My front door always has something patriotic from Memorial Day through Labor Day. |
Give HONOR to the symbol of freedom.
Give HONOR to those who are being killed to keep us free.
Give HONOR to those thousands of living wounded, learning to be in new ways, each and every day of their lives.
Give HONOR to all police and firemen who protect us daily.
Thank you GOD that I live in this nation that still values freedom and HONORS those who are called to serve and protect our nation.
July 1:: Cookies are baked.
Now for the huge salad that will feed all of us.
We visit dear friends and spend hours sharing stories of our various adventures.
We share so much in common as the Lord directs our conversation and we give glory to the One who died on a cross so that we might be FREE of the chains of death.
I so need laughter and joy and fun conversation right now as I grieve for so many close to us who died last month.
The sun sets, spirits are lifted, we drive home on a beautiful night that called for thunder storms.
What a GREAT beginning to July!
Doesn't this sort of look like a flag with stripes and blooms? |
Put on layers, including my hoodie . . . with hood up . . . as I sit on the back porch loving the blooms in my garden.
For a moment I thought I was in Seattle . . . so many years ago . . . when 'summer' started in August.
I shall not complain.
The cool weather enables us to work longer in the garden, finish house projects that take extra energy and take just a little more time lingering over the beauty we see every day.
7-3:: Was it 70 or 72 that Jesus sent out?
It depends which version of the Bible one is reading.
See Luke 10.
American Standard and New Jerusalem bibles state 72.
NIV and Ignatius state 70.
Both are correct and does it really matter?
One can get tied up in minutia and miss the whole point.
Moses, when called to be judge in every squabble the wandering tribes managed to have, appointed 70 as a 'council' to help Moses with his work of managing the people.
Jesus needed help, beyond training the Apostles, to send the message out to those who, by faith, would return to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Jesus sent seventy out, two by two, to share the gospel of repentance and salvation.
Another reminder of our freedom - in the garden. |
It matters that those 'disciples' of Jesus Christ, too numerous to count today, are equipped and faithful enough to go out, two by two, and share with others the gift of eternal life.
If we truly believe in the message of God through His Son, Jesus Christ, this should be automatic for all of us.
Sometimes we need 'permission' or 'authorization' to step out of our comfort zone and into a savage world with the Word of God.
Jesus began what millions have continued when he sent out the 70 or 72.
July 4, 2016
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ME . . . Mary Engelbreit . . . my favorite artist. This says it all. |
The day we celebrate our freedom to worship, to say what is on our hearts, to follow in the path of the righteous.
It gets harder every year to follow what I know in my heart is right when others place roadblocks in front of me.
Yet, we have so much freedom in this United States of America.
We are so blessed.
We have so much good!
Even being able to watch fireworks . . . FREE . . . and ooh and ahhhh and rejoice in such pleasure is a gift many in this world will never experience.
Hubby and I give thanks DAILY that we live in a country that provides so much wealth that money could never purchase.
Freedom is never free.
Endless thanks to those who have given their lives so that we can fly the flag freely and proudly.
7-5:: Ever feel smarmy, unable to move at a pace beyond a slug?
I rarely have those days.
In fact, I can't remember the last time I felt so 'sloggish.'
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I made this when I was five! It still hangs on our wall. |
Of course, I read and did some research for words I need to write for Sunday.
We ate organic veggies and other healthy foods at my FAVORITE restaurant afterward which perked me up.
It's nice to do something special when we feel sluggish.
I'm reminded to press on, through the slogginess, and seek ways to energize both body and soul.
Just as we were paying for the work on the car, we listened to a supervisor share about his wife.
We feel blessed that he feels comfortable sharing about his challenges as care-giver.
We are now praying for his wife and, hopefully, I will be able to help in some way if that is what I am suppose to do.
Needless to say, my sloggy feeling has turned into renewed energy.
The roses look GREAT here. Japanese beetles are eating them too fast! |
Of course I wait until the last minute to water our newly seeded lawn.
I have exactly ten minutes before I have to change into nice clothes and drive to a meeting.
I'm running around like a crazy woman because I did not plan ahead.
Story of my life.
Lately I have been piddling around until the last minute before a deadline.
Amazingly, everything always turns out well.
This is something new for me.
I use to plan well ahead and complete tasks well before deadline.
Perhaps this is the 'new' me as I age not-so-gracefully.
Just an interesting observation.
I ended up being early for the meeting, in spite of two detours. I relaxed the rest of the evening.
7-7:: New energy.
I begin the morning a new way.
Eat, read and then out to the garden.
Usually, I've waited until late in the day to be in the garden.
Just a few minutes to trim the rose bushes and that will be it.
Red - White - Blue in the garden: so patriotic. |
We live on a hill with the basement walking out to the garden.
In essence, the back yard has been dug out so there is a beautiful garden wall that reaches the main floor of the house.
My rose bush reaches past the first story of our house and pierces through the fence on top of the wall overlooking the lower garden.
It's almost like I have a 'secret' garden but neighbors love walking on the hill in the back to see our garden as well as the gardens of our neighboring four homes.
It makes for a beautiful walk.
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I love 'what's her name." |
Then came the forsythia, so overgrown and nearly crushing several bushes.
I filled four large trash bags and felt a sense of JOY!
A difficult job, 90+ degree heat and this aging body made this brief garden stint feel like a marathon.
Now to bathe the bloody thorn scratches, drink a gallon of water and enjoy the afternoon in the shade!
One more task checked off the list but many more bushes to trim another day.
All for the love of my garden.
7-8:: GRACE
Do we even know what that means?
Where is grace?
I'm studying a passage in Luke 10 - "Love the Lord, thy God with all your heart, soul, strength and
mind ... love your neighbor as yourself."
It's called the Great Commandment for a reason.
Jesus was reminding a Jewish lawyer of this great commandment in Deuteronomy and Leviticus.
