Friday, October 25, 2019


Balmy days interrupt the crisp progression of Fall.  
The garden is nearly put to bed for the winter as mums pop full Yellow and White and Purple.  

Mounds of beautiful enhance the bleak empty spaces where dead foliage was cut back.  
A golden glow creeps across the fields.
The sound of harvesting machines provides a tranquil backdrop as I meditate on these quotes and the following scriptures. 
 Enjoy another week of God’s glory.

“Grace has five effects in us: first, our soul is healed; second, we will good; third, we work effectively for it; fourth, we persevere; fifth, we break through to glory.”  Thomas Aquinas

“In His wondrous way God makes what seemed unbearable and painful and distressing, easily acceptable when we view it as a blessing.”
Helen Steiner Rice

“The proud man counts his newspaper clippings, the humble man his blessings.”
Fulton John Sheen

October 25     Ezra 3:1-3; Psalm 31,35; 1 Cor. 16:10-24; Matthew 12:22-32
Matthew 12:28 Jesus said, “If I cast out demons by the Spirit of God then the kingdom of God has come upon you.  :30 He who is not with Me is against Me.  Whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven either in this age or in the age to come.”

Jesus is teaching after a blind and deaf man came to Jesus and was healed.  After being healed, the man spoke and he saw!  The people are so busy struggling to survive, to pay their taxes to the emperor, to simply exist, that they have forgotten the power that surrounds them . . .  the Holy Spirit.  
Then Jesus gets right to the point.   In these ‘old covenant’ days, the Holy Spirit swirled about looking for a soul that could be led back to God.  He would come and go as needed.  Jesus is saying [in my words], “Look at the power here to heal, I am not alone in this. I am part of a Holy Trinity who works together: Father, SON, and Holy Spirit.  Open your hearts to Our presence!  Get off the fence.  Either come back to Us or not but don’t play the game [as the pharisees are doing] in order to meet your needs or further your own ambitions.” 
Then we come to the words that trip up many devote Christians.  “Whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit
will not be forgiven either in this age or in the age to come.”  The Jewish people knew about the power of the Holy Spirit.  Yet, they’d lost the openness to God that might allow the Holy Spirit to dwell in them temporarily so that they could be used by God.  Not until Jesus dies, is resurrected and then ascends into heaven will the Holy Spirit come into the souls of believers and remain forever.  Jesus is preparing these eager souls who just observed this ‘sight and sound’ miracle with the blind and voiceless man, to be healed of their own blindness to God’s presence and voiceless praise to God.

The people in the presence of Jesus had the power of God dwelling in their midst but did not recognize his power even after Jesus brings sight and sound to this man he healed.  Because the people had turned from God, they could not see God’s presence in Jesus.  Because they could not see God’s presence in Jesus they, in turn, could not see the powerful action of the Holy Spirit working through Jesus.  
Think about it:  Sometimes it is difficult to understand
the words Jesus is saying to us through scripture because we do not believe we are part of the story.  Not until we say, “YES” to Jesus and are baptized and ‘sealed as Christ’s own forever’ will the Holy Spirit dwell in us.  Then we have to recognize this power within us and say “yes” again, “yes” help me see, “yes” help me be Your voice!
If, indeed, we have made this statement of faith, the Lord’s grace and mercy will help us over the pitfalls of going back on our word.  Once we commit to Him, our God will never leave us nor forsake us. 
Knowing the Holy Spirit dwells within us permanently, if we intentionally speak against Jesus, the Christ, we speak against the Holy Spirit.  If we speak against the Holy Spirit, we speak against God the Father.  Sometimes we have to dig deep into our soul, meditate long and hard and think about our own relationship to God through his Son, being empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Are you ‘all in’ for Jesus?  Do you believe the power of
the Holy Spirit working within you can do mighty works to further the gospel?  Are you brave enough to get off the fence and declare to the world that the Holy Spirit works powerfully through you because you asked the Lord, Jesus Christ, to empower you to do His will?  Are you brave enough to ask the Lord to use you mightily each day, to pray for His grace to proclaim God’s presence, God’s power, God’s leading through the direction of the Holy Spirit?  

Ask the Lord to ‘heal’ you of your blindness.  Ask the Lord to give you a voice, a bold voice, a Holy Bold Voice to further the gospel of Jesus Christ.  See what happens.

