Our front door had this Fall decoration. And, always, a Norwegian welcome! |
Light pierces through darker days as numbing winds become a nemesis to rose bushes and less hearty perennials.
11.01.15:: ALL SAINTS DAY! A time to remember those who are now celebrating with the angels; a time to remember the legacy of love or knowledge or whatever they gave us to master and send to the next generation after us. Praise God from Whom ALL blessings flow . . . .the blessing of the lives of those who died so that we might LIVE. May our faith bring each of us resurrected life and a legacy of the same for those we love in the next generation.
11.02.15:: Piles of leaves puddle below huge maple trees with half their brilliantly colored leaves. Red-gold pierces the green background of fir trees. A magnificent Fall, with vignettes of pumpkins and dried corn stalks, envelop our sight-line as we drive about town. OH JOY! I thought Spring was beautiful but Fall in these parts shows us the glory of God's creation in new ways.
11.03.15:: It's our patriotic duty. We are citizens of the United States of America . . . the land of the FREE and the home of the BRAVE. VOTE! We have a numbing schedule but we make time for the one opportunity each year to select those whom we trust to make the right decisions for our township, county, state and nation. Thank you, God, for this
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It's our duty as citizens to vote even if this is an 'off-year' election. The gift of freedom brings responsibility. The fleeing refugees would be glad to vote in a democratic election. |
11.04.15:: Early up for a meeting with people from other churches. We only meet four times a year so it is a grand time of sharing information and sharing opportunities for all of our congregations to gather throughout the year. We create a long calendar and find that two of us are retiring at the same time. Perhaps two churches can share one of our clones to provide some financial savings. Fall colors are crisp and glitter in the sunny day. Give THANKS with a grateful heart!
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My sister is such a good botanical artist that I thought she took a picture of this leaf that she DREW! |
11.06.15:: Words flow from my mind as I press them into the computer keys and they show up black against white. The contrast of those who glorify themselves instead of giving all to the glory of God seems to be just as stark. Oh how difficult it is to give our ALL to God, to give glory to Him. It's so daily. My waking prayer copies that of Solomon: "Praise God that you give me wisdom and discernment when I ask." I then pray, "In the Name of Jesus Christ, by the power of His blood and His cross, bind up the power of evil spirits and command them not to block my prayers." That's from Francis McNutt with Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, Florida. I am assured that my prayers to the the Lord throughout the day will go directly to my Lord. AMEN!
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I'm spinning. I need to stop, totally, completely. |
good to hear the news and see the people and make my vote count. Autumn is ablaze and temps have skyrocketed into the 70s! This is FABULOUS! God is so good.
11.08.15:: Early up before the sun. Sky peaks through clouds with swatches of magenta and gray until we are almost at church. A huge ball of light is right in my eyes but I learned how to wear two pairs of sunglasses cock my head just-so when we climb hills into the blaze of fire. Crisp, cool with a dust of frost tells me the indian summer is over but what a
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Transitioning to another place, even for a short vacation seems like a perilous, winding road. We are glad we are traveling to a familiar place. |
11.09.15:: Prep, pack, plow through piles to sort before we are off for a bit of free time. Organize, remember small details, gather everything we could ever need and then some more. Never can have too much stuff when traveling is my motto. I always end up using 1/3 so I'll pull it all out and put 2/3 back in the closet. Fun. We really need a breather from our busy schedule and the Lord needs me to quiet my spirit so I can really spend time with Him. I plan long periods of silence as I walk each day.
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I need to remind myself to BE, not "do." This is a time to relax, regroup, BE. |
11.10.15:: Off we go into the wild blue yonder . . . after waiting an extra hour. Amazingly, by God's grace, we made our connection by a whole five minutes! We'd prayed before we left home for angels to surround us, our luggage and all transportation until we reached our final destination. It's amazing how prayer does work even though we half-heartedly believe what we pray. I'm sure the Lord shakes His head at our unbelief.
11.11.15:: A new day! It took us forever to unpack and find our way around yesterday but today we can run errands. We enjoy fresh salad, fish and other healthy treats at our abode. I so love staying 'home' and not eating out. Now where do I find pots and pans, measuring cups and utensils? We remember the Veterans as many tributes flash on the TV screen. NICE.
Gabriel, messenger to Mary, works overtime as we send our prayers to God. |
B R E A T H E, MEDITATE, READ . . . hubby wakes up. POOF! There goes my quiet time. So glad I get up at least an hour earlier to take time to quiet my spirit and drink in the Lord's presence. Scripture feeds my soul, heart, mind . . . makes my day!
11.13.15:: I always wonder a bit about Fridays on this date. I make it a day of blessing. Little do I know that evil lurks all over the world and even in my own sphere influence. Yet, I keep moving forward, knowing that God has angels surrounding me, protecting me, keeping me from the power of evil. Even if I am pierced by evil deeds, the Spirit of God within me, the Holy Spirit, transcends the adversary's power.
11.14.15:: In Paris, evil lurked within gathering places for music, soccer, a meal. My heart sinks deep. I think of the twin towers where thousands died. Paris says 129 died but many wounded may be added to the toll.
Where is a place safe from evil?
Physically, nowhere.
We are all 'open' to evil daily.
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LIGHT transcends darkness. The Light of Christ Jesus pierces the darkness because He is the I AM. |
I wonder if any who died had this assurance?
I wonder about evil.
Evil is dark and lurks in dark corners waiting to pounce on all of us.
I may not see what's coming from dark, deadly corners of our earthly world but I know the source of The Light, God's Light, the light of Christ,
the light that pierces the darkness and instantly nullifies the power of evil.
11.14.15:: I meet a dear friend for breakfast - a yogurt parfait. Over two hours later we have barely touched the surface. It's so good to listen,
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Evil makes us see empty brush with no fruit. Yet the Cross of Christ reminds us of His forever presence in lives of those who believe in Him. |
Dinner with dear friends fills our souls with new hope for the work God has called us to complete. Like minds and hearts makes the soul soar. Thank you Lord!
11.15.15:: This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad!
The beautifully sculpted stations of the Cross at the church we visited tell the story of Jesus' gift to us - death on the Cross - shedding His blood and taking our sins upon Himself so we will never feel the sting of death. My soul fluttered, filled, is refreshed . . . Thank you, Lord, for a time of 'filling.'
11.16.15::Paris is on the front page of news. Headlines flash the disastrous results of terrorism. Muslim Jihadists. Yes, I said it.
Those who have been screaming "death to America" for years are killing those in Paris?
France, a country with 47% muslims. That's right.
Half their population!
The killers have mutated their souls to believe life has no value.
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob promotes LIFE. Love life!
Love your neighbor even if you
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God is good. Life is good. We are good. The whirl of evil in the world stops when we take a moment to enjoy a fabulous sunset near the pier. |
These killers have mutated out of islam and cannot represent muslim beliefs.
To love God is to love all.
Their god is not Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Mutation turns things up-side-down. To hate all who do not believe in Allah is to love Allah?
If this is the religion that gives honor to Allah, this is a mutation of original intent.
Our Triune God loves all and wants ALL to know His LOVE and act out His love and love
Flip flops, warm weather, home away from home. I'm learning to relax and enjoy quiet moments. |
Yet, it's hard for me to love those who kill just because . . . These killers, these beings, have mutated into killing animals.
I'm suppose to write words of JOY!
Perhaps I can praise God that he hears our prayers for those who suffer because of this religious mutation.
Thank you, Lord, for receiving our fervent prayers for those who are being persecuted and killed.
11.17.15:: I'm still spinning as if I must go to work tomorrow. I have one more week of sunshine and visiting friends and catching up with personal time. I wonder if I can do this for months at a time. I'll know next year. So far I have had no time to do those many 'fun' activities on my list. But, we are having fun and we are relaxing and we are enjoying each moment. Thanks, lord for these simple moments.
