Perhaps it is the spring-like weather that seems to have creeped in after the "Great Snow" of 2016.
I'm not fooled.
I know better.
We begin to hope for nicer weather and WHAM!
Temparatures plummet due to torrential winds.
Another 'big snow' may surprise us.
But, I am to give PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING each day for what might come my way.
SO, I give thanks for March Miracles, whatever they may be.
3-1:: Super Tuesday!
The most dramatic election cycle in decades has us ranting at the television, in deep discussion with a few 'on our side,' and deep wondering what this world is coming to.
Why can't we be more civil, I ask myself. At least I can focus on my own
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Another view of the nun's garden in Greece. What a great idea for a small back yard - raised gardens! |
Sharing acts of kindness is a good beginning and this is a perfect month to practice what I preach.
3-2:: Amazing medicine.
Radiation is sent into my body to look at my heart.
I have a heart but I guess it is difficult to see some anomaly the cardiologist is seeking.
Fascinating procedure with rest, treadmill, more rest and I'm sent home.
At least nothing life threatening so far.
Praise God!
My last month at work is filled with 'last' meetings.
The last time for this, the last time for that.
Tonight I preside over the PEO meeting for the last time.
Election of new officers and we quietly step back as newbies step in for the rest of the year.
"Check" "Check"
The list of deadlines and scheduled reports gets smaller by the day.
I'll soon be able to linger longer each day doing whatever pleases me . . . and hubby.
3-3:: Another day, another "last" meeting.
Today I meet with my favorite group, Finance. They dig in, solve problems, place a positive spin on a very tight budget and pay bills on time and within budget.
The church is going to do just fine during the three-month gap before my replacement arrives. Nice.
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My own rendition of a celtic cross herb garden This was the first year after I built it. After a few years of winters I think I need to fix it a bit. |
I woke to see light powder sprinkled about the evergreens and sticking to the empty rows of green-gray, black and brown fields.
All too soon it has melted but it was delightful to see.
A lazy, hazy day, after days of torrential winds.
Snug inside, I ponder words regarding reconciliation and know that God gave us One who was 'reconciled for us' so that we may remain in covenant relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ.
The parable of the 'lost son' reminds me that our Father in heaven is always waiting for us if we stray.
Life is a daily banquet when we reconcile with His Son through the power of the Holy Spirit. We may stray from covenant relationship daily but we are always welcome back into the 'fold'. He is always ready to embrace us with His love.
Since we are going 'green' this month, here is an old shot of our back yard when we stayed in a pension in Italy a few years ago. Even in dry season the beauty of vegetation is maintained. |
3-5:: I make sure I linger a little longer with my exercise, meditation time and with hubby.
My brother is going to stop by today on his way from New York to Colorado in a Lotus . . . on highways . . . a rare feat in this tiny car.
I don't want to think of it next to these huge trucks with long trailers.
I make sure that words are ready for Sunday. First I write them then I edit for length, then I memorize the major points so that I can present a good story orally with enthusiasm.
I intend to have a few hours of brother-sister chat before we call it a night. We all have to get up at O-dark hundred.
Tomorrow is a 'Joy' Sunday, a day to 'lighten up' a bit.
"Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, life is but a dream." A wonderful place to linger and ponder life experiences. |
3-6:: God is so good! Hazy skies all the way to church enabled me to drive without sun in my eyes. Hubby stayed home with a bad back and as host to my brother for the morning.
I love the 'alone' time.
I thought I'd rehearse words for the day but I simply enjoyed the drive.
I was so relaxed for the very long day.
I did not get going from church until 2:30, when I realized I needed to get home to hubby.
I recall the story of only one set of footsteps on the beach.
Explanation: When I am too tired to walk, Jesus is there to carry me.
That's how I felt at the end of today.
The Lord carried me and directed the car when I felt totally drained of energy half-way home.
Being 'reconciled' to God through His Son, Jesus Christ, I have total faith that the Lord is always with me and caring for my every need. AMEN!
3-7:: Sunny and beautiful today. A great day for resting, gathering strength for a very busy week.
B R E A T H E . . . IN . . . OUT . . . relax, linger in nothingness.
Review the high points of the last Downton Abby episode . . . ever!
The detail in clothing was mind blowing.
Even the servants had 'livery' that was posh and newly created for this last episode.
A wonderful digression for my meandering mind at this point.
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I am reminded of a country church in England when I gander a look at our little church, tucked away neatly in a small town. |
Up super early with little sleep?
Good weather!
Worked hard all morning so I could go out into the garden. What a day!
I scooped up all the leaves that snow smushed to the ground.
I'd cleaned the garden so well in the Fall that I only filled two bags.
