Winterberry bushes, mature and brilliantly RED! Love 'em. |
FRESH . . .
NEW . . .
We have had such a balmy winter we forget what might be ahead of us.
Yet, I'd rather simply think of today.
Bright red winterberries hold strong on bushes.
Days are warm enough to sit in our old rocking chairs on the porch.
I linger a little longer inside than I should. A nice, brisk walk around our community is the perfect medicine for a lingering cold.
Pretty shelves, cleared of clutter and CLEAN! |
It's not too uncomfortable this year but next year is another matter.
I move into the next decade.
Well, here goes.
I dive into this year with as much enthusiasm as I can muster . . . slow and easy.
The next few months are filled with heavy-duty work and then . . . watch out . . . I'll be flying into new opportunities that fill my soul with God's goodness.
1.02:: Just like most new beginnings I seem to entering this new year with a deep desire to get organized. When I was growing up, my parents would announce to us young children that, "We are having a whirl-away."
A whirl-away was much like it says.
We all worked together as fast as we could to clean up messes, change sheets and make the house look spic and span before we went out to play on a Saturday morning.
I never liked these short stints of work when I was young but they sure are
I organize jars and clean counters and make the kitchen pretty. |
What a wonderful feeling we had after organizing a cupboard of old videos and getting rid of most.
A little dusting and cleaning and we felt like the house was spic and span. Ahhhhh, NICE!
A good beginning for the new year.
1.03:: Epiphany!
It's a little used word these days. Now we say, 'aha' or WOW! When we think of the story of the wise men on their journey to discover the messiah, the king of kings and the lord of lords we may see many epiphanies.
After all, these Persians who lived in the area of Babylon knew the story of the 'coming messiah' for generations after the exiled Hebrews lived in Babylon.
Many believed in the God of the Hebrew people.
Years of reading the stars, in order to navigate travel, enabled all people in those days to know if the sky was 'reading' differently from once season to the another. What an 'epiphany' to see the star and

planet alignment presented as a bright, moving star. What an 'epiphany' to know deep down in their souls that it was time to follow that star.
What an epiphany to meet Herod and later, in a dream, know that male children in the area of Bethlehem would be killed because of Herod's fear of a 'usurping' king, the messiah.
And then, after a long journey, the wise men could say 'WOW' when they met the holy family.
WOW when they felt and knew in their souls that the 'Presence of God', the Divine, the Messiah, was truly in their midst.
And what a WOW when the wise men returned home via back routes and told the story of their discovery of the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Messiah! WOW! Epiphany!
1.04:: Up early to take hubby to eye surgery.
The double vision he has suffered with for years will all be fixed? Hope so. He sure slept a long time after the surgery.
Perhaps the general anesthesia gave the body the signal to relax and not worry.
"Don't worry, be happy" was the saying I heard years ago when I traveled to the south pacific.
Hubby was in that mode . . . all day.
Sleep and rest is the perfect medicine for healing.
He thinks tomorrow will be 'back to normal.' We'll see.
I enjoy a relaxing afternoon as I care for my treasure. Nice!
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Paper whites: A treasure for the senses |
1.05:: Hubby still horizontal most of the day.
I play 'nurse' as best I can as we put drops in the eyes and as I fix foods for a turbulent tummy.
Nausea is common after such a procedure.
Who knew!
In the mean time I get a call that a grandson died suddenly and the family is gathering at church.
Of course I will be there to orchestrate a quiet farewell to give closure to the family.
" Too young", my souls says.
His life was far too short. Grief rips the soul when one dies far before he should. Sigh.
1.06:: This is the real day to celebrate Epiphany.
Long after others have packed away their ornaments and fake wreaths, lights and Nativity scenes, ours still linger on.
It makes a statement.
People wonder if we left town.
Alas, I explain our wonderful tradition of extending this celebration of Christ's birth for as long as possible.
The tough part is going out into the chill air [finally we have winter at 19 degrees]. Dismantling
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This primitive print is one of my favorites. The 'night' scene reminds me of the long, dark nights that continue into long gray days . . . but no snow! |
Hmmm, perhaps we'll keep it up until neighbors notch up their polite wonder?
We'll see.
Hubby is still recovering from eye surgery so guess who is going to pack up our displays for another year!
I'm glad we celebrate little EPIPHANIES every day of the year as we count our many daily blessings.
God is good, life is good, we are good.
1.07:: A great day to stay home, stay in my PJs and linger over annual reports and data that needs addressing.
