Monday, December 1, 2014


It's the first day after our first Advent Sunday.
December begins with crisp air and clear skies.
We already have some 'white' for December

We continue to travel but closer to home.
Soon we will be home and settle in for a quiet month of preparation for our celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.
Christ IS the reason for the season.
We celebrate quietly.

#3306-3308:: Linger in the lounge of a luxurious motel, breakfast waiting for us, someone else makes the beds.  We move on into another state where we listen, learn and connect with others in our field of work.  Blue skies, fresh air, Atlantic ocean, beauty all around.

#3309-3311:: Winter gardens glimmer like gold against the sparkles of sun that peak through the
Simple decorations this year.
Our Winterberry bushes are a great asset.
clouds.  Linger in the balmy day as Christmas lights twinkle from behind trees and bushes.  Outdoor trees decorated in pods and seeds and grasses and all things natural.

#3312-3314:: Gray, cold, and wet does not matter as we pile on layers and enjoy some silent moments.  I let my mind rest after weeks of intense processing.  A cup of tea and a slice of raisin toast warm both body and soul.  A meeting tonight will be fun as women gather to celebrate our chapter's 55th birthday!

As President of this chapter, I am glad we are
celebrating another year of earning money for
scholarships for women who choose to continue
their education.
#3315-3317:: Lighter skies, dryer air, nice day to visit the doctor to see if this body is going to make it for another twenty years.  Hot tea, almonds and yogurt - a yummy breakfast.  Maintain about 65 memory verses but it's time to add a few more - next month?

#3318-3320:: Crunch numbers, plan ahead, work out best direction for church as we work with a
fabulous finance volunteer.  Serendipity lunch at the new Golden Corral in town.  Errands to run, food to purchase, not home until evening.  Early darkness brings soft sounds, a quiet night.

#3321-3323:: Back to church early to bid farewell to our dear friend and parishioner who passed away.  A surprise crowd of friends share happy memories and re-connect with one another.
We decided to take a Sunday afternoon to see  Longwood Gardens
all decorated up for the Christmas season.  Music played as
water danced and children came close to the fence to see up close.
Another long day but feel so blessed to have been part of Jim's life.

#3324-3326:: This second Sunday of Advent we focus on 'preparing the Way for Christ'.  John, the baptizer prepared the way for Hebrew people, the wanderers, to repent and return to God and be baptized by water, a sign of renewal of their faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  This also prepared their hearts for the One who would baptize them with the Holy Spirit, Jesus, the Christ, the anointed one.  We rejoice that we can prepare ourselves, during this Advent season, as we anticipate the celebration of Christ's birth.

#3327-3329:: Monday, monday, this is the day . . . to rest and breathe and drink in our surroundings.
I love the different scenarios each year in the covered Conservatory.
"Celebrate inside" and let the brave ones encounter
the freezing temperatures.
 Shops with decorated windows, lights on everywhere in anticipation of Christmas.  We run one errand that takes about four hours of waiting but well worth it.  I brought no work with me so I simply sat, and wondered and rested my brain . . .  so planned by God, I am sure.  We took time but we also saved thousands by being patient.

#3330-3332:: Early up for a visit from the furnace guy.  All looks well, which is good because it looks like we are going to have a long, cold winter.  Nice notes, words to write, phone calls, catching up.  Maybe . . .  just maybe . . .  I might put the dust mop to use - hooray!

#3333-3335:: Thankful for the smell of clean sheets, gathering with other women as we discuss our walk in Christ, reflection on Love as I prepare to speak at a wedding.

#3336-3338:: Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.  Clean, white, light, still falling. Hopeful that the streets remain clear for us to attend a meeting tonight.
And they came, two by two, as God ordained, both male and female,
to unite, according to their own species, and multiply.
And God gave creation another opportunity to fill the earth.
(This ark, made with 'critters' sold every December at the
 Brandywine River Museum of Art in Delaware
 which also houses the Wyeth collection)

#3339-3311:: Quiet, cold, snow sticks, painful 'joy' reading an article about my dear friend's death from a car that jumped the center line to crush his head as he was riding his bicycle on the other side of the street.  He is safe with the Lord but a huge emptiness lingers as the church he was leading grieves with friends and family.  God created us for His purpose, to remain on this earth only for a wink of time.  Our extended purpose is to be 'one with God in Christ . . . .  forever.

#3312-3313::  It's the third day of our commuting marathon.  Today is the wedding, a simple celebration in the midst of Advent.
Two become one, a vow for life.  Only their continued focus on God in Christ, the 'glue' that holds them
An Advent wreath made from forest materials.
Birch sticks make great candles
together, will help them cement this vow over the next several decades.  A wonderful time for all of us to 'cement' our own vows. Joy.

#3314-3315:: This third Sunday of Advent, Gaudet Sunday, means REJOICE!  As darkness wraps its heavy cloak around us, we remind ourselves of that glimmer of light, hope, peaking through - the hope that was and is and is to come, Jesus Christ.  The Light of Christ and the anticipation of His birth, moves my soul to 'Rejoice in the Lord, always.  Again, I say rejoice!"

#3316-3318:: The first day I actually have to myself!  A very long visit with a dear friend reinvigorates our spirits as we share our stories
over the last six months.  Hands press on sore shoulders and stretch the skin with soothing cocoanut oil as my body receives a massage.... sooooooooo nice.

#3319-3321:: A foggy morning invites buckets of rain by noon.  A great day to sit by the fire and clean up messes . .  . like too many emails that have not been deleted.  A good time to read stories others have sent to me over the internet and simply linger in another world for awhile.

