#733-735:: Gifts Summer: bare feet, flip flops, profuse blooms.
736-738:: Gifts cut: Zinnias, herbs, grass.
739-741:: Gifts Yellow: Finches, Flowers, French's Classic Mustard.
742-744:: Gifts Cool: Water from the pitcher in the refrigerator; Warm: Summer days; Sun Soaked: My garden, blooming and re-blooming all summer.
745-747:: Gifts Autumn: Green leaves turning slightly red; cooler nights; Sedum, Autumn Joy turning pink.
748-750:: Gifts Growing: Nasturtiums; Grass; my curiosity.
751-753:: Gifts Given: Life at conception; God's Grace; Salvation.
754-756:: Gifts Made: Delicious dinner for hubby; Masked: Frustration when I need to be polite to an impolite neighbor; Marveled: My continued curiosity and love of life.
757-759:: Gifts Framed: Mirror from my friend when we moved away; Botanical arts from my sister; my Cross Stitch work.
760-762:: Gifts Moving: Dragon flies, Pine branches in the breeze, our feet as hubby and I take a walk.
763-765:: Hard Eucharisteos: Thanks to God for having me right where I am; Thanks for being out of work so I have more time for more important things; Thanks for the internet that connects me to dear friends in far away places even though I want to be with them, face to face.
766-768:: Gifts in His Word: "I AM" is always present; God's assurance that His plans are right and true; Encouragement that our triune God: Father, Son, Holy Spirit, is alive and active through Word.
769-771:: Gifts Scented: lavender and lemon verbena in the garden; Scrawled: A wonderful quote I wrote on a paper scrap; Started: each day with the Lord.
772-774:: Gifts Drawn: My sister's botanical art; my own doodles; insights gained when I read God's Word.
775-777:: Gifts Paired: Matching socks! Me and hubby; Peanut butter and jelly.
778-780:: Gifts Shared: A meal at a church we visited; Conversation with friends I have not seen in decades; Too-short moments with cousins.
781-783:: Gifts Ugly-Beautiful: Twisted plants after a huge storm; mounds of dirty laundry we accumulated while on vacation; thoughts of loss turned to hope.
784-786:: Gifts Fixed: Our eyes on tall pines; Folded: clothing packed neatly in the suitcase; Freckled: a little tyke in the row in front of us on the plane.
790-792:: Gifts in Salvation: Firm faith in Christ; Trust in our omnipotent God; Compassion for those who are hard to love.
793-795:: Gifts in Information:: Bible Scripture so that I might enhance my personal relationship with Jesus Christ; Web sites so that I might learn more as I research theological issues; Friends so that I can listen and learn about their lives and 'wander' with them in prayer.
796-798:: Gifts Rattling: My dishes in the china cabinet when I walk by; Receding: Water in our wilderness gully below our house after a huge storm; Reclaiming: Returning wild flowers that got smashed by machines when drainage ditches were added to our wilderness gully.
799-801:: Gifts Quiet: Our home with farms behind us; Early morning hours before many are awake; God's Spirit within me . . . sometimes too quiet to hear well.
805-807:: Gifts Finished: The sting of death when Jesus died on the Cross; A good breakfast each morning; My Bunad after ten years. . . all wool embroidery is done. I should had make a blouse but we will see about that.
808-810:: Gifts Flourishing:: My Rose bushes . . . still, and more to come; Life around us, in us, with us; stink bugs!
811-813:: Gifts Unexpected: Sun and warmth when it's suppose to rain all day; Uneven: Cobbles on the walking path; Unpopular: the Truth.
814-816:: Gifts Shy: Our friend's two year old; my introverted self; many of my friends.
817-819:: Gifts Shelved: Groceries; the Book I've been writing for years; plans that take second place to saying farewell to a dear friend who just died.
820-822:: Gifts Shining: Sun's rays through clean windows; Clean car; My husband's example of caring for others.
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