10-26 Ezra 4:7, 11-24; Psalm 30, 32, 42, 43; Philemon 1-25; Matthew 12:33-42
Philemon 1-25 is the whole letter from Paul .  
 :16 "No longer simply a slave but a beloved brother in 
This very short letter is a plea for Philemon to have grace toward his run-away slave, Onesimus.  While Paul was imprisoned, he just ‘happened’ to meet Onesimus and hear his story.  It seems that Onesimus was a laggard to his master and may have stolen from him when he ran away.  
Slaves were very common and even outnumbered the rest of the population.  Unfortunately, Roman law says that any slave who runs away from his master gets the death penalty.  Paul is quite blunt with Philemon as he asked Onesimus’ master to have the grace to take back his slave, now greatly changed.   Onesimus, with Paul’s help, became a Christian, a ‘slave’ to Christ, and was willing to return to his master, make amends and pay back what was taken.  Paul even offered recompense to Philemon.  Most important was that Onesimus, a changed man, not be killed for his disobedience.  Onesimus was now “No longer simply a slave but a beloved brother in Christ.”
Although Onesimus may have instantly chosen Jesus Christ as Lord of his life, change is not instant.  Onesimus may have been tutored daily by Paul for months in order to learn about the love and grace and gifts bestowed upon him by God.  The ‘fruit’ of his faith, dying to selfish ways and living to glorify the Lord, had to be evident before Onesimus returned to his master, Philemon.  

Think about it:  Some of us are no different than
Onesimus.  We’ve become sloths toward our master, Jesus Christ, to whom we have chosen to be enslaved.
We may have run away by no longer spending daily time with the Lord or by not attending worship services in the community of other Christians.  
Perhaps, if you have been dedicated enough to read these meditations you are not slothful but you notice the majority of people around you who call themselves Christians.   Yet, you see nothing different in them than you see in others who may never have been inside a church.  We can either be the ‘master’ and judge to those people or we can ask for grace and divine creativity to woo these ‘slaves to the world’ back into the loving arms of our Master, Jesus Christ.  It’s no easy task.

Being open to others about the joy the Lord provides daily, as we dive into scriptures, may draw a ‘laggard’ back into the fold.  Try it.  See what happens.

10-27  Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost year C
Sirach 35:12-17; Psalm 84:1-6; 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18;  Luke 18:9-14
Luke 18:14b   “He who exalts himself is humbled and he who humbles himself is exalted.”
This is the second of two parables regarding prayer.  The verses before these tell us to pray continually.  These verses focus on our attitude when we pray; the attitude of ‘being' in the presence of God rather than ‘doing’ for others to see.
In these verses we see the different attitudes of the tax collector who knows he is a sinner and is deeply humbled before God.  We also observe the pharisee who has spent his life in God’s presence.  Yet, the pharisee’s adherence to traditional forms of piety makes him think he has automatic entry into God’s abundant blessings.  Far from it.  We are called to die to self and pray in secret or in unison with others.
We are called into submission to One who is awesome, far greater than we can imagine, our Lord, our Savior.  A humble attitude, words from the depth of our soul, our heart-murmurs, are graciously received by our Lord.

Think about it:  Perhaps you have experienced some dedicated Christians who seem to pray long and loud and strong.  When speaking against the devil, when laying
hands on another for healing prayer, this is very important.  We must speak boldly against the evil that might block healing.
However, this parable speaks of our own prayer life or corporate prayer during the worship service.  Have you watched the movie, “War Room”?  This powerful prayer warrior actually had a closet in which she prayed long and hard.  It was her private place to humble herself before the Lord yet boldly pray for herself and others.  Her grace-filled life bloomed with the results of her prayer life.
In church, we have corporate prayer, like saying the Lord’s Prayer together.  In corporate prayer we should be heard as one voice to God.  The words, the rhythm, the power, the One-sound is like sweet incense to God.  Yet, sometimes there is one person who says the words faster or louder or out of cinque.  That person is trying to be set apart from the mass, trying to stand out when we are called to be one voice.  
Next time you worship, if you recite prayers, the Creed or scripture corporately, listen to the rhythm as you recite together.  Is there one voice trying to stand out in the crowd like that of a pharisee?

Try to seek out that voice and engage in friendly conversation. Be ready to listen.  Ask for God’s grace to love her/him right where they are.  Then ask the Lord how you can pray for that person in order to help her/him grown in humility.  In doing so you’d be amazed how the Lord deals with our own humility.  You may also have made a new friend.

10-28   Saint Simon and Saint Jude, Apostles, are celebrated today
Deuteronomy 32:1-4; Psalm 119:89-96; Ephesians 2:13-22; John 15:17-27
Deuteronomy 32:2  [Moses sang:] “Let my teaching drop
as rain :3 For I proclaim the name of the Lord, ascribe greatness to our God!  :4 The Rock! His work is perfect, for all His ways are just; A God of faithfulness and not injustice,  Righteous and upright is He.”
Context is key.  If you dive right into these verses you would not know that Moses’ audience consists of all the elders and Joshua, son of Nun, who was commissioned to lead in Moses’ place.  This was a grand and poignant celebration of new ministry.   Moses has done great things but is near the end of his life.  He needs a leader who is pure, holy, totally committed to God and committed to leading these wayward Hebrew people.  Yet, Moses is not speaking to Joshua alone but to the elders who have been called as ‘shepherds’ to help Joshua lead the Lord’s sheep.
Today’s scriptures describe the duty of the Apostles, Simon and Jude, who were ‘commissioned’ by Jesus to lead God’s wayward flock in the same way Joshua was called to
lead.  This song may have been sung many times throughout Jewish history to remind the leaders that their teaching must be prolific.  The people cannot learn how to worship the greatness of God, the Rock, who is perfect, unless they are taught repeatedly.   These saintly leaders not only have to teach but live the life God called them to lead.  Words do not matter if their lives do not imitate godly life by example.