Jesus then tells the story of a 'marginalized' person helping an unknown person who lay on the side of the road, badly beaten, robbed and in need of help.
We are ALL called to help the helpless.
Most of all, Police have been drawn to their 'calling' to help those in need of help.
Sometimes a policeman acts outrageously, according to a flaw in his character, but this is so very rare.
Thanks to social media, ALL policemen are guilty in the eyes of those who, in my opinion, have the same brain waves as one under the spell of ISIS.
We decry what ISIS is doing.
Yet, we have people in our midst who are driven by hatred unleashed every five minutes by something more outrageous than the last 'tweet' or whatever.
Love of self has overtaken love of God.
Some have decided to play God.
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My heart aches. Every week another tragedy. When will the killing stop? When the world understands that GOD is in charge - not us. |
My heart is in deep pain with sorrow because so many policemen have been targeted and killed.
I'm suppose to write about JOY and GRACE and BLESSING.
So, I shall try.
Thank you, God, that you are driving more people each day to be 'on our knees' in prayer.
Thank you, God, that Your Righteousness will prevail because YOU prevail in the righteous.
Thank you, God, that we must continue to "press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God . . . " At least those who know and love you.
Thank you, God, that you allow me to cry from the heart for policemen killed in several states due to copycat murderers.
This has nothing to do with gun control.
This has everything to do with far too many who have no awe of God . . . don't even know God.
Their minds are twisted away from God.
May our prayers go out like radio waves to all souls who will receive God's merciful message,
"Love the Lord thy God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind....."
Only by doing so can anyone . . . "Love your neighbor as yourself."
7-9:: Meetings.
Now that's an inviting front door! |
Today's community meeting made me wonder.
It's good to ask questions, make comments and solve problems.
But today I wondered about our aging generation.
Things are changing and many don't like change.
The color of doors in our development?
Police all over the U.S. are being targeted and killed and we worry about a wild-colored door?
It's the 21st century.
Life is challenging at best.
Nothing says L I F E more than a wild-colored front door.
B R A V O to the ones who have a PERSIMMON door, a FIRE RED door, a bright YELLOW door, a BLUE-RED door or a DEEP NAVY door.
Let's C H I L L and enjoy the serendipity of DOORS!
BTW, our front door is totally boring white.
I'm thinking of going WILD and painting the door!
7-10:: BLESSING!
I was invited to be celebrant and preach at a tiny church led by my dear friend.
Hubby and I have enjoyed the hours we have spent with this retired couple who offered their time to help this small community of Christians.
Perfect timing as I had a weekend off to help.
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One of many little churches we have visited. |
Conversation at coffee hour . . . a healthy lunch . . . was filled with stories from those who wanted to tell us about themselves.
I love to listen and learn and enjoy the moment while others chat.
Our long drive home through miles of farm land filled with growing crops was an added blessing.
A perfect day after so many days of heart-ache as I prayed over lost lives.
We arrive home and another church has need of my services.
So much for sitting on the back porch for endless hours reading or writing or enjoying the garden.
I do love the spontaneity of serving a Sunday here and there at these beautiful churches with wonderful people.
With the added funerals it has been a bit busier than anticipated.
They wear their Sunday best. . . with bare feet. Love it! |
Of course, God is never 'done' with us until we are in His heavenly realm.
That's the whole purpose of our presence in this world, to the Lord, thy God, with our whole heart, soul, strength and mind.
THEN we are better able to serve others in every way the Lord directs.
7-11:: Cut, chop, saw, cut some more, shove into bags . . . LOTS of bags.
I was just going to clip a little bit off the way-too-bushy forsythia.
Ya, sure!
It turned into a marathon workout.
SO GLAD I did it without planning.
God's abundance shows up in the garden. |
Now my Russian Sage can move back into place as it's periwinkle blooms cascade over the back part of the garden.
Now my Butterfly Bush can become BUSHY.
Now my rose bushes can burst forth new growth instead of trying to create blooms on dead wood.
Now the breeze can give the branches more movement and, hopefully, upset the Japanese Beetles.
Hubby did the hardest work.
He took down the prickly bush that was way too tall and far too dangerous for me to attack.
He then 'bagged' the reams of refuse that resulted from the trimming session.
Fifteen bags in all!
See how full it was this Spring? |
Fortunately, hubby distributed our 'bags of gold' to helpful neighbors who had almost no trash.
I do wonder, sometimes, why we are the only ones who seem to have reams of bags after we prune, dig up, clean out and keep the garden fresh during the summer.
I do know I have not trimmed this much in about three years.
It was time.
7-12:: Where are my blueberries?
Every day I get to the blueberries before the birds.
Thus far, we have enjoyed plenty with breakfast and for dessert when we add them to cantaloupe.
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This is the first batch. There is more below! |
I've thought of putting a net over them but I do want to share the wealth.
Outsmarting a few birds seems much more fun.
I'll just have to wake up and get outside a bit earlier tomorrow.
At least I have a good reason to get outside a little later today.
I gave blood.
No, I'm not one of those 'saints' like my hubby.
Time for ye old check-up and the requestfor five viles of blood was in order.
They are still taking tests to see what's up.
SUMMER is what's up.
Thank you, God, that we are blessed with summer here and a summer-winter down south this year.
Our first time doing this.
I'm practicing by enjoying all the veggies and salads our farm-store provides.
Healthy eating all year sounds great to me.
What more could I ask!?
7-13:: Lazy day with much reading and lingering on the back porch . . . until about noon.
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I love my back porch time. |
It's acres-huge!
A field hockey championship was going on outside and kid's camp was taking up a tiny part of the inside so we walked all over to view empty courts for every sport one can imagine.
The "workout" area was a TINY part of this massive complex.
For the most part, team sports are the mainstay.
There is even a hotel on the premises for teams that arrive from out of state.
