear friends for a meal at the Thai restaurant.
This Thai structure in the botanical garden would be a perfect place to eat our favorite food from that country. Lovely. |
5:11:: Catch-up day.
I've been walking the beach every single morning, even Sunday before church.
My body nearly died the first time so my walk was short.
I've been extending it each day.
Fun to get caught by a wave as I walk close to the water.
Early hours, when sun is not yet high in the sky, keeps me from 'overdoing' my time in the sun.
Yet, I am getting that vitamin "D" I so badly need.
My bones rattle and my joints ache but hydrating with plain old water really helps.
Another week of this and I think I'll begin to feel good!
Life is good and we feel so totally blessed each day.
5-12:: Zoo day!
We try to enjoy one special event on every vacation.
We have not been to the local zoo since hurricane Wilma destroyed much of it in 2009!
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This giraffe loved eating bunches of lettuce while five other males did not want to bother taking leaves from children eager to feed them. |
Only animals rescued or born in captivity in the United States are in this zoo.
Many were sent here after being hurt or abandoned or in need of gentle care like elderly monkeys. We learned their normal life span is 18-24 years.
These are in their 40's or 50's.
As one zoo guide told us, they have a southern home on the water (an island of their own on a small lake).
We learned so much about helping retain natural habitats and ways species are built up to avoid extinction.
5-13:: Our weekly Fourth-day group gathered again.
The stories were sad. Husbands aging rapidly and one near death.
Wives learning to wait patiently as hubbies struggle with their disabilities.
One has suffered from Parkinson's disease for 25 years, cannot see, is totally bedridden and eats little.
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This use to be by the highway in the 50s, drawing people into the zoo. After too many hurricanes, it was finally relegated inside the protection of zoo about 2004. |
He so loved to sing.
His days are numbered.
The other hubby is not that old but is suffering from a pulmonary disease that will all-too-soon keep him from breathing.
He never smoked.
He now struggles to walk a few yards and breathes oxygen 24 hours.
The other hubby is the oldest, 92, is full of spring in his step and joy in his heart but, because of glaucoma, is losing his sight.
It's hard for his wife to watch him struggle but he is determined to find his way around and actually does quite well.
And then there is hubby and me.
Hubby and I are so blessed to have our health and hope to age and become more frail at the same pace.
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Ibis are all over the place. |
God has been so good to us but we learn, from others' stories, to prepare for the time that one of us may be challenged by a health crises.
Enjoy the moment.
Seize the day.
Embrace tomorrow with the same joy as we know today.
We know we are blessed.
Thank you God.
5-14:: A quiet day to read and catch up with friends where we are staying.
We linger longer, listen intently, engage in another's life as she tells here story.
I feel I've gotten to know one more friend.
Then we go to our favorite outlet mall to take advantage of the sales - as much as 50% reduction! Shorts, T-shirts and a skirt for church.
Hubby and I got jut want we needed and nothing more.
Feels good to not want too much gut to have just enough.
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The town pier with an actual sunset in our own little niche of the world. |
We will see God's hand paint the sky with pinks and blues and grays with a red ball dropping quickly.
Love it!
5-15:: Pentecost!
The fiftieth day after Easter!
Pentecost was celebrated by all Jews with a required visit to the temple for sacrifice.
Fifty days after Passover celebrates the new grain offering as well as the giving of Mosaic Law to the Jewish tribes soon after their exodus from Egypt.
Centuries later, Pentecost gained new meaning when, fifty days after Christ's resurrection from the dead the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, was revealed to more than 3000 Jews listening to Peter preach in Jerusalem.
They believed and were baptized when the Holy Spirit, like a mighty rushing wind, came with 'tongues of fire' upon all present.
The Holy Spirit, our advocate, sent to all who believe ten days after Jesus ascended into heaven.
Botanical gardens are more beautiful each year. |
5-16:: A wonderful meeting this morning with a dear friend enabled us to share from our hearts.
Deep in conversation, my friend was late for her next meeting!
We won't see each other for many months but we anticipate new ministry together as we reach out to other women to grow deeper in our faith.
We left with a sense of excitement as we pray for clarity of purpose according to God's will.
Our stay in this sunshine state is coming to an end and my heart wants to stay.
However, I am also looking forward to enjoying the cool breeze of northern summer as I dig in my garden.
I feel blessed!
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I was going to show you my Bunad. But I saw this and could not resist. My sister took this shot several years ago and I still adore it. What more can I say! |
Everyone knows that!
I lived in Seattle and was single when I first experience this holiday.