#3322-3324:: We gather in the midst of old fashioned decorations.  A six foot tall Nut Cracker soldier watches us enjoy good food, great conversation and a much needed break' during a very busy time of the church year.  Sun peaks through clouds for a morning moment and then hides behind black clouds as darkness wraps around us in our travels to and from work.

#3325-3327:: A rare serendipity moment when I visit a few friends where they meet daily.  Catching up with old news, good news, sad news - so much
Our manger, brought back from Germany by hubby's dad, is our treasure.
We 'play' the pageant by hiding baby Jesus and by moving the wise
men a little closer to the manger each day.
news that I've missed over the past several months.  Lingering longer with others as we drink in this season of preparation for the celebration of Christ's birth.

#3328-3330:: Ponder, write, sputter, stop. How do I put words to an overwhelming feeling in my heart.  Mary, mother of Jesus, God incarnate.  How can this be?  The miracle is too awesome, too wonderful to box into sentences and phrases and paragraphs.  Only the soul can absorb this. joy.

Life peaks through the chilling smother of snow.

#3331-3333:: We sleep later, perhaps because we don't want to face final closure of Fr. Jonathan's life.  We dress the part and make our tired bones move into a crowed space filled with grief.  Words of assurance enter my soul as the preacher, his dear friend, shares what we all feel.  Music brings sobs.  The eulogy by his son, so well spoken, so like his father, an incredible tribute.  I linger in sadness most of the day as my body goes through the motions of preparing for sabbath tomorrow.

#3334-3336:: The brain needs to focus but has difficulty.  A very fretful night with too many thoughts spinning out of control.  Breathe deep.  Translate the words of scripture for all to understand.  Mary was made holy by the GRACE of God, "the Lord is with thee . . . "  I'll ponder these words from the angel Gabriel to Mary for some time:
The old German, glass ornaments are
being revived.  A colleague gave this
to me for our tree.  Little did she know
that our tree is only four feet tall.
That's all the tree needs!
"The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be holy, he will be called Son of God."

#3337-3339:: My body rests after several hard days.  I sip delicious tea and munch on cookies the children made for us.  Hubby most likely will have few to choose from when I'm done. The manger is set in the right spot. Little tree twinkles with a beautiful glass-cross ornament given to us.  That may be all we need this year.

#3340-3342:: Bright sun greets me as I do my chores but moisture soon envelopes the bright rays.  A warmish day draws us out for last minute errands and a nice meal together.  Hubby secretly sneaks into a little store to purchase presents we told each other we would not buy.  Love it.
The manger sits at the foot of the altar for all to see.
This scene is a beautiful remembrance of the Gospel of Luke 2: 1-14

#3343-3345::  The Eve of the Christ Mass - a grand celebration of Christ's birth.  Our children's pageant is wild and crazy and fills the packed little church with joy and resounding laughter.  Parents pop pictures into their iPhones as children recite their lines and sing sweet songs.  And then the grand, festive service with incense and the blessing of the creche and holy thanks to the Lord, thy God, for sending us His only begotten son, Jesus, the Christ.  O JOY!

#3346-3348:: Sweet rest, tend to a very sore throat, share cards and gifts given to us by so many dear ones from church.  Our tradition is to eat fruit and eggs and read scripture on this blessed day that we celebrate the birth of Christ.  Quiet, still . . . nice.

#3349-3351:: Sunshine fills the breathless sky this morning inviting us outside to linger in the snowless meadows behind our home.  Fresh air is a welcome relief from the drenching rains of the past few days.  We linger at
A happy place to linger with my computer.
Pillows puffed up, kleenex beside me,
hubby is making do in the other room to stay healthy.
home, knowing full well that 'boxing day' is crazy-busy out there! Woosh, buzz, whiiiiiiine, goes the vacuum as we dust and clean ever inch of the house for the new year.  Smells so nice!

#3352-3354:: Sneeze, hack, cough, gargle, blow . . . the sore throat gifted to me on Christmas Eve has now left but has been replaced with all the gifts a winter cold brings forth.  My mind yearns to dance in the sunny, warmer outdoors but the body bids me rest.  Hubby is on his own today.  Selah.

#3355-3357:: Few sweet souls venture out to worship after Christmas but the few we have are a blessing.  Chat, ponder, pray with a hurting soul that needs assurance.  Healing
OH JOY!  A new year awaits us as more light shines through
these dark days of winter.
prayer offered today is well received by many.  A quick visit to two sweet gems who are using all their strength just to get through each day.  Poinsettias brighten their spirits.

#3358-3360:: Sleep soothes a scratchy cough and my body feels so much better.  Quiet moments with the Lord lift my spirit and a mostly sunny day invites me to hope that winter will be gentle on me this year.  Praise God for the beauty of Creation as I gaze out the window.

#3361-3363:: Oh the bleak midwinter . . . a quiet chill pierces the snowless day.  Linger over a book of incredible spirit-filled meditations that are only one or two lines long.  The Power of Word overwhelms my soul with renewed JOY.  Feeling better just in time for my special day tomorrow.

Time to CELEBRATE another year!
#3364-3365:: Hubby got up before me and seemed to be sneaking around on the other side of closed doors.  I could hear his giggles.  I ventured out and right in front of me where gigantic words to celebrate this special day. . . and part hats.  It's as if all the world is celebrating my BIRTHDAY!!!

This is the last of the blessings for 2014.
May 2015 bring an abundance of blessings to all who linger with these pithy thoughts.