Loads of training for would-be-champions just happens to be in this complex so I'm sure there are a few who 'camp out' in the hotel for a week or a month at a time.
So very convenient . . . but necessary . . . as there is mostly farmland around the complex.
We took a winding road back home as we explored a new route we'd never taken before.
That's the most fun.
I so love lingering in the midst of corn fields.
It's like driving through a huge maze since we can see nothing bur corn on both sides of the road.
Then, voila!
So fragile, so translucent, so unreal. Wild roses before the beetles ate them. |
Who knew!
Summer daze . . . summer days . . . SUMMER . . . LOVE IT!
7-14:: Japanese Beetles
They are everywhere!
I gave in to insecticide that is suppose to kill them but it did not touch them.
This means war.
I fill my container half full with sudsy water, don my gardening gloves and begin to pick through the mostly eaten rose bushes.
Three more huddled together.
SIX at once!
I'm on a roll!
By the end of my scavenger hung for these pesky bugs I have over fifty in my container.
Will it ever end?
At least I can safely say that my roses looked FABULOUS in early June.
It's now mid-July so I have enjoyed them for SIX whole weeks.
God created these bugs so I must live along side them . . . share and share alike.
I am also thankful that they love nothing else in my glorious garden.
I feel blessed.
Daily BEAUTY is all about.
I'm trying to capture Red-White-Blue in the garden. |
7-15:: A visit, early in the day, from a dear friend is always a gift.
7-16:: Reading scripture restores my heart.
I've been enjoying the blog posts from The Rev. Marek Zabriskie as I wander through the incredible stories that point us to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
In one 'aside' Marek says the following:
In 1924 a short devotional book was published with a daily reading for each day of the year called My Utmost for His Highest.
It has since become a Christian classic.
The book contains 365 inspirational passages from sermons preached by Oswald Chambers, a Scottish Baptist, who was born in Aberdeen in 1874.
The title was taken from one of Chamber’s sermons, where he said, “Shut out every consideration and keep yourself before God for this one thing only – My Utmost for His Highest.”
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This is the new cover but same classic devotions. |
© The Rev. Marek P. Zabriskie; Rector of St. Thomas' Episcopal Church; Fort Washington, Pennsylvania
For years I devotedly read from this Oswald Chambers classic.
Eventually, I realized that the Word of God, as seen through his eyes, was meant to re-direct me back to God's word so that I, also, could reflect and comment . . . according to what God was showing me. It has been a wonderful journey for over thirty years.
I fully intend to continue this journey until the time I can no longer do so.
7-17:: Mary and Martha.
We have heard about these two women so many times.
Mary just SAT there, not moving an inch when her sister complained that she was working too hard.
It was not just Jesus who was visiting but all the disciples and so many faithful jews who clung to every word and action from this prophet-king.
Jesus hears Martha's pleading words to Mary:
"Why do we need food and accommodation preparations and all those THINGS when the soul needs to be fed first? Lighten up, Martha. It's OK.
Mary is right to absorb all she can so she is fed full in her soul."
Sunday is the day we set aside to 'drink in' the presence of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Yet, each day of the week we should be like Mary, sitting at the feet of Jesus.
My soul thrives when I sit at Jesus feet . . . in prayer, in scripture, in contemplation . . . 24/7/365.
7-18:: Another MD appointment?
Does it ever end?
Just a check-up . . . checking out all the blood tests to see if I am 'on track'.
My body will be tracked, tested, fixed or whatever, by the end of summer.
It's all good.'
I'm learning to embrace each day as a blessed gift.
Hubby and I are making adventures and discovering new delights daily. . . especially when I end up in my garden.
My delight in the garden feeds my soul as much as spending time reading or learning something new to feed my soul.
Garden moments feed my soul in new ways.
It's my time to say, "Do not disturb, my soul is filling up to overflowing."
7-19:: Expectations.
We studied the brochure, went on-line to glean more information and seemed satisfied that we would learn much about how ice cream is made at this local museum.
Little did we know that it would be one wild dash , past a well designed study of the history of the area and of the creamery, to the free ice cream.
Families with children may have tried to at least listen to the 1 minute vignettes of audio and movie scenarios but the din of noise drowned out any possibility.
There needed to be a completely separate room to slowly walk through history.
Indoor/outdoor carpet with a sound-catching ceiling would have helped greatly.
Having the exhibit at the top of the open stairwell was not only awkward but noisy.
So, why the complaint?
Because I expected more from a paid exhibit.
We've seen so many exhibits for kids and adults - Smithsonian.
Hands-on play is incorporated with adult education.
Narrow division of space, low lighting and an ambiance that prompts low voices can be inviting for children if presented properly.
At the very least, designing one's own ice cream and packaging should be done after a learning experience and can be done in a completely different area set aside for noise and excitement and family involvement.
And so, our expectations were dashed.
Hubby has hearing problems (too much noise and his head rings like carillon bells) so left the exhibit after about fifteen minutes.
I was surprised he lasted that long.
I lingered, watching the children have a blast, finding little more than commercial indulgence for the product sponsor.
I wonder.
Have families lowered their expectations to the point that learning about history of a product is no longer a viable option?
I hope not.
There is so much we can learn . . . AND ENJOY . . . when exhibits are presented well.
So what is my JOY and delight I discovered?
I'm glad I have high expectations for exhibits and presentations for children.
I'm glad I could sample some YUMMY ice cream!
I'm glad the families had so much fun . . . as I did.
7-20::We have been watching the Republican Convention, off and on.
I'm trying to learn as much as I can about the Republican agenda and about the people who may be leading our country next year.
Few are excited about either candidate.
Yet, it seems to me, if one has a known track record that should have brought about indictment, at the very least, that person may not be able to lead the country.
If one has a passion for change and is surrounded with those who can help with that change, then the most important trait I must look for is the person's IDEOLOGY.
It's the ideology that spins us in the right direction.