Think about it:  Have you ever been present at a celebration of new ministry?  The person ‘called’ into a position of leadership has been screened by many people in the church.  Discernment for leadership takes time.  In fact, most people in the church would recognize the leadership qualities in this person well before that person is ‘called’ into ministry.  It takes years to build up leadership skills and maturity in Christ.  That person needs time to glean new insights and become part of this church community.
Have you been attending your church for a number of years?  Have you grown in Christ to the point of leading in whatever ministry you are involved?  Ask the Lord to give you discernment regarding your next step in ministry.  As part of the body of Christ, we are all called into some sort of ministry.  Sometimes we outgrow our role as sheep and know deep in our sole that we must take the next step into the role of ‘shepherd.’  

Seek counsel from your elders or clergy regarding your walk in Christ.  Perhaps it’s time to be a Joshua of sorts, an elder, a leader of a small group or whatever the Lord is putting on your heart.  Celebrate your growth into new ministry ! 

10-29  Ezra 5:1-17, Psalm 45, 47, 48; Revelation 4:1-11; Matthew 13:1-9
Ezra 5:1-17  The governor asked who issued the decree to finish the temple. 
:13 “In the first year of Cyrus king of Babylon, King
Cyrus issued a decree to rebuild the temple.”  :15 King Cyrus said, “Take these utensils, go and deposit them in the temple in Jerusalem and let the house of God be rebuilt in it’s place.”
Although the Jews had returned from exile in Babylon, Jerusalem was not governed by the Jews.  The prophet Haggai preached to crowds for several months [August 29 - December 18, 520 B.C.] to continue rebuilding the temple. By October King Zerubbabel, meaning offspring of Babylon because he was born in Babylon, joined Haggai in his effort.  Zerubbabel would be the last of the Dividic line to be entrusted with political authority by the occupying powers. 
The Persian governor gave the Jews the benefit of the doubt and let them continue work on the temple while they inquired about this decree from King Cyrus.  Not only was the decree found but, to the amazement of the foreign officials, all the treasure of the temple, utensils and items used for worship, were returned to the temple by order of King Cyrus.
The new king of Babylon understood enough about the Jewish God and the importance of their worship that he not only ‘let the people go’ but sent abundant treasure with those who returned to Jerusalem from Babylon in order to rebuild the temple and properly worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  
It seems as if God prompted King Cyrus’ benevolence.   Perhaps word swirled about the Persian empire that the God of the Jews is Holy, Almighty, and needs to be worshipped and glorified properly in an edifice where God could reside.  King Cyrus heard the message.
As we have said before, returning to desolation and rebuilding is never easy.  Tough, devoted Jews were motivated by their eagerness to worship God in the splendor of the Temple where they trusted that the presence of God would reside once the edifice was completed.  

Think about it: God’s chosen people considered the
temple to be holy but could not comprehend God’s presence swirling about them 24/7/365.  God was ‘out there’ and only by providing sacrifice could they come into the presence of God.  It is still difficult for many to understand that Jesus, the Messiah, the anointed one, the one who came to us from the Father in human form, became our forever sacrifice.  We no longer need a building to find God’s presence because Jesus, when He ascended into heaven, sent us an advocate, the Holy Spirit, to resided within any who, by faith, accept Jesus, the Christ, as our Lord. 
Yes, we who are baptized into the Christian faith AND profess their faith in Christ Jesus, have the full presence of God within us to direct our path.
However, this does not excuse us from joining others in an edifice, a worship space, a place where God is
worshipped and glorified.  As Christians we are called into community, to be One with God as a community.  If, indeed, we believe in God’s ultimate sacrifice for us, we are called to sacrifice some of our time to worship and glorify the One who gave us His grace and mercy and ‘saved’ us from eternal separation from the Holy One.  

How much time do you give each week to come into God’s presence and glorify Him?  If you are satisfied with your commitment, how are you persuading others to do the same?

