I captured these just before they died back. The garden still looks GREAT! |
We were shoveling ourselves out of the driveway only a few months ago.
The Splendor of summer reaches its pinnacle during this final season of sensational weather. September arrives lazy and quiet on this Labor Day.
I only hear my neighbor's air conditioner once in awhile as it drowns out the cicadas and frogs in our little meadow beyond the back yard.
It's actually HOT today.
And so I begin another month of ''eucharisteos" THANKS to God for all that I see, hear, touch taste, feel and embrace from day to day.
Using my brain is like riding a bike on a road like this - a bit tricky. |
Praise God there is no bleeding in the brain: The reason this blog stopped for awhile? Concussion.
#3037-3039:: The brain is good and the head will get better. A trip to get a CAT scan; told to 'not use my brain' for awhile' LOL!!!! Lovely lunch with hubby at our favorite Panera Bread - outside with a cool breeze.
#3040-3042:: Long morning and evening meetings with loads on the agenda. . . which I lead - and not use my brain? LOL All went smoothly but I did have a few 'moments', which others just took as regular ol' me. Good day, all in all but tired.
#3043-3045:: Linger a little longer on my back porch. Collect my thoughts as best I can for the weekend words. Rest . . . lots. . . nice.
Tobacco harvest time. Every place we look Amish barns are filling up with tobacco to be dried. Fascinating. |
#3049-3051:: Words come easily as I create a 'Backpack Blessing' poem for the little ones tomorrow. Each will receive a Bookmark Blessing for their backpacks. Words for tomorrow will not be memorized but will be read . . . glad God gave me the words to give to others.
#3052-3053:: A cool Sunday filled with worship, food, meetings, blessings, crazy kids. Amelia, a tall two year old, just learned how to ring the church bell! Crazy fun.
These are in a different part of the garden than the ones you see at the top. I think I love the combination of purple and yellow throughout the garden. |
#3060-3062:: Another scan to see if my bones will last a few more years Warming a bit so sitting on my porch is rather nice - no wind! Catching up on little things and feeling good.
#3063-3065:: So many notes to combine into a simple report strains my brain but great feeling of accomplishment. Workout today went well.
Long evening with visit to the POINT (funded by area churches to help at-risk kids) and a meeting afterward should be fun.
It was cold enough to light the fireplace today. A cup of tea and my favorite chair and ahhhhhh. |
#3066-3068:: Brain needs rest so nice, lazy day catching up on things. Potted plants love this cool weather. It was suppose to rain but turned out to be a lovely day with some sun!
#3069-3071:: Up early for an MRI I have never had before. I did not mind the experience at all and the rat-a-tat-tat was barely heard as I went through my entire prayer list from memory. Nice. Fuzzy head and weird taste in my mouth makes me sleepy but I wait to sleep tonight. Good.
Did you ever wonder what it looks like inside a covered bridge? We drove through one the other day so I took this shot. Fascinating bridge. |
#3075 - 3077:: Spin, spin, spin goes the day as I slowly move from one activity to another. Woosh, the day is gone. House smells so clean as fresh air drenches the inside. Fall already?
#3078-3080:: People and places and things, oh my! Connections with others, meetings, phone calls, conversations fill the hours until the haze of cloud cover reminds me it is late afternoon. Where does time go? How can I catch it? I breathe deep knowing I had a wondrous, full day.
I cleaned the herb garden so it looks a bit empty. |
#3081-3083:: MDs have been so concentrating on my head that we now take time to look at my kidneys. All clear! Because I was premature at birth I simply have fewer 'filters' to do the work. Water, water everywhere, lots and lots to drink. Glad I love plain ol' water.
#3084-3086:: The garden gushes with colorful delights. We trek to the local Lowes to design an entire kitchen for dad's southern home. With computers, long distance design is such a blessing! Hundreds of shades of gold and green run past us as we drive past the changing fields around us.
We delight in passing Amish on their way home from church. |
Hurry, scurry, change this, tweak that, and kitchen design for dad's abode is done. Long distance work is so easy with computers! Corn is being harvested and now we see for acres and acres as we drive along country roads.
#3090-3092:: Quiet. Still. Balmy. A great day to rest and rediscover the garden. Pick a little, pluck a little and, before I know it, I've filled two bags. S L O W L Y my body bends, testing the thudding pulse in my head. Not bad. Great sense of accomplishment after three weeks not being able to tend my garden.
A quick shot from the car captures these young boys. The narrow roads make it hazardous for the Amish to walk, much less drive their buggies with all the trucks on the road. |
#3093-3095:: Fog fills the expanse of our drive to church and does not let up until the second service is complete. Fresh smells, soft dew on skin, frizzled hair - nice. Lingering at coffee hour with too many conversations to track but love the banter. Cleansing rain late in the day cools the warm day and refreshes our senses.
#3096-3098:: The 'eyes' have it as hubby gets his annual check-up and I sip coffee and study.
Autumn-summer is bright and warm and invites me into the garden. A maze of words on paper: my 'don't forget' list gets longer.
#3099-3101:: Whirrrrr, pop, hrummm goes the lawn mower early in the morning as he cuts the still-growing grass. Hmmm, love that smell.
Merrily, Merrily, life is but a dream. How wonderful to dance on on these stones in the Wintertur Children's garden. |
#3102-3104:: Scurry, hurry, get out the door on time. Traffic, travel, meeting with leaders. Look, like, linger as the busy faithful prepare for the craft fair and silent auction on Saturday. Visit with one who remains in a small space of tender loving care and enjoys a pastoral moment. Eucharisteo!
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What a wonderful spot to linger. |
#3108-3110:: Up early to complete chores, finish up lose ends with anticipation of completing the final inspection of the clean-up at dad's place. Construction can begin tomorrow! Hooray, after eight weeks! Warm, sunny day to linger with hubby as we roam the corn fields, run errands and dine at our favorite sandwich shop.
#3111-3113:: People, conversations, crafters' creativity, Italian sausage, baked goods, a little bit of everything makes the craft fair fun and fulfilling. Lingering in a relaxed atmosphere is fruitful. A long day but energy to prepare final words for tomorrow.
#3114-3116:: Another 'summer-like' day invites us to spend time outside after church. Gaining the mid of Christ is a lifelong plan for those truly seeking the most from our faith. New insights as we meet for evaluation of the past year.
See why I linger in the garden! The back yard is filled to overflowing too. |
#3117-3119:: Focus on details as we prepare for the Bishop's visit. Meetings in other areas are filled with details. My brain is working GREAT as I sift through ideas, lists, agendas. Feels good!
#3120-3122:: The last day of this month I so love. Warmth in a cloud lingers on the porch. Wet, soothing to the skin, fresh, a balmy day. Life is so much better when I can sit on my porch. So ends this wonder-filled month. Blessings abound as I look forward to the changing colors of October.
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