Almost on the first day of September the temperature finally dropped enough to enjoy a day outside.
Two months of HOT and HUMID have almost vanished . . . for now.
Beetles are gone. A flood of fresh roses for September. Love it! |
I'm deleting excess.
I'm becoming intentional about eliminating one more thing.
I'm reading more pages.
I'm organizing one more shelf of cubby or closet.
Throw, keep, give away . . . again . . . and again . . . and again . . . until I am satisfied.
FINALLY I'm on a roll.
Do or die.
It's already begun . . . that's why this blog is a bit late for this new month.
September 1, 2016
I'm in my final stage of physical therapy and feeling good enough to lift, lug, stash, throw or whatever I must do to cut what we have in half.
We have moved so much from place to place over the decades even though we have also thrown out or given away nearly half of what we own each time we've moved.
Challenge: we keep purchasing more 'stuff.'
No more.
The end.
I will either cherish what I have and already love or give it to another wonderful soul who might enjoy it. . . or sell it . . . or whatever.
There are enough charities around us.
I'm ready to let go.
9-2:: Vinegar
I do this each month.
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This sign says it all. Vinegar goes down and good smell comes up. Trinkets on shelves come down and fresh, clean spaces show up. |
It keeps things fresh around here.
We opened windows and doors to let the cool air in.
Only one problem: the pig farm across the way is sending its wonderful scent our way.
Open . . . close . . . open . . . close . . . it's still nice to get a bit of fresh air between bouts of poo.
I'm reading!
I organized one part of the closet.
I'm staring at the shelf over the window.
Down comes my tin trinkets - into a large basket.
They will replace 'stuff' I get rid of on other shelves but, right now, they sit waiting.
Perhaps I'll get creative enough to see how I can incorporate these precious antique tin pieces into gifts for friends.
Let them have my pretty things . . . so they can do the same for someone else?
Why not.
Things are like vinegar.
They freshen up a space for a moment but then they need refreshing/changing from time to time.
9-2:: A Movie
We never go to movies.
But, our community shows a free movie each month which, for the most part, seems appealing.
This is the first month we have had time to indulge in a Friday movie in months.
So, we saw Zootopia, an animated flick with, of course, an animal universe.
I loved the artistry, the different sections for species who loved cold or warm or were very large or itsey-bitsy.
Creativity galore.
We laughed, loved the intricate underlying satire, and enjoyed the chaos in action.
I also loved the spirit of the little bunny who was determined to become a police officer.
"Impossible," said mom and dad and her 265 siblings and cousins.
"Impossible," said the entire world around her.
She not only persevered but she triumphed and won the accolades of her fellow policemen and family.
This is a good message for women who, for the most part, have to overcome a lack of confidence that has penetrated their souls all their lives because of the word, "impossible."
Yet, I sensed a psychological push in another direction.
We are to accept people's temperaments and ideology.
Trying to maneuver any change in actions and temperament is taboo.
According to the individual situation, this can be taken as good or bad.
This movie is for children who are plyable.
The schools have already succeeded in teaching the religion of humanism over the past 60 years.
We are the frogs who have been sitting in lukewarm water for decades and are now being scalded to death by 'tolerance.'
Tolerance goes both ways.
We must also be tolerate of those who do not accept the humanistic concepts that float into our daily lives.
God's GRACE invites us to be tolerant of all people . . . to love all . . . to be loving and kind to all.
God does not tell us to love all IDEAS, all concepts.
LOVE PEOPLE, but tolerate only what lines up with GODs best for humanity.
GRACE is our guide for loving people unconditionally.
I REJOICE that I do not have to tolerate propaganda in all forms.
That's my JOY for today.
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I could not resist. It feels this cold after such a hot summer. Instead of a blanket of snow, picture a blue and white stripped cotton blanket with flip-flops on the feet. |
I sit on my porch with a sweatshirt and a cotton blanket that I doubled and wrapped around my whole body.
I'm determined to enjoy the day.
Two months of 'too hot' turns to a morning of 'too cold.'
It's OK.
I'll take this any day.
It does make me think, however, that Florida is soon ahead.
We have several months before we jaunt south for some winter sun but my mind is turning that direction rapidly.
I have so much to do before we leave.
The garden is BLOOMING and absolutely gorgeous.
Yet, there are many plants that absorbed the summer heat and are done.
Perfect weather to dig, clean, transplant, ENJOY!
It's also time to go full speed ahead with my cleaning, organizing and whittling down my inventory of stuff. . . lovely stuff . . . stuff with memories . . . expensive stuff . . . but still stuff.
COLD, is a nice change of pace if it does not last too long . . . which it won't.
9-4:: Hate your Mother and Father
Harsh scripture for a soul who does not know the circumstances of these words of Scripture.
Jesus was always using hyperbole.
