Friday, November 1, 2013


Thanksgiving is so daily.
Yet, in November we set aside a special day for everyone to remember our blessings.

What a treasure it is to remember our Thanksgivings throughout November and the rest of  the year.

#1937-1939  Gifts Saintly:: We celebrate All Saints Day as we remember all those who have forged a path ahead of us that we may follow Christ according to their example. Gifts Eaten: Corn on the cob; Fried Green Tomatoes.

#1940-1942  Gifts Worn:: Extra layers of clothing; Hoodies to protect me from wind gusts; Sturdy shoes instead of my usual flip-flops.

#1943-1945 Gifts that start Within:: Feeding my
Our Bunny resides under the rose bush and refuses to
leave.  Amazingly, it only likes to eat pansies.
soul with affirming words; The Holy Spirit guiding my thoughts, words and deeds; A sense of peace that comes from allowing the Holy Spirit to guide my every step.

#1946-1948 Gifts Gathered:: Green Tomatoes ripening to red; Given:: Words of grace; Good:: Each day I spend in God's Word.

#1949-1951 Gifts Acorn Small:: Computer keys; Shirt buttons; winterberries.

#1952-1954 Gift Governed:: A bunny that governs my garden and never leaves when I try to scare it away; The sun that governs the sky on a cloudless day;  The moon that governs the sky on a star-lit night.

#1955-1957 Gifts from My Window:: Golden fields in varied shades; Amber and Rust leaves clinging to naked trees; A lush green meadow slicing through bunches of cat tails.
It's hard to capture the BRIGHT RED of the berries.

#1958-1960 Gifts Sweet:: Wilbur Chocolate Salty:: Mixed Nuts Sipped:: A delicious cup of hot tea.

#1961-1963 Gifts of the Harvest:: Green tomatoes turning red inside; My last green pepper; Herbs still going strong as wild winds bring low temperatures.

#1964-1966 Gifts found in Bible Reading:: Exhortation to live a godly life; Assurance that God is with all who call upon Him; Delicious stories  of intrigue - especially in the Old Testament.

I miss mom but remember her every
time i get a bit creative with fabric.
#1967-1969 Gifts of Remembrance:: My mother who influenced me so much in the arts: music and fabric design; My father, still living, so 'left' brain, gifted me with a love of math; Aunt Helen, 101 and very much alive, continues to give unconditional love to all she know - hundreds!

#1970-1972 Gifts at Noon:: Lunch, Sun peaking out from clouds; Delightful conversation with hubby.

#1973-1975 Gifts Behind a Door:: Wreaths ready to be hung outside in December; A small table that can be set up at a moment's notice; Pictures hanging on the wall.

#1976-1978 Gifts Silent:: Time of meditation; Cleaning the garden; Lingering in late afternoon.

#1979-1981 Gifts Golden:: Harvested Corn; Swaths of husks left in the ground; Mums in the garden.

#1982-1984 Gifts of Hard Eucharisteos:: Working with those who are ruffled by change; Making decisions that work best for all but may not for one or two; Leading where few wish to follow.

#1985-1987 Gifts Laughter:: Children playing outside; in JOYful conversation; Shared with hubby when we both get sidetracked by a 'senior' moment.
YUM! Fresh cucumbers and 'green' tomatoes that turn
red as we keep them in our basement.

#1988-1990 Made:: A Fall picnic on the porch with some garden fare; Shared:: The Gospel of Jesus Christ for all to embrace;  Passed on:: The love of God in Christ with everyone with whom we connect.

#1991-1993 Gifts of Autumn:: Dry, sunny days; Golden hews across harvested fields; Amish in open buggies.

#1994-1996 Gifts of Tradition:: A day of remembrance to be shared with all; Dried Apples- especially Cortland; Gatherings and yard sales.

At 101 my aunt is still
 my role model.
#1997-1999 Gifts of Family:: A delightful Aunt; A wise Father; A sweet Hubby and so many more.

#2000-2002 Gifts Grateful:: Good Health; Good Genes; Energy to lead others in Christ.

#2003-2005 Gifts Only in-Christ: Salvation; Everlasting Life; True Trust

#2006-2008 Gifts Humble:: Quietly leading behind the scenes; Embracing a gift that restores the soul without fanfare; Serving my hubby when he is very able to serve himself.

#2009-2011 Gifts Ugly- Beautiful:: Muskovie ducks; A beach being renovated (more sand); Florida 'grass'.

#2012-2014 Gifts Preparing:: Pre-Advent- a time of preparing for Christ's coming; Making food for our upcoming Thanksgiving celebration; Cleaning dad's condo in preparation for a renter.

#2015-2017 Gifts Hand-made:: My favorite scarf from my sister; Held:: A new Tea Cup;  Happy:: Working on my computer in Florida as cool breezes sweep through the lanai.
I couldn't resist.  I have had this picture on
file for a long time.  He is sound asleep.
The sun glasses are the best!

#2018-2020 Gifts In Community:: Enjoying friends we have not seen for awhile; Sharing a meal with a dear friends; Worshipping with those who also GIVE THANKS for the freedom to worship and give thanks to God in the middle of the week.

#2021-2023 Gifts Red:: Shopping on "black" Friday will hopefully keep shops from ending the year in the 'red;'  My long sleeve sweater as I adjust to COLD weather at home; Winterberries on the bushes outside our house.

#2024-2026 Gifts Astonishing:: It's already the end of November!  I have given THANKS more than 2000 times in the past two years; I am alive, well, and enjoying my job leading others into the arms of Jesus Christ, Our Lord.