Tuesday, June 2, 2015


It seems like forever before June arrived and then, suddenly, out of nowhere, it is HERE!
Our lovely little church in the summer.
How did that happen?
June: early sunrises, warm days, bursting blooms, gentle rains, all GOOD!
I look forward to slower days, more time to linger on my little porch and breathing space.
So far it looks like this will have to wait a little longer but I am not complaining.

#3807-3809:: Soaking rain last night makes for a happy garden.  Gray skies, cool and humid, is not all bad.  Catch up on loads of scripture reading which fills my soul.  Now to prep for tomorrow so that others can do their work.  Nice, easy pace.

Duck, duck, gray duck . . . just one more duck!
#3810-3812:: Cool sprinkles turn to a steady stream of wet as I watch our local fire department rescue some baby ducks that fell through a grate.  These brave men persevere to the tenth duck who is not too willing to exit the storm drain as it sits between the two exits.  I reward myself with wonderful pictures and a nice cup of tea as I warm myself after an hour in the rain.  Save a duck. Get news of a new great grand niece!  What a day!

Ellie Sierra is a month early!  She looks like she is ready to
see the world just a few hours later.  New Life!
So important at a time my sibling is loosing life.
#3813-3815:: If I knew better I'd think I was in Seattle.  Cold, clammy, rain drops remain in the clouds for now.  Great 'duck' memories as I drive to meetings that are fruitful and enjoyable.  I call it a day at 5pm only to remember that I have another important meeting.  This is a fun one that engages another side of me and lets me enjoy a few fluffy moments.

#3816-3818:: Water bottle, top pops, water spills, entire contents of book bag soaked, listen to phone - sizzle, sizzle, sizzle.  Towels soak water, air-dry date book, all else is good.  Early to store, new phone, next to meeting, lots to discuss, hours later . . . home, sweet, home.

#3819-3821:: Words spill out faster than I can type.  I am excited about the message.  "N" stands for
Hubby and I wear our button
pins as often as possible.
Nazarine.  Jesus was a Nazarine.  The arabic letter for "N" is painted on homes of Christians in Syria and Iraq.  They have a choice to denounce Jesus as Lord, pay a tax to ISIS that will make them destitute or be killed.  Do we Christians dare to wear the arabic letter for "N"?

#3822-3824::  Early up.  People already mill around the neighborhood for the annual garage sale.  I think a quick walk to see friends and treasures ends up taking five hours!  Nice to catch up with everyone's lives.  Laundry, prepare for tomorrow, slow down, breathe, early to bed.

#3825-3827:: Hubby is sick again so I travel alone this early morning.  Not
If you read the letters on the far left, you will see the arabic letter "N"
To make sure the world knows, a red circle with "N" inside is an
ugly distraction on a lovely wall of a home.
quite alone as the lines of cars amaze me.  Where is everyone going at 0-dark-hundred (but really nice and light out) on a Sunday morning?  Vacation!  I make good time and arrive early to chat with a faithful one.  The luxury we have to worship as we please without the threat of death.

#3828-3830:: Yesterday we all opened our eyes to the threat to Christians in Syria and Iraq.  Hubby searches for the button pins we can give to church members.  Just as sympathizers wore the Jewish star during WWII, we all can war the pin with the arabic letter 'nun' = Nazarene = Christian.  They are becoming popular but wait until we wear them.  Are we ready to tell our own story of what Christ Jesus means to us in our daily life?
Allium pops out in crazy places.
The pop of color against green is a sweet delight.
#3831-3833:: Tap, tap, tap go the keys on my computer.  Two days of writing requirements, task lists, process instructions.  Time to flip, flap, flop, fold, fill, file13 reams of paper that can be recycled - into a park bench perhaps?  (oops, that's recycled plastic)  With all the e-files I can accommodate on my computer, how on earth have I accumulated so much paper?  I  B. R. E. A. T. H. E in new life with wondrous S. P. A. C. E in my office!

#3834-3836:: A cool breezy day with a noon picnic meeting.  Nice.  BBQ and home grown salad makings.  Off to a hospital visit and then a special time of celebration with hubby as we walk through majestic gardens.  lingering at the Italian fountains and wandering through a place I
The little 'front' garden is a JOY to my heart.
would love to sip tea (if it were served) and feasting the eyes on wild rose arches.  Bliss to the senses.

#3837-3839:: Twenty-six years, oh my!  Our wedding anniversary!  A friend's birthday lunch.  A very long evening meeting.  Glad hubby and I celebrated yesterday.  Home so late that we barely breathed deep before midnight.  A measured day allowed us to embrace time to reflect upon all our blessings.

