We begin One Thousand Gifts: #1 - #93
1-3:: I am grateful: for my body, created by God and honored as His temple.
:: for my continuos yearning after more of the Lord as I grow into the image He created :: that I am ME, a unique personality that GOD created.
4-6::I look out the window and see open fields as far as I can see.
Inside by the window is my favorite chair
On the plate is Pork and Sauerkraut, served today to crowds, instead of
yesterday . . . Sunday.
7-9:: Three words of grace: Faith, Hope, Love
10-12::Old gift: A low rocking chair from my mother.
New gift: TODAY!
Blue gift: Sponge painted bowl from my friend who moved at the same time we
moved from that town.
13-15:: Reading: "The Nearly Perfect Crime," on inner healing, by Francis Macnutt
Making: Norwegian Bunad (costume) embroidery and creation
Seeing: Rugged farmland fertile with frost.
16-18 Gifts in a bag: potpourri in the fridge: fresh hummus for my hubby
in my heart: blessed assurance.
19-21 Graces from people I love: a blessing from my father, prayer with my husband, affirmations from friends.
22-24 Caught light: sunlight peaking through clouds on a gray day . . . Surprise reflection: my body in the lake . . . Lovely shadow: A thin, elongated ME if I stand just right in against the sun.
25-27 Gift in hand:strength beyond the arthritis
Gift walked by: stacks of books waiting to be read
A gift I sat with: A dear friend who stopped by for a chat.
28-30 A gift sour: Organic Vinegar I have each morning A gift sweet: Honey in my tea
A gift just right: Coffee yogurt mixed with plain. YUM!
31-33 Yellow things as fresh mercy: Forsythia branches ready to bloom soon, golden rays of the sun, pages of old, books that nurture my soul.
34-36 Something above me:The roof over my head
Below me: wide planks that hold my weight
Beside me: The Lord always.
37-39 Three sounds heard: screaming wind, washing machine spin cycle,
tick-tock of the clock.
40-42 Startling grace of God: Ability to help at a neighbor church that needs our help,
words of appreciation from a long lost friend via email, my hubby's bubbling joy.
43-45 One thing worn: Nice clothes for the Lord
Given away: A special offering Shared: Conversation.
46-48 Sights of happiness: Watching crowds gather for Martin Luther King day,
Kids at the Mall, A smile.
49-51 Gifts that made me . . . Laugh: My husband's storytelling
Pray: Our abundance Quiet: Time with God.
52-54 Gifts from God's Word: JOY, Psalm 100; Salvation, John 3:16;
Faithfulness, Proverbs 3:5-6
55-57 A grace . . . in the kitchen: perfect counter height; weather: no snow
A grace that might never have been: finding our plumbing challenge to be minor.
58-60 Up-close gifts: Tiny words on a box, "May you celebrate Christmas all year"
Sock lint instead of a bug on the carpet;
Long roots of Paper White bulbs gnarled around tiny rocks.

61- 63 On thing . . . in the sky:cloud-pillows;
from my memory: all the lovely places we have lived
ugly-beautiful: laundry in piles waiting to be washed.
64-66 A Grace . . . Wrinkled: A friend healing from surgery
Smoothed: A temper quelled by prayer
Unfolded: Revelation from God's word as it is unpacked.
67-69 Gifts found in Christ: Salvation, Grace, Faith
70-72 Gifts Blue: Kitchen counters, my old denim skirt I wear everywhere,
my tea mug.
73-75 Graces . . . Borrowed: life on this earth
Found: I can be used by God in new ways
Inherited: God 'grafted' me in as another of His chosen people.
76-78 A gift . . . Before 9am: my daily quiet time
Before Noon: Sun stream in the kitchen
After dark: Electricity so I can turn on lights.
79-81 Gifts that might have never been: my life on this earth, my salvation in Christ,
marriage at a late age.
82-84 Graces found in friends: a listening ear, keeping in touch over decades,
exhortations to keep me on track.
85-87 A song heard: A communion hymn A soft word: "Thank you"
Where I saw light: Sun streaming in though the stained glass window.
