I love this town filled with victorian homes. Can you imagine no air conditioning in August? All those doors and windows, when open, invite fresh breeze inside those spacious rooms. |
Our windows are open as fresh air flows through our home.
Just enough rain cleans the air and waters the garden.
I am sure it will get hot but what a delight to enjoy a cool entry into August.
#2041-2043:: Early morning writing while sitting on the porch is cool enough for a sweater; Read, study, meditate: a wonderful way to spend the day. Love our fresh greens and veges for dinner.
#2044-2046:: A special day to celebrate Parkesburg was enjoyed by crowds all day; The expected rain showers did not interrupt the day; A special visit to our farmer expands our pantry with fresh produce.
I love the fresh produce of summer. |
#2047-2049:: Driving through the misty morning fog brings us to church a bit early; Jacob's episode with God at the Jabbok river reminds me of God's powerful blessing on those who choose to connect intimately with Him. Delightful conversations with others is another blessing for the day.
#2050-2052:: Cool, cloudy and perfect for studying on my back porch. O.T. stories draw me deeply into God's word which, indeed, brings great satisfaction to my soul; the book of Judges is wild and crazy due to the Israelites refusal to follow the Lord, thy God. Sun peaks out with a splat of warmth then hides again behind the gray - NICE.
There is something about a porch that makes summer what it is - a time of lingering and lounging and chatting with dear friends while sipping ice tea. |
#2053-2055:: Life seems too calm and easy as my lingering gets interrupted by challenging news. Brain goes into high gear in problem solving but prayer is close behind. I am thankful that the Lord shows us what is important and what is simply another challenge to overcome: The Lord is my ever-present strength.
#2056-2058:: I lead a swirl of activity as women in PEO gather for a celebration to draw one more into our group of 'sisters' who share what we have to help other women return to school. Our annual visit to Mount Gretna is always a JOY as we linger on the large porch and all talk at once while imbibing in delicious treats. Errands and decision making with
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Each year I add more day lilies. Love 'em. |
#2059-2061:: A crazy day of time on the phone solving problems that seem less overwhelming each minute. God has His hand in all this and all will work together for good. More fresh produce for healthy eating from our local farmer, YUM!
#2062-2064:: Focus, meditate, breathe deep. Great exercise in keeping calm as I feel overwhelmed by decisions - all good. Chaotic moments lead me to the garden to smell fresh roses that keep blooming no matter what happens. Nice!
#2065-2067:: The annual craft fair in a nearby town that draws thousands - FUN! Home made ice cream-YUM! Cool breezes flow through the rows of tents filled with unique crafts.
#2068-2070:: We need sun glasses on this sunny Sunday as
Spring Park is my favorite place to linger on a summer day. This small pond feeds the path of water in the middle of the picture that goes as far as the eye can see. |
#2071-2073:: Up at dawn to complete hours of computer work before an appointment and a conference call. I have a great sense of accomplishment as I meet many deadlines. Wonderful time of prayer as I was driving to an appointment. Nice!

#2077-2079 I linger for hours in God's Word, with focus on Joseph, son of Jacob. Every time I read this part of Genesis I am awed at God's incredible plan for us, now, today, that kept moving through challenging times because of Joseph's total devotion to God. I so love to study and this is MY day!
#2080-2082:: Amazing workout with weights before a long commute to work; A great meeting and another and another - all good for mind and soul. Surprise! A splat of rain just as we were getting vegetables from our local farmer after a very long day.
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The herb garden is so happy! |
#2083-2085:: Hubby and I had a wonderful 'moment' of realization that our dream could happen sooner than we planned - by several years. God leads us into a new place of creativity which is boggling our minds but all is so good. The healing hand of God is in the words I write for Sunday. God's Word fills my soul with Hus truth and power and amazing GRACE!
#2086-2088:: Cool days feel like October - - - in the middle of August . . . WOW! Great day to wash windows, reflect on the Canaanite Woman and tie up loose ends before I leave town. I feel like I am back in Seattle but I am glad a bit of Seattle has settled here.
Florida is not too bad in the summer . . . if you don't mind millions of mosquitoes. |
#2089-2891:: Although many are away on vacation this Sunday, we have several visitors who are also on vacation. We are blessed with a very relaxed coffee hour and 'personal time' with each other.
