I only add a 'period' at the end . . . but if you think of it, don't we just keep breathing, heart and lungs and kidneys pumping away non-stop? We just keep moving along, breathing between commas, resting for periods of time at night and then continuing to explore, wonder, be surprised, list JOYs too numerous to count, moving forward, breathing deep through challenges and continuing on.
I took a very long comma from my daily writing and will continue to do so as my life changes in this wondrous adventure through a labyrinth of ever.so.daily delights.
This month was hot, beautiful, filled with light breezes and just-right rain to grow the garden into a beauteous landscape too sumptuous for my gaze. Enjoy.
Only in July do these daily Lilies bloom brilliantly,
and then they are done for another year . . .
but oh do I love to watch their daily POP like fireworks!
Last year only one hydrangea bloom popped out of its lime-green foliage . . . This year bright blooms tumble down the hill in mega-clumps. What a delight!
A jumble of JOY as blooms tumble together, odd colors seem to mix well.
Russian Sage, Hasta blooms and my crazy Daisies jump for JOY as they mingle in delight.
Wild roses lay low after June blooms die back but St. Francis is surrounded by catmint and yellow blooms. Huge winterberry bushes on either side grow full in preparation for winter red berries too numerous to count.
A cacophony of blooms pop through multi-shades of green.
My blue birdbath is always on 'tilt' but the Finches, Oriels, Bluebirds, Robins, Humming birds and so many other birds love it.
The Astilbe has finally come of age after five years of coaxing it to remain 'red' for more than one day. The color was more brilliant when I did not have my camera but it still punches up the incredible hydrangea blooms.
Hasta everywhere! HUGE! They so love our rainy days and seem to do quite well in the scorching sun!
On the other side of our big wall, several feet above our garden, I planted some daisies given to me by a neighbor. The HUGE rose bush peaks over the fence to say 'hello' to these ruffled yellow-faces.
There can never be too many pictures of my favorite bush. A few years ago I placed non-galvanized nails above each bush (they bloom on sloped tiers) to change from pink to blue. It looks like I need to put some more long, old nails in the ground for next year. Love it!
What more can I say! I LOVE MY GARDEN! St. Francis watches over the herb garden and makes sure the rabbits have a comfy place to sleep at night. Rabbits only love to eat my Basil, which I now grow in pots on our upstairs screen porch.
My little herb garden - all sorts of Basil - sits on the porch just outside the kitchen; so convenient for fresh salads and PESTO!
The herb garden went WILD this spring. I could not even see the bricks. My tiny creeping thyme, in the middle, 'creeped' all over!
I love my messy sage, lavender, oregano, and other herbs with a
crazy butterfly bush in its midst.
This little rose bush was 'buried' under our gigantic Leland Cypress tree. I moved it three years ago, to a place it could feel the sun and breathe a bit. It lingers quietly, bringing forth one rose at a time as Hasta watches over it.
The pepper plant that we usually place on our porch table is hidden from heavy winds today. It reminds me of fireworks and is a JOY to see each morning as we linger on the porch.
The bird-house condominium, nestled into the last bit of open space, is a wonderful end-note to this long garden-blog. I have another one on the front porch. Birds don't live in them but love to sit on top and tweet their lovely tunes.
A fond farewell as my garden flag flies high. My sister gave this to me years ago and I love to fly it when I'm working in the garden. Friends see it, drop by, and enjoy a linger-longer as we chat and enjoy sweet blooms. A wonderful, glorious time in July!