Exaggeration is meant to make a point and that He did.
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A cousin scanned old family photos. I haven't a clue who they are but I'd never want to 'hate' these dear relations. |
When we 'cling' to Jesus we must let go of those who nurtured us to this point in life, mother and Father.
Many muslims who have accepted the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob through his Son, Jesus Christ, have not only been disowned by family but may be killed by other muslims who think that person has betrayed 'their' faith.
What god would want us to be killed or shunned for believing in that god?
Our God, the One who loved us so much that he gave His Son to us and allowed his Son to die a horrid death so that we might live eternally, would never condone hate or shunning or killing.
LOVE one another as Christ loved us.
LOVE is the common denominator that draws us from the loving arms of parents into the loving arms of Jesus, Christ, Lord, Savior . . . God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
May we all know that loving God through his Son is the only way we can love our neighbor, our family, as we love ourselves.
What can I say . . . I labored . . . we labored.
We both worked on hauling, moving, changing, cleaning, organizing, changing and whatever all day.
Great exercise.
I think I went up and down stairs at least twenty times . . . which was amazing as my knee complied willingly without too much pain.
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Labor is so much more fulfilling if we have purpose. |
Some is given away, some is thrown away, some is kept for awhile and some will always be with us.
"Do I really need that pot I have had for forty years?"
It's a great size and I still use it quite often . . . keep.
On and on this goes all day.
Playing in the background is Downton Abbey marathon - rerun of all the season's shows.
Needless to say, work slowed down to a trickle when the episodes played between long periods of fund raising for PBS . . . which is just fine but once we hear the spiel we don't need to re-listen the forty-five other times it is on.
Labor day was the best day I have had in a long time and I've been having some pretty good days.
9-6:: BREEZE
It was nice while it lasted.
Cool and windy was slowly overtaken by warm and windy . . . then hot and windy.
Little did I know when I was cleaning out some dead flower stems that it was hot.
The breeze swirled around me, inviting me to continue in the hot sun.
Not until I went into the cool of house AC did I realize that I was HOT.
Breeze, wind, air movement cannot be seen but we 'see' it in the trees.
We feel breeze in our hair and bodies.
We smell the pollen sent spiraling around us.
We taste the dry dust flung in our faces.
Breeze is like the Holy Spirit.
We don't see the action but we see the results.
Call on the Holy Spirit and all sorts of blessings can fall upon us without us even knowing it . . . until we see the results.
God's wonders of nature tell us the story of the power God has in our midst . . .
if we only ask.
We might say, "I wish I felt a little breeze to cut through the heat."
Do we also say, "Thank you, God, that you have sent Your Holy Spirit to lead and guide and heal and listen and simply be present among those who call out in prayer."?
Just like the breeze on a hot day, the Holy Spirit takes the heat of life challenges and wraps us in God's grace allowing us to feel a bit more comfortable.
Thank you, God.
9-7:: SPIN
The last thing I want is to spin, to feel topsy, to look back at the end of the day and ask what it was all about.
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Spin stops when I sip a cup-a My dear friend's cup reminds me to pray for her. We both tend to 'spin' with too much on our plates some days. |
For the past six weeks hubby and I have taken way too many trips to the doctors to make sure our bodies will last awhile longer.
I think we are done . . . and then hubby has a bit of a challenge physically.
Back to the doctor with hubby, more tests, prognosis later.
A lovely lunch together, a couple errands and I think I'm done for the day.
Prep for the meeting at night, a few chores, tending to hubby and . . . I'm spinning!
Where does time go?
Fortunately, I still take at least two hours each morning for ME.
I do my exercises, meditate, reflect, read enough to fill my soul and sip tea with a simple breakfast.
It's wonderful to know that 'spinning' on certain days will never take precedent over those 2-3 hours just for ME each morning.
AHHHHHH . . . Love it.
The worship space was filled with love - friends, peers, family.
We came to celebrate with the priest who will now lead this church.
I worked with him at the church he'd led for fifteen years and was delighted by his unique leadership.
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What a wonderful way to Celebrate! |
All too soon he had three more children to raise.
Through faith, perseverance and plenty of hope, he raised fine children who love the Lord.
He and his wife carved out a life far more meager than their rich life in Uganda but each day we would see joy on the faces of each family member.
Fr. Nelson Baliira now has full reign of a new congregation that is paying for him to spend more time with them.
We all celebrate this new beginning with song and words - we learned a Swahili song that rocked the roof.
Celebrate life.
Celebrate God's precious presence.
Celebrate the I AM.
CELEBRATE: We did and we will.
We all return to our own churches with a renewed spirit, renewed joy and a renewed sense of Celebration.
She sees life as if it were through a glass jar - fuzzy light. |
The last time I visited, a week earlier, she could not see and had such back pain she could not get out of bed.
