Tuesday, October 1, 2013


We slip into October with sunny, cool days and crisp cold nights.  The flowers still bloom with full color and tree leaves barely begin to change.
It's getting dryer after a very wet summer.  And so I continue to give thanks for:

#1843-1845 Gifts Orange:: Tomatoes still growing on the vine; Pumpkins in piles at garden center yards; A very few leaves at the tops of tall trees.

#1846-#1848 Gifts Falling:: Red and green tomatoes from the vine; dead daylily leaves; acorns.

#1849-1851 Gifts Caught::A shot of the Amish farm near us filled with tobacco;  Let Go:: My garden as I let Fall take over; Mid-Way:: Chick-fil-A is midway between our home and work.

#1852-1854 Gifts Reaped:: Basil for pesto; Satisfaction from Fall cleaning- especially our windows; Souls who give their lives to Christ Jesus.

#1855-1857 Gifts Returned:: A sweet hello from a friend after I sent her a note; Hugs from hubby; More blessings than I can count from my Lord, my God.

#1858-1860 Gifts Redeemed:: Christ's life for mine;  My time in God's Word bringing stillness to my soul and, hopefully, to others; My time with others so that they feel encouraged.

#1861-1863 Gifts Baked:: Molasses Bread  Stirred: Gingerbread cookie batter  Eaten:: Bread or
cookies with cream cheese on top.

#1864-1866 Gifts Prayed for:: Salvation for specific friends; Growth of women in  Women of Worth Ministries; JOY of Christ to fill church family.

#1867-1869 Praised for:: Cool weather; Great harvest from my herb garden; Enough rain to sweeten the soil and nurture fresh fall plantings.

#1870-1872 Hard Eucharisteos:: Consoling one who is grieving; Encouraging my father who is slowing down considerably at 98; Waiting
patiently for others to catch a glimpse of  God's treasure set before us.

#1873-1875 Gifts of Change:: The weather from hot and muggy to cool and breezy; Leaves turn crimson and gold; I wear more layers of clothing.

#1876-1878 Gifts Small:: Silver Dollar Shell;  Smaller:: Three dove-like shells inside the Silver Dollar Shell; Smallest:: A grain of sand that clings to the inner dove-like shell.

#1879-1881  Gifts Read:: Old Testament message of seeing good things from God; the Psalm of Thanksgiving; The Gospel message that tells us of gratitude for Jesus' healing.

#1882-1884  Gifts Said:: The Lord's Prayer, THANK YOU! I love you (said softly in his ear).

#1885-1887  Gifts Re-read:: The Gospel of Luke; The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer; my old blog notes.

#1888-1890  Gifts Burning:: Wet wood in our farmer-neighbor's smoke house; Our gas fireplace in the early morning hours to take the dampness out of the air; the bright colors that peer through the fog like a blazing fire.

#1891-1893 Gifts Ugly-Beautiful:: Cortland apples waiting to be dried; Plowed cornfield; Hydrangeas on their last leg.

#1894-1896 Gifts Shared:: Life with my hubby; Saved:: Detergent cups to give to my crafty friend; Surrendered:: My life to God in Christ.

#1897-1899 Gifts Unexpected:: A warmer day than was forecast; Some time to linger in the garden that continues to bloom and produce; God's ever-present GRACE.

#1900-1902 Gifts Unconventional:: Two sermons in one worship service; Coffee after the 8:15 service because of "Bible-4-Breakfast"; Making worship of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob on this day a priority in this very secular world.

#1903-1905 Gifts Undervalued:: The beauty of a RED gate; The American flag that represents the incredible gift of freedom; the freedom to worship the Lord, thy God not only on Sundays but in our daily lives.

#1906-1908 Gifts Silent:: Early morning hours in winter; Still::  Midnight with a full moon;  Strong:: Wind that wisps away dead leaves in the garden.

#1909-1911 Gifts Begun:: Each new day; A good book; An exercise program

#1912-1914 Gifts Accomplished:: Memorizing 40+ scriptures in Romans; Continuing with this blog in thanksgiving for all I have; Ending each day with a sense of completion.

#1915-1917 Gifts Enjoying:: My hubby on a day off; Drying apple chips on a cold day; Reading some of my favorite blogs of encouragement.

#1918-1920 Gifts Extravagant:: God's gift of His Son just for me; God's mercy when I do not deserve it sometimes; JOY!

Dad always looks at difficult situations with a positive
attitude - like not getting around as well as he use to.
After all, he is nearing the end of his 98th year of life
and is still going strong!
#1921-1923 Gifts Humbling:: Knowing I cannot do what I am 'called' to do with out the Lord's continuous encouragement; Honoring:: The elderly who have lived long, loved God and greet each day with anticipation for good things to come; Happy:: A child singing for no reason at all.

#1924-1926 Gifts in Christ:: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and self control.

#1927-1929 Gifts On Time:: Answers to prayer are seldom early but never too late; Time and space move as one; Both are gifts from God that go well with gravity and all are only needed by mortals.

#1930-1932 Gifts Overjoyed:: A sunny, warmer day; Finally going to the theater to see NOAH at Sight and Sound; A lovely day to linger in a lovely pumpkin patch.

#1933-1935 Gifts Hallowed:: Preparing to whisk away the goblins that interfere with saintly matters; Celebrating an incredible harvest; Preparing for All Saints Day the next day.

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