The only way we know it is spring, between light snow storms, is the tiny green sprouts I see in the garden.
We continue to walk the painful road to the Cross this week.
Moody skies,
cold wind gusts,
a perfect setting for contemplative prayer in my little corner that looks out upon the meadow swarming with red winged black birds, bluebirds, robins, bunnies and so much more.
#3627-3629:: No Fooling! It's a gorgeous day outside even if it is still a bit nippy. As I meditate on Jesus' journey to the Cross and the story in Exodus of the slaughter of the passover lamb, I am in awe of God's plan for us. God made it so easy for us to receive salvation. I look forward to spending time in thanksgiving as we walk with Jesus to the Cross on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.
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Altar of Siena Cathedral 14th Century. Washing of feet and last supper - Maundy Thursday |
A 'liturgical' moment began this day over 2000 years ago as Jesus celebrated Passover with His disciples.
'Drink this cup, all of you, in remembrance of me."
This first introduction of the New Covenant would not be realized until Christ would be slaughtered the next day, like the lamb of the passover, and shed His blood to cover our sins, just as the blood of the lamb 'covered' the Israelites when the Angel of Death 'passed over' their homes.
#3633-3635:: Knowing the story helps me know that walking with Christ to the Cross is not the end. Thanksgivings? We cannot celebrate resurrected life of Christ Jesus without walking with Him to the Cross.
#3636-3638:: Silence, emptiness, waiting . . . What happens now? Where is Jesus in the pageant of death to life? The vigil begins, remembering the salvation history of the Jewish people helps us cement our relationship with Christ Jesus.
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A Norwegian Stave Church built to reach the sky. Pillars 'petrified' to be as strong as cement columns. A unique place of worship that takes the eye to heaven. |
#3639-3641:: ALLELUIA! Christ is Risen! The Lord is Risen Indeed! Throughout the Sunday celebration of resurrected life, we say Alleluia. Fasting from this glorious word of JOY has been hard. Now we can spend nearly a year saying this word.
#3642-3644:: A sleepy morning, a time to catch up on my reflections and linger a little longer with meditations and have a second breakfast before I make a visit to the skilled nursing unit where one from church has been moved. I am so thankful for health and the ability to embrace life!
#3645-3647:: The stone is rolled away! The doorway is open. Come on in! Come on into the resurrected life. Come and see. Seeing is believing. Believe in the resurrected life of God's Son, Jesus Christ. See, believe, follow. WOW - so much to think about today, a day I am off to a very challenging meeting. I just need to remember that I live in the 'resurrected' space that God gave me through His Son. Alleluia!
#3648-3650:: Soggy, sad looking, chilly day but filled with laughter, chat, sharing, amazing stories of surviving the 'canyons of life' with God's help. I gain new perspective when I hear someone else's story. An evening meeting with another group opens my creative side as I learn about an artist's life.
My mountain top experience on Sunday filled with Alleluias is now balanced with a field of tasks that are time sensitive.
This is when I love to look out at the endless rows of brown, tan, gray dirt waiting for warm enough weather to plant and grow crops. Endless rain prepares the soil outside and the soil of my heart to absorb all the nutrients available. The Word of God is like cool spring water to my soul.
#3654-3656:: Words, ideas, creativity as I prepare for my Women of Worth Ministries class on Sunday. See my blog: Joy is teaching women ways to grow in Christ. Dark, rainy, cold day is filled with my light hearted spirit.
#3657-3659:: Early up to write words of God's precious present presented to us by His presence in Jesus Christ. Words are complex but so is understanding the Resurrection of the Word made flesh. We trust words like "present" and "present-ness" of God so why do we have difficulty believing in the Resurrection of the Lord, Jesus Christ? Later in the day I had a wonderful hospital visit to lift the spirit of one who is healing too slowly for his satisfaction.
#3660-3662:: 28 degrees after a 70 degree day? We are up so early that we forget that it takes time for this cold earth to heat up. A glorious afternoon after a blessed Sunday service. I even took some time to work in the garden and see the tiny green spurts of tulips peaking through dark soil. I don't even mind the scrapes and thorn bites from trimming the rose bushes. Spring is just around the corner!
#3663-3665:: A perfect day to sleep and get over my cold and sore throat. Just a few hours of work and maybe there will be time . . . after laundry. So happy that the garden helpers put down mulch today . . . the day after I finished trimming and feeding the rose bushes. Now let the hovering rain clouds let loose! Hooray!