She was fearful, depressed and a bit overwhelmed even though she has been suffering for nearly ten years.
She has been bed-ridden since May when she had two strokes.
Her faithful husband visited daily but could only stay a few hours.
Fresh flowers filled the room and the TV was never off.
She never had watched much TV before since she loved to read but now . . . alone and blind . . . the TV seemed to keep her company, especially during the long nights in which she was mostly awake.
Today was different.
She greeted me the minute I entered the room.
How did she know it was me?
Perhaps it was my voice as I greeted her husband?
As soon as I knelt on the soft rubber mat beside her bed (places there just in case she had another seizure) she smiled and said, "I can see!"
"What do you mean, you can see" I said.
She shared with me the night after I prayed with her and her astonishment each morning for three days when she woke up and 'tested' her eyes.
Although her focus was distorted, with a magnifying glass she is able to read large print.
The doctor believes that the two nerves in the back of her neck may be healing so that vision is no longer impaired.
Perhaps we can give God some credit here.
Perhaps, by asking for healing and praying over her, God answered our prayers with the healing of this nerve.
Autumn JOY! My Sedum tells it all. Bees are busy! |
She may never leave this skilled nursing unit.
That's hard to take.
But, I reminded her that she had rarely left home in the past two years.
So, we need to bring home to her.
My next visit I plan to clean up the scattered cards and gifts and flowers and place them in places she can actually see.
All the flowers can glisten on the window sill.
Delightful cards can hang on a long ribbon near her bed so she can at least see the pictures.
Visitors can take them off the ribbon and read them to her.
Perhaps a few other items from home might bring delight to her.
This visit was such a joy.
I pray I can 'do better' next time.
About the words, 'do better' . . . a saying her son is sharing with siblings who do not visit often. He takes time daily, before or after work to pop in. His sisters, and all of us, can 'do better.'
It's always a delight to visit this couple.
Their home is old and lumbers along from room to room to room to room . . .
The acres of gardens and land are totally amazing.
What's even more amazing is that this couple has such an incredible schedule that I wonder how they manage the bee hives and the trimming of endless garden foliage much less upkeep on the river bank where anyone can take the canoe for a ride.
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Harvest moon! |
We saw several cars but, upon being greeted by our hosts, could not find a sole.
They were already dining on the appetizers in the den down the short stairway and around the corner.
It overlooked the huge lower patio and gardens planted over the pool that was filled in years ago.
A myriad of conversations, tasting of healthy treats and on to the next course . . . up the stairs.
Too many healthy salads to count greeted us, along with our main course.
All who could fit piled around the huge table on the back porch.
Hubby and I chose to go outside where the soft breeze cooled the hot air.
No bugs bothered us as we scanned the horizon at dusk.
All too soon the patio lights flicked on so we could see.
Hostess had a great idea: serve desert outside to get those back porch people outside to smell the sweet air and enjoy the delicate breeze in the now-cool evening.
Pumpkin roll and ginger cookies made by her Amish friend filled our tummies.
We all fit around the huge table and chatted for another hour.
Great hosts, fabulous food, wonderful guests and a beautiful evening made this visit a DELIGHT.
There are memories that we will never forget imprinted in all our brains.
Our first triumph, our first romance, a Christmas or Easter that was especially meaningful, the wedding, births . . . and deaths . . . and so much more.
Anyone who was alive and old enough to comprehend 9-11 will never forget.
Nor should we.
I was amazed, this week, at some news stories where some people did not want others to pay homage, remember, pay tribute to, make a fuss over . . . this incredibly sad day.
We all felt so safe being so far away from terrorists.
It never occurred to me the someone would kill himself in order to kill thousands.
Whenever did life become so expendable?
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My heart is still crying. Disaster comes in all forms. I pray we never forget that we are always vulnerable. "God with us", Emmanuel, is with me always. |
As I cry deep in my soul for all who have been needlessly killed, I must remember this day.
I must remember that life is fragile.
I must remember to make the most of each day.
I must remember that time is precious and not to be squandered.
I must remember that God gave me gifts and talents, no matter how mundane I believe them to be.
I must remember that by accepting the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as my Lord, I am expected to use my gifts to help others, to give away acts of kindness, to do good and not evil all the days of my life.
I must remember to pray for those who hate us as a nation, for those who hate people I will never meet, who even hate me.
I must remember to PRAY, and when I'm done praying, PRAY SOME MORE, that God's had remain on every soul who exists and that the hand of God draw each person into Himself, to do good and not evil all the days of our lives.
I must remember how Christ Jesus lived and was mocked and was tortured and killed for me so that mankind would see the truth and follow His way into the kingdom of God.
I'm glad this day of remembrance was celebrated at our church so we all can REMEMBER.
9-12:: SPIN
It seems I write about 'spinning' at least twice a month.