10-30  Ezra 6:1-22; Psalm 119:49-72, Psalm 49; Revelation 5:1-10; Matthew 13:10-17
Ezra 6:15 The temple was completed on the 3rd day
of Adar, the 6th year of the reign of King Darius, and the Israelites dedicated the temple and celebrated with joy.  The exiles observed the Passover on the 14th day of the 1st month and the feast of the unleavened bread lasted 7 days with joy.  The king of Assyria encouraged their worship of God.
It is interesting that the Persians, who do not practice animal sacrifice, would allow the Jewish people to conduct the blood sacrifice that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob mandated.  It’s smelly and messy and hundreds of animals at a time are burnt as sweet offerings to God.   This new temple has the same dimensions as the King Solomon’s massive temple and all costs are covered by the Persian government.  
The King of Babylon specifically asked for the Jews to pray for him and his son.  This might be prompted by Jeremiah’s request to the exiles to pray for the welfare of Babylon.  By praying for those who held them in captivity, Jews became a positive influence and much was returned to them, including their freedom.
Although the dedication of this second temple seems extravagant because they sacrificed 712 animals, this is far less than the dedication of Solomon’s temple when the king offered 22,000 Oxen and 120,000 sheep. Twelve of the 700 represents the 12 tribes of Israel even though only the tribes of Benjamin, Judah and Levi were present.
Of note, vs. 19-22 are written regarding the
beginning of Passover.  At this time the sacrificial lamb was offered for all who returned from exile.  This would include Gentiles who believed in God and were circumcised.  They all celebrated because the benevolent heart of the king of Assyria had turned toward them.
This is a multi-faceted celebration.  Ezra writes of this event years later when the celebration of Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread are combined.   Yet, Ezra also records the celebration of the completion of the temple and the return of the exiles . . .  and the Joy in knowing that king of Assyria chooses to return to the Jews that which the Assyrians had stripped away from the them so many years ago.  
They were celebrating new life!  Passover had not been celebrated properly during captivity.  The new temple afforded proper remembrance of the Passover sacrifice to give thanks for their salvation from slavery in Egypt.  Remembrance means pulling out all the stops with a grand celebration.   Their remembrance  of the exodus was combined with a celebration of new life in Jerusalem after, once again, being freed from captivity.  

Think about it:  Can you imagine not being allowed to
worship the Lord in public, not being allowed to gather in community to celebrate God’s sacrifice of His Son for us?  
Can you imagine being in a country where you had to hide your faith in Christ knowing you would be killed if authorities found out? 
This is real, today.  
Are you amazed at the powerful God we serve, love, adore and worship?  
God is powerful for good, not bad.  
Can you think of a situation where God so impressed a non-Christian that the person’s benevolence poured out onto Christian community?  
There are many leaders who might follow another god but, because they understand that the Christians among them only want the best for their leaders, they show grace and mercy toward believers in Christ.
Can you better understand the privilege we have to openly worship our Lord?
We are more than blessed.  
What ways to you Celebrate your relationship with Christ daily?
How do you show this openly in this country where we have freedom to do so?
Talk about this with other Christian and non-Christians. Spread the word, be open, CELEBRATE!

October 31 All Hallows Eve
Nehemiah 1:1-11; Psalm 50 or 33; Revelation 5:11—6:11; Matthew 13:18-23
Psalm 50:23a  “He who offers a sacrifice of
thanksgiving honors Me.”
“Halloween use to be a pagan Celtic autumn festival of Samhain celebrated in the British isles before the arrival of Christianity.  Historians recorded that Samhain involved lighting bonfires against the onset of winter darkness and making offerings of crops and livestock to appease threatening otherworldly forces.
      In the mid-8th century Pope Gregory III declared that All Saints Day (All Hallows Day) would be celebrated on November 1.  So the night before, October 31,  would become All Hallows Eve or Halloween.  
     The Christian holiday was observed with masses and prayers, but in parts of the British Isles people also continued the old rituals associated with Samhain: building bonfires, ringing bells and lighting candles to scare away evil spirits.
        There was also the practice of ‘souling’ when people would go door to door begging for ‘soul cakes,’ small current biscuits, which were offered in exchange for prayers.  
In the Middle Ages people would disguise themselves in order to fool any evil spirits that might be wandering about.  In Ireland people would carry candles in hollowed out turnips, carved with grotesques faces.  
Halloween may have been brought to America by the Scots who settled in Appalachia during the colonial period but it did not become well known until the 19th century when Irish immigrants introduced their Halloween traditions, including masquerading and parading through the neighborhood asking for fruit, nuts and coins.  [Edited from an article in WSJ 2018 by Dr. Regina Hansen, Master Lecturer of Rhetoric at Boston University.]

Halloween (October 31st) is connected with All Saints Day (November 1st) and All Souls Day (November 2nd). These three days are the “Days of the Dead,” a triduum also known as Allhallowtide or Hallowmas, reminding the faithful of the reality of heaven and hell and the communion of saints.

Think about it:  Psalm 50:23 is poignant for All Hallows Eve.  As we prepare to celebrate the lives of the saints who have gone before us, we open our doors to little beggars.  Today’s rush to get the most candy was
yesterday’s desire to scare away evil spirits in order to make way for the saints.  We now offer our time and may go out of our way to purchase treats so the children can show off their favorite costume and frolic through the neighborhood with others.
It’s a wonderful time to show kindness and promote the spirit of giving.  Yet, because evil reigns in this very secular world, we must tame the joy and re-direct attention to “Trunk or Treat” where vetted vehicles can share their goodies in a well monitored parking lot.
No matter the circumstances, we are to honor our Lord.  Do you participate in these wonder-filled activities?  Do you or your children dress as great saints like Joan of Arc or Gregory the Great or even Saint Nicholas?  Perhaps this is a time to think of ways to dress differently from the choices of the secular world.  

