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Forsythia! A sure sign of Spring. |
This fabulous weather may last a day or a week.
And then, out of nowhere, storms sweep the beautiful petals off these blooming trees and shrubs.
So, I enjoy the moment, clicking away, before tomorrow's storm sweeps through and strips beauty from limbs.
Ahhhhh, April.
So deceptive.
Yet, hopeful.
We patch the lawn with seed and hope something comes up in the bare spaces.
At least cold days and stormy weather ahead will not deter seedling growth with loads of nutritious dirt to keep each seed fed and warm.
Spring blooms decorate the back of the church tower area. |
I'm no fool.
Today it is almost 80 degrees but a huge storm is due at any time, perhaps tonight, and the temperatures will plummet and remain low for a week at least.
So, I dare say, we are the fools to think that our gardens will begin to bloom all at once.
Daffodils are bright and cheery, leading us to believe there is more to come.
Forsythia is ever-robust and reminds me to feed my rose bushes.
My soul says, "Enjoy the beauty and drink in the warmth" at least for a moment.
4-2:: Rain pours down on fresh dirt filled with grass seed.
My favorite rose bush sprouted leaves overnight.
Easter is simple but the 'Light of Christ' pierces the darkness and sunshine beams through the beautiful windows. |
Spring is springing forth even when temps plummeted 25 degrees.
I knew it.
A great day to linger longer over words for tomorrow.
The dance of hope continues to pick up speed after news gets around that Christ is Risen!
Hope blooms as faith still lingers beside fear.
Yet, Love never fails.
God so loved us, the World . . . that we who believe can be personally nurtured 24/7 by the Presence of God in Christ.
4-3:: Swirl, whirl, chill, wind and more wind nearly pulls us off the road in early dawn.
No rain, though.
A huge ball of sun greets our eyes head-on as we drive East to church.
A full day today as we say goodbye to dear friends. Last words to dear ones at 8am, office work and interfacing with others and I'm almost late for the 10:15 service.
I slide into line and sing alleluias with the choir as we process into church.
What a wonderful celebration of Christ's resurrection and time of laying hands on those who wish prayer.
Music was nostalgic as our favorite hymns were played throughout the service. Incredible meal and too many goodbyes to count at our shared meal. We leave with a sad heart but knowing this body
What a surprise to see a picture of the church on the cake. |
God is good, Life is good, we are good.
4-4:: A new day but a different routine.
Hubby decides we need to take a drive to a couple historic towns just to change our routine a bit.
Fresh air and change of routine did us both good.
Sometimes it is good to change things a bit and be a little adventurous, especially during a time of transition.
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This precious church will forever remind me of special stories. |
All the gifts and gestures of love cannot be responded to appropriately.
I must learn simply to receive, breathe in the good wishes and move forward.
Hard to do with a major change but the days are already full.
We have a list a mile long of 'fix-it' jobs around the house and little adventures that are almost in our back yard to keep us busy most of the summer.
Nostalgia sets in as I write notes of thanks.
A million blessings and more in my memory bank.
Spring has sprung and the forsythia blooms on my kitchen table. |
Today I 'do lunch' with almost a hundred women.
Speakers, prizes, fashion and garden tips, divine lunch with double chocolate layer cake for desert - nothing on my prescribed diet.
Most of all, a wonderful speaker telling us about her wonderfully adventurous journey to knowing Jesus as One who tells us we can do nothing but believe to receive eternal life.
We do not have to 'work' for our salvation other than doing the 'work' of believing.'
She tells us of the incredible gardens she works on but the true gardener is the Lord, Jesus Christ.
He "walks with us and He talks with us and He tells us we're not alone . . . " So affirming.
I was able to enjoy affirming the faith of two at my table who attend 'sacramental' churches.
God's extra blessing is drawing us into His presence at Holy Eucharist.
Nothing beats knowing the Word of God through scripture AND through His Holy Presence through the power of the Holy Spirit.
I miss this little church already. |
4-7:: Rain floods the yard and sweeps down into the back valley.
Finally we have a real April shower with sun peaking out from clouds in late afternoon.
Now this is a Spring day.
I'm energized to clean up my office and move dozens of books back to their proper places in my well organized bookshelves elsewhere. Spring cleaning always feels good after I am finished.
Like the fresh look of the red door on our church, a clean room is also inviting.
I am spurred to read about a dozen books that have been waiting for my moments of leisure.
Those moments are just around the corner.
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April 9 and we have more snow. |
April SHOWERS are suppose to bring May FLOWERS.
I Think God got mixed up a bit.
