"Happy" is a complicated word.
Most people think that we deserve happiness at all times.
When we don't 'feel' happy something must be wrong.
Instead of looking inside ourselves, we look at our circumstances, our surroundings.
I wonder:
Is God's purpose for us to be happy at all times?
Can a deep, inner, unexplainable peace lightened by a tinge of joy be a possibility?
May we each seek God's best purpose to give us that inner joy each day.
Perhaps we can change that greeting to:
"Joyous New Year."
"May the New Year be filled with a greater sense of purpose that fills the soul with peace and joy."
#3366-3368:: Sun sparkles across dry, empty fields. New hopes and 'faith' resolutions are penned on paper. Daily scripture discovery does not cease as I feel renewed determination to reflect on each lectionary scripture, each day of the week, throughout this year.
#3369-3371:: Numbers, balance sheets, financial decisions - all good. Our church is looking very strong financially. People-time, sharing stories, reflecting on the joys of the past year - nice.
#3372-3374:: Sleet, snow, rain - a great day to dig into unfinished goals as we tie up loose ends from the previous year. Linger by the fire, wonder over words for tomorrow, refresh the soul.
#3376-3378:: Journey through fog that turned to
rain as temperatures rise to feel like a Spring day. Connect, mingle, chat, enjoy so many wonderful people at church. A sense of satisfaction as we make pastoral care visits.

#3382-3384:: White flakes flit about like dust as green is covered and only twig-trees stand out. Red zinger tea, a special treat this morning. Join the others as we remove decorations on this day of Epiphany, 12 days after Christmas, when the Magi discovered Truth.
#3385-3387:: I change gears as I focus on my other job - volunteer as president of an organization that earns funds to help women continue their education. Minus a kazillion degrees, I feel, as wind blows me across the parking lot into the midst of incredibly creative women who gather to celebrate another birthday of the organization - so fun! Quilts surround me as I visit the local library to see a display offered, in part, by a friend - amazing!
#3388-3390:: Early up, as the Amish say, to dig into pages of documents that need discernment. Nice and warm inside as the chill air swirls outside. Seven layers of clothes and comfy as I snuggle by the fire.
#3391-3393:: Tap, tap, tap, erase, erase, erase . . . as I write and rewrite the annual report. Writing prompts reflection as my mind lingers over high points of the year at church. What a fabulous year we had - I marvel at God's handiwork.
#3394-3396:: I go outside today, brave sole that I am. Wind scrapes my brow but I'm snuggled in a long 'down' coat my mother gave me twenty years ago - fabulous! I meet with one who stimulates our conversation with exciting ideas. She is a dear friend I only see twice a year.
#3397-3399:: Up in pitch dark but as we drive we see a magenta-pink-streak dividing dark sky from black horizon. Light pierces darkness, just as we read Genesis 1, . . . and the voice of God called out, 'let there be light' . . . and light pierced the darkness . . . and there was day and there was night.
#3400-3402:: Dark, glassy ice on the roads begins to melt. Icy roof goes drip, drip, drip . . . into our house . . . through the attic . . . melting plaster board on the ceiling . . . CLUNK . . . hmmmm . . . time to call the roofer. Praise God we were not on vacation and we know who can fix it.
#3403-3405:: Crisp, bright, windswept fields greet us this frigid morning. Great day for the roofer to fix leaks that pour melting ice into our little abode. I venture outside today - armed with heavy coat, scarf, mittens and everything else I can find to cover this delicate body.
#3406-3408:: Friends pick me up for a ride to lunch and women's bible study. Connecting with dear friends gives me a great sense of satisfaction. It is a wonder that I finally take time to write personal notes to my elderly friends and relatives who no longer read my electronic notes.
#3412-3414:: Whiz, Swoosh, phhhht outside as blustery wind slices through golden-brown meadows.
Crows soar over empty fields as if it were a summer day. OH JOY, that I can stay inside and finish up the myriad tasks that have been sitting on my desk. Crackle, flicker, sizzle goes the fire that makes our home so toasty.
#3415-3417:: A beautiful day to be outside . . . if you are a poler bear, which I'm not. Hubby loves this weather so that makes me happy. Tap, tap, delete, delete, rethink, rewrite as thoughts swirl in my head. God knows us intimately, every sinew of our body before we were born. I slowly digest Psalm 139, my favorite! God knows our
most inner thoughts but God wants us to know Him just as intimately and to make Him known to others. Yes!
#3418-3420:: Yesterday was so slip-sliding that we are glad it warmed up for our excursion to the dentist today. Sad sky, leaking with drippy drips makes us seek a 'lighter' place . . . home sweet home, by the fire, with good reading lights turned on in the midst of what little daylight we see. It's nice to snuggle inside for a few hours on a dreary day. How many more days until Spring?
#3421-3423:: Early up to give more capsules of blood so the doctor can track my inner workings. Barely felt a thing. Rewarded by breakfast at our favorite Panera - filled with people meeting others for business. A nice place to bring our computer and work if home were not so wonderfully cozy. Drip, drip goes another day. Beats
snow and ice!
#3424-3426:: An energizing meeting with a retired CEO makes my day! Encouragement, foresight, vision, hope, energy, a new view for the year. YES! After a long day at work I stop by a pharmacy for a shot as a bit of prevention from a bad case of shingles. A lovely evening with hubby.
#3427-3429:: A great check-up on this snowy, slushy day but nice to enjoy lunch at our favorite sandwich place. View, re-view, sort, save . . . videos for a teaching series I begin on Sunday.
#3430-3432:: Hubby's check-up today. Sunny, bright, clear roads, lovely day for an outing . . . and then . . . and then . . . snow clouds envelope us. We're ready! We need a day to snuggle in and get some 'down' time by the fire.
#3433-3435:: Beautiful flakes trickled down to earth throughout the night. Temps above freezing make for heavy shovel loads as we clear out the driveway. Sun peaks out in the afternoon to dry up the streets so it is safe to drive tomorrow.
annual meeting!
#3439-3441:: Shovel, slosh, smoosh, slide. Wet snow soon turns to ice as we shovel white slush. Bright skies grow dim with more white flakes fleeting past us at mach umpteen as wind presses in on us. Now the light white whips past us to create a soft layer over ice. A GREAT day to sit by the fire.
#3442-3444:: Shovel, push, lift, plop as I make my way to the newspaper. Not deep so heavy white makes for easy removal. Beep, beep, beep, groan, chug goes the huge truck with shovel attached to clean the road. Where is everyone? Are they sleeping in, finding an excuse to hibernate? Not a bad idea. More flakes lilt past the big pine tree to lay softly on branches.
#3445-3447: Crisp, sunny, c o l d, another good day to remain inside. Phone conversations, reports, agendas, a time for exercise early in the day enabled me to complete my tasks by dinner time.
#3448-3450:: Up early to drive the back roads on this crispy, sun filled day. Greet smiling faces who
are cleaning the church kitchen for inspection. Meeting with conference call was hysterical. One phone after another gave out but the meeting continued with savvy work-arounds. Visit with precious souls who cannot get out in this icy snow. What fun we had helping with technical tasks and sharing communion together. Flurries started, stopped so we could purchase groceries without much slip-sliding around.
#3451-3453:: Sunshine greets and lingers through the whole day. The house feels so airy with light pouring through windows. Stiff snow envelops small bushes as protection against feisty wind. My thoughts flit, grow flat, start up again, wander, dream, zip into nowhere and then land on paper as I prepare for tomorrow. Words come so hard today so my heart must take over.
And so we ends the first month of the year - with gratitude and anticipation for even better days.