I don't mean the class that leaves one dripping wet, totally winded, and ready for a nap.
I mean that some days I feel like I am spinning from the moment I wake up to the moment I fall into bed.
Today was such a day.
All good though.
I try to get out of bed two hours before I need to be somewhere.
This provides ME time: Cardio work-out, daily stretch exercises, breakfast and at least one hour of reading.
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Ever feel as if you are going every which way but UP? These signs tell the story of my life journey. Love 'em. |
Needless to say, today I overslept, had no time for my workout and had to be at the DEXA scan place early in the day.
I was surprised at how long it took but the person doing the scan said we did exactly the same routines last year.
I'm glad they are so thorough because bone density is a challenge for women my age.
I have been blessed with relatively strong bones . . . good old Norwegian body with thick bones.
I recall that my dear friends is just blocks away so I pop in to visit.
She's up in her wheel chair, out with the others, smiling and alert, holding her lamb and overjoyed when I greet her.
She's waiting for the person who will 'do' her hair.
What a great adventure for her since she was nearly immobile and blind a week ago.
I see HOPE in her eyes, a smile on her face and a woman ready for a new SPIN on life.
Immediately she asks for her rosaries.
That's a new spin for someone who has not entered a church for over ten years and who is not Catholic.
I'd told her that hubby and I were following a daily regimen for 54 days: saying the rosary together.
I also said she was on the list of prayers for the rosary each day . . . along with ten other requests that we specifically state each time we pray together.
SO, when I visit at the end of the week I will bring her 4 rosaries and the words, IN LARGE PRINT, for her to repeat on her own.
She knows the "Our Father" and the "Hail Mary" and the "Glory Be" but there are the various 'Mysteries' we pray each day.
5 Joyful Mysteries one day then 5 Luminous the next day, then 5 Sorrowful, then 5 Glorious.
Needless to say, we repeat three mysteries each week.
It's simply a time to de-SPIN, focus on our Lord and prepare the soul for spontaneous prayer, meditation or study.
Needless to say, my day continued with endless chores, deviations and, of course, hubby time.
By the evening I was ready to settle but went to our local hardware store "fashion show."
That's another story.
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This has been my motto most of my life. I always get in over my head and choose to learn as I move forward. This has worked well so far. |
9-13:: BLOG STOP
After a long day in the garden and doing laundry and filling the larder with much needed groceries I finally find time to enter my daily 'blog' post.
Only one problem.
Google has taken over Blogger, changed everything and now wants me to begin a new blog on Google.
That's fine but I'm happy where I am, do not want to give my ID away to the world and simply want
to linger in this lovely space.
After about an hour of trying to figure out how to get into my blog, I give up and go to bed.
I'm much too tired to fiddle with NEW.
I'll embrace this in the morning.
What a delight to wake up to gorgeous COOL weather.
I pop down to the basement for my cardio and find I am back up to my regular pace after six weeks of limping along due to 'tugged and pulled body masses" from Physical Therapy.
I'm done with that and feeling SO MUCH BETTER!
CALM is walking beside me today as I begin, again, to find my OLD BLOG.
I just needed to engage brain, COLLECT MY THOUGHTS, and persevere.
I found a work-around to get me back to 'home' and leave all that "sales and schmaltz" to google.
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She talked, we listened for two hours. All good. What a story she had to tell. It's fun to learn about the journey of a new friend. |
My friend leads a small church just north of the church I was leading.
In between our churches is another small church who needed a leader.
My friend's friend just 'happened' to move near us because her husband was changing jobs.
She just 'happened' to apply for the job in the 'little church between ours' and got the job!
I'll meet her for the first time today.
God is so good.
We will simply chat, breathe deep as peers and feel COOL, CALM and COLLECTED after our afternoon 'tea.'
It's difficult to 'make' peer time a priority but ever-so-important for our well being.
Just as it is important for me to maintain a strict diet and daily cardio, it is just as important to fellowship with those who choose to dive deep into our mutual beliefs, share openly about our challenges, and encourage one another as we are encouraged.
Can't wait!
9-15:: DO
It's a word I'm trying to stay away from.
I'm learning to BE.
Why do I have to DO?
Because there is so much UNDONE!
I wash windows where spiders decided to create webs this summer.
I water the newly seeded yard - three sections - one hour each.
I prep the back door for fresh paint because the wind and sun have 'eaten' away at the very think original paint job.
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To DO or not to DO, that is the question. |
It's been a plain white because I did not want to DO the work to paint the door.
Now it's a big controversy in the community: paint colors.
Who knew that a bright door that invites one to visit is not appreciated by a few.
Long story, much aDO about nothing and a whole line of people who will see my request and, most likely, will not allow me to DO what will be done to the front door.
Love it.