I love the colors of vegetation that grows everywhere down here. |
11.18.15:: Linger longer, with awhile, listen to God speak to me. My soul soars. I watch a video of a sermon to children and know in my heart that we are all 'children' of God no matter what age. Keep words simple, keep teaching points simple, Keep It Simple Saints as I 'kiss' the heart of God in Christ. Thank you Lord, for a delightful morning of diligent listening.
11.19.15:: Time trails behind me as I let go of "shoulda, woulda, coulda" tapes in my brain. I linger in lukewarm salt water and embrace the humidity on this hot morning.
I LOVE summer. We are in a 'summer' place right now and feeling absolutely deliciously free. Thank you Lord, for helping me let go of 'mothering' responsibilities for a few days. WONDERFUL!
11.20.15:: I gather with friends as I use to do weekly when we lived here. It's like I never left. We pray together and talk about maintaining our daily time with the Lord. I've been with this group, on and off, for over twenty years and look forward to joining them weekly for six months each year. We may be getting old but we are still 'called' to be ready to share the Gospel of Our Lord, Jesus Christ 'in and out of season' . . . or whenever we are given the opportunity. It's great to be with a group who takes this seriously. Thank you, Lord, for guiding me daily to keep my eyes on YOU.
What a glorious day! |
Thanks, Lord, for providing a place for us to 'hang our hats' for a little while and linger longer by the sea.
It's strange to sit in our shorts and flip-flops while looking at Christmas decorations. |
11.23.15:: Cold breeze invites us to open windows, walk the beach twice as long and linger longer in the sun. This is what it's all about. As temps plummet up north, we finally feel the right temps and dryness to enjoy these gorgeous days. God is so good. I praise Him for this beauty and pleasant part of our time away from winter. I actually have to wear a jacket and the Christmas decorations don't seem as out of place as they did the other day.
Walking on the beach is great exercise but it is also fun to people-watch when I take time to look up. The homes are amazing and so close to the water. |
11.25.15:: A time-out from fixing and cleaning for the future renter who will occupy the condo for the winter. Time flies as we flit about, walk the beach and enjoy our last day in warmth. Packing, organizing, making the place look like it was never lived in took a few more hours than planned. Laundry done, clean sheets on all beds, "fresh and clean" is our phrase for the day. Ahhhh, we sleep well after a long day knowing we have a long day ahead.
I love this little gate to Palm Cottage. It invites us into a quiet green space that is only open a few times a year. |
11.26.15:: Early up to give THANKS for this special day. We pray for the Lord's protection as we travel and give thanks for His presence and direction in our lives. Packed flight on this day of Thanks-giving until the last leg. Most are eating with their families by the time we arrive home. Home sweet home, as inviting as when we left.
11.27.15:: Dive in to Advent lessons, words, plans for the coming Sunday. A baptism awaits. I put together words that remind us to be ready, slow down, take a pregnant pause as the first Sunday of Advent looms close.
11.28.15:: Advent is almost here - one more day! The 'coming' of Christ . . . remembering prophecy that speaks of Jesus' return as we prepare to celebrate Christ's birth. We are mindful of taking a time-out to remember the reason for this celebration . . . salvation for those who, by faith, accept God's grace through His Son.
11:29:15:: First Sunday of Advent: Coming! The Lord is coming soon! Only when chaos swirls beyond comprehension will Christ come again. The Gospel writers thought the end of the world was during their generation as Christians were being killed by the droves. Today it seems the same but we have far to go before with world swirls into such chaos that God will intervene by sending His Son again. In the mean time, we begin preparation for the grand celebration of the year . . . the CELEBRATION of Christ's birth. May we pause and remember the reason for this frenzy-filled season.
11.30.15:: The last day of the month, the beginning of a new liturgical year. In our denomination, we begin at the beginning . . . again . . . becoming intimate with the Lord, Jesus Christ, through the eyes of the author of the Gospel of Luke. God's healing hand, the great physician, is seen through the eyes of a practicing physician, Luke. May we rejoice in another year of knowing Christ Jesus and making Him known to others. AMEN!