#1269-1271 Gifts at 3pm:: A walk on the beach; the ability to cough as my lungs fill up with tiny spores from the Red Tide; tiny bird feet tracks in the sand.
#1272-1274 Gifts Green:: Fabulous Botanical Gardens; Acres of vegetation; Endless scenes of nature.
#1275-1277 Gifts Worn:: Several layers as the tropics became chilly; Bodies of friends who have aged since I last saw them; God's grace covering my soul.
#1278-1280 Gifts Hard to Give Thanks for:: Cold weather that does not leave when I came south to warm up; my visit to Florida without seeing my father (he had to return North for better care); Hard work fixing dad's place instead of lingering in the sun.
#1281-1283 Gifts Found:: Lovely shells; Time to work on this blog; Space in my suitcase to fit one more thing as I travel home.
#1284-1286 Gifts Bent:: Objects pulled from my suitcase Broken:: Long distant conversations with hubby that are now in the past Beautiful:: The sight of home and hubby and eye-to-eye conversation.
I saw this often when I live in Florida but never took a photo. Now that I am a visitor, I am drawn to this much-visited pier. |
#1287-1289 Gifts in the Kitchen:: A fresh pot of bean soup with ham hock; Fresh hummus; Fresh baked molasses bread.
#1290-1292 Gifts Loud:: Wind whistling almost non-stop; A bravely driven tractor on the farm behind us; Laughter as we run errands together.
#1293-1295 Gifts Carved:: Time for writing graces in the midst of piles of other backlogs; Deep furrows in moist soil as the farmer turns up soil; Slices of molasses bread as we consume this delicious decadence.
#1296-1298 Gifts in Christ:: Celebrating Christ's healing power in our healing service; Embracing His presence in Holy Eucharist; Hearing His Word as we digest the story of the Prodigal Son.
#1299-1301 Gifts Read::Ann Voskamp's blog today: Honk if you're happy; The book of Esther as I prepare to teach another session of Women of Worth; Books on Holy Eucharist as it was intended to be celebrated (dating back to the 1st century).
#1302-1304 Gifts in Wind:: if blowing the right direction, farmer smells go elsewhere Gift in Water:: Sea salt and wonderful waves
The waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Oh JOY! |
#1305-1307 Gifts Round:: Rocks; A favorite table; Clementines!
#1308-1310 Gifts Found in Silence:: Icy flakes hitting the window; Time to connect with God; Rest for the ears and mind.
#1311-1313 Gifts Given Away:: A bag of Wilbur's Chocolate from the small town next to us; A book I love that I hope the other will love; Breakfast at a new cafe for a friend whose car broke down.
#1314-1316 Hard Eucharisteos:: Saying 'yes' to a wonderful opportunity three hours drive away - for four weekends; Praying for one several who are fighting cancer; Quietly waiting for God's timing.
God's creation shows off "POPS" of red against green. |
#1320-1322 Gifts Red:: Botanical plants; My favorite room in the house; Small couch pillows.
#1323-1325 Gifts Eaten:: Clementines; Hummus; Tuna fish sandwiches.
#1326-1328 Gifts that made me Laugh:: The sun! when it pops out of gray skies; Emails from friends who share their own stories; Friends in conversation.
#1329-1331 Gifts Salty:: Strong cheese Sweet:: Chocolate from Cafe Chocolate in Lititiz
Just Right:: A good cup of tea!
#1332-1334 Gifts found in His Word:: Romans 1:16 ... for it is the power of God to bring salvation to everyone who believes. Romans 1:17 For in the Gospel the righteousness of God is revealed... [and] the righteous will live by faith.
#1335-1337 Gifts found in women today:: Soul Strength; Perseverance through tough times; More wisdom to know when to say, "yes" or NO to requests.
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It's a great read even if you don't know what a Lotus is! You can order it at Amazon.com |
#1338-1340 Gifts Spoken:: The Passion of Christ, always recited on Palm Sunday, as we all participated, each with a different voice;
Greetings to friends and new faces as we 'passed the peace' at church;
Conversation over a Sunday meal.
#1341-1343 Gifts Sung:: My husband singing me a 50s song that makes me smile
Written:: A rave review of my brother's new book, Road Trip!
Painted:: My sister's botanical prints I look at each morning as we awake. Our botanical garden of art is in the bedroom.
#1344-1346 Gifts Almost Gone:: Organic chocolate a friend bought me from 'Cafe Chocolate' in Lititz, PA; My birthday balloon from my hubby from 3 months ago with helium almost gone. Love it!; The fluffy white stuff called SNOW that fell in globs today and is still coming down ... but melting just as fast.
#1350-1352 Gifts Entwined:: Brush strokes that make this bird's nest look real; My life with my sweet hubby; My life with God as I feel wrapped in His love.
#1353-1355 Gifts of His Promises:: The Lord, thy God will never leave me nor forsake me; He will go before and behind and lay His hand upon me; He will give me resurrected life IF I believe in His Son, Jesus Christ.
#1356-1358 Gifts Uncovered:: Daffodil as it peaks through solid earth; The table on the porch when the tarp is removed - a promise that warm weather is almost here; hiding places for field mice as stones are removed in our very small brick wall.
God created the Butterfly to show us a perfect example of resurrected life. The Caterpillar 'dies' to it's old life to be resurrected with the freedom to flit about as a butterfly in newness of life. |
#1359-1361 Gifts Heard:: Alleluia! for the first time since Ash Wednesday
Held:: The body and blood of Jesus Christ as we receive Holy Communion
Hoped for:: Resurrected Life for all who are willing to accept Jesus as God's only begotten Son.