#3840-3842:: Great day to stay inside but love my little porch.  Decided to enjoy the hot, humid day as beads of moisture enveloped me. It's Summer!  Revise, re-work, reflect, as I finish up edits from a collaboration of thoughts.  Chores blend in nicely throughout the day as I get my 'ducks in a row.'

#3843-3845::  Type, re-type, re-think, pray, re-think again.  Words seem a jumble.  A tiny mustard
Formal gardens show off arches of wild roses.
I love wandering these acres of garden rooms.
seed looks like it cannot possibly grow into a huge bush.  God's creativity has the entire DNA of the mustard bush in that itty bitty seed.  A seed planted in good soil and nurtured can grow strong and healthy and bloom!  A tiny baby, when fed and nurtured and given the Spirit of God, can bloom and bear fruit that touches the world.

#3846-3847:: The little one is baptized today.  She is filled with the Holy Spirit that has been called into the water of baptism and is anointed with the oil of Chrism and 'sealed as Christ's own forever."
This is a sacrament in our church . . .  a very holy event.  This child has all she needs within her.  Now it is our responsibility to nurture her soul and
I love the whimsy of these 'green' designs.
love her as Christ loved the church.  'Jesus knows us, this we love."

#3848-3850:: Scribble, scribble, ponder, pray as I reflect upon my daily scripture readings.  Humid, hot, breezy enough to enjoy pulling a few weeds.  Sweet hubby takes an old nest down from our porch rafter and helps clean it nice and new.  A massage I've needed for weeks greets me at the end of the day.  A well paced day makes for a sweet spirit.

#3851-3853:: I linger in 1 Samuel as the life of Hannah engulfs me.  Pleading to God to be able to bear a child . . . and God gives her Samuel . . . who, when he is weaned is 'loaned' to God . . .  for the rest of his life.  He grows up with the temple priest, Eli but does not even know God nor is he aware of God's word when God calls him.  He hears God's voice but Eli never taught him the depth of is own salvation history.  How do we tell the precious ones we nurture about faith in God and the wonders of
The wound of loss tears at my soul.
Only God can heal the space that
is being torn away by my sibling's death.
being filled with the Holy Spirit through baptism?  God can woo those to Himself without us but what joy we bring to our relationship with God when our love for Him spills over into another's life.

#3852-3853:: A tough meeting actually went well.  A pastoral care visit was sweet and smooth. The incredible amount of driving took us through amazing farms and open landscapes and into sweet towns and beauty everywhere and sun and good weather.  But, tears flow as I listen to news about my brother on the phone.  He's fought hard, lived a great life and now ebbs out of this world into the hands of God.  I breathe deep and keep wiping the tears that are inevitable when 'liminal' becomes 'end.'   But he is only beginning a new and wonderful journey . . . any day now.  How does joy pierce through the aching heart?  God only knows . . .  and He does know.

#3854-3856:: We hurt today - brother and sisters.  Part of us, part of the family I have known for decades is slipping away
We all could love and hug him just a few months ago
at dad's 100th birthday.... we felt his bones and wondered.
from us.  The messages are more frequent . . .  not much time left.  We've all talked to him, made our peace.  But my soul and spirit are hurting.  My own vulnerability is brought to mind.  I am not young.  Do I grieve all life that ebbs away from this earth.  Yet, I also rejoice that my soul is everlastingly with the Lord.  I have resurrected life!  Goodness and mercy abide with me as I cling to the Vine - my Lord.  So I go slow, take extra moments to reflect, take extra care of my body and soul, and know that these are precious moments as we continue in vigil as my brother sinks more deeply into God's presence.

This picture was part of an email I received.
He makes me laugh!
Here ye, Hear ye!!!!!
His riot of color makes a statement
. . .  as he hollers a statement!
#3857-3859:: We wait 'vigil' as brother slips in and out of this world.  Off all meds and no dialysis actually made him alert today.  He was able to hear the words I wrote as I reflected on the book of photos he published a few years ago.  From his bed at home he looks out upon a beautiful, shimmering, summery day.  Nice.

#3860-3862:: Damp and moody skies press shafts of wind through my little porch.  Ohhhhh, the smells of farmer adding 'nutrients' to the land.  Pungent, earthy, farm smells.  I'm actually getting use to it.  I read, mark, learn and inwardly digest e-commentaries written by one I've met.  I am affirmed in my study as I learn a few new things.  My dying brother is still hanging in there.  A good day.