It’s a great way to prepare our hearts for tomorrow’s celebration of thanksgiving for the lives of the saints who paved the way for the Gospel of Christ Jesus in order to change lives.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


As we shuffle through leaves and add another layer for our daily walk, let us sing a new song to the lord. 
May these quotes before this next section of meditations lift your spirits and brighten these blustery days of Fall.

“Whenever you get a blessing from God, give it back to Him as a love gift  Take time to meditate before God and offer the blessing back to Him in a deliberate act of worship.”   Oswald Chambers

“The kind of work we do does not make us holy, but we can make it holy.  However sacred a calling may be, as it is a calling, it has no power to sanctify; but rather as we are and have the divine being within, we bless each task we do, be it eating, or sleeping, or watching, or any other.”  Meister Eckhart

October 17  Jeremiah 38:1-13; Psalm 18;    1Corinthiens 14:26-33a, 37-40; 
                Matthew 10:34-42
Matthew 10:38  “He who does not take his Cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me.  :40 He who receives you receives Me and he who received Me receives Him who sent me. 
Powerful words.  It’s enough to make us close the bible and give it a rest.   This IS heavy teaching.  Jesus is saying, “Fish or cut bait.”  Either you are all in or not.  People knew very well what it meant to ‘take his cross,” the most brutal form of execution in history.  They also knew the emperor was a god to be worshipped, reverenced by bowing down in his presence.  Jesus reminded God’s chosen people, the Jews, that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, their One God, was the only One to be worshipped according to their commandments written at the time of Moses . . . the Mosaic Law.  
The difficult part was accepting Jesus as a ‘person’ of the God they worshipped.  That’s why the next verse is so important and is stated in various ways throughout the new covenant scriptures.  ‘He who receives you [God the Father] receives me [God the Son] and he who receives me [Jesus, the son of God] receives Him who sent me [God, the Father].  Not until after Jesus ascended into heaven and promised to send an ‘advocate’ in his place, the Holy Spirit, would our Triune God be understood by the Jewish followers of Christ.  
The very fact that thousands of Jewish and Gentile believers in Christ chose to die rather than renounce Jesus as God gives weight to these statements.  For centuries people have chosen eternal life in God’s presence rather than eternal damnation separated from God.  They have chosen to die in their belief in Christ rather than have their soul die from starvation of not being in the presence of God.

Think about it:  Many of us take our Christian walk for
granted.  We may have never had our faith in Christ challenged.  Perhaps we have been blessed by attending worship without incident.  For some, this is not the case.  Think of the headlines where Christians were killed because they did not deny their faith in Christ.  They did nothing to cause their death.  They only ‘took up their Cross’ to follow Jesus a
What would you do?  
For many of us we could not possibly know until that moment.  
Are you ready to die for Christ’s sake?  
Ask the Lord to help you stand strong in your faith.

10-18  Celebration of Luke, the Evangelist  
Ecclesiasticus 38:1-4,6-10; Psalm 147; 2 Timothy 4:5-13; Luke 4:14-21
Luke 4:14  Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit  :16 “He entered the Synagogue on the Sabbath and stood up to read the book of Isaiah. 
 :18 ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me’ …  and He closed the book, sat down and all eyes were on Him when He said, :21 ‘Today the scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.’”
As you have noticed, we celebrate another person who helped to further the Gospel or good news of Jesus Christ - Luke.  Luke, the physician, could have remained quite comfortable by staying in one place and using his skills to heal.  In fact, one would think that Jesus might
be ‘competition’ for his practice.  But Luke saw God’s presence in Jesus, believed in him and followed Him.  
In fact, the Gospel of Luke is only half of his well documented story of Christianity.  He followed the Apostle Paul on his missionary journeys which he documented in the book of Acts.  Luke’s writings about Jesus’ and the Apostles “actions” creates a very clear picture of the Gospel stories for us today.
Luke, the doctor, the evangelist, the traveler, the one who weathered the ‘storms’ of life with the disciples as they journeyed far from home to share the good news with the world.  Luke, who could heal not only with the knowledge he learned in his medical career but also with the power given to him through his faith in Christ.  Luke, indeed, had the ‘spirit of the Lord upon himself’ after Jesus’ ascension, as did all the thousands to gave their lives to God in Christ.

Think about it: When we study the Gospel of Luke we
can picture the stories because Luke provided concise descriptions, as is typical of most physicians. 
 Can you think of other scientists who became Christians knowing that God’s power within them, combined with God’s creativity working through them,  enhanced their work?  
Are you amazed in your walk with Christ that the more you get to ‘know Christ’ the more you discover your gifts and creativity?  That’s what is so exciting about our walk in Christ.  If we study every day and glean as much information as we can from scripture, we cannot possibly know the power and creativity available to us according to God’s plan for each of us.  