Or Swedish Blue . . . which is bright and POPs and is a canDO option for me.
At the end of the day I am so exhausted from DOing that I do very little for hubby.
We eat simple, I stitch a bit on my project and I go to bed.
Tomorrow I will try to take more time to BE.
But, I love the sense of accomplishment I've found in what I have DONE.
Today I gather my thoughts over the week.
So many have major health issues and are fighting through each day.
Some only can think about door colors and how to control them.
I think about my friend who can no see.
I'll be seeing her today and, by her request, will pray the Rosary with her.
Fall front door decor I'm starting early as the season changes quickly. |
She seems so much more content than when I first saw her.
Her improvement, even if for a short time, makes me want to meet with her as often as possible.
My schedule only allows a weekly visit as she is quite a drive away.
But, what a wonderful ministry for me as I reflect on where I am to be used by the Lord.
I know it's right here, right now, just as I am, in my own community.
That's what God does.
If I sit quietly and REFLECT on God's incredible blessings in my life, I see, right in front of my eyes, that there is so much to do . . . right here . . . right now.
I REFLECT on the shared time I had with two of my peers.
I met one for the first time as she takes over the small church near the one I lead.
I pray healing for the other friend who came out of retirement to lead another small church.
There is something amiss and she knows it - - - the mind is playing funny tricks on her.
We all pray that it is just temporary and that there is a simple 'fix.'
She has given herself to so many for so long and has a long list of what she and her hubby still want to do.
I pray, ponder and picture in my brain the beauty I see before me as I sit on the back porch, blanket over my knees and a sweatshirt to keep me warm.
It's suddenly Fall.
Too dry.
Crisp cool.
Golden crops waiting to be harvested: corn for the pig farm dries in the field and then is harvested.
Garden blooms with delight.
I'm at peace.
God is Good.
Life is Good.
WE are Good.
9-17:: PAINT
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This chair now sits in our bathroom. Pretty nice color next to the gray. It POPs but is not too wild, I hope. |
It's just the trim on the side door to the garage but it was peeling and cracking and looked sad.
All done!
Primed and nice, clean, satin finish in white - totally boring but we are having a 'paint your door' controversy in our little 'controlled' community.
I'm saving the front door for COLOR!
Scarlet, Mustard, Persimmon, Periwinkle or Swedish Blue - leaning toward the latter just because I love the color (even though I come from a bit of Norwegian stock).
I love color but in small doses.
It's not that the front door will be a complete shock to the system but it is bright next to the sallow gray stone and clapboard siding.
PAINT is the best way to change decor without a huge expense.
We'll see what happens: I'll paint the front door in October IF the paint color is approved.
9-18: The Easy Way
Jesus shared a parable about one who cut corners to such an extent that he would lose his job.
He tried to make amends with his master by making deals with those who stilled owed money but he cut corners and thought only of himself.
Amazingly, the master said, "Great job!"
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A dear soul could have let this bird die due to damaged feet. No short cuts here. |
Isn't that what Jesus does with us?
I forever 'cut corners' with my prayer life or my daily study if I am in a hurry.
"I'll just say a few prayers today. At least I prayed."
"I'll read a spiritual book instead of my usual scripture reading from the Source."
God doesn't care what I do or do not do.
God will love me simply for calling upon him even if it is for a few seconds a day.
God does not like the fact that I know I am taking the easy way out and 'thinking' I'm doing a good job.
It's not about works, anyway, although faith without 'works' is dead.
It's my own death knell if I choose to cut corners.
Will I be prepared for the next job or mission or task that the Lord sets before me?
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Creative Love rules! Little 'casts' were created to fix this bird's feet and let it live a little longer. |
I will always and forever, eternally, be loved the the One who first loved me by giving His LIFE for me.
The very least I can do is say 'thank you' daily but not cutting corners, by sticking by my daily 'rule of life' for my own sake.
Will I ever learn?
No matter, the Lord will always be there for me and love me in all my ineptitudes.
9-19:: Golden Evening
We were drenched last night with much needed rain.
Today has been 'dripping' off and on and then, OH MY, and then . . . the SKY - Golden hues spread across the meadow and the acres of parched corn still standing until farmer decides its dry enough to cut down and feed to his hogs.
Yet now it looks like GOLD!
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I love the change in vegetation across the meadow. The gold open space at the top is actually three hills filled with ready-to-harvest feed-corn. |
Pictures must wait until morning.
Such beauty all around us as summer begins to ebb away and Fall meets the eye with varied shades of yellow, amber, persimmon, pumpkin and every shade of green mixed in between.
It's God's way of telling me that beauty can draw us into
that time of dying back, that time of cooling off, that time of preparing for the emptiness and cold of winter.
In all seasons of life GOD SHINES LIKE GOLD. Thank you, God, for reminding me that You are present in every season of my life . . . the warm fuzzy part and the cold, dying part.