Once the ideology is declared, there are plenty of people who can help to establish what needs to change or remain, according to the will of the congress.
ISIS has an ideology.
It's the ISIS IDEOLOGY that is penetrating young souls who think it grand to destroy humanity.
Our president needs to maintain an IDEOLOGY that seeks to stamp out the ideology of ISIS in every crevice of the world.
Is this possible with either candidate?
I don't know.
I DO KNOW that one who has an ideology to ignore the ISIS ideology is not the candidate for me?
Yes I do.
I intend to absorb as much as I can from both conventions.
I intend to PRAY HARD.
I intend to LISTEN to my soul which is governed by God.
I intend to VOTE - as it is our God-given privilege.
I thank GOD that I live in the USA where we have SO MUCH FREEDOM to do the RIGHT THING.
7-21:: The Speech
After a full day we settle into the convention speeches.
Ivanka painted the best verbal picture of her father that I have heard so far.
Her father, Donald, remained focused on the tele-prompter, filled the air with facts, kept bloviating to a minimum and still spoke a VERY long time.
I did not mind, actually.
Sermons in evangelical churches last just as long . . . every single week!
It's a time to learn, to absorb, to process, deduce, embrace, reject . . . understand.
We learned, evaluated and await the next convention to learn, digest and evaluate more information.
What a BLESSING that we have options even if they are poor.
We are still free to choose who will lead this great USA.
Majority wins.
Can't say that for too many countries.
May our Lord help pave the way through "crazy" so that we can maintain our FREEDOM.
7-22:: No sleep!
We were up way too late last night.
My head swirled all night with words I'd heard.
Some were fabulous and some were extremely frustrating.
I could not relax.
I prayed.
I usually fall fast asleep half way through my list.
Not this time.
Soooooo, I got up, grabbed a book by Ruth Graham, and read for THREE HOURS.
Then I slept for two more hours.
This is totally not my norm as I sleep 8-9 hours each and every night with only one potty break.
I had great energy all day and am just now settling in for the evening.
It's good to know that sleep will come when it comes.
I take each day for whatever the Lord presents before me . . . all good . . . still.
7-23:: Nostalgia.
It's time to tackle the storage room.
Some boxes were packed for a decade and I'm now looking into them more deeply.
I found my Lefse rolling pin!
Of course I have not made Lefse for 25 years but it's always good to have it at all times, isn't it?
How about the old meat grinder I inherited when my mom died.
Fond memories of us kids stuffing it with spam and pickles for our sandwiches the next WEEK!
The fond memories are for the spirit in which we all pitched in to help grind.
Fond memories of eating this delicious 'meat surprise' on Wonder Bread almost every single day.
Sometimes we ate Tuna with mayo and pickles.
Feeding a family of six, especially as we grew more hungry by the year, was no easy task.
Yet mom always made meals beautiful (one needs lots of color on the plate) and healthy.
We never went without but we also never ate those fancy foods like cereals with sugar or bologna or whatever else everyone else brought to school to eat each day.
It's a good thing.
7-24:: A long sermon . . . good words.
I re-imagined the words and compared them to our salvation.
Egypt, the land of the lost connection with God.
The Passover of the Angel of Death and Moses' leadership across the Red Sea reminds me of saying "YES" to God and passing through the waters of baptism as we say YES to a life of glorifying God.
But wait, why the wandering in the desert?
That's our journey as followers of God . . . the growth and change of our souls as we connect with the One who wants to lead us, guide us, shape us to be His own forever.
Problem is, we disconnect with our Lord as often as we connect with Him. . . in the same way the Israelites did when they wandered for "a very long time" in the desert.
40 years, with the hebrew people, means "a very long time."
Our life can be a "very long time."
We wander through life until it is our time to enter the Promised Land . . . eternal life . . . giving glory to God 24/7/365.
There is so much to learn in our walk with the Lord as we study the Old Testament.
Little has changed except that we now see the LOVE of God through His Son, Jesus Christ.
God's love through HIs Son is truly drawing us through our desert life into the Promised Land.
Baptism is only the beginning.
7-25:: Aging body . . . aching limbs.
I refuse to be what I see in my peers . . . limping, slow, immobile.
Actually, most of my friends walk or do some sort of exercise daily but their bodies show the stiffness and decay that is expected in our aging bodies.
I decided to do something about my own arthritic challenges.
I figured I'd just visit a physical therapist, be given some exercises and that would be that.
Guess not!
90 minutes into my first visit I'm receiving a full work-up for nerves and muscles that have been screaming at me for years.
Deep pressure in certain areas, some awkward limb movement and I'm scheduled for 2 times a week for the next four weeks.
Who knew!
I was sent home with some simple exercises that will keep me busy until Wednesday when I return.
I'm amazed how my body went a bit on 'tilt' after these simple stretches.
It seems my tight muscles affect my nerve endings and both work with/against each other.
AMAZING observations by a fabulous physical therapist . . . and promised results . . . in due time.
"This will not be short and easy," she says.
I am DELIGHTED that there is something I can do to keep from being old and stiff sooner than desired.
God is so good.
7-26:: Amish.
Our nephew and his wife had not been out this way in years and wanted to see a few Amish.
It's nothing for Josh to ride his bike the distance it takes a car to drive for an hour or two!
But, they have a one-year-old who is too cute to miss.
So hubby and wife and baby drove on over to visit and we, in our car, led them to some rural areas where we could enjoy the 'simple' life.
Home made pickles, sour cherry jam, onion bread, raisin bread, home-made crackers and a kitchie mug with a picture of the town on it were some of the items they purchased after seeing so much home made eating delights in one place.
Quilts were the most fun.
Each time we enter this quilt shop we see a brand new array of beauty for beds.
Amazing work.
You know the old 'Log Cabin' quilts?
A square in the middle, usually red, stands for the hearth fire that keeps the house warm.