Lots of Scandinavians up there.
Also, my aunt, who is now 103 and doing quite well, got me interested in our heritage.
Alas, the places I have lived since then have not even noticed the special day.
It is fun to look at my Bunad (Norwegian costume from the Rogeland region) and remember all those wearing theirs from various regions.
Each costume is different so that, when worn, people know where each family originated.
We also say good-bye to dear friends, prepare for our journey north and whisper softly, "We'll be back."
Although nordic, I so prefer the southern climate, just like my Danish mother.
We are so very blessed to be able to enjoy both North and South now that we are stepping into retirement.
5-18:: Travel.
It can be fun.
It can also be boring, like just getting from one point to another.
That's what I think of flying.
It is no longer fun.
Here is the Bunad I was talking about earlier. It took me seven years to sew each article and embroider each piece but it is now complete! |
It wasn't always that way.
For 15 years I was a flight attendant.
That's when we wore hats and white gloves to greet the passengers.
That's when first class was an elegant experience.
That's when coach passengers received a beverage with nuts and then a full meal on any flight more than an hour long.
That's when we were trained as 'hostesses' and this was our 'home' and we invited 'guests' into our space for a short period of time.
Now we board the plane like a herd of cattle and sit in tiny seats and hope to enjoy a beverage.
Now we pay extra for our luggage.
We pay extra if we don't bring our own headsets to enjoy music.
It rained so much over the past month that our little 'dell' is overgrown. We are high above this so mosquitoes are never a problem. |
We simply see our flight as a means to get home.
That said, we were very comfortable, all went smoothly, and we landed safely and on time.
Even going through security was quite simple and did not take too long.
Life is so different since I served others on a flight.
That's OK.
Life is good.
We are good.
God is most assuredly taking care of us.
5-19:: Unpack, wash, sort, put away.
The old routine never varies.
I repack the toiletries for the next trip and place travel essentials in my bag of
This is how my herb garden should look. It went a little wild while we were gone. |
Laundry, shopping for fresh produce and sorting through tons of mail and we are done with the day!
I am so glad that hubby loves to open mail and sort most of it into 'file thirteen.'
I have better things to do . . . like go out to the garden and pull three-foot tall dandelion weeds and herbs that got out of control and are tangled in my rose bushes.
The day warms by the afternoon as I adjust to this cooler climate.
We returned at the perfect time.
Thank you God!
5-20:: Another gorgeous day!
As soon as I finish my e-chores I'm on my way outside.
I have half the gardens left to clean up but weeds are not too bad.
I'm still waiting for the mulch that was suppose to be put down a month ago.
At least I can clear the weeds and, again, prepare for the mulch.
Then I'll make the call to our mulch guy (young and agile and works so fast).
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The Hasta are gorgeous this year. |
These old bones just have to submit to the younger set when it comes to crawling under bushes. Mulch makes gardening so easy and looks so pretty.
The Hasta are gorgeous!
My soul soars when I am in the garden.
Love it!
5-21:: I wake up with aching body but stretch the kinks out nicely.
I think I worked harder yesterday than I have since Fall when I last cleaned up the garden.
Five bags of debris later, the garden is all clean.
Hubby and I popped over to our local garden shop to pick up herbs for my 'Porch Pot' garden (more on that later) and a few annuals to put color in the garden until the day lilies bloom.
Edible geraniums and an edible form of mums perk up the herb garden that is already growing profusely with cilantro, creeping tarragon, oregano, butterfly bush (gotta have those butterflies), several kinds of sage and a few other herbs I can't recall at this time.
The garden is small but it's already lush with variations of green.
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This is what the garden should look like in another few weeks, hopefully. I can't wait for the Day Lilies to bloom. |
I ran out of steam after about seven hours of cleaning, planting, pruning and hauling bird baths, other garden features and, of course, St. Francis out of the shed.
I was so hoping to fill in the holes in the front yard with dirt and re-seed . . . AGAIN.
I did it before we left on vacation and, needless to say, no grass appeared.
However, rain has not stopped since early morning and 53 degrees is not my most favorite temperature.
Fixing the lawn will have to wait until Monday . . . or Tuesday if it is still raining.
That's OK.
I've had a fabulous day catching up on reading, studying, reflecting . . . and laundry.
I LOVE rainy days when I can stay home and enjoy time to myself.
Hubby was even super-busy with research and phone calls and exploring solutions to his never-ending questions about everything one can imagine, which he loves to do.
I take a moment to look outside, enjoy the garden and watch mama-bird feeding her young in the old, rickety bird house that I never did bring in last winter.
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Ye old bird house. I'm amazed it's still standing! |
They just do what they always do . . . take care of the present . . . as I try to do.
God's presence, celebrated in the present, is a gift to be cherished.
I cherish this rainy day and enjoy God's precious present, a restful day of reading and studying.
5-22: Trinity Sunday!
Celebrate the covenant community of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The Nicene Creed comes alive today.
We worship in one of the oldest churches in the area and breathe in the beauty of painted walls and ceilings, the massive and detailed "Stations of the Cross," and incredible stained glass windows that told stories of each of the Apostles.
It was hard to listen to the deacon share the sermon with so much 'story' surrounding me.
We love the Priest so were mystified that he did not preach on this very special celebration day.
We are blessed that grace filled this massive space that was packed with families.
I am so glad we visited and hope to return again.
It is such a blessing to enjoy various churches during this 'liminal' period as we seek a new church family.
5-23: I was so ready to plant flowers but the weather forecast changed a bit. "Scattered showers"
turned into a drippy, rainy day.
So, plan B!
Reading, indoor chores and simply enjoying the cool, drizzly day is the order of the day.
It's like taking a detour.
It's never planned but sometimes a detour invites us to explore that which we had not intended.
We discovered a stash of stuff that we can give away.
That's always a delight.
We are thinking of the future, knowing we need far less than what we have.
We are learning to live serendipity, spontaneously, breathing deep when there is a change of venue and enjoying the journey.
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All we need to see is beautiful blooms surrounding St. Francis. Roses behind him, red berries and yellow 'moonbeam' blooms. The pot of annuals will grow into a huge mound in a few weeks. |
Hubby and I were ready to roll today.
So much to do and so little time.
Chores accomplished.
A lovely meal together.
Time to go to the Flower Wagon for just a few more annuals.
St. Francis, given to me at my farewell party by church members, now stands in the front yard, surrounded by bouquets of colorful blooms.
I needed to find a way to hold him up in our windy area since his metal body is quite light.
A cincture (braided string) will do the trick.
St. Francis now looks authentic with the three knots representing faith, hope, charity.
Now to begin furnishing my little outdoor porch, where I will perch for the summer.
I am so ready for quiet days of reading and reflection and catching up on so many little writing projects.
It's great to continue my daily regimen in my favorite summer place.
5:25:: Up early - - - too early.
This is where I will spend most of the summer. LOVE IT! |
So I read for an hour or two and feel sleepy.
A 'quick' nap turned out to be a couple hours.
I turned my head too quickly when getting up and POP - VERTIGO!
It just happens.
This usually goes away after a few hours - which did not happen.
Sitting quietly, focusing on the computer, moving very slowly and not bending down is the prescription of the day.
How does one get clothes out of the dryer without bending down?
Breathe deep.
Go slow.
Take one second at a time.
It's amazing what I can accomplish if I follow these simple rules.
This too shall pass.
A good day!
5-26:: Windows.
This window is actually from the Ephreta Cloister Notice how the top glass pane blocks a clear view. The bottom panes clearly reveal leaves. |
Open them on any day and fresh air, hot or cold, fills the room.
Clean windows enable me to see my garden, the fields, birds flying, our resident bunny that visits our garden from the dell below and so much more.
But what if they are crusted with bug and bird poop and frosted messy from spring rains?
What if the clarity of sight is compromised?
What to do?
Wash them!
And that I did, all day, window after window - especially those where we added screens for the summer.
Isn't our own sight much like looking through a window?
I 'see' more clearly if I tuck away my own expectations, prejudices, pre-conceived ideas.
When I truly want to see, the window of my heart must be clean and clear.
Musty, dirty, poopie thoughts only block my heart-sight.
The window of my heart becomes too 'frosted' to see anything.
Only when I pray for the Lord to 'open my heart, clean the junque from my heart' can I see what God wants me to see.
Only when I meditate on God's Word, God's presence, and ask the Holy Spirit to guide my 'sight' can I truly see what I am suppose to see.
I am discovering that I need to wash the windows of my heart DAILY so that the JOY of the Lord can enter the window of my heart and fill me with innumerable blessings.
I feel so blessed!
5-27:: HOT!
I got them free and transformed them with blue stain. |
My plan is to stain two rocking chairs that are already too old to keep.
I got them free and they sit on my front porch.
I just need them for another week when I have a large group to the house.
So, I stain them in the only shade I can find . . . next to my neighbor's house.
They look so good!