It's all part of life!
9-20:: Sweet Swell of Summer
It's like the last hurrah.
Before the end we make one last effort to make a statement.
Summer is like that.
It's going out with a BANG.
Lawns return to lush green after weeks without water.
Winterberries begin to POP as they make their first show for winter.
Temps ease upward to a comfy mid-70s.
Clematis shouts loud with its purple blooms.
We take an extra walk around the community.
I linger a little longer on the porch counting stinkbugs that want to climb through the screen.
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Re-bloomingly gorgeous! |
Roses continue to BLOOM after others fade nicely - red, yellow, white - I so love them all.
Crepe Myrtle finally blooms after I wonder, all summer, if it is still alive.
The garden gives forth a final burst of life, it's last voice of summer.
All too soon the winter winds will burst forth taking with it all that I so enjoy . . . for a season.
And then, before I know it, summer comes again . . . and again . . . and my joy is made full.
God created this earth so we could repeat those seasons we so love.
Seasons are all a delight but the sweet swell of summer is pure joy for me.
9-21:: Silence?
No lawn mowers, no farm tractors, no radios - only the sweet, soft of birds chirping deep down in the meadow.
Meadowlarks, Red Winged Blackbirds, Sparrows, Finches flit about as seeds burst from spent flowers.
Crickets, grasshoppers, frogs, cicadas and whatever other bugs sing their songs loud and clear.
Butterflies by the hundred mill around with the bees as they drink from the ample clumps of bright blue flowers on Russian Sage.
It's a rare day that I can sit on my little porch and sense the silent business around me.
Cool breeze as the day slowly warms up keeps me 'just right' comfortable as I read, type, listen, think, pause, meditate, breathe deep and linger a little longer with the outdoors.
Oh how I love my little porch, sitting high above the garden and the meadow and overlooking acres of golden corn and soybeans drying in the fall sun.
I ponder the precious present knowing that this is the most important moment to grasp.
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The golds are so much more bright than my little camera lets on. |
Yet, today is today.
The silence is golden.
It's the present silence that is so precious.
I must enjoy this flicker of a moment in time just as it is, asking for no more and no less.
Thank you, Lord, that I can hear so much in the silence.
9-22: Pretty
I recall the song from West Side Story, "I feel pretty, oh so pretty . . . I feel pretty as pretty can be . . . "
Some days one needs to feel pretty - at least I do.
I may not look pretty but It's a nice feeling.
Today I got my hair washed and cut and pampered.
Oh so pretty . . . at least for a few hours.
The cool morning heated up to hot and I strolled the small town streets looking for 'pretty.'
Shop windows were filled with dark, fall clothing but I felt light and airy.
I turned down a little lane that opened onto a tiny seating area: white chairs under small white tables.
It was a perfect place to plant myself for a few minutes as I gathered my thoughts, breathed in the wonderfully fresh air and watched people . . . pretty people . . . dressed in light, summer colors . . . stroll by.
That's all I needed to make my day.
But, of course, I stopped by the chocolate shop to purchase my favorite Wilbur Buds . . . little dots of pure joy . . . so much more pretty and tasty than a Hershey's Kiss.
Now I felt pretty outside and inside.
Of course, my soul drank in the scripture I said to myself, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight."
It's a simple reminder that I can feel pretty with primping my outside and feeding my inside with chocolate but the added perfection of scripture in my soul made me feel more than pretty.
Thank you God.
9-23:: The Railroad Museum
Hubby has wanted to visit the Railroad Museum for months.
We were there 25 years ago, when we were on vacation in this area.
This train, outside the museum, really works. I LOVE the water tower - just like the one near our house when I grew up not too far from a rail yard. |
Of course not.
Finally we manage to arrive . . . about two hours too late to see it all.
BUT, what fun we had.
We read the complete history of the railroad in Pennsylvania . . . from steam engine to diesel to a
combination diesel/ electric engine.
Actual rail cars from the 1900s have been repainted and placed on tracks inside a humongous building.
We cross the 'bridge' above the many tracks filled with pristine, refurbished rail cars of all sorts.
Vignettes of men loading ice in the 'fruit' car or working in the mail car or the 'whistle stop' cafe which, indeed, served lunch ever-so-fast to travelers taking a quick stop.
Years later the rail companies got smart and added 'dining cars' which were decked out with the most lovely linens and practical china that is also practical.
Do you recall the little 'divided' plate for kids who are just learning to eat without spilling all over the place? Same thing but these were not plastic.
We lingered as long as we could until they almost shut the doors on us.
We seem to take longer in museums than most people - so much to learn.
We drove home slowly, past train cars that are now rented to families for the night.
There was even a Caboose restaurant in a real Caboose!
I grew up not far from a freight depot and listened to train cars 'coupling' throughout the night.
Fond thoughts strolled back into my memory bank.
9-24:: The Rosary
She had not been to a church in well over ten years, if not longer.
In fact, she was not even Catholic.
Yet, a long time ago a friend told her about the Rosary and how, by reciting the prayers, helps us shed all thought except that which is focused on God and the Mother of God.
Now she lay in a hospital bed, unable to move without aid.
Her nights are long as she often lays awake.
She was reminded of the comfort of the Rosary and asked her hubby if he could bring the ones she had from home.
Rosary from home? Who knew.
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Her son purchased a Rosary just like this after we discovered that she could not feel the smaller beads. It's a perfect size for numb fingers. |
It just so happens that hubby and I have been saying the Rosary every day for the past several weeks and will continue to do so . . . through the November election . . . and perhaps longer.
Now my dear friend wanted me to say the Rosary with her.
I printed out in large type the rhythmic prayers, in the order of the beads.
She has only had her sight for about a month so we will see how well she does.
I must also take into account her cognitive abilities.
As we began to touch the beads I realized that her sense of space and touch had been altered by her stroke.
Her fingers were numb and she could not comprehend the 'feel' of the bead spacing.
10 beads in a row where we repeat the "Hail Mary" should feel different from the spacers between the 1 bead when we say the "Our Father."
All too soon I realized that she simply needed to hold the Cross hanging from the circle of beads to give her comfort.
I discovered that one does not need to 'say' the Rosary but simply 'hold' the Rosary to give comfort.
The meaning behind it, the connection to God through repeated prayers honoring Mary is enough.
My dear friend, hopefully, will find great comfort knowing that Jesus, on the Cross, is with her always and will never leave her nor forsake her.
That's a BLESSING.
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He is so brave, being without his love after 69 years. She loved and supported a N. Dakota indian tribe so this is a perfect tribute to her and the tribe. |
We try to meet with our dear friend each month.
His wife of 69 years died nearly four months ago and his health has been precarious.
It was a delight to see him at the restaurant, dressed up in his blue suit with red tie.
His face seemed fuller even though he, rightfully, complained of his tummy troubles.
"Are you able to eat the buffet today?" I said.
"Oh yes!" he replied, "I never miss the buffet."
It's his weekly ritual.
The place reserves the same table for him each week, the table that he and his wife reserved for years, every single Sunday.
As we listened to his jovial remarks and laughed at his humorous quips I noticed his uplifted spirit.
His sadness is turning into remembrance.
When we see pictures of him and his wife and recall silly stories, his eyes sparkle.
His neighbors have been right there with him, encouraging him, helping him at every turn.
He has an aid come in each week to cook meals, wash clothes, clean the house etc.
He runs errands and continues his long 'to do' list of sorting through 'stuff'.
At the end of our wonderful lunch, after the hugs goodbye and as we drove home, hubby and I commented on the fact that he does not 'need' our support very much.
That's a GREAT feeling.
He has his neighbors as his community even as his church community prays for him and reaches out to him when he misses church.
It's like the Lord is telling us that we can go South this winter knowing that our friend is well taken car of and is surrounded by 'Jesus' hands' . . . so many who love and care about him.
9-26:: Monday
What can I say about Mondays?
This was the first mum I planted, seven years ago. Just like Mondays, it did not last long. Now the garden is filled with lavender and Rose bushes and packed with color. |
If I step back and remember the months that have passed or look ahead to the few months we have left to completely organize everything for a major change, Mondays seem so ordinary in the mix.
But time is speeding by too fast.
I think I have another few weeks and then I come to Monday far too quickly.
It's like my starting point each week as Sundays we do step back from chores, shopping etc.
Mondays are a pivot point in my endless checklist of what needs to be done.
Let me rephrase that: What I THINK needs to be done.
B R E A T H E, says my soul.
RUN, says my mind.
I continue to chip away at my daily schedule: cardio exercise, good breakfast, read scripture and meditate, read a chapter in my current book, write my blog, answer emails, make lunch/breakfast/whatever for hubby, throw in a load of laundry or sort through another drawer . . .
This is DAILY!
Exhausting, isn't it.
Yet, I have a wonderful routine that keeps me well-paced and leaves ample room in the afternoon for FUN!
Today I planted a mum where the stevia use to be (now in the herb garden where it should have gone in the first place) . . . that is 'fun' to me.
Next, I send chocolate to my nephew (promised months ago) and to dad (a pick-me-up in is 102nd year of life).
Monday: a great day like all the other days, "filled with the events that have illuminated our time," said Walter Cronkite . . . decades ago . . . perhaps on a Monday?
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Love Einstein! |
Piles of words on scraps of paper.
I gathered all these little pieces and placed them in a pile.
WW = wonderful words.