From there, the log colors move out into the square in two distinct shades: dark and light.
Legend has it that these dark colors stand for all the challenges, hardships, and eventually death of each one of us.
But this is balanced by all the joys, delights and LIFE that continues to come into the world.
This 'balance' around the 'fire within' is a reminder of our own lives as well as the community around us.
As long as we retain the 'fire within' and keep it burning, our LIFE experience can be seen more in the LIGHT than in the darkness . . . until it is time to 'turn out our light of life . . . and only God knows that.
The LOG CABIN of life, directed by GOD, is a lovely concept.
7-27:: Exercise!
We've been busy getting our bodies in shape.
I'm going to a physical therapist to learn exercises that will not hurt my neck and shoulders but will strengthen them properly.
Seems that computer work has this tendency to tighten shoulder muscles so much that they strangle the nerves in the upper neck and first two vertebra . . . which are at the neck area.
Very small, simple movements are in order . . . none that will cause muscles to tighten!
Try turning, moving, lifting arms and neck without causing the muscles to tighten.
Focus, patience, concentration, time and more time . . . 10 reps, two -three times each day.
That's it!
Only, there about six exercises and some challenge me to 'hold' for 30 seconds each rep.
No problem.
Focus, patience, concentration . . . and time.
While waiting for my second session an elderly lady (as if I'm not but she seemed older) commented that she was done with her physical therapy and was waiting for her husband.
She never did the exercises at home and now that she no longer goes to therapy (I wonder why) it never occurred to her to continue the exercises.
That's the most startling part of PT.
People don't do what the doctor orders.
No wonder so many limp into 'old age' looking as if they are ten years older than their chronological age.
I am blessed with the fact that I was taught to eat right when young and take care of the physical, emotional and spiritual part of my life.
I was taught well, remembered what I was taught, and, for the most part, am doing quite well as I age.
I'm determined to do all I can, whenever I can, to grow in grace both in the knowledge of our Lord and in the knowledge of any physical challenges.
God is good,
Life is good,
We are good.
7-28:: The Bird House
I was studying on the back porch as is my normal routine in the early morning hours before it gets too hot to sit outside.
I stopped and sat and watched for about ten minutes.
Little birds, newly hatched in the little bird house in the yard, are squeaking up a storm.
They know mama and papa bird are frantically finding food for them before the upcoming storm.
Flit in, flit out.
Mama and papa take turns feeding these ravenous, tiny babies.
Baby bird's beaks are really not beaks yet.
God created them with tiny nubs on very wide mouths - made especially for being fed.
Only when these tiny tykes are mature enough to feed on their own will those wide mouths tighten up into a longer beak, changed especially for pecking earth for food.
So, I think about myself.
My mind, heart and soul have been opened wide for decades as I feed on God's Word.
Has my 'openness' been reshaped?
Instead of feeding for hours each day I seem to feed the soul a little less in God's Word and a little more in meditation . . . like chewing on God's Word.
I am also giving out more . . . I am feeding others with that which has been stored in my soul.
I still glean new understandings of God daily, like today.
Yet, I think I'm a little different than I was when my journey began almost thirty years ago.
I pray I have become more of a 'feeder' than one being fed, although I still need both.
Ahhhh, the freedom of being a bird . . . to only concentrate on being fed or feeding another.
I wish life were that simple.
Perhaps it can be . . . if I live like a bird.
God gifted me with humanness, with a brain, with reason and with choice - either to follow and glorify my God in all I say or do or not.
What a gift!
7-29:: Another call from the hospital.
We just said 'goodbye' to Gini and laid her to rest in the arms of the Lord.
Now it's her hubby . . . in the hospital again.
His care for his dear wife has taken a toll and his body is breaking down slowly.
His grief is so very deep.
How does one suddenly learn to live alone after being "one" with his spouse for 66 years?
How does one heal the wounds of being ripped away from that 'one-ness'?
He was doing very well getting involved with those in the loving community where he lives.
He was looking ahead and will continue to look ahead.
But something is going on deep inside of him that presses pneumonia into his lungs and tells his brain that his legs don't work when he tries to stand up.
He laid on the floor a very long time before someone discovered him.
I hear this so often as one's body begins to break down.
He is strong, he has deep faith, he is trying to keep moving forward and will continue to do so as long as his body will allow.
But perhaps his soul, so much in grief, is saying otherwise.
We will visit, pray with him, anoint him with healing oil and encourage him.
God will do the rest.
We love both of them so much, as if they were our own parents.
I praise God that we have become so close to them and their extended family.
7-30:: St. Ignatius' Daily Examen
I sit on the porch drinking in the cooler, very humid, misty air.
The little birds still need constant feeding.
Words for tomorrow flow easily enough from mind to paper.
I don't to think.
I want my brain to be 'muggy' like the day feels.
I just want to sit and reflect . . . perhaps on St. Ignatius' Daily Examen, which I will present tomorrow.
Just 5 steps each day, every day, for the rest of my life and perhaps, just perhaps, I will begin to understand the full power of the Holy Spirit working in me and through me 24/7/365.
Perhaps I'll bubble over with so much Presence, so much of Christ-likeness, that I will bounce out of bed each day knowing exactly what the Lord wants of me.
So far, I simply go through a daily routine of self-care and hubby-care, which can be quite consuming.
We have wonderful adventures, even if it is simply visiting our neighboring farm for produce.
But there is so much more.
Observing my surroundings, waiting, listening, opening my soul for the Presence of God to penetrate deeply each day seems a wondrous thing.
How did the Holy Spirit guide me today?
Three points of gratitude
Recollect any strong feelings, positive or negative, and write about it.
Pray about it, reflect on it, share it with the Lord.
Pray about tomorrow at the end of this day, that the Lord will open the heart to more of Him.
7-31:: The day passed too quickly.
One minute I am all caught up on my blogging and the next minute I'm three days behind.