Snow showers might delay the May flowers a bit.
It's perfect for cleaning, organizing, putting order in my abode . . . and, perhaps, in my life.
It's like breathing with clear lungs - so refreshing.
Breathe deep, I tell myself.
I smelled a scrubbed office - carpet, shelves, baseboard, the works.
There is something to be said for lack of dust balls staring me in the face.
Hubby and I realize that, through all our moves over the past thirty years, we have kept notes and books and files 'just in case.'
It's time to let go and not think of what 'might' happen.
My mind and heart are ready for anything.
Nothing beats the precious present - such a gift.
4-9:: What a surprise!
A sprinkle of snow yesterday and HUGE flakes falling fast for several hours today!
April is such a foolish month.
One minute I'm planting grass seed and the next I am sliding through slush.
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Look hard in this sea of snow and you can see ever-so-faintly the yellow forsythia leaves. |
It's so serendipity and I love it.
I watch flakes fall on yellow branches.
They sparkle against the wet white stuff.
I'm reminded that I, too, can sparkle when surprises come my way.
I just need to be flexible and open and ready for any spring surprise.
4-10:: Sweet Sunday!
This is the day the Lord has made . . . let us rejoice!
Why, then, do I feel so sad?
Perhaps I am still grieving what I had to leave behind - friends and families I'd been with for nearly to three years. My soul sifts through sentimental stories that spin through my spirit.
We hear of Jesus gifting His extravagant nature upon the Apostles who have not found one fish until Jesus comes along.
153 fish and the net is not even broken after Jesus makes a comment or two.
The reality of Jesus touches more lives as we listen to the story of this Fisher of men.
Reality tugs at my heartstrings as I simply listen, absorb another's words and learn a new perspective on this story.
Life is certain to change but God's faithfulness, through His Son, will never change.
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This is our neighbor's tree. It's like popcorn on a tree! |
I wonder.
When I go through a change, do I return to my 'normal' state?
Most often, NOT.
Change to accommodate a date or a time or a friend's wishes is different from a change of job, or change of mission or change of life.
Changing a room around may need a bit of adjustment if the couch is in a totally different place.
But changing a daily routine takes practice.
The most challenging is changing friendships.
With all the moves we have made, we loose plenty of friends.
Oh, yes, we "say" we will see them soon but you know how that goes.
Each party swirls in new circles that consumes our time and energy and focus.
Change happens.
We adjust.
It just takes time.
4-12:: Isn't it interesting . . . the weather.
Our little town has lovely SPRING blooms and beautiful homes. |
Is it because the continuous changes affect me daily? I think so.
My body is so sensitive to sun and gray, to cold and warmth.
I seem to bloom on a sunny day and accomplish so much more.
I have strong motivation to finish tasks, fun or not-so-fun, that I have slated for the day.
Gloomy days draw my spirit into a cocoon.
I tend to use these days to read a bit more, meditate, pray, contemplate God's plan for me.
Needless to say, winter days draw me into this cocoon because they are not only gray but cold.
April is a bit of a challenge for me as I expect warmth on a sunny day but I am more often surprised at the chill or the high winds.
Why is it such a surprise each year?
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I love these all over the city. A warm day and they all seemed to POP at once! |
April means lighter clothing and cleaning up the garden.
Not so up here.
If I find a descent day, like the first few days of the month, I flourish and accomplish much outside.
But then the chill winds come and I retreat.
Not so bad, actually.
I just need to keep moving forward with plans and tasks and whatever God designs for me no matter what the weather.
I need to ENJOY the moment. ENJOY the changes.
ENJOY whatever I'm given each day.
4-13:: Early morning sparkle fills our bedroom.
Still cold but sun dances off walls and makes shiny things glitter.
Perfect day to greet friends over lunch who I have not seen for months or who I have never met.
Conversation dances among us as souls who fill the room seem to sparkle.
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Cold and shade make these bloomers. I'm still waiting for my tulips but I see buds! |
Isn't it fun to provide analogies between the weather and life.
As the Sun shines and the Son sparkles in my spirit. YES!
4-14:: Change warrants a bit of organizing.
Why not look at books: piles of books, shelves of books, a house of books.
Needless to say, hubby and I love books.
Each time we move we leave many behind.
So, why do they multiply?
I now work through each category and make sure the 'summer' books and the summer reading are easy to find.
My church life has required many text books and reference books.
I want to keep the commentaries and some of the hundreds I own. What to do with the rest?
We will give them away to people and churches that desire to use them.
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I love our Amish neighbor's farm. Always clean and tidy. |
Praise God there is plenty of time to do so.