Amish are out and about as we weave our way home around various buggies - nice.
#2092-2094:: The seat is broken where I am to sit on the airplane going South so I am placed in a middle seat with wonderful people on each side. I learn about the life of a young man who is attending Law School at Ave Maria University and delight in his conversation about the Lord. I arrive after a very long day to see dad's home of thirty years torn apart after a pipe burst in the condo next door. The Lord has blessed us with quick responders who saved all the furniture and did great work pulling out drenched carpet.
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What fun to sketch a new galley kitchen. |
#2095-2097:: Work begins as we assess conditions and wonder what to do next. Dear friends are beside me every step of the way with people and places and excellent direction. One person after another helps with endless decisions. God is soooooo good.
#2098-3000:: We discover that everything needs to be taken out of dad's tiny home because all walls must come down. The perfect storage company helped me at every turn to have the contents out the next day. They even share their faith on their advertising materials - nice. I just noticed that I have accumulated 3000 positive thoughts - what a record!
A dark photo taken at 6:30 am as I leave to fly home. Furniture in pods, ready to be picked up. HUGE dumpster for all the demolished walls. |
#3001-3003:: We pick through furnishings to store, pack or throw and let the young guys load it up. What looks so easy took about four hours. We enjoy selecting replacement tile and appliances and sinks and so many little things. Quick minds, creative help and incredible solutions swim across my path to make a boggling day quite enjoyable. Praise God!
#3004-3006:: EARLY flight home, in order to prepare for Sunday, was smooth and easy. I sat next to a wonderful conversationalist, on one leg of the flight, who loves talking issues of the day and we were both in agreement - refreshing! Home sweet home with hubby - an ice cream treat at our favorite little hangout made my day.
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We are done loading the furniture - now for a bit of clean-up before further demolition. The full wall mirror, taken off the wall on the right, was a great idea in the 80s. |
#3007-3009:: Study, transition, write, prepare: Remember our Christian roots in God's promises through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Breathe deep the cool, moist air of the north - love it. Sleep comes fast after a day filled with 'catch-up.'
#3010-3012:: This is the day that the Lord has made: Rejoice! More people returning from vacation fill the pews. A sweet time of healing. A grand picnic with joy-filled children going every direction but mostly splashing around in the inviting creek.
#3013-3015:: Final drafts of re-construction drawings submitted so that we can rebuild after water damage nearly destroyed dad's southern home. Decisions are hard but what fun for my creative mind. What goes where - new spaces? Another glorious day on the porch as cool air sweeps past me with each gust of wind.
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Her favorite wallpaper is all gone. :-( |
service sweep through me as I pray - nice. Back on course with events at church that begin to pierce through these lazy days of summer. September is almost here!
#3019-3021:: Phone conversations, emails back and forth, affirmation that the work has begun on dad's tiny home. Ceiling popcorn done, old tile taken out, demolition still going on but progress! Mold mitigation is still far away as more walls must come down. I sit on my quiet little porch studying between calls, assured that the Lord is watching over everyone involved in these tasks.
#3022-3024:: Cool breeze breaks through the heat of yesterday. I hear pigs from the farm down the valley squealing as they are loaded onto a truck; Tobacco piles, laid out on land in the distance, are all gone! Time flies at this end of August.
#3025-3027:: This weekend signals the end of summer but I choose to think we will enjoy these
delicious days through October. Events and family gatherings and food, food, food - Fun! I focus on healing prayer as I prepare for Sunday. The Psalms are like the 'balm of Gilead' and so healing.
#3028-3030:: Hazy, cool morning feels like it will rain but only 5% chance according to the newspaper. Great weather for the meg-craft fair and working in the garden - I choose the garden.
I choose to write another 'linger-longer' blog, which I love to do, but it takes time that seems to flit away at the most inopportune times. A drive in the country invites us to explore an amish store in the middle of nothing but farmland. Super!
#3031-3033:: I complete over 3000 Eucharisteos over 3 years and end up with 3033 for the month of August. It's amazing how one's attitude changes when we find things to be thankful for and/or reflect in a positive light. This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad.