#916 - 918:: Gifts Eaten: Apple Chips, Pumpkin pie, God's Word as we study the book of Ruth.
#919-921:: Gifts Worn: My pink sweater, a down vest and, of course, my baseball cap.
#922-924:: Gifts that start within: Forgiveness, Kindness, Trust.
#925-927:: Gifts Gathered: The last tomatoes; Given: Time to a grieving friend; Good: God's promise to never leave us nor forsake us.
#928-930:: Gifts Acorn-small: A pinch of salt to season sliced tomatoes, Taste Buds, ability to see out of my good eye.
931-933:: Gifts Government: Right to VOTE! FEMA helping NY and NJ after Hurricane Sandy; We the people are the most important part of government.
934-936:: Gifts from my window: A quilt pattern in the fields of greens to browns, clumps of cattails, Amish farms.
937-939:: Gifts Sweet: Home made ginger cookies; Salty: Fresh Auntie Ann's soft pretzel; Sipped: A hot cup of tea when the piercing cold wind whips past our windows.
940-942:: Gifts of Harvest: Clean fields for miles; Fresh corn and apples and tomatoes; A pallet of color.
943-945:: Gifts found in bible reading: Isaiah 41:10 "Do not fear for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you for I am your God." Psalm 34:8 "Taste and see that the Lord is good; how blessed is the one who takes refuge in him." Hebrews 2:18 "For since He Himself was tempted in that which He has suffered, He is able to come to the aid of those who are tempted."
946-948:: Gifts of remembrance:: Our Veterans; Stories from WWII and Vietnam; Remember what Pres. Kennedy said: "Ask NOT what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country."
949-951:: Gifts at noon: Lunch with hubby, warmer weather, tuna sandwiches.
952-954:: Gifts behind a door: A wreath waiting to move to the front of the door in December; A closet full of clothes; A pantry full of food.
958-960:: Gifts Golden: Fallen leaves laid carefully on still-green grass; My yellow chairs, still outside; treasured moments of conversation with Christ in the midst.
961-963:: Hard Eucharisteos: Sharing 'dad-care' ideas with numerous family members; Extended quiet time awaiting the revival of a sick hubby; Juggling a schedule to meet family needs.
964-966:: Gifts of Laughter: A hubby-joke; a gaggle of women laughing after bible study; little ones playing together.
967-969:: Gifts Made: Molasses Bread; Shared: A delightful dinner with a couple in their 90s; Passed On: Reminders of our 'worth' as women through my blog: womenofworthmin.com
970-972:: Gifts Autumn: Crisp breezes; golds and reds; shuffling through leaves.
976-978:: Gifts Family: Brothers and sisters who are eager to communicate; A 97 year old Father who is determined to overcome a setback; A hubby who daily says, "I Love You."
979:: GIFT GRATEFUL: THANKS GIVING to God for ALL we have.
980-982:: Gifts only in Christ: Salvation, Eternal Life, Holy Living
983-985:: Gifts Humble: Stepping back from leadership; Choosing simplicity; More quiet, alone time.
989-991:: Gifts Preparing:: Stringing outdoor lights to pierce dark days; Hanging greens to welcome visitors; Baking cookies for company.
992-994::Gifts Handmade: Apple chips; Held: A neighbor's new grandchild; Happy: Moments with hubby.
998-1000:: Gifts Red: Patches on my favorite wool pillow; Holly Berries; My little bush that still bears bright red peppers.
1001 - 1003:: Three Gifts Astonishing!
I reached 1000 THANKS! The best time to give thinks is TODAY! Each day has a new JOY of its own.
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