I think the quip is, "the faster I go, the behinder I get."
Today was a fun day as I presided over the service at a church we were at years ago.
They are looking for a new rector so, in the mean time, they find 'supply clergy' to help out.
So fun to see familiar faces and a marvelous wonder to see so many new faces.
I don't know if people wander in and out of church over their life-journey or if, by God's grace, they are invited into the presence of God by someone who cares about their soul.
One couple opted to raise 'special needs' kids . . . I saw five.
Only when the church made the commitment to rebuild an area to make room for an elevator could this family join in worship.
The kids are so polite and so enjoyable - they are now old enough to be patient and kind and considerate of others.
It's when we choose to make a sacrifice for another that we reap the greatest benefits.
More people are hearing about this wonderful accommodation to bring people back and forth between the parish hall and the worship area.
When Jesus walked from village to village there was totally accessibility to the Word . . . the Lord, Jesus Christ.
Now with old two-story buildings set aside for worship and fellowship, we have to think outside the box, so to speak.
A glorious day of beautiful music, heart-felt prayer, unpacking scripture and fellowship left us filled with renewed JOY.
God is not letting me sit back quietly but is using me as He feeds my soul.
7-17:: Mary and Martha.
We have heard about these two women so many times.
Mary just SAT there, not moving an inch when her sister complained that she was working too hard.
It was not just Jesus who was visiting but all the disciples and so many faithful jews who clung to every word and action from this prophet-king.
Jesus hears Martha's pleading words to Mary:
"Why do we need food and accommodation preparations and all those THINGS when the soul needs to be fed first? Lighten up, Martha. It's OK.
Mary is right to absorb all she can so she is fed full in her soul."
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Here is another one by Susan Branch |
Yet, each day of the week we should be like Mary, sitting at the feet of Jesus.
My soul thrives when I sit at Jesus feet . . . in prayer, in scripture, in contemplation . . . 24/7/365.
7-18:: Another MD appointment?
Does it ever end?
Just a check-up . . . checking out all the blood tests to see if I am 'on track'.
My body will be tracked, tested, fixed or whatever, by the end of summer.
It's all good.'
I'm learning to embrace each day as a blessed gift.
Hubby and I are making adventures and discovering new delights daily. . . especially when I end up in my garden.
My delight in the garden feeds my soul as much as spending time reading or learning something new to feed my soul.
Garden moments feed my soul in new ways.
It's my time to say, "Do not disturb, my soul is filling up to overflowing."
7-19:: Expectations.
We studied the brochure, went on-line to glean more information and seemed satisfied that we would learn much about how ice cream is made at this local museum.
Little did we know that it would be one wild dash , past a well designed study of the history of the area and of the creamery, to the free ice cream.
Families with children may have tried to at least listen to the 1 minute vignettes of audio and movie scenarios but the din of noise drowned out any possibility.
There needed to be a completely separate room to slowly walk through history.
Indoor/outdoor carpet with a sound-catching ceiling would have helped greatly.
Having the exhibit at the top of the open stairwell was not only awkward but noisy.
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I can eat any and all of these. |
So, why the complaint?
Because I expected more from a paid exhibit.
We've seen so many exhibits for kids and adults - Smithsonian.
Hands-on play is incorporated with adult education.
Narrow division of space, low lighting and an ambiance that prompts low voices can be inviting for children if presented properly.
At the very least, designing one's own ice cream and packaging should be done after a learning experience and can be done in a completely different area set aside for noise and excitement and family involvement.
And so, our expectations were dashed.
Hubby has hearing problems (too much noise and his head rings like carillon bells) so left the exhibit after about fifteen minutes.
I was surprised he lasted that long.
I lingered, watching the children have a blast, finding little more than commercial indulgence for the product sponsor.
I wonder.
Have families lowered their expectations to the point that learning about history of a product is no longer a viable option?
I hope not.
We drove through another covered bridge as we explored another wonderful exhibit in this beautiful state. |
So what is my JOY and delight I discovered?
I'm glad I have high expectations for exhibits and presentations for children.
I'm glad I could sample some YUMMY ice cream!
I'm glad the families had so much fun . . . as I did.
7-20::We have been watching the Republican Convention, off and on.
I'm trying to learn as much as I can about the Republican agenda and about the people who may be leading our country next year.
Few are excited about either candidate.
Yet, it seems to me, if one has a known track record that should have brought about indictment, at the very least, that person may not be able to lead the country.
If one has a passion for change and is surrounded with those who can help with that change, then the most important trait I must look for is the person's IDEOLOGY.
He is our future. Let's protect him. |
Once the ideology is declared, there are plenty of people who can help to establish what needs to change or remain, according to the will of the congress.
ISIS has an ideology.
It's the ISIS IDEOLOGY that is penetrating young souls who think it grand to destroy humanity.
Our president needs to maintain an IDEOLOGY that seeks to stamp out the ideology of ISIS in every crevice of the world.
Is this possible with either candidate?
I don't know.
I DO KNOW that one who has an ideology to ignore the ISIS ideology is not the candidate for me?
Yes I do.
I intend to absorb as much as I can from both conventions.
I intend to PRAY HARD.
I intend to LISTEN to my soul which is governed by God.
I intend to VOTE - as it is our God-given privilege.
I thank GOD that I live in the USA where we have SO MUCH FREEDOM to do the RIGHT THING.
7-21:: The Speech
After a full day we settle into the convention speeches.
Ivanka painted the best verbal picture of her father that I have heard so far.
Her father, Donald, remained focused on the tele-prompter, filled the air with facts, kept bloviating to a minimum and still spoke a VERY long time.
I did not mind, actually.
Sermons in evangelical churches last just as long . . . every single week!
It's a time to learn, to absorb, to process, deduce, embrace, reject . . . understand.
We learned, evaluated and await the next convention to learn, digest and evaluate more information.