Now I am ready for the expected return to cold weather and, perhaps, more snow. But what a wonderful reprieve. FUN!
3-9:: I march along to another early meeting that takes all morning.
Leaders from five churches gather to share ideas and resources. Laughter, creativity, bright ideas, great sharing as we pretty much finalize Ascension Day at our church, without me being there!
My heart leaped with JOY!
I am honored that a tradition I began two years ago, to celebrate Ascension Day ON Ascension Day, will continue with the leadership from all churches working together.
I am humbled. Thank you God.
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Buggies left and right. Nice days mean open buggies. He is simply going about his daily business. |
3:10:: As Walter Cronkite use to say, "Today is a day like all days, filled with events that have illuminated our time."
I've always liked that saying.
I repeat it on 'daily' days, days without sparkle, regular, seemingly uninteresting days.
Thats how my day began. Yet the temps reached in the 80s! 30 degrees higher than normal this time of year.
Our drive to church was filled with snapshots of Amish plowing fields with four mules abreast, Amish laundry on clothes lines - pink, purple, blue mixed in with plenty of black.
Fresh smells in the air were enticing.
Our visit with a homebound soul was a delight and a special early dinner before another 'last' meeting was delicious.
So, as you see, 'a day like all days' is never dull.
I can always find something wonderful and glorious about God's creation and all who live in this
A great sign of spring. I put out the birdhouse, as suggested for this month. |
Thanks, Lord, for 'a day like all days.'
3:11:: Dark clouds rush in as bright morning turns gloomy and gusts of wind break the silent stillness that blanketed me when I awoke.
Still warm, I can feel the change in the air.
Something is going to break into this lull of glorious weather.
That's OK.
I had a breath of summer to carry me through the next two months.
My soul needs a boost and today is the day to spend extra time in meditation in order to restore my spirit.
I'm feeling the ache of being 'out of the loop' so to speak.
I am no longer part of the decision making process as the leaders are planning for the future, as they well should.
It will be interesting to those left behind to see how the leaders will work with the time between my absence and my replacement.
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Wise words from somewhere. So true. Now to keep them. |
3:12:: "This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad."
I should be at the diocesan cathedral where the election of the new bishop is taking place soon.
I had to choose between the long day today or having enough energy to greet the bishop at church tomorrow.
The outgoing bishop will visit our little church and 'confirm' and 'receive' a few faithful Christians.
A long commute tomorrow, two services and change in time do not bode well for this body right now.
Alas, wisdom overrides desire to be in both places this weekend. The bishop fully understands but my heart is torn.
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And there is always a catch. Perhaps this is the century to simply keep springing forward? It's silly to change our clocks every Spring and Fall. |
Right on . . .
Lord, I pray that Your hand be on the mind and soul of each voting person, that they choose one who truly seeks to help all "know you more clearly, love your more dearly" and share that 'knowledge' with those who have not yet come into the fold of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Ahhhh, I feel better already.
God is good, Life is good, I am good.
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This is my rainy day picture. I took it a few years ago in a very rainy city where we once lived. Seattle! |
3:13:: A beautiful Sunday drive to church with skies still dark. Losing a hour did not affect the church members at all - best attendance we've had.
The 8am service had a good number in spite of the fact that several would be attending the 10:15 am service to see the Bishop and to affirm those being confirmed.
And what a crowd we had!
Bishop Dan is so easy going and all present were such a delight.
Of course we had a grand feast afterward, furnished by those who donated food.
It was nice to celebrate a bit after weeks of meetings and digging into unfinished business.
We all B R E A T H E D new life into the church. FUN!
3:14:: Soggy, sloggy day.
Perfect for blogging, writing notes, cleaning my super messy office. I've been pushing hard to make books and documents ready for the Bishop's visit.
R E L I E F says my heart.
The hard work paid off in my own satisfaction that when I leave all the records will be up to date for the first time in more than a decade. Not that the others before me did not try.
There are loads of details that can easily be overlooked.
RELAX, says my soul.
I look through the glass jar, through the window, life gets as blurred as what I see of the outdoors. |
Life becomes a blur.
I squint to focus.
Sometimes looking through an old jar reminds me to slow down, let life blur, breathe deep, relax.
And relax I did.
I did not even look at email the whole day!
Of course, another trip to the cardiologist was in order - with good news. Just three months of tracking the ticker, daily workout (which I have been doing for years) and sticking to those veggies and fruits and I should be well on my way.
A wonderful day with hubby as we explored, ran errands and nestled into our favorite eatery for coffee and a goodie - a rare treat lately.
I'll try to make a habit of 'blurred days' and rest in more lingering moments. All Right!