88-90 Old things seen new: Ancient furniture polished, My old face smiling back at me
in the mirror, rotting bananas turned into a delicious bread.
91-93 A gift found . . . On paper: The words, "I love you"
In a person: A chat-walk with my friend;
In a picture: My 99 yr old aunt at her birthday party miles away
New gift: TODAY!
Blue gift: Sponge painted bowl from my friend who moved at the same time we
moved from that town.
13-15:: Reading: "The Nearly Perfect Crime," on inner healing, by Francis Macnutt
Making: Norwegian Bunad (costume) embroidery and creation
Seeing: Rugged farmland fertile with frost.
16-18 Gifts in a bag: potpourri in the fridge: fresh hummus for my hubby
19-21 Graces from people I love: a blessing from my father, prayer with my husband, affirmations from friends.
22-24 Caught light: sunlight peaking through clouds on a gray day . . . Surprise reflection: my body in the lake . . . Lovely shadow: A thin, elongated ME if I stand just right in against the sun.
25-27 Gift in hand:strength beyond the arthritis
Gift walked by: stacks of books waiting to be read
A gift I sat with: A dear friend who stopped by for a chat.
A gift just right: Coffee yogurt mixed with plain. YUM!
31-33 Yellow things as fresh mercy: Forsythia branches ready to bloom soon, golden rays of the sun, pages of old, books that nurture my soul.
34-36 Something above me:The roof over my head
Below me: wide planks that hold my weight
Beside me: The Lord always.
37-39 Three sounds heard: screaming wind, washing machine spin cycle,
tick-tock of the clock.
40-42 Startling grace of God: Ability to help at a neighbor church that needs our help,
words of appreciation from a long lost friend via email, my hubby's bubbling joy.
43-45 One thing worn: Nice clothes for the Lord
Given away: A special offering Shared: Conversation.
46-48 Sights of happiness: Watching crowds gather for Martin Luther King day,
Kids at the Mall, A smile.
49-51 Gifts that made me . . . Laugh: My husband's storytelling
Pray: Our abundance Quiet: Time with God.
52-54 Gifts from God's Word: JOY, Psalm 100; Salvation, John 3:16;
Faithfulness, Proverbs 3:5-6
55-57 A grace . . . in the kitchen: perfect counter height; weather: no snow
A grace that might never have been: finding our plumbing challenge to be minor.
58-60 Up-close gifts: Tiny words on a box, "May you celebrate Christmas all year"
Sock lint instead of a bug on the carpet;
Long roots of Paper White bulbs gnarled around tiny rocks.
61- 63 On thing . . . in the sky:cloud-pillows;
from my memory: all the lovely places we have lived
ugly-beautiful: laundry in piles waiting to be washed.
64-66 A Grace . . . Wrinkled: A friend healing from surgery
Smoothed: A temper quelled by prayer
Unfolded: Revelation from God's word as it is unpacked.
67-69 Gifts found in Christ: Salvation, Grace, Faith
70-72 Gifts Blue: Kitchen counters, my old denim skirt I wear everywhere,
my tea mug.
73-75 Graces . . . Borrowed: life on this earth
Found: I can be used by God in new ways
Inherited: God 'grafted' me in as another of His chosen people.
76-78 A gift . . . Before 9am: my daily quiet time
Before Noon: Sun stream in the kitchen
After dark: Electricity so I can turn on lights.
79-81 Gifts that might have never been: my life on this earth, my salvation in Christ,
marriage at a late age.
82-84 Graces found in friends: a listening ear, keeping in touch over decades,
exhortations to keep me on track.
85-87 A song heard: A communion hymn A soft word: "Thank you"
Where I saw light: Sun streaming in though the stained glass window.
88-90 Old things seen new: Ancient furniture polished, My old face smiling back at me
in the mirror, rotting bananas turned into a delicious bread.
91-93 A gift found . . . On paper: The words, "I love you"
In a person: A chat-walk with my friend;
In a picture: My 99 yr old aunt at her birthday party miles away
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