Gray, damp, chilly, a perfect day to sip tea and sit by the fire. Yet, alas, I must attend a meeting, dress the part and breathe deep to find energy I don't have today. Yet, I am so grateful that I
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Blue on blue . . . treasures collected around the world decades ago. |
It's amazing who 'gray' can turn into hot pink as we linger together and share and learn from each other.
Thank you, Lord, for the stimulus I encountered when I left my comfortable little cave.
1.08:: Hubby is looking good AND feeling good. The doctor affirms that his eye is healing well and that, in 4-6 weeks, all will be back to normal. Hubby already sees so much better even though he invites me to continue to be his chauffeur. Fine by me. I am more than glad to drive until he feels he can drive safely. It was nice to get out during the day even though I felt like I lived in the middle of Alaska with these dark days . . . minus the freezing temps. We are so blessed that we don't have to shovel snow and don't fear sliding on black ice.
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Ahhhh, winter goodies. YUM! |
1.10:: Remember moments that become turning points in our lives. We looked at Luke's version of
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A favorite from Ann Voskamp. A reminder for me to take a 'time-out' from work throughout the day. |
and the Holy Spirit descending 'like a dove' onto Jesus. All present saw and heard and were in awe. This moment was profound. Word spread. The messiah is real and is present. The Holy Spirit is available to any and all who, by faith, accept Jesus as messiah, as savior, as the One God sent to redeem us in our sin. Amen!
1.11:: Tummy tumbles lay me low.
Don't know why . . . right in the middle of my daily, simple exercise regimen.
I drink cranberry tea, a bottle of water to flood my system.
Nadda, nothing.
Best medicine that works all the time - lie horizontal, for hours. Might as well sleep. Worked like a charm but got nothing done at all.
Hmmmm, sometimes my body gives out for good reason.
I've been pushing myself really hard to finish up year-end reports, take care of hubby and . . . I forgot about ME!
I give in, loll around all day, go to bed early.
Best medicine ever.
Thank you, Lord, for reminding me that I am a mere mortal who must slow down and B R E A T H E!
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Love this. Some clever person from Minnesota prepared this old man for a perfect shot. Need I say more? |
Ready to hit the computer full speed ahead.
I make great headway.
A bright day with very low temps turns into a huge wind storm later with OUR FIRST SNOW!
It's more like white ice chunks but at least it covers the grass.
Nice to look at but I'm perfectly comfortable remaining inside.
Hubby gets the morning newspaper, the mail and runs endless errands.
I stay cozy-warm and delight in my sense of productivity.
1.13:: DONE!
Another report finished, a directory update complete, research almost done.
It's a beautiful, sunny, COLD and WINDY day.
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Are we in Florida yet? |
I join hubby for grocery shopping.
We laugh and enjoy some silly time.
You'd think we were young-in-love but we're old-in-love . . . Nice.
1.14:: Another sunny day! Out we go to visit elderly couple who are brave enough to know they need to move into assisted living.
Good for them!
Too often we wait until health issues bog us down and keep us from the the required, "walk in by yourself," required by most facilities.
There are others we visit who waited too long. They found a good solution: in-home care for eight hours a day.
Both solutions are do-able.
We are blessed to live in an era where we have many options for care as we become unable to attend
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That will be us some day. |
Hubby and I feel we are still too young but we know we must at least talk about options in case of a health crises.
That's a good thing.
The more we talk about our life situations, the easier it is to make necessary changes.
The best part is, when we belong to a caring community, such as a church, we know there is support and encouragement if we let others know our challenges.
God: Father, Son, Holy Spirit, is community.
It's within the community of God that we learn to become open and share our life with others.
God is good, Life is good, We are good.
1.15:: I looked forward to spending a couple hours outside cleaning up more of the garden on this balmy day but an emergency call needed response. Off to the hospital we went to minister to a lovely couple.
It's like a revolving door for them.
One is in the hospital monthly with one thing or another and the other, the caregiver, is hampered by his own health issues.
Hubby and I take note and praise God, as we do daily, for our good health.
We are reminded to continue our exercise, keep eating healthful foods and enjoy each
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Time ticks too fast some days. I love this hebrew clock that tells time backwards! |
Aging is so hard but it's even harder if we have not learned to love our bodies and care for ourselves.
I'm the first one to push too hard, work on one too many tasks before taking a time-out, or not make a date to have FUN.
We decided to enjoy a meal at our favorite cafe. FUN!
1.16:: S L O W start. My year-end report was overlooked in a published booklet.
It took me by surprise that this was not noticed.
I communicated the error and then stepped back.