I plan to offer them FREE next weekend, to the first person who wants them, with the can of stain,
As I worked on the chairs I noticed my neighbor's siding was covered with mossy-green whatever that has accumulated over the years.
He is a paraplegic and she can only walk with a walker so I knew they could not wash off the muck.
I asked if I could clean up the side of the house a bit, not knowing what I would be able to accomplish.
One hour later, with a small scrub brush, a pail of water and a hose, I managed to scrub at least as far as my arm would reach but there was so much more!
I managed to take our "deck" brush with a long handle and work as high as my arms would reach.
There are some spots I just could not reach but it looks sooooooo much nicer now.
It was fun to help my neighbor.
Here they are re-vitalized after a few years of use. They now sit on my front porch. |
I praise God that I have the fortitude, the energy and the physical ability to accomplish two major tasks that help me and my neighbor.
5-28:: All alone this afternoon.
"I'll get so much done", I say to myself.
Finish washing windows (on the outside), two loads of laundry, a few other mundane tasks and I'm ready to sit in my rocker outside with a good book.
It's a wonder I finished my chores since hubby phoned me about six times - "Should I pick this up for you?
What do you think about this substitution?
I think I'll stop by another couple stores - do you need anything?"
Before I knew it, "Honey, I'm home," rang through the house just when I was ready to relax.
"Anything to eat?" (He already ate twice while running errands and is still too thin.)
I ponder for a moment and realize what a blessing I have in hubby who is always cheerful after a day running errands, no matter how heavy the crowds.
He cares enough to check with me about purchases.
He is here, healthy, able to get around, and a great help with tasks I'd rather not do.
I thank God that I have a husband and will soon celebrate 28 years of marriage.
I was single far too long to take one year of marital "bliss" for granted.
We've had our ups and downs, as in any marriage.
But I choose to focus on the 'ups' and treasure these moments of health and happiness.
5-29:: Sunday, Sunday - this is the day we celebrate and rejoice in God, our King.
Corpus Christie (Body of Christ) day is usually celebrated on Thursday after Trinity Sunday but celebrated today, Sunday, to commemorate the institution of the Holy Eucharist.
Each time I enter into the Presence of Our Lord through Holy Eucharist, I feel like I am in another world.
I feel transported into a space that is set aside just for me and the Lord.
The sermon today was especially inviting: I had to concentrate very hard to hear a depth of theology and history in the story of Abraham and his relationship with the High Priest Melchizedek, also a king.
Abraham gave ten percent of all he owned to this priest, a 'type' of Christ.
We owe so much more than a mere 10% to the One who paid an impossible ransom for my sins. God's only begotten Son, Jesus the Christ, was crucified, died, was buried, rose from the dead and ascended into heaven to pay the price of my sin so that I may be seen by God as pure and holy.
Only Jesus' blood on the Cross that was shed to cover my endless digressions can pay for my soul to enter God's eternal kingdom.
"Holy, Holy, Holy Lord . . . God of power and might . . . heaven and earth are full of your glory."
I praise God I can worship and glorify God and receive his precious body and blood to refresh my soul and be filled with Holy Spirit renewal.
We celebrate and give thanks on this Memorial Weekend!
Stories go back to the great Civil War.
"We are in the midst of a great civil war, testing whether that nation or any other nation can long endure . . . " Lincoln.
The only way to come together after so many thousands were killed was to celebrate the 'unity' of the States and celebrate a day to commemorate those who died for our country.
Thus, after the Civil War, the end of May was declared "Decoration Day," a day to decorate, with U.S. flags, the grave sites of those who had died for our country.
This tradition continues as Memorial Day after WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War and now . . . even though we do not call it war, those who continue to die on the battlefield so that we can live and worship freely.
We fly our flag in memory of all those who no longer breathe on this earth but gave their lives so that we may breath and rejoice and dance with delight in the midst of constant war in this world.
Thank you, God, that we have so much freedom.
5-31:: Rain. Cool, cleansing, re-hydrating for lawn and plants.
Always welcome.
Last night's short storm help to burst forth more foliage, more blooms, more garden beauty.
I try to capture this but the sun is too bright.
I need the cool, early moments of morning to grasp dew on petals, spider webs filled with droplets of moisture, leaves dripping with beads of water.
Tomorrow, perhaps?
Oh, tomorrow.
It's always tomorrow.
And then the blooms are gone.
The best is to enjoy the moment, sit on my little porch and walk in the garden, breathe in the heavy, sweet scents and love what I see with my two small eyes.
Thanks, God, for your creation of blooms and vegetation that soothe the soul.
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