My favorite pillow I set out each winter |
#2111-2113:: Thanks for the soft light that streams past fluffy clouds; temperatures that melt ice, locked onto shingles for a week, hope for a warmer winter.
#2114-2116:: Thanks for Simeon's blessing on Jesus as Old and New Covenant meet; Thanks for more Light piercing through the darkness; Thanks for warm temps and melting snow today.
#2117-2119:: 9 inches of snow makes for a fun day of shoveling; Joy over cleaning off a neighbor's car; Pasta dinner as a fine reward.
Look closely. Each twig is wrapped in ice. |
#2123-2125:: Ice skate on the front walk as we slither out to find the newspaper that could not be delivered; ice turns to inches of mush that will soon turn back to ice; Hubby bravely chisels away at chunks on the driveway as hunks of ice free fall from the roof - really pretty to look at.
#2126-2128:: Mushy streets now frozen solid before the sun comes up; We wait for a sliver of sun to melt enough to be safe; Meetings are not cancelled for today, finally.
#2129-2131:: Streets are clear and power came back to the town where I work; Trees are slowly being cut from power lines; Ten foot tall piles of icy snow.
#2132-2134:: Cold but thankful for clear skies; Nice day to catch up on work; Salt and Light: a challenge for all disciples of Christ Jesus.
Icy snow remained on my pine tree for weeks. |
#2138-2130:: Thanks for a sunny day with only a light dusting of snow; Olympics: Women's Hockey Team! Omelet and toast that is easy on a 'Timothy' tummy.
#2131-2133:: Nice jaunt to a meeting in Philly; Time to linger with friends; exploring with Hubby.
#2134-2136:: Gathering with other women as we explore prayer; praying for an hour with a friend; Late night flakes with cyclone winds makes me thankful we have heat.
#2137-2139:: Snow, snow and more snow; Shoveling for hours and knowing we will shovel again; Huddle by the fire after a long day outside.
Sun rises on our way to church- pink stripes sweep the sky. |
#2140-2142:: More snow, more shoveling; helping our paraplegic neighbor by cleaning off his van; Ice clinging to gutters gives way and drops.
#2143-2145:: A time to breathe, regroup and catch up with little things; Pasta tastes so good today; More shoveling!
#2146-2148:: Sunrise is gorgeous at 6:30 when we begin our one hour drive to church; A busy day with so many brave souls who mastered 'ice dancing' as we stepped carefully on icy sidewalks; Worship and praise and joy and sharing a meal at church.
Snow melts, then dusts a bit after weeks of deep snow. |
#2152-2154:: Slushy snow but not much; A nice day to shovel and chop through thick ice; Warmer.
#2155-2157:: Sochi and olympics during the day! Ice skating surprises; Great meeting at night.
#2158-2160:: A trip to the 'city' to pick up treats for church; Sunny which means melting of ten foot snow-heaps; Dry roads to drive 175 miles and end with a meeting at night.
#2161-2163:: Time to restore my body with R&R; Time to digest scripture and linger over words that touch my heart; Time to breathe deep and restore my soul.
#2164-2166:: Rewrite words so I gain the true gist of what God is telling me; More time to read and reflect; created a wonderful Italian meal for hubby late in the afternoon.
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Holly limbs, frozen in time, hold out their branches to carry layers of snow. |
#2167-2169:: God's paintbrush swept across the sky this morning to create pink streaks of beauty; More people were able to come to church today due to the balmy weather; Ice turns to streams in the street.
#2170-2172:: Lessons for Lent taking shape; Clean sheets that smell fresh; Hubby brought home a treat from the grocery store.
#2173-2175:: Melting snow and crunching ice as we climb over frozen ridges; Encouraging conversation; A sense of satisfaction.
#2176-2178:: Many thanks for a short snowfall and some sun; Thanks for a warm coat because the wind chill is C O L D! Thanks for the women's bible study in which "Saints Alive" will be presented today.
#2179-2181:: God reigns when there is conflict; We learn so much when we are totally open to the Lord when in strange places; Some women listened yesterday and some could not. Praise God for open hearts and minds governed by the Lord.
#2182-2184:: Thanks for a warm home as it is nearly zero degrees outside; Thanks for time to finish up my pile of work; Thanks for this last day of February with no wind and a bit of sun.