I needed time to reflect on what is a 'big' thing and what is not
at all important. My health is a BIG thing.
Missed reports can be salvaged.
Hubby and I share a wonderful brunch together that is SO HEALTHY . . . all home made.
I rest in the Lord and pause to reflect on powerful words on paper for tomorrow.
May the Lord place these words in my heart so that my renewed joy is like the new wine that Jesus changed from water at the wedding in Cana.
Our church is small so every space is used many ways. Downstairs is offices, parish hall and kitchen. Extra meetings happen in this beautiful space. |
That's how Sundays always go but this Sunday was filled to the brim with one event after another.
The 8am service begins slow, quiet, no music, old Rite I liturgy which is beautiful.
Bible study with focus on the Gospel of Luke begins almost before the first service ends.
I join the eager studiers for part of the time, take care of some administrative tasks and then run upstairs for our festive Rite II liturgy which is well attended.
Today we have our annual meeting right after the service so I slide some words about the progress of the church into the words I share at each service.
That way the meeting after worship, before our brunch, is shorter.
A couple speeches, some information, recognition of incredible work by volunteers and we are done. Fabulous, healthy food greets us downstairs.
Another meeting - almost everyone but me goes upstairs to decide the next steps in hiring the rector who will replace me.
I am thrilled at the progress, the enthusiasm, the JOY and laughter, as a large group shares in the process.
I scoot out the door after some chat with one who lingers but before the 'upstairs' meeting is over.
A good feeling shimmers in my heart.
1.18:: I wish I could hide under my covers.
Just one day of snow so far. All is melted now. The wind screams through leafless trees. |
There is always wind!
An appointment for early!
In winter!
How crazy could I be!
Home by noon, I decide this is a REAL day off.
I'll just look at emails, hundreds that I need to review again.
Four hours later, I have enjoyed some fun blogs sent to me.
It's like I took a day off, sort of.
I exercised, breathed deeply, enjoyed the fire and ate healthy food!
A wonderful day off in a cozy house with hubby close by, spilling information into my ears as he explores new vistas on his computer.
A wonderful day was had by all.
My study nook in the kitchen. So convenient when cooking. Lap top goes with me all over the house. |
Winter is not my strong suit.
Dive into my list of tasks, getting shorter by the week.
I see light at the end of the tunnel regarding administrative work that plods along nicely.
I can't wait until an administrator is hired and then becomes adept at some of these chores.
All are easy, take just a few minutes, but add to the work day.
God is so good.
Winter is the PERFECT time to complete these tasks that will make the future easier.
COZY, comfy, calm, collected . . . words of the day.
1.20:: I remember Walter Cronkite saying at the beginning of his show about characters in history, "It was a day, like all days, filled with the events that have illuminated our time." I often repeat that comment when hubby asks how my day was. Reams of paperwork lies on the floor, more data needs to be retrieved from nowhere, simple tasks seem to take more time than anticipated. It seems I have done absolutely nothing. Yet, it is a normal day that begins with prayer and exercise and a good breakfast and sometimes even a blog note, when I remember. Not too bad if I do say so. If all days are like this, I can't complain. No emergencies, no traumas, no catastrophes. NICE!
1.21:: I went out into the cold last night. Real cold. It's really January. We were all in a trap-la-la
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Nothing like a fire to warm cold bones. |
1.22:: Early up to give more blood. Does it ever end?
I think I've handed over a gallon this year.
But it's all good.
The MDs are investigating my entire body to make sure all is returning to a better balance.
Medicine is so amazing.
I can live much longer simply by editing my diet a bit. Watch my protein, eat small meals several times a day, stay off carbonated anything etc. etc. It all sounds good for staying healthy no
Mary Englebrite is my hero. She reminds me every morning that I am Queen of everything and dear hubby is Prince of Quite a lot! |
Now to get rid of the stress of deadlines and connecting the dots and finishing business that others have not taken care of over the years. It's all good.
We ate breakfast at Panera Bread for the first time and realized that I do a pretty good job for W A Y L E S S money. I love our home-made breakfasts.
1.22:: Speaking of home made breakfast, we have the same thing every day.
I get up much earlier than hubby and begin my day with prayer and exercise.
Then I enjoy a beautiful meal on a tray in my favorite spot (varies with season) while I read the Wall Street Journal. We FINALLY subscribed to this paper after dad encouraged us for about 25 years!
Interesting articles in every category imaginable floods my mind as I enjoy my small dish of yogurt, my 14 almonds and a pot of delicious red raspberry tea.