We may not be like Luke but we are unique and can be used right where we are.  The more open we are to the Lord’s direction for our lives the more we are able to give the Holy Spirit permission to share gifts with others in our community.  You may not need to travel as Luke did.  Give thanks to the Lord for how He is using you each day, right where you are.

10-19  2 Kings 25:8-12,22-26; Psalm 20, 21:1-7, 110:1-5; 116, 117; 1 Corinthiens 15:12-29; Matthew 11:7-15
Matthew 11:10  Jesus quoted from scripture saying, “Behold, I send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you.”  Then Jesus said, :11 “Truly I say to you, among those born of women there has not arisen anyone greater than John the Baptist! Yet, the one who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.”
Did you think about which scripture Jesus was quoting in verse 10?  After all, the works of the New Covenant were just happening and would not be written for general publication for several decades.  Malachi 3:1 is part of the old covenant scriptures which are quoted throughout the Gospels.  
Jews knew a ‘messiah’ or anointed one was suppose to appear at some time.  They also knew someone would ‘make way’ for this prophet.  However, it had been centuries since this prophecy was proclaimed.  Jesus stands before the Jewish crowd and firmly states that John, the one baptizing the Jews to renew their commitment to God, is indeed the one who is preparing the way for the ‘One who is the New Covenant,’ Jesus Christ.
God, the Father, with the power of the Holy Spirit, orchestrated Jesus and John’s every move.  John, totally devoted to God, listened, waited and moved into his role to pave the way for Jesus’ reign, only when he was directed.   John lived separated from the world, eating only that which the wilderness provided.  John, the faith-filled relative of Jesus, was born to pave the way for God to introduce His Son, Jesus, into the world in full power.  
John had a very large following but directed his followers to Jesus after baptizing Him in the Jordan. John encouraged them saying, “I baptize for repentance but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”  Jesus became known as the Prophet of prophets, a Rabbi of rabbis, the divine healer and so much more.

Think about it:  Have you considered your ‘calling’ as part
of God’s grand orchestration so that others could come to know Jesus and call him Lord? 
 Do you work behind the scenes, so to speak, paving the way for another leader to draw people into the loving arms of Jesus Christ?  
Even if you are the extrovert who is able to evangelize with ease, do you have others ‘preparing the way’ so they can hear you and come to know Christ Jesus as Lord?

We each have varied rolls on our Christian journey.  Sometimes we are called to be leaders while others pave the way for us to do the Lord’s work.  More often, we are paving the way so that whomever is called to draw the ‘flock’ into Jesus’ arms has a clear path to do such work.  Evangelism does not ‘happen’ in a vacuum.  At the very least, we must prepare the path for the Holy Spirit to work at any given moment.  Are you prepared to clear the path that the Lord places in front of you in order for even one to hear the salvation message and be baptized?

10-20  19th  Sunday after Pentecost  Year C
Genesis 32:22-31; Psalm 121; 2 Timothy 3:14—4:5; Luke 18:1-8
Luke 18:5  “Because the widow bothers me I will give her legal protection.  How much more will God do when we bother Him with prayer?”
Did you ever have such a strong need to get someone’s attention that you harassed them until they gave you their undivided attention?  My mind goes back to childhood.  We may not remember our own need for attention but I bet we have observed a small child tugging at mom’s leg to get her attention when she is talking to a friend she bumped into at the store.  We’ve all been there, done that.
That’s exactly what happens when we need to get God’s attention in a hurry, in our own time, now . . .  immediately . . . as if our very life depended on it.  Perhaps we send an email to all our friends asking them to bang on God’s door . . .  all at the same time.  “Let’s all pray at a certain hour on a certain day to make sure that person’s surgery goes well.”  One who does not understand the power of prayer my think this idiocy.  But the Lord promises in scripture, “Come to me when you are weary and heavy laden . . . “  Further words assure us that we can bare our soul, we can dump our burdens on our Lord.  
I have experienced, many times, the power of persistent prayer.  I have seen miracles when a dozen family members prayed for a miracle for a newborn going into surgery.  The surgeon took another Xray just before surgery.  Healed!
He could not explain it.  We all were in awe . . . and most of the prayer warriors had never really prayed for another before.  

Think about it:  Persistence is powerful.  Persistence in
Prayer is dynamite . . . literally.   Persistence in prayer is dynamite-powerful when continued until some answer is heard.  It may not be the answer we are looking for but if we pray until we know, deep in our soul, that whatever answer we receive is indeed God’s answer, we have a sense of completion much like reaching the top of Mt. Everest.
Think of one time you felt the need to persist in prayer for an extended length of time.  Can you recall how you felt about the Lord’s presence during that time?  What was the outcome?  Could you feel the Lord’s grace pouring out upon you?   Our Lord waits patiently for any conversation from us, which we call prayer.