What a BLESSING that we have options even if they are poor.
We are still free to choose who will lead this great USA.
Majority wins.
Can't say that for too many countries.
May our Lord help pave the way through "crazy" so that we can maintain our FREEDOM.
7-22:: No sleep!
We were up way too late last night.
My head swirled all night with words I'd heard.
Some were fabulous and some were extremely frustrating.
I could not relax.
I prayed.
I usually fall fast asleep half way through my list.
Not this time.
Soooooo, I got up, grabbed a book by Ruth Graham, and read for THREE HOURS.
Then I slept for two more hours.
This is totally not my norm as I sleep 8-9 hours each and every night with only one potty break.
I had great energy all day and am just now settling in for the evening.
It's good to know that sleep will come when it comes.
I take each day for whatever the Lord presents before me . . . all good . . . still.
7-23:: Nostalgia.
It's time to tackle the storage room.
Some boxes were packed for a decade and I'm now looking into them more deeply.
I found my Lefse rolling pin!
Of course I have not made Lefse for 25 years but it's always good to have it at all times, isn't it?
How about the old meat grinder I inherited when my mom died.
Fond memories of us kids stuffing it with spam and pickles for our sandwiches the next WEEK!
The fond memories are for the spirit in which we all pitched in to help grind.
Fond memories of eating this delicious 'meat surprise' on Wonder Bread almost every single day.
Sometimes we ate Tuna with mayo and pickles.
Feeding a family of six, especially as we grew more hungry by the year, was no easy task.
Yet mom always made meals beautiful (one needs lots of color on the plate) and healthy.
We never went without but we also never ate those fancy foods like cereals with sugar or bologna or whatever else everyone else brought to school to eat each day.
It's a good thing.
7-24:: A long sermon . . . good words.
I re-imagined the words and compared them to our salvation.
Egypt, the land of the lost connection with God.
The Passover of the Angel of Death and Moses' leadership across the Red Sea reminds me of saying "YES" to God and passing through the waters of baptism as we say YES to a life of glorifying God.
But wait, why the wandering in the desert?
That's our journey as followers of God . . . the growth and change of our souls as we connect with the One who wants to lead us, guide us, shape us to be His own forever.
Problem is, we disconnect with our Lord as often as we connect with Him. . . in the same way the Israelites did when they wandered for "a very long time" in the desert.
40 years, with the hebrew people, means "a very long time."
Our life can be a "very long time."
We wander through life until it is our time to enter the Promised Land . . . eternal life . . . giving glory to God 24/7/365.
There is so much to learn in our walk with the Lord as we study the Old Testament.
Little has changed except that we now see the LOVE of God through His Son, Jesus Christ.
God's love through HIs Son is truly drawing us through our desert life into the Promised Land.
Baptism is only the beginning.
7-25:: Aging body . . . aching limbs.
I refuse to be what I see in my peers . . . limping, slow, immobile.
Actually, most of my friends walk or do some sort of exercise daily but their bodies show the stiffness and decay that is expected in our aging bodies.
I decided to do something about my own arthritic challenges.
I figured I'd just visit a physical therapist, be given some exercises and that would be that.
Guess not!
90 minutes into my first visit I'm receiving a full work-up for nerves and muscles that have been screaming at me for years.
Deep pressure in certain areas, some awkward limb movement and I'm scheduled for 2 times a week for the next four weeks.
Who knew!
I was sent home with some simple exercises that will keep me busy until Wednesday when I return.
I'm amazed how my body went a bit on 'tilt' after these simple stretches.
It seems my tight muscles affect my nerve endings and both work with/against each other.
AMAZING observations by a fabulous physical therapist . . . and promised results . . . in due time.
"This will not be short and easy," she says.
I am DELIGHTED that there is something I can do to keep from being old and stiff sooner than desired.
God is so good.
7-26:: Amish.
Our nephew and his wife had not been out this way in years and wanted to see a few Amish.
It's nothing for Josh to ride his bike the distance it takes a car to drive for an hour or two!
But, they have a one-year-old who is too cute to miss.
So hubby and wife and baby drove on over to visit and we, in our car, led them to some rural areas where we could enjoy the 'simple' life.
Home made pickles, sour cherry jam, onion bread, raisin bread, home-made crackers and a kitchie mug with a picture of the town on it were some of the items they purchased after seeing so much home made eating delights in one place.
Quilts were the most fun.
Each time we enter this quilt shop we see a brand new array of beauty for beds.
Amazing work.
You know the old 'Log Cabin' quilts?
A square in the middle, usually red, stands for the hearth fire that keeps the house warm.
From there, the log colors move out into the square in two distinct shades: dark and light.
Legend has it that these dark colors stand for all the challenges, hardships, and eventually death of each one of us.
But this is balanced by all the joys, delights and LIFE that continues to come into the world.
This 'balance' around the 'fire within' is a reminder of our own lives as well as the community around us.
As long as we retain the 'fire within' and keep it burning, our LIFE experience can be seen more in the LIGHT than in the darkness . . . until it is time to 'turn out our light of life . . . and only God knows that.
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This is a good example of Log Cabin Squares pieced together to make a star quilt. Notice the "fire" red in the middle of each square and the light side and dark side. Classic Amish |
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A classic Log Cabin Quilt pattern |
We've been busy getting our bodies in shape.
I'm going to a physical therapist to learn exercises that will not hurt my neck and shoulders but will strengthen them properly.
Seems that computer work has this tendency to tighten shoulder muscles so much that they strangle the nerves in the upper neck and first two vertebra . . . which are at the neck area.
Very small, simple movements are in order . . . none that will cause muscles to tighten!
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I love Mary Englebrite's cards so here is one that is so about my journey. ME is her signature - yet this is so 'me.' |
Focus, patience, concentration, time and more time . . . 10 reps, two -three times each day.
That's it!
