# 2027-2029 Gifts White:: The gift of purity given to us who believe in the resurrected Christ; Robed acolytes who help to draw others into the Holy of Holies, as we worship our Lord; The candle for the First Sunday in Advent.
#2030-2032 Gifts Bright:: Sun bouncing off of ice patches; a little night-light in the dark of the night; The light of Christ in my heart.
#2033-2035 Gifts Shining:: A crescent moon in a clear night sky; Candles in windows; The North Star.
#2036-2038 Gifts Circling:: Hawks over the fields behind us; Crowning::A good head on stout; Crafted:: Creation by God's hands.
#2030-2041 Gifts Silver:: The Christmas Angel on our front porch; The small Cross I often wear; My favorite spoon I inherited.
#2042-2044 Gifts Sweet:: Wilbur Chocolate; Honey for my tea; Lingonberries in jam.
#2045-2047 Gifts from Our Savior:: His presence on our small earth; His eternal Word; His birth and death just for us.
#2048-2050 Gifts Hung::Wreath on the front door; Held:: Clementines as I peel them; Heard:: Sweet sounds of laughter from giddy children.
#2051-2053 Gifts Ugly Beautiful:: Gray day of rain and high temps; Strips of harvested land lying muddy; Leafless trees.
#2054-2056 Unframed Art:: Winterberry bushes covered with snow; A bowl of Clementines; Icon of Mary and Elizabeth greeting each other.
#2057-2059 Gifts Ice Cold:: Snow, a frozen puddle; ME!
#2060-2062 Gifts Berry Red:: My Winter pillow that lights up a simple chair; My favorite coat; Tiny stockings on the mini fire place in my favorite miniature Christmas scene made by my step-mom while she was so sick with cancer.
#2066-2068 Gifts Stamped:: Footprints of bunny and field mouse frozen in the snow; Postage on Christmas cards we receive; Snowy feet as they enter the house and release excess ice and snow.
#2069-2071 Gifts Gold:: Tiny threads woven through fabric worn by the priest when celebrating the mass; Scented:: The smell of brewing coffee weaving upward from the parish hall; Bent Low:: Evergreen bows weighed down with icy snow that refuses to melt.
#2072-2074 Gifts for today:: Snow has a beautiful shine top from melting and freezing again; Snow this early in December just in time for Christmas; Clear roads and sunny skies.
#2075-2077 Gifts frosted:: The lone car in the community parking lot; Tree branches where icy snow hides from the sun; our back porch floor with a layer of crusty snow.
#2078-2080 Gifts Miraculous:: Celebrating the Advent of Christ's Birth; The ability to create another life within a woman's body; So many answered prayers for those in deep distress.
#2084-2086 Gifts Angelic Song:: Our church choir singing O Come, O Come Emmanuel; Our choir director filled with Joy to the World! Our congregation singing praise-filled Advent songs.
#2087-2089 Gifts Lit:: The sunny day on this darkest day of the year; A neighbor's Christmas tree lights at 4pm when dark shadows lurk about; Candles in windows on the longest night of the year.
#2093-2095 Gifts Starry:: This winter night so balmy and bright; Twinkling lights that make the short day seem less dark; The Moravian star on my little tree.
#2096-2098 Gifts Humble:: Mary and Joseph birthing our Lord in a stable; My heart in anticipation of a gift that saved my life; Hubby and me as we celebrate the birth of Christ with others in two very different Christmas Eve services.
#2099-2101 Gifts in Luke 2:: Verse :12 "you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger." Verse :28 Simeon took Jesus in his arms and blessed God. Verse:40 The child continued to grow . . . increasing in wisdom; and the grace of God was upon him.
#2102-2104 Gifts in Christ:: His story in the Gospels; Our story of salvation; The Comforter he sent to us after his resurrection - The Holy Spirit.
#2105-2107 Gifts Found:: Something to be thankful for each day; Shared:: Whatever I have to offer another at any time; Saved:: Sweet moments piled up as memories.
#2108-2110 Gifts Lingering:: Lingering by the fire on a cold day; Lingering over annual letters from friends; My linger-longer blog: lingerlongerwithgail.blogspot.com
#2111-2113 Gifts of Hope:: The One who was and is and is to come; The meaning behind life purpose; Sustainer of life.
#2114-2116 Gifts Remembered:: Birthday gifts given in love; Siblings; Years of blessings.
#2117-2119 Gifts Anticipated:: Another full year before my birthday; A great New Year; New adventures.