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The loving needle work steals my heart. |
Time flies when we are digging out from under snow.
Alas, the temperatures rise slowly each day.
Today I listen to the drip, drip of melting snow.
All is well on this quiet beginning of the LOVE month.
It's also the beginning of a very early LENT.
2-1:: Life is a patchwork of blessings.
My most favorite pillow I've had for years sits on our favorite chair to remind me of little JOYs that appear daily.
Each patch holds a surprise to meditate upon and enjoy.
Sew the patches together and shape them into a heart and oh what a lovely piece my eyes behold. Life's patches, when sown together, create a beautiful story.
The coffee grinder really works. Great coffee bean flakes make yummy coffee. |
We visited our local chocolate factory, a very small enterprise, to glean the best chocolate ever for dad's 101st birthday. They make chocolate 'tools.'
Dad use to love fixing things when he had time in his later years. He'd spend hours in the little barn behind the lake place crafting wood or gluing antique china that was broken. I have some of those pieces.
After decades running a company he felt quite satisfied puttering around late in life.
Now he enjoys loads of pampering, good food and his daily reading of the Wall Street Journal.
He always has a bit of candy by his side but remains as slender as a trim 80 year old.
So glad we could provide a little extra something for his daily routine.
2-3:: Fog creeps in on little cat's feet . . . Carl Sandburg? Silent. Sight line limited. We're in a cocoon. Nice.
I want to snuggle in the midst of this white fluff that surrounds us but a meeting beckons.
I'm amazed so many were able to drive through the muck-like evening mass of non-visibility.
We are an amazingly faithful group.
I'll be taking over the job of President in March while my PEO sister undergoes neck surgery.
What's one more thing on my plate? Selah.
Pops of red peak from under snow drifts. It melted but today we got more snow. I think its winter! |
2-5:: Flakes float in bouncing air, light, large, waving in front of my window. I love it when I can sit inside with the fire burning bright. Today is an 'inside' day even though it's not that cold out and the sun peaks through to clear the sky. I just need to get some work done.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO: Dad, David and Denise . . . all the same day! More February birthdays in the family coming up.
What a wonderful way to begin the day. Exercise, good breakfast with hubby and lingering awhile together make for a bright beginning.
Reflection, pondering, meditation, research, lingering over words of Luke.
Transfiguration, the climax of another liturgical season, explodes stories into my heart. Moses, Elijah, Jesus.
God had a plan before the beginning.
We are walking that plan today.
God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit . . . in the hearts of faith-filled Christians . . . leads us in POWER to do great and mighty things if only we can BE STILL and KNOW the power God has given us to go out as God calls, in whatever capacity we are drawn, to share God's story to all so that all might know the power of God that can work miracles in and through every single person who believes.
Soon we will wear double-sun glasses as we stare straight into the sun for most of our trip.
At least we have sun!
Today we celebrate the epiphany of epiphanies as we embrace the divinity of Christ Jesus on the mountain with Peter, James and John. Glory to glory!!
The voice of of the Father thunders through the cloud of the Holy Spirit as Jesus shimmers in glimmering white, "Behold, My Chosen One, listen to Him!"
That would get anyone's attention! A glorious day of celebration as sun melts last piles of snow.
We have just been with the 'immortality' of oneness with God and on Wednesday we will be reminded of our mortality as we receive ashes on our foreheads.
I begin to dig into old church records as I come down from yesterday's mountain top experience. I'm treated to a bliss-filled massage to tame my tight shoulders and knead my aching muscles.
Seems that winter is here and the cold air makes me tight. That's OK. More snow is on the way.
God is good. Life is good. WE are good!
2-9:: We awake to see clear streets as white fluff sticks to the ground.
Berries hold up to an inch of the white stuff as flakes land, one on top of the other.
So beautiful.
It's Shrove Tuesday. A day to eat my annual faschnacht.
But the morning coffee at the community center is cancelled even though the streets are clear.
Our pancake supper at church is cancelled due to the fear of ice tonight.
Snow finally melts in the winter sun. More snow fills the tree two days later. Let it SNOW as long a the streets remain clear. |
We take advantage of this beautiful day to catch up on work and prepare for tomorrow.
Love it!
2-10:: Ash Wednesday. We are but dust and to dust we shall return.
The noon service has many more than expected.
We brave soles repent of our sins, humble ourselves to the fact that we are mere mortals, look death in the eye and feel good that we can wear the 'sign of the cross' today.
Do we show off our 'repentance' to others like the pharisees?
I'd rather think of my willingness to wear ashes all day as a sign that I am PROUD TO BE A CHRISTIAN and will stand up to this fact if it means facing death.
WE are the light of Christ. I thought my RED lamp shade would perk up the soul a bit. |
I must be ready to do so knowing that I will simply pass into another phase of God's presence with me through His Son, Jesus Christ.
I am eternally His and He is mine. AMEN!