3:16:: I may have lingered yesterday but there is always a toll, at least for an hour or two. Endless emails that need a response.
Oh My!
Two hours later I am back on course and have completed bulletins all the way through Good Friday! Praise the Lord!
A lovely day to be out and about tending to business with a PEO meeting as the grand finale for the day. So nice to spend time with girlfriends.
Shamrocks in sand? They pop up in the wildest places. |
Shamrock shaped everything meets the eye.
I have no Irish in me and I don't own anything green but it is still fun to watch the JOY out there as everyone celebrates the day.
History is so fickle.
When the Irish came to America they were shunned, disdained, unemployable, according to those who did not appreciate them, and they were mostly Catholic.
Through the grace of God, perseverance, hard work and that joy-filled demeanor that rises up when all seems down, this wonderful group of people survived, thrived and have become part of the vast melting pot of this United States of America.
I prepare to walk to the Cross with Christ. |
And the God whom the Irish worship is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob . . . GOD: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
I celebrate along with them, not culturally but with the same Christian vigor that has propelled them out of the ghetto into the mix of daily life with the rest of us.
3-18:: Glorious SUN!
Beautiful day to run errands and catch up on all that we have put off doing all week.
I choose to be outside rather than inside cleaning the house - maƱana.
Off we go into the wild blue yonder . . . Words on paper for Sunday can wait. Time with hubby to B R E A T H E together and simply enjoy the day.
God is good.
Life is good.
We are good.
3-19:: Hope danced . . . then died on a Cross.
Ponder purple, meditative, prayer-filled: Lent |
The dance of hope by Jesus' followers prevailed as Jesus was carried into Jerusalem on a young donkey that had not been ridden before.
Only kings do this.
Was there something the disciples did not know? Was the disciples' fear that Jesus might be arrested smothering a miracle, something huge, beyond the imagination of those shepherding Jesus into the city?
Miracles happened at the first passover, the
passing over of the angel of death so that no first-born Hebrew male would die if the blood of the slaughtered lamb was splashed on the post and lintels of the doorway and everyone remained inside.
Could this happen again?
Hope danced in the streets as preparation for this Passover, centuries later, was underway.
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A tiny sign, blurred with blown up. Words to remember this beginning of Holy Week. |
It was cold enough to snow so our walk was from the back door of the church to the front. "All Glory Laud and Honor . . . " rang out for a short time.
Then the children and a few adults read their parts in the Passion according to Luke.
Joy and hope and dancing turned to a dirge as the mood changed.
We walked with Jesus to the Cross. Hope died. Love lingered no more.
But faith, faith bloomed in the soul of the one on the cross next to Jesus.
"Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom."
The service ended with the postlude in total silence and a few tears.
La Via Dolerosa ends as we hear metal hitting metal . . . the nails pierce our hearts. Soft words of dismissal, "It is finished" and all left quietly. Our hearts lingered in the empty space of quiet as our souls said, "wow . . . what a wonder."
3:21:: S L O W goes my body after the wonder of Sunday.
I linger long over Henry Nouwen's small book, "With Burning Hearts: A Meditation on the Eucharistic Life."
Powerful words on every page.
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Give THANKS with a grateful heart. |
Eucharisteo, thanksgiving.
That's what I write about daily on this blog.
That's what our life with Christ is all about.
The bread, the body of Christ, given for us . . . the blood of Christ, shed for us.
I ponder words for Thursday, the 'Last Supper' and the first inference to Eucharist.
A perfect day to meditate as chill wind howls outside.
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The focus it took for one to produce this pattern. This is definitely a meditative exercise that produced rings of beauty. What a gift. |
My intention is to sit quietly, meditate, listen, learn . . . from various sources . . . what I am suppose to focus on.
www.Qdeas popped up in my email today.
Women in the church, as leaders, as innovators, as partners with men in vocation and avocation being fully what we were 'called' to be . . . right where we are . . . as mothers, as teen agers, as empty nesters, as singles.
Our calling can bloom right where we are, in whatever stage of life we may be.
I stop.
Unfolded laundry is left on the bed.
The to-do list is forgotten.
I listen.
I learn.
I reflect.
I breathe deep with silent joy and give thanks to God for the spontaneous gifts that are bestowed upon me daily if I simply stop, listen and take some time to drink in God's blessings.
3-23:: I linger over words like mandatum for mandate.
Jesus gave the disciples a mandate: Love one another as I have loved you.
He says this after he has washed the disciples' feet. Humble yourself, be a servant, set yourself at the feet of another in order for others to truly see, know, understand covenant with God in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ.
3-24:: Maundy Thursday. I linger longer over words to be said tonight.