4-15:: A beautiful day to get out and about. Hubby and I run errands, discover new places and dine at our favorite cafe.
We drive out of our way to explore an area we have not visited for years.
Open farmland looks like a quilt with golden, deep brown, light and dark green patches with a white set of buildings every mile or so.
I think I am beginning to enjoy serendipity moments with little concern for any deadlines. NICE
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Ralph Lauren dinner plate. I have his sheets and my friend has her furniture in this fabric. FUN! |
He was not that old but was swallowed by cancer faster than most of us expected.
Time is short.
I am reminded to make the most of each minute, write notes, continue acts of kindness and press into the future as I 'make haste slowly' (a quip said often by a wonderful friend)
I have, for too many months, intended to send dishes to my sister.
Finally, I get them ready to ship.
A great feeling!
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I dearly love my Ralph Lauren dishes given to me by my sister. But now it is her turn to enjoy them. They are no longer for sale and she needs more. I feel good that I can make better use of these. |
Words touched our souls as we listened to the story of the Good Shepherd and then St. Paul's words which ended with shaking dust from his feet.
The pastor actually took off his shoes, clicked them together to 'shake the dust' and then returned them to his feet.
He reminded us that this was a 'declaration' that the person/situation/event was not affirming to God and that the symbol of dis-satisfaction is to 'shake the dust from our feet.'
He did this once when leaving a difficult congregation.
Only one problem: He was not far enough away to hide it from curious eyes.
Someone saw his action and knew exactly what it meant.
Fortunately, that person was very sympathetic to his situation and was not the cause of his trouble.
I guess it's a story for us all.
True forgiveness, no matter how we are treated, invites us to keep moving forward . . . dusty feet and all.
I need to take another picture. These popped into white bouquets yesterday. |
Only one problem.
My sore throat that began on Friday is screaming at me to go inside and lay down.
I press on.
I need to at least water the grass a tiny bit since it is all dried up and we need our newly planted seeds to grow inside the crumpled glops of dirt scattered all over the lawn.
And then there are those pesky dandelions that should at least be plucked so they do not spread.
I need to get out the week killer but my body tells me to stop after too long in my garden.
Oh Joy.
Perhaps Spring is closer than I think.
4:19:: I'm drained. Hubby has commitments and errands all day.
It's a perfect day to crawl into bed and sleep.
Easier said than done.
I look at these book shelves stuffed full of everything but books!
I pull everything out, clean scrapes and dirt and whatever else accumulates over seven years.
Oh My!
I go slow, take breaks, eat often to quell my on-fire throat and then I find an old video in the mess.
"A Room With A View."
I've seen it several times but I seem drawn to it.
I love seeing movies several times as I do miss quips or some scenes get jumbled in my mind.
What a FUN day I make for myself when I feel so awful.
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Think of pulling the plug on this water tower. Then think how I feel when fluid overtakes me and makes me choke. |
I almost can't breathe.
It has been too long since I've had a full blown cold to remember what it was like.
Claritin, cough medicine, gargling and lozenges should have done the trick.
To no avail.
I'm determined to stop choking on the gallons of fluid that seems to clog my throat.
But how?
More food?
I've maxed the limits on all the medicines.
Last resort. Call the doctor!
I know what I'll hear.
No need for antibiotics.
You'll just have to wade it out.
Yet, I can hope for a miracle.
I've already prayed a kazillion times for instant healing.
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This flaming sunset reminds me of the fire in my throat. |
I see the doctor this afternoon.
4-21:: One might think that seeing a doctor might just solve the problem.
Needless to say, NOT.
I might as well step back, let the cold run its course and enjoy the hours of extra sleep that overtakes me. At least the sore throat is now simply a tiny flame, a pilot light, so to speak, in my throat.
Our wonderful farmer decided to FERTILIZE his acres . . . he is also a pig farmer . . . need I say more?
Hosta is beginning to bud. Soon it will be like this! |
The entire neighborhood is amazed as this is a first.
At least we know it's planting time.
Now to prepare for a little trip tomorrow.
I pray I am up for it.
I've been looking forward to an adventure for months! All things considered, I'm having a very good day.
4-22:: "Up and at 'em" say the thoughts in my head.
That's what dad would say when we had an important event on a Saturday.
This is an important day for us.
So, "Up and at 'em" we go even though the cold in my head still makes for challenging mornings.
We're off to see hubby's aunt only a few hours away.
She is aging but still has so much spunk.
I love seeing the cousins and talking over each other as stories tumble from our memories.