2-11:: I just chug along as words and numbers and data flash before me.
Notes and presentation pages and reports and agendas swim through my head as I try to organize for tonight's meetings.
Pastoral Care, Growth and Vestry are moving along at a good pace.
It's my desire to keep them encouraged and moving in the right direction.
It is indeed like herding cats.
But that's just fine.
Cats are warm and fuzzy and mind their business most of the time.
These cats are learning to reach out beyond their own little ministry and think BIG!
2-12:: S T R E S S test. Yup! That's what I'll be doing today. I am super healthy but the little ticker is going . . . blip - t- blip and sharp pain in the chest has been striking more than once. My fabulous doctor is just making sure it's not the s-t-r-e-s-s I'm actually experiencing that is the culprit. I can't wait until deadlines are met, mounds of records are complete and I'm off exploring my back yard this summer. HORRAY!
2-13:: Happy Birthday to my nephew Andrew and to Jesse, the wife of my other nephew, Greg. It's a very special day to be born on the 13. I like to think that God gives double blessings on this day that
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These are Scandinavian hearts. Some are woven with pockets so candy can fit inside. |
2-14:: St. Valentine died on this day in the mid 200s. After he'd prayed over jailer's daughter and her sight was restored, he was brave enough to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with Claudius II, the one who put him in jail for not only being a Christian but for sharing the Gospel with others. Needless to say, Bishop Valentine was sentenced to
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Icon of St. Valentine |
2-15:: Light flakes of frozen rain drift by the window. Soon the sightline is white as a small blizzard scatters flakes thinly on top of crusty ridges of white. Soft, wispy, lovely. It will freeze and then the roads will ice up and then tomorrow morning we will slip and slide to work. Another day in winter.
I love challenges. This is a nice one.
2-16:: Rain slaps ice chunks as they slip off the roof. Clunk, clunk against the gutters as they slip slide away. Hmmmm, may have some patching to do in the spring. The near zero temperatures of the weekend give way to degrees soaring up past 50 degrees!! Buckets of wet slog onto snow, melting glacier-like reams of crusted ice on fields. What an adventure when I don't have to walk in it.
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We have a picture of a man's heart and a woman's heart above our bed. I made this sketch from the woman's heart for one of the classes I taught. Its a fabulous study of a woman's heart. |
2:17:: Another visit to the MD. More anomalies. On to another doctor. Does it ever end? I am so blessed to have had such great health knowing what I know now. Being born a premie with no incubator has its consequences. However, I have taken very good care of myself over the decades. My body thanks me for it.
With loads of TLC, stepping back from work and returning to more time for meditation and VOILA, all is well!
2-18:: Sun shines, blue skies taunt me to go outside. Whistling wind keeps me inside. I'm a pansy when it comes to winter. I have time to work on church records, prepare for the bishop's visit in March and B R E A T H E. Five hours later I change pace and read a book for a few minutes. Nice. I'm just chipping away until all the little details get done.
2-19:: A fabulous morning with a dear friend.
We talked for hours.
Sharing ideas for ministry made my soul soar.
It's been more than six months - far too long between meetings. We both know it. We both know we need to be more intentional to carve out
National Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Washington D.C. |
We both measure our days and begin each day with our soul-time with God.
Time gets away from us but when we do find 'chat' time, we are both refreshed.
We return to our hubbies filled with satisfaction.
2-20:: Justice Antonin Scalia, a rare gift to the nation, was celebrated at his funeral at the Catholic Cathedral in Washington, D.C. today.
His son, Paul, was the celebrant and gave a brilliant homily that focused on God's Son, Jesus Christ.
Even the most perfect person is sinful.
It's Christ's promise of resurrected life to all who truly believe in Him who see the hope beyond this earthly existence.
Antonin Scalia, known as an 'originalist', knew the intent of those who created the Constitution of the United States and did not let emotion or political 'bent' get in the way of his Supreme Court decisions.
Mosaic of Jesus seems overwhelming but is perfect for the magnitude of this Cathedral |
Antonin Scalia is the last of the great scholars, I fear.
He is the last who would think not of his own ego, his own personal feelings, but thought as a Christian, convinced that God is in charge of this world, not us.
I grieve with those who truly understood the foundation from whence he came. May Antonin truly rest in peace in the presence of the heavenly saints.
2-21:: Third Sunday of Lent.
Today's Gospel in Luke shows us the 'holy boldness' of Jesus as he heals and continues to show God's chosen people that their reconnection in their RELATIONSHIP with God is His sole purpose for his ministry.
He will go to the Cross too soon.
But the story of Abram in Genesis 12 is key.
God makes COVENANT with Abram because of Abram's faith-filled relationship with God.
That Covenant remains today, along with other covenants God made. The NEW COVENANT, Jesus Christ means we no longer have to 'sacrifice' to have uninterrupted relationship with God.