       Persistent, continuous prayer, even if it seems like a selfish request, draws us into His presence a little more deeply, which is like sweet incense to our Lord.

10-21 Jeremiah 44:1-14; Psalm 25,9,5; 1 Corinthiens 15:30-41; Matthew 11:16-24
Jeremiah 44:10 They neither became contrite nor walked by God’s commandments, the Law. :12 “I will take away the remnant of Judah and send them to Egypt where they will fall by the sword, endure famine and no refugees will return to Judah.”
Jeremiah shares these prophetic words from God to the Israelites. God’s chosen people in Judah, and particularly in Jerusalem, will be overcome by Egypt because they continue to serve other gods.   This is the part of Israel that remained close to God, had more good leaders than the northern region, and the Temple in Jerusalem was the ‘heart’ of God’s presence.  
So what happened?
Like us today, making God a priority over all parts of their lives slipped away little by little.  You know.  First it’s not going to church now and again.  Then it’s slipping out of that commitment that focused on sharing the love of the Lord with others.  Then it was taking the summers off because, after all, it’s vacation time.
Then it became easier to not read scripture or pray even weekly.  And then . . . 
Jeremiah was ‘called’ to bring God’s people back to worship, back to relying on God as their primary source of life.  So, God let them do what they wanted.  They eventually suffered grave consequences.  It is no different today, is it.
We do not think there are grave consequences to our lives because we have not yet been “sent into Egypt.”  We have not suffered at all compared to the people of Jeremiah’s day.
Think about it:  When was the last time you suffered for
being a Christian?  When did you find yourself in a totally empty space: feeling friendless, penniless, totally at wits end?   If, indeed, you did experience this or suffered deeply in other ways, who did you call on for help?   

I have been there but I also was in ‘community’ with the Lord: daily bible reading, weekly family group, bible study, church friends.   I simply called out to the Lord for ‘creative solutions’.  These Christian communities could not do much  but they prayed for me.  The solutions were complex but I survived with plenty of encouragement from the Lord.  I also learned new habits that enabled me to easily weather other ‘storms’ that came my way.  God’s love, mercy and grace are endless if we take the time to turn to our Lord and trust the Holy Spirit to lead us.

PAUSE:  Hubby and I will be off the grid again so I'm posting a few days of meditations.  EnJOY!

10-22 Lamenations 1:1-12; Psalm 26,28,36,39; 1 Corinthiens 15:41-50; 
Matthew 11:28 - 30
Matthew 11:28Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest  :29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls :30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
This verse is a perfect solution to yesterday’s challenge.  This became my ‘life verse’ after using it almost daily when I was a new Christian learning how to trust in the Lord.  I tucked a few others into my heart to sustain me but this one penetrated deep into my soul.  Just think!  When we are totally worn out by fighting life’s battles on our own, we can finally turn to the One who can give us rest from our trials.  And almost every day can seem like a trial if we are viewing life as a daily challenge.
“Just give it to God,” is easier said than done, isn’t it.  
That’s why our Lord continues with, “Take My yoke upon you and learn from ME.”  In Jesus’ day, two oxen would share a ‘yoke’ to pull a very heavy mill stone in a circle to crush the grain into flour.  By ‘yoking’ the two together, the weight was shared and the the ‘burden became lighter.’   Learning to work together with the Lord is no easy task.  We must allow at least half our burdens to be taken off our own backs.  
It’s hard to let go of grudges, unforgiveness, anger and all that ‘junk’ inside us that bogs us down.  Yet, if we let Jesus take just one tiny bit of our burden and then another and then . . .    Ahhhhh, relief!  Jesus will find rest for our soul ONLY if we let Him.  Only if we let go and let the Lord chip away at that big block of cement we’ve been carrying for so long.
Think about it:  Do you have any burdens that you carry in your soul?
Picture a huge backpack filled with bricks that you choose to carry daily.  Ask yourself how much it weighs you down.  Would you like to feel a little lighter, be able to sprint through life instead of slog?  
Then find a comfy chair and just sit there.  
Breathe deep.  
Ask the Holy Spirit to help you dig for words regarding your burden.  
Wait a moment.  
Just wait quietly.  
Now, let those words that are coming forth pour out of your soul to the Lord.  Keep pouring.  
How is your load now?  Jesus is our YOKE.  
Just share your load with Jesus daily and be amazed at the lightness of any burdens that might come forth from day to day.