Laughter, food, Italian atmosphere - since they are all Italian but me. FUN!
4-23:: We wandered slowly north and lingered longer through town before we met the 'clan.'
We love where they live and try to
LOVE tulips! |
Of course, the minute we walk into the house the conversation is non-stop.
This time we met a nephew we had not seen for years . . . and his lovely girl friend.
All grown up, great career path, handsome as ever and living the path he worked so very hard to pave through hard work and discipline. Auntie and cousins and others were all there too.
We almost forgot to go to dinner but
knew we had reservations at the best restaurant in town.
It was!
Home made everything: bread, pasta, desserts etc.
We tasted a new wine, previously unknown to us and loved it.
Imagine an Italian family enjoying a 'taste of Italy' served by an Italian family who brought their recipes from the 'old country.'
I felt as if I were back in Tuscany.
I give thanks!
One would think this was excitement enough but cousins wanted us to see their new home.
What a treat.
We learned so much more about them as they excitedly showed us their new space with art collections and treasures that are slowly being put into place.
We stayed up too late and talked too much but we all felt great satisfaction that our visit was so fulfilling.
This picture was taken a few days after I shot the one toward the top of this blog. Spring is here! Now we just need steadily warm temperatures. |
We decided to visit one just a few blocks away that was celebrating it's 175th year since it was built.
Tiffany windows, hand painted wooden structure inside thick stone walls.
Gold shimmered from every angle as we gazed upon the altar and the Cross.
Of course the service and sermon fed my spirit but this edifice also filled my soul.
Gracious hosts spent a good amount of time with us afterwards, truly a rare gift.
The author of, "We Three Kings," had been the priest in residence decades earlier.
Hubby almost wanted to move back to this precious town but then we inserted a bit of reality into this daydream and focused on our current plan.
We'd explored the town, visited the family gravesite, dined twice with relatives and enjoyed a glorious day.
Our drive back home, and to more adventures, took us off the beaten path a bit which was quite enjoyable.
It's so nice not to have pressing deadlines, daily obligations, concerns at work and unmeetable challenges.
It was nice to unpack, relax, and look forward to new adventures.
4-25:: Dandelions pop non-stop.
A rainbow of green pops forth as trees and bushes begin to bud.
The inside was too dark to take pictures but the painted wood was amazing. What a gem of history! |
It's slowly 'springing.'
Forsythia dies back and exchanges it's yellow blooms for green leaves.
Rose bushes' reddish leaves look more profuse.
We just need a bit more warmth for my bones.
It's coming.
This would be a good time to make our journey south but we must wait a week.
I continue to pace myself through simple chores and tackle bigger ones as I chose.
I think I'm going to like this 'retirement.'
I've said this so many times before.
I'll see how long this episode with last.
"Teehee" I chuckle to myself.
4-26:: VOTE!
That's the word of the day.
It is not just a privilege but it is our duty as citizens of this United States of America.
It's our only 'voice' we have in the governing of our state and country.
We listen, study, talk with others, think about what it means to have each person on the ballot leading us. Our ideology differs greatly from the present administration.
This is our opportunity to help make a change.
4-27:: Time flies when we're having fun.
Time spins, hops, skips and does loop-de-loops.
I think I am beginning to relax a bit.
Now all I have to do is finish organizing my piles, find new places for things, get rid of much more, and pile up the books that I plan to read this summer.
4-28:: A perfect day for the garden.
Tulips are finally popping up but have yet to open.
My soul soars with hope that this is the beginning of beautiful days to come.
We enjoy the moment and drink in the sweet smells and soft breeze that feels warmer by the hour.
4-29:: Typical April Foolishness as the temperature drops dramatically.
Not to worry.
I finally meet with dear friends I have not been able to enjoy for a couple years.
Lunch at a place that husbands don't find too enjoyable (not enough food) . . . Sweet Tomato Pie and scone with a plate of greens was totally perfect.
Our chat did not last long enough but was enjoyable.
We'll see more of each other through the summer as I spend more time in the garden and linger a little longer at home.
Can't wait!
4-30:: C O L D April is living up to its reputation.
I am ready for Florida!
Just a few more days and we will fly into pretty
warm weather.
If it remains this cold up here, it shouldn't be too hot down there.
I complete tasks, pay bills, write letters and continue to clean out files.
I look forward to returning to bible research and creating modules for Women of Worth Ministries to share with others.
But, for now, I need to make time to rest, go slow, breathe deep and enjoy special moments with hubby.
That's a wonderful end to April.
I'm no fool in this foolish month.