Digital Journal: like this blog but just sheets of paper for now in a tiny computer file.
One page becomes two, then three, then . . . I am amazed how may wonderful words I have jotted down on napkins, envelopes, legal pads or backs of church bulletins.
I'll use them eventually, when I get organized - - -is that a forever thing?
Then I got the bright idea to take all my passwords for my kazillion apps or blogs etc. and place them on one long piece of paper . . . with current date.
I have two notebooks.
One is filled with notes from books I've read, lectures I've attended and, now, all those consolidated pieces of paper.
The other notebook will be filled with copies of the recipes I use most often . . . from my favorite cookbooks or from the internet or from magazines etc.
I'll add to that favorite pictures of benches (I love benches) lovely ideas and just. . . 'beautiful.'
Word, pictures, ideas, memories . . . all in one or two places.
Computer AND notebook . . . I love the combination of both . . . easy access . . . easy to transport.
All accessable for those who want to know.
These little books are as 'brilliant' as my favorite bibles - I have several that meet different purposes.
Reading words and writing down thoughts that speak to me makes me feel so refreshed.
Thank you God, for wonderful words.
9-28:: Friend-Chat
We have to carve time out of our busy schedules to get together but it is always so refreshing.
We share soul-thoughts.
We both have an urgency to keep seeking the most out of our Christian walk that we can.
When we relax, each at our own time and place, we feel as if we were slighting our Lord.
We seek and find when we search for Him with all our heart and then we want more.
What's that all about?
We have few peers who choose to reach so deeply into ourselves as we seek God's best for us.
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Girl friends are a necessity of life. |
It's because or our sharing from the same source, God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
It's because we each have our lives carved by Christ and are in the middle of our journeys that are taking us different directions.
She is on the edge of retirement but seeks to do more in a different way.
I have been in 'retirement' for some time as the Lord keeps blessing me with new, smaller ministries.
We both have wonderful husbands who need our attention now.
We both realize we must let go of our 'drive' to seek more from the Lord and learn to 'rest' in His Presence.
We both know that our husbands deserve our attention and that, in itself, may be the new ministry for each of us during this next phase of our journeys.
Our husbands have given us blessing to serve the Lord in extraordinary ways.
Our husbands have been there, right along side us, as we step out in faith and consume ourselves with ministry that, many times, leaves our dear hubbies on the sidelines now and again.
Friend-chat helps us focus on and affirm one another what God has been whispering to us all along.
Friend-chat will always be there as long as we 'sisters in Christ' are alive.
Friend-chat will now be extended to our best friends of all . . . our husbands.
God weaves our future by His very Presence in our lives.
Friends merely affirm what God has already planned.
9-29:: Rainy Day
It's a gully washer today.
Far too wet to venture out beyond picking up the soggy newspaper from the middle of the driveway.
It's a great day to read, reflect, cozy up with a cup of tea.
Then the old brain begins to whirr.
Two packages and a birthday card need words and packaging and prep for the postman.
Words for Sunday begin to spill out onto paper so fast that two pages, single spaced, are finished in two hours!
Laundry, a bit of speckling and painting, a quick lunch and snack dish of beans and tuna (fabulous) takes more time than I thought and then . . . and then . . . "What's for dinner," chimes out of my hubby's mouth.
I'm almost biting his head off because my dream of a lazy, cozy day of reading evaporated!
The day is gone.
I did find a bit of time for reading 2 Kings, which I am loving, but that was it!
I put my 'all' into dinner and it turns out fabulous but it's gone in minutes.
Yes, heaven.
Heaven on earth is the ability to do what needs to be done, give glory to God, and be thankful that I have eyes to see, ears to hear, limbs that function and a heart that not only beats but feels the tug between lingering in my own space and giving myself to others.
I did both.
That is heaven while I am on this earth.
9-30:: It's Fall
I've been going through recipe books looking for easy ways to fill hubby's tummy.
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I have all my Susan Branch books piled high. Too many recipes with fab ingredients and drawings to delight the eye. |
So many delightful recipes with pumpkin in them.
I so love pumpkin.
Then there are the 'corn' recipes and biscuits and HOT dishes.
The temp this morning was 55.
I think it's winter and here we are at only the end of September.
Time for crock pot cooking and baking breads and cookies.
There is something about cold, rainy days that drive me to cook.
That's really rare for me.
I'd rather hire a chef to bring these delights to the table.
Alas, we merely need to eat healthy foods that sustain us and keep our weight low.
This fall weather may drive me to cooking but I'd rather keep it simple.
So, I pour over my favorite recipes, linger in dreams of cooking something magnificent and bring myself back to reality: oatmeal with raisins and blueberries anyone?
Fruits, vegetables, salad and a little meat each day will have to do for no.
After all, there is more to Fall than cooking.