God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to be slaughtered, as a Lamb is slaughtered for sacrifice, so that all who "confess with their mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in their heart the God raised Him from the dead shall be saved." From COVENANT to COVENANT, we are His. With a contract, if one person breaks the bargain, the contract is null and void. Not with covenant. Covenant cannot be broken if we brake covenant with God because God never breaks His side of the covenant with us. Covenant stands eternally as God is eternal.
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Robins hop around outside as snow glaciers melt slowly. A wonderful sign of HOPE that this season of gray and snow will be over soon. At least the temps are not too bad. Susan Branch is my totally favorite blogger, writer, artist. Go to her blog susanbranch.com and see all the neat things she does. Her new book will be out in a month! |
I glow, feel refreshed, like a new woman. Just in time to get to the heart specialist for an evaluation.
One more test, two more doctor's appointments. And I'm not even retired yet! Do I feel old or what?
My daily workouts and very healthy eating habits make me FEEL really good each day. These anomalies in my body are hard to detect. Nuclear stress test is next.
OK. Whatever. I have work to do.
I need all my ducks in a row very soon so I keep chipping away at my lists and admin. work for the one who is going to take my place at church. Only a few more weeks but busy weeks they are.
2-23:: Ahhhhhhh, I get a massage today.
Boy, do I feel pampered. Love it.
Red robins, red robins . . . I see them scampering about. They sure are hearty.
Mama robin loves to build a nest right in the middle my my HUGE rose bush.
I get to peak in when she is seeking food and watch the cuties.
When I see her building her nest, I'll know it's safe for me to go out and play in the garden.
2-24:: God is so good.
I assumed I'd have to go to the office for a personal meeting but the person was expecting a telephone conversation in the middle of her work day. Perfect!
Blustery, rainy days are not my favorite, especially when they are COLD.
So, I sat by the window overlooking muddy farmland interspersed with stripes of green and patches of white that have not yet melted. I LOVE soggy winter days when I can stay inside.
2-25:: Rain, Snow, Rain after a night of torrential winds. February is crazy!
I plan to finish up small reports and get ahead of the game but I end up filling out endless bits of information for the Bishop's visit.
Church records, annual reports, updating books . . . What is it about slogging through the paperwork that most never see?
It's like building a strong foundation for a structure.
No one sees the costly underpinnings that guarantee long standing vitality.
It's these basic tasks that make a difference in the long run. I'll feel good when I finish my tenure in a few more weeks.
I hope it makes a difference for the one who takes my place.
I learned very young, from my dad, that it is important to hand over work or a borrowed item in better shape that when I received it.
A lovely reminder of this Valentine month. |
I don't like slogging through the tasks but I sure feel good when the tasks are completed satisfactorily.
I have more energy even though the wind chill brings the temps below freezing.
Ahhhh, the hope of spring being a bit closer each day makes my heart soar.
Definitely a nice last week of this Valentine month.
As I listen to those who want to chat about their challenges - all very difficult - I sense their hope as they focus on the 'light' of Christ leading them through dark times.
Light definitely makes a difference just as trust in God's eternal presence in my life invites a lighter spirit within me.
2-27:: Gosh golly time flies. My mind wanders back to the days that Moses was rescued by
Pharaoh's daughter and raised in royalty.
His nursemaid/nanny was his mother.
Moses learned all things Egyptian while being filled with understanding of his Hebrew birthright - a covenant relationship with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Although Moses fled his opulent life after he killed an Egyptian, God used all he had been given to rescue the hebrew people, decades later, who had been enslave in Egypt.
God uses all of what has been given to us in mind, body and spirit, for His purpose if we hear Him and are brave to say, "Here I am, Lord," when He calls to us.
2-28:: The body is limp and dizzy but, with the Lord's help, I rise to the task of feeding others' souls.
This is how the beautiful days begin. |
Not so good for the limp body but God is so good.
I have enough strength to bring JOY to the congregation and invite them to embrace God's words of purpose for all of us.
As I lay hands on others in prayer, others, in turn, lay hands on me.
Energy fills me so that I can continue the day affirming others and preparing for the meal our church will serve to at-risk kids tomorrow at The POINT.
2-29:: Sleep heals all fatiguing bodies to a
This is my sister's artistic creation. She's a gifted botanical artist but cleverly adds these touches around her home. A perfect end to this LEAP YEAR Valentine month. |
Such an odd day, celebrated every four years. Tonight we may mention this to the kids after we serve supper to them.
We will also help them retain an 'Attitude of Gratitude' by showing them how they can say one good thing about the place that feeds their bodies and souls, The POINT.
They will also find good things about family, school and friends.
I also am honored to read to them after we feed them.
Volunteers do this three times a week so they hear words, understand stories and eventually become better readers.
Each of us has a purpose for a lifetime and/or a day.
I praise God my 'purpose' is being fulfilled in such a variety of ways that each day is a delightful surprise.
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