Only, there about six exercises and some challenge me to 'hold' for 30 seconds each rep.
No problem.
Focus, patience, concentration . . . and time.
While waiting for my second session an elderly lady (as if I'm not but she seemed older) commented that she was done with her physical therapy and was waiting for her husband.
She never did the exercises at home and now that she no longer goes to therapy (I wonder why) it never occurred to her to continue the exercises.
That's the most startling part of PT.
People don't do what the doctor orders.
No wonder so many limp into 'old age' looking as if they are ten years older than their chronological age.
I am blessed with the fact that I was taught to eat right when young and take care of the physical, emotional and spiritual part of my life.
I was taught well, remembered what I was taught, and, for the most part, am doing quite well as I age.
I'm determined to do all I can, whenever I can, to grow in grace both in the knowledge of our Lord and in the knowledge of any physical challenges.
God is good,
Life is good,
We are good.
7-28:: The Bird House
I was studying on the back porch as is my normal routine in the early morning hours before it gets too hot to sit outside.
I stopped and sat and watched for about ten minutes.
Little birds, newly hatched in the little bird house in the yard, are squeaking up a storm.
They know mama and papa bird are frantically finding food for them before the upcoming storm.
Flit in, flit out.
Mama and papa take turns feeding these ravenous, tiny babies.
Baby bird's beaks are really not beaks yet.
God created them with tiny nubs on very wide mouths - made especially for being fed.
Only when these tiny tykes are mature enough to feed on their own will those wide mouths tighten up into a longer beak, changed especially for pecking earth for food.
So, I think about myself.
My mind, heart and soul have been opened wide for decades as I feed on God's Word.
Has my 'openness' been reshaped?
Instead of feeding for hours each day I seem to feed the soul a little less in God's Word and a little more in meditation . . . like chewing on God's Word.
I am also giving out more . . . I am feeding others with that which has been stored in my soul.
I still glean new understandings of God daily, like today.
Yet, I think I'm a little different than I was when my journey began almost thirty years ago.
I pray I have become more of a 'feeder' than one being fed, although I still need both.
Ahhhh, the freedom of being a bird . . . to only concentrate on being fed or feeding another.
I wish life were that simple.
Perhaps it can be . . . if I live like a bird.
God gifted me with humanness, with a brain, with reason and with choice - either to follow and glorify my God in all I say or do or not.
What a gift!
7-29:: Another call from the hospital.
We just said 'goodbye' to Gini and laid her to rest in the arms of the Lord.
Now it's her hubby . . . in the hospital again.
His care for his dear wife has taken a toll and his body is breaking down slowly.
His grief is so very deep.
How does one heal the wounds of being ripped away from that 'one-ness'?
He was doing very well getting involved with those in the loving community where he lives.
He was looking ahead and will continue to look ahead.
But something is going on deep inside of him that presses pneumonia into his lungs and tells his brain that his legs don't work when he tries to stand up.
He laid on the floor a very long time before someone discovered him.
I hear this so often as one's body begins to break down.
He is strong, he has deep faith, he is trying to keep moving forward and will continue to do so as long as his body will allow.
But perhaps his soul, so much in grief, is saying otherwise.
We will visit, pray with him, anoint him with healing oil and encourage him.
God will do the rest.
We love both of them so much, as if they were our own parents.
I praise God that we have become so close to them and their extended family.
7-30:: St. Ignatius' Daily Examen
I sit on the porch drinking in the cooler, very humid, misty air.
The little birds still need constant feeding.
Words for tomorrow flow easily enough from mind to paper.
I don't to think.
I want my brain to be 'muggy' like the day feels.
I just want to sit and reflect . . . perhaps on St. Ignatius' Daily Examen, which I will present tomorrow.
Just 5 steps each day, every day, for the rest of my life and perhaps, just perhaps, I will begin to understand the full power of the Holy Spirit working in me and through me 24/7/365.
Perhaps I'll bubble over with so much Presence, so much of Christ-likeness, that I will bounce out of bed each day knowing exactly what the Lord wants of me.
So far, I simply go through a daily routine of self-care and hubby-care, which can be quite consuming.
We have wonderful adventures, even if it is simply visiting our neighboring farm for produce.
But there is so much more.
Observing my surroundings, waiting, listening, opening my soul for the Presence of God to penetrate deeply each day seems a wondrous thing.
How did the Holy Spirit guide me today?
Three points of gratitude
Recollect any strong feelings, positive or negative, and write about it.
Pray about it, reflect on it, share it with the Lord.
Pray about tomorrow at the end of this day, that the Lord will open the heart to more of Him.
7-31:: The day passed too quickly.
One minute I am all caught up on my blogging and the next minute I'm three days behind.
I think the quip is, "the faster I go, the behinder I get."
Today was a fun day as I presided over the service at a church we were at years ago.
They are looking for a new rector so, in the mean time, they find 'supply clergy' to help out.
So fun to see familiar faces and a marvelous wonder to see so many new faces.
I don't know if people wander in and out of church over their life-journey or if, by God's grace, they are invited into the presence of God by someone who cares about their soul.
One couple opted to raise 'special needs' kids . . . I saw five.
Only when the church made the commitment to rebuild an area to make room for an elevator could this family join in worship.
The kids are so polite and so enjoyable - they are now old enough to be patient and kind and considerate of others.
It's when we choose to make a sacrifice for another that we reap the greatest benefits.
More people are hearing about this wonderful accommodation to bring people back and forth between the parish hall and the worship area.
When Jesus walked from village to village there was totally accessibility to the Word . . . the Lord, Jesus Christ.
Now with old two-story buildings set aside for worship and fellowship, we have to think outside the box, so to speak.
A glorious day of beautiful music, heart-felt prayer, unpacking scripture and fellowship left us filled with renewed JOY.
God is not letting me sit back quietly but is using me as He feeds my soul.