I make fabulous oatmeal later in the morning for the two of us. Blueberries are in the bottom of the bowl when I add the steamed oats.
A little cinnamon on top and a splash of milk and, voila, a breakfast fit for a queen and my handsome prince.
1.23:: Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
From our front window, a drift too high. |
The blizzard of 2016 is in full blast.
Hubby digs through waist-high drifts to clear a vent pipe that is clogged with snow.
An amazingly BRIGHT day with wind gusts too high for me to venture out.
I enjoy taking pictures from inside, thank you.
More on this tomorrow, after the slow-moving front ebbs away from our little abode.
1.24:: Sun shines bright as it reflects off of six foot snow drifts.
Plowed street makes a mountain of snow across driveways.
Only those cleared by a huge plow are open.
Sidewalks, filled to the brim with wet snow, will have to wait for the sun to work down to concrete. The five foot drift in front of the front door will remain.
Hubby worked a couple hours to dig out a four foot path from the garage door to the driveway.
I slogged through waist-high snow to clear vent pipes for the fourth time.
A great adventure!
1.25:: Up early, drive slow, looking over mountains of snow on the side of the road as we drive on salted streets.
More blood, X-rays, questions with no answers.
The body limps along in hopes they find an answer.
God is good, Life is good, WE are good. Sun shines, clear skies, fresh air. Love it!
Second worst snow in this area EVER!
30 inches! I think we'll see white for weeks until it melts.
1.26:: Quiet, cozy as I listen to the drip drip of rain early in the morning. It's up to 43 now. Nice for melting the snow but a challenge as run-off turns to ice tonight. It's still a challenge to get about but I'm glad I have no meetings tonight.
We've gotten to the age that a simple email will do
My heart is sad as I watch limbs pinned to the ground. This Leland Cypress LOVES its home and has become HUGE. So glad we planted it in a happy place. |
We had a very long conversation the other day. Our long chats are the greatest gift we give to each other.
Our conversations wrap around so many topics that we could go on forever.
He is so wise and chooses to find solutions to big challenges . . . ie. the U.S. Tax Code!
If only our elected officials could ask the PUBLIC . .. the regular people out in plain old anyplace.
I bet we'd find thousands of viable options that are plausible. Joe Public has some smarts out there.
In the mean time, we are enjoying a bit of a melt. The five foot peaks are slowly sinking into the ground as the sun presses in on snow. NICE!
1.28:: Our fireplace got cleaned today! Every seven years we see the need for a check-up. It's gas.
My little bench, now chilly stone, is my favorite place to sit on hot summer days. |
Yellow flames now rise high as sweet heat fills a chilly space.
I am not fond of cold so the fire place is a soothing balm to these old bones.
I refuse to turn the heat up too high so would rather wear several layers, thank you.
Sun skips across white and frees tree pine limbs glued down by ice.
Our neighbor farmer is able to get to the wood pile, a long ride from his house.
His tractor shovel scoops up the cut pieces and slowly winds through a snowy road back to the house. Love it!
1.29:: I dig deep into my soul to place words on paper regarding 1 Corinthians 13. Love is patient and kind . . . Love is. Love is an action. Actions speak louder than words. The act of love is selfless, giving, generous when the action defies feelings. How does one get beyond feelings and act generously toward one who cannot say "thank you" for the kind action? Digging deep in acts of love is like shoveling snow. It's hard, heavy, work that takes endurance and patience. I just keep
1.30:: Bright skies, hope for melting snow. Happy faces walk about the narrowly plowed street. Poor snow removal has many heads turning. Praise God the melting snow enables us to at least see another walking in the street as we drive by. Sidewalks are finally being shoveled, one stroke at a time. Snow shoveling is truly an act of kindness. I wonder as I write about Jesus in Nazareth. If it snowed there, would he be the first to dig someone out from under the drifts? He and his disciples would make light work of a heavy task. Jesus did, however, shovel words into the hearts of hungry souls.
1.31:: Early up, easy drive to church. Words said brought smiles and grins. The early-birds linger and chat before going out into the now-warming morning. Another group digs through scripture
downstairs as others rehearse music for the next service. A new group, like a totally different church, arrives, listens and lingers over loads of food. Meetings, reflection, words of encouragement. It seems like 'another day at the office.' Yet, the Lord, Jesus Christ is in our midst. Makes a difference.
An end to an amazing month.
May the days continue to bring more light.
May the skies remain cloudless.
May the temperatures rise slowly until Spring.
May the Lord direct our paths into another month