#3666-3668:: Swollen nose, raspy voice, puffy face BUT I feel so much better! Papers, plans for Ascension day, meeting notes in preparation for tonight - all good. Wispy clouds wipe through blue skies for another gorgeous day. Ten more degrees and I will want to play outside. I have become less brave with the chill winds over the past year but this too shall pass. Summer WILL come! Hooray!
#3669-3671:: B R E A T H E I can breathe! Feels so good to breath without hacking away and blowing my nose incessantly. Forsythia is BLOOMING! Everything POPPED in a day! Love it!
Gray skies don't seems so drab with pops of yellow piercing the brown/green fields.
#3672-3674:: S L O W I go as I plan for various parts of tonights meeting. Meds are working well as I venture outside after laying low for a few days. Home quite late and not feeling too bad.
#3675-3677:: OOPS! Forgot to send the article for the quarterly church newsletter. A day of writing as I move from church events to 'Heart Whispers' that give me words for Sunday.
#3678-3680:: WOW! An amazing summer day! I thought I dressed lightly and I was still too warm. Joined dear friends for 'tea' and a lovely day in a sweet town. I couldn't help but trip a bush and putter in the garden. A second look at words from my heart-whispers and day is done.
#3681-3683:: A lovely early morning sunrise pierces the darkness as hot pink on the horizon. A cool
morning becomes colder as we leave church in the afternoon. Late in the day I wear several layers as I finish a garden project. What a difference a day makes!
#3684-3686:: R A I N! Gushing rain. Wind. A real storm. Praise God it was at night so that daytime was clear. So many details to work on today that six hours later I am finally able to write these notes. Preparations are almost complete for our Ascension Day celebration next month. Hooray!
#3687-3689:: The sweet smell of newly mowed grass lingers awhile after the first cutting of this summer. Did I say Summer? I know we have a long way to go but it LOOKS like summer. The temps are still low but I'll wear layers underneath my summer jacket and pretend. I love hope! Hope dangles before me daily as I pray for those lazy days on the porch. We're getting there!
#3690-3692:: Early up to drive through country fields for a morning meeting. Lots of details taken care of makes me feel a bit lighter. Pouring rain as we drive home then visit one who is working hard to better his health.
Another meeting into the night makes for a long but very productive day.
#3693-3695:: Crunch, pinch, wonder, discuss . . . should we dare look at a new car after over eleven years with this little wonder that is clanking and grinding and coughing a bit more than we'd like? We can look, can't we. A great adventure on a gray day that looks like the sky is about to cry. I'm ready, Let's Go! I hear the words, "wait, I'm not ready" in the background.
Let's wait another day.
#3696-3698:: Time tick-tocks away giving me more room to complete the long list of tasks before me. Windy, cold . . .where is spring? . . . clear skies! for a day outside to look, touch, test-drive hubby's new desire. He has done ample research. We're both ready. Perhaps this is our "GO" day?
#3699-3701:: Saturday is always a 'rest' day but today is very busy. Words on paper for the second time, preparation for a meeting tomorrow and a visit with PEO sisters to map out a year of meetings and programs. Thinking that far ahead makes me dizzy but it's nice to plan ahead.
#3702-3704:: Healing prayer, a look at Psalm 23, a gathering after church, a meeting, a pastoral visit - home very late in the day. Another blessing-filled Sunday. We praise God we are able to do what is given to us each week.
#3705-3707:: Stop, go, rest, run, off to a great race as we pack a kazillion chores into two days. Brain-freeze, relax, repeat. Ahhhh, so nice to have someone else wash my hair! Ready to go for
another six weeks. B R E A T H E . . . feel so much better after cleaning my office!
#3708-3710:: Plop, pile, pack, putter . . . repeat. Half the clothes I picked go back into the closet. One of these days I will take even less! Hubby's clothes fit in a smaller suitcase - good for him!
Check list for last minute items gets longer . . . who is getting the milk?
#3711-3713:: Off we go into the wild blue yonder. So ready for a much needed vacation. Dear friends pick us up and drop us off which makes life easy. A great ride even with changing planes. Arrived in great weather. I can't believe I don't have to put on six layers to go outside!
#3714-3716:: The last day of the month seems unreal. Time flies too fast to capture. We wrap our hearts around each moment in the sun and warmth as we unpack boxes that have been stored since last August. More work on the little abode but so satisfying. Farewell MONTH . . . for another year.
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