Love is washing feet.
Love is dying so others might live. Love is an action.
God so loved us that He gave His only begotten Son to die on a Cross and shed His blood for us." We are not invited but 'mandated' to die to self and humble ourselves as servants so others may know Him.
It's difficult to find eucharisteo, thanksgiving, when we walk with Christ to the Cross.
But, when we are wrapped in God's grace, we simply move according to His will, not ours.
I let go.
I breathe deep.
I step back and smile.
God is doing what God wills through me.
I just need to let go.
3-25:: Good Friday.
What is good?
It's a translation that got a bit skewed.
"God Friday."
This is the day that God's Son became the sacrifice to end all sacrifices for God's chosen people, the Jewish nation . . . that any who, "confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in our heart that God raised Him from the dead, shall be saved." It is finished.
No more sacrifices to cover the sin of those who wish to worship God.
The shed blood of the Lamb of God, once, for all, is the last sacrifice, the new covenant, drawing us into a personal relationship with God.
"It is finished." Christ Jesus' death is our new beginning.
2-26:: Empty.
I tried to empty myself out today, feel that emptiness that the followers of Jesus must have experienced after crucifixion of this sinless one.
What would life be without the love and compassion and grace of God through millions of Christians?
Where would I be in my life journey without being able to lean on, trust, be guided by the Son of God?
I most certainly would not be focusing my entire day on tomorrow's message: "Love one another as I have loved you," the last words Jesus gave to the eleven and the 'mandate' to those who follow Christ Jesus as Lord and savior.
I wonder, let my mind wander, muse, linger a little longer in my time of meditation.
Words flow freely because I call on my Lord to help.
What words would I be writing without faith in Him?
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
I love that praise-word.
I've fasted from saying this for six weeks! Worship seemed to end so blandly without the use of Alleluia.
So, today, we found ways of singing, saying, praising and flaunting ALLELUIA! FUN! Rejoice!
Today is the day we can praise the One whom we follow, the One who follows us, the One who rose from the dead so that we who believe in Him might live eternally.
The church was packed.
Everyone dressed in their finest.
Family and friends gather for feast and fun.
What a celebration we had in worship.
2-28:: It's almost anti-clamactic today.
Over the past several weeks hubby and I have concentrated on walking to the Cross with Jesus and preparing for the grand celebration of Christ's resurrection.
That focus on our journey takes a break today.
We reflect on yesterday and linger a little longer at our morning meal.
One of our favorite nuns died yesterday, on Easter!

92 is a great age to say to oneself, "It is finished, I am finished on this earth."
I smile.
I know she is rallying the troops up in heaven and giving a piece of her humor to our Lord.
I'm sad yet I celebrate all she has done to put Christianity front and center, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
ALLELUIA to Mother Angelica.
2-29:: The paper piles are high as I jumble together all that is on my messy desk.
This is the day that I begin cleaning out my files . . . many of which have been used, re-used and lay in folders piled high to be re-filed.
I'm trying hard to go 'paperless' so the pile is not as big as it could have been.
Ahhhh, technology.
One of these days I won't have hand-outs for class or reports for those without computers or
advertisements for the next event that need to be tacked onto the bulletin board. Paper, it's a forever struggle to do without it.
2-30:: A glorious day for a walk.
My first time around the neighborhood in too many months to count.
Hubby has his sweats on and I'm bundled in five layers and a down vest.
The wind kicks up so my cap is perfect to keep my hair from blowing all over.
We go about five yards and run into a friend whose heart is breaking.
We listen . . . and listen . . . and listen . . . and encourage her and pray with her, right there on the sidewalk.
Friends walk by, we wave, she keeps talking. We hug and hold her tight.
I think that is all for the day but then we walk about half a block and run into another friend.

Beautiful spring flowers greet us.
Within five minutes I am signed up for an area women's luncheon and a local luncheon where I bring a dish to share.
Gosh, I wonder what our next walk will produce.
I must say, it has been a very long time since I have been in integral part of our wonderful community.
Perhaps it's time to dive back in. All too soon, I will.
2-31:: This last day of March is almost balmy.
We decide to go to the garden shop and see what we can plant in the garden even though it's a bit too early to be planting anything.
Our objective is to repair the front yard after hubby put too much bug control on it last fall and sort of killed the grass.
It should be interesting what an amateur can do.
We have the perfect grass seed mix for our yard so I hope to spread patches of good dirt in the bald spots, add seed and then top it with more dirt.
We'll see what happens.
In the mean time, the forsythia is blooming.
Time to feed the rose bushes.
A lovely March melts into April as quiet as a lamb. May we hope for April showers to help grow back our grass.