#3862-3865:: The Battle belongs to the Lord.  It's a resounding verse in the story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel.  We are called to pray and through that prayer God will give us provision and protection against the enemy, even if it is simply a wise affirmation.  David won the battle only because he called upon his Father in heaven to lead, guide, and be at David's side.  As FATHERS celebrate this special day, I pray they know that, through prayer, the battles of life that impede provision and protection of their families are in God's hands.

Herbs at night. I'm surprised I got the shot.
A lively corner of our little screened-in porch.
#3866-3868:: Read, mark, learn . . . commentaries for Exodus.  Great perspective. Study day on back porch is lovely.  Warm but breezy.  Chirp, chirp, flit, fly, hop, stop go the birds and bunnies in the back yard.  Garden is gorgeous and gets a wonderful drink every few days from rainy evenings. Love it.

#3869-3871:: HOT! but I so love this weather as I linger on the porch until it is time to attend a meeting.  Summer is a delight to my soul!  Ahhhhh, the days may shorten but I linger longer each day into the night as porch lights sparkle on my little porch-garden.

#3872-3874::  Life goes on.  Brother lingers on this side of the heavens.  Tornado-like storm last night brings cool air and little damage here.  Reams of papers to insure our little abode are finally signed and sent.  Notes written, packages wrapped, details for Saturday's wedding finalized.  Now a moment to decompress and linger a little in my favorite spot: the porch!  Hooray!

#3875-3877::  Happy Birthday to dear sister. I

The garden always revives my soul.
pray she had a joy-filled day.  I prayed he would wait one more day but my brother passed into the Lord's arms this evening.  Words come slowly as I write of God's perfect healing while knowing so many have died just because they are Christian.  Perfect healing is simply knowing deep in my soul that being one with God through his Son will keep my soul 'alive in him' for eternity.  It seems hard when death and evil linger so closely with dear souls whose bodies are no longer with us on this earth.  REJOICE in the Lord, always.  Again I say rejoice!  God's Son died so that all who believe in the Lord, Jesus Christ might never feel the sting of death.

#3876-3878:: I feel numb, groggy, in a cloud of peace as I grieve.  Joy comes deep from the heart as I hurt.  He is at peace.  I now move on to rehearse for a wedding: marriage - union between a man and a woman who love each other and have invited the Lord, thy God, into the midst of this union.  The bride became a citizen today so they are one hour late for rehearsal.  We accomplish little but we celebrate!!!  Crazy, fun, swirls of excitement.

This seems odd but we have so many cows in our area.
Cows forever need to be milked, no matter what happens.
It's like life.  Time ticks by, life does not stop.
We live life until we are called to be with our Father.
#3879-3881:: Morning wedding.  All is ready.  Bride gets to church just in time to change and join her love in marriage.  Papa is lost!  Hold the wedding.  Find Papa, who is from another state and has no map and few directions.  Ahhhhh, someone drives to Papa (with flower girl and ring bearer) and guides them to the church.  Beautiful music pleases the waiting crowd that fills the church.  A grand celebration with two strands coming together.  The third strand, God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, binds them together as they twist together on this new life-journey.  CELEBRATE!!! Even the drenching rain cannot stop the JOY we all feel.

#3882-3884:: Early awake for a full day of celebrating Christ Jesus.  Jesus heals to bring us back into the presence of the Father.  It's that 'connection' with God that is so difficult when we have doubt or unforgiveness.  Healing of the soul, daily, is the we continue to connect with the Lord.  A day filled with challenges and a pastoral visit to a church member who is in the hospital.  Prayers, praise, peace.
Good end to a very wild day.

This is my drawing from an old print.
It shows the vulnerability of a woman's heart.
My heart keeps ticking but it is on overload
right now.  As you can see, there is much
LIFE going on in this heart.
#3885-3887:: A bit of a break before we return to church to prepare our message for the kids at The Point, a fabulous place for at-risk kids to have dinner, play, learn and feel the embrace of the Lord.  Our church had too much food but all really enjoyed the nutritious meal.  We even had help from a neighbor church who steps in with tremendous help serving the meal.  We had so much fun with the kids as they listed they ways Jesus loves us and the ways we, then, can love one another. John 13:34.

#3888-3890:: Administrative details are rolling around in front of me as I regroup from the marathon last four days.  A few glitches need to be worked out but we are looking at some future changes at church - all good.  God is leading us.  Oh JOY!  I totally lean on the Lord this week. Thank you, God!

#3891-3892::  The last day of JUNE!  Lingering days have sped by too fast to capture.  Each moment is a celebration of life.  More rain than we can manage.  No need to water the flowers bursting forth.  Beautiful!
A great end to a challenging month.