10-23  James of Jerusalem
Acts 15:12-22a; Psalm 1; 1 Corinthiens 15:1-11; Matthew 13:54-58
Acts 15:19-20  Barnabas and Paul related signs and
wonders.  James chimes in with wise words, “Don’t bother the gentiles who have come to know Christ Jesus but remind them to abstain from things contaminated by idols and from fornication and from what is strangled and from blood.” 
We celebrate so many who gave their lives to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  James of Jerusalem was the head honcho along with Peter.  Peter was often called to Antioch or Samaria or places where new Christians were overwhelming evangelists like Barnabas and Paul.  There were too many sheep and not enough shepherds.  So, James would hold down the fort in Jerusalem.
When possible, Paul and his entourage would go to Jerusalem for council.  In this case, James was present with sound advice.   The gentiles who came to know Christ as Lord had not been circumcised and this bothered the Jewish proselytes.
James is telling Paul and Barnabas that this is the NEW Covenant and the Law is to be observed but Christ Jesus is to be followed.  The gentiles are told do no longer offer food as sacrifice in temples dedicated to false gods
Jesus is our sacrifice.  Of course, remain celibate until marriage and remain in fidelity with your spouse.  To this day, we do not eat anything strangled (or road kill) as the way meat is processed is important to our health.

Think about it:  Was there a time when you asked what it means to be a Christian?  What do you have to DO?  Did some helpful soul rattle off a list of “DO NOTs” making

you wonder what you got into?  Or were grace-filled souls guiding you with encouragement to take one step at a time and DO this and that?
When I was seeking to understand the Christian faith I wondered about the ‘rules.’  The best advice I received from the many leading me in my new journey was, “Just focus on learning about who Jesus is by reading His stories in scripture.  The Lord will do the rest.”  
I was amazed at the layers of ‘gentile behavior’ that gently slipped away from me without me even realizing it.  I was blown away when one day I felt like I truly was a ‘new person in Christ.’  Quietly, as my soul changed, my demeanor changed.  My petty grievances washed away, my frown lines became smile lines, and a tiny light began to flicker inside me that had been snuffed out for decades.
It is good to seek wisdom from an authority like James to remind us to let go of the small stuff and let the Lord do the rest.

10-24  Ezra 1:1-11; Psalm 37; 1 Corinthiens 16:1-9; Matthew 12:15-21
Ezra 1:1-11  The first year of King Cyrus’s reign, he
proclaims that he will build a house in Jerusalem, “Judah, rebuild the house of the Lord”.  “Then the house of Benjamin, Judah, Levites and all whom the Spirit of God stirred within brought treasure to rebuild.  :8 King Cyrus brought back that which Nebuchadnezzar stole and set before other gods:  30 gold dishes, 1,000 silver dishes, 29 other articles, 30 gold bowls, 410 silver bowls, 1000 other articles which total 5400 articles.  All of this was brought to Jerusalem by exiles returning from Babylon.”
  I could not resist reflecting on this old covenant story.  Ezra is the faith-filled scribe who gives us this glorious picture.  God’s chosen people were disbursed, exiled, sent every direction including Babylon.  King Cyrus was pleased with the prosperity these ‘salves’ brought to his kingdom.  After all, the Jewish people were industries and Babylon was a place to behold.  Any Jew brave enough to return to the desolation of Jerusalem and start all over again would at least have what they need to celebrate in the temple, thanks to this benevolent king.   The brave ones returned to Jerusalem, packed full of the glorious temple treasures that had been taken at the time of their exile when the temple was desecrated.   They had to rebuild the temple and the Jerusalem wall and plant the desolate fields and . . .   this was no easy task.  Only those determined to worship the Lord, thy God, the way God wished, were strong enough to return.
Most likely there was much planning once King Cyrus came to power and allowed any and all Jewish people to return to the Promised Land.  Amazingly, life was so bountiful and easy in Babylon that many chose to remain in exile.   They chose the easy life rather than return to worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  They chose to enhance their prosperity rather than return to a desolate land that would take years to rebuild.  

Think about it:  What would you do?  Think of a situation where you were given the opportunity to step back from a
well paying job in order to fulfill a dream the Lord put on your heart.  What if you were ‘called’ into a ministry that would pay only enough to sustain you for a good period of time but would be abundantly rewarding in other ways?  
I recall being told that I should step back from my high paying job that enabled me to travel all over the world.  My body was not doing well and needed a more stable schedule.  Of course I did not listen but God had a plan.  
Eventually, I got laid off along with a slew of others.   I was single, owned a home and had just spent most of my income fixing it up.  I had to start all over again.  I got creative and found a new job at minimum wage.  I invited other ‘singles’ over after church for brunch - they could bring whatever they wanted and cook it at the house.  Needless to say, I had enough left overs to last the week.  I even found a couple women who needed a place to live.  Their rent help pay expenses.  
They also needed some practical help so I began
teaching women how to live on very little, eat healthfully, and feed their soul as we gathered weekly.  The women who lived with me grew strong in their faith and began their own discipleship homes until they got married.  Thus began a ministry that I managed with my full time job.  I’ve been on an incredible journey over the past thirty years.  The Lord even orchestrated an amazing opportunity, through these women I taught, to meet my precious prince of a husband decades ago.  
When I “returned from Babylon”, each step that was directed by the Lord has brought immeasurable treasure into my life.  My ‘temple’ is full of the priceless presence of God in Christ Jesus.  
How about you?  Do you feel that you, the temple of the Lord, are overflowing with the treasure of all that Jesus has for you?