It's getting dryer after a very wet summer. And so I continue to give thanks for:
#1843-1845 Gifts Orange:: Tomatoes still growing on the vine; Pumpkins in piles at garden center yards; A very few leaves at the tops of tall trees.
#1846-#1848 Gifts Falling:: Red and green tomatoes from the vine; dead daylily leaves; acorns.
#1849-1851 Gifts Caught::A shot of the Amish farm near us filled with tobacco; Let Go:: My garden as I let Fall take over; Mid-Way:: Chick-fil-A is midway between our home and work.
#1852-1854 Gifts Reaped:: Basil for pesto; Satisfaction from Fall cleaning- especially our windows; Souls who give their lives to Christ Jesus.
#1855-1857 Gifts Returned:: A sweet hello from a friend after I sent her a note; Hugs from hubby; More blessings than I can count from my Lord, my God.
#1858-1860 Gifts Redeemed:: Christ's life for mine; My time in God's Word bringing stillness to my soul and, hopefully, to others; My time with others so that they feel encouraged.
#1861-1863 Gifts Baked:: Molasses Bread Stirred: Gingerbread cookie batter Eaten:: Bread or
cookies with cream cheese on top.
#1864-1866 Gifts Prayed for:: Salvation for specific friends; Growth of women in Women of Worth Ministries; JOY of Christ to fill church family.
#1867-1869 Praised for:: Cool weather; Great harvest from my herb garden; Enough rain to sweeten the soil and nurture fresh fall plantings.
#1870-1872 Hard Eucharisteos:: Consoling one who is grieving; Encouraging my father who is slowing down considerably at 98; Waiting
patiently for others to catch a glimpse of God's treasure set before us.
#1873-1875 Gifts of Change:: The weather from hot and muggy to cool and breezy; Leaves turn crimson and gold; I wear more layers of clothing.
#1879-1881 Gifts Read:: Old Testament message of seeing good things from God; the Psalm of Thanksgiving; The Gospel message that tells us of gratitude for Jesus' healing.
#1882-1884 Gifts Said:: The Lord's Prayer, THANK YOU! I love you (said softly in his ear).
#1885-1887 Gifts Re-read:: The Gospel of Luke; The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer; my old blog notes.
#1888-1890 Gifts Burning:: Wet wood in our farmer-neighbor's smoke house; Our gas fireplace in the early morning hours to take the dampness out of the air; the bright colors that peer through the fog like a blazing fire.
#1891-1893 Gifts Ugly-Beautiful:: Cortland apples waiting to be dried; Plowed cornfield; Hydrangeas on their last leg.
#1894-1896 Gifts Shared:: Life with my hubby; Saved:: Detergent cups to give to my crafty friend; Surrendered:: My life to God in Christ.
#1897-1899 Gifts Unexpected:: A warmer day than was forecast; Some time to linger in the garden that continues to bloom and produce; God's ever-present GRACE.
#1900-1902 Gifts Unconventional:: Two sermons in one worship service; Coffee after the 8:15 service because of "Bible-4-Breakfast"; Making worship of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob on this day a priority in this very secular world.
#1903-1905 Gifts Undervalued:: The beauty of a RED gate; The American flag that represents the incredible gift of freedom; the freedom to worship the Lord, thy God not only on Sundays but in our daily lives.
#1906-1908 Gifts Silent:: Early morning hours in winter; Still:: Midnight with a full moon; Strong:: Wind that wisps away dead leaves in the garden.
#1909-1911 Gifts Begun:: Each new day; A good book; An exercise program
#1912-1914 Gifts Accomplished:: Memorizing 40+ scriptures in Romans; Continuing with this blog in thanksgiving for all I have; Ending each day with a sense of completion.
#1915-1917 Gifts Enjoying:: My hubby on a day off; Drying apple chips on a cold day; Reading some of my favorite blogs of encouragement.
#1918-1920 Gifts Extravagant:: God's gift of His Son just for me; God's mercy when I do not deserve it sometimes; JOY!
Dad always looks at difficult situations with a positive attitude - like not getting around as well as he use to. After all, he is nearing the end of his 98th year of life and is still going strong! |
#1924-1926 Gifts in Christ:: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and self control.
#1927-1929 Gifts On Time:: Answers to prayer are seldom early but never too late; Time and space move as one; Both are gifts from God that go well with gravity and all are only needed by mortals.
#1930-1932 Gifts Overjoyed:: A sunny, warmer day; Finally going to the theater to see NOAH at Sight and Sound; A lovely day to linger in a lovely pumpkin patch.
#1933-1935 Gifts Hallowed:: Preparing to whisk away the goblins that interfere with saintly matters; Celebrating an incredible harvest; Preparing for All Saints Day the next day.
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