I never know if I will take the time to continue this project but the Lord draws me close and provides dozens of reasons for me to say THANKS daily. Each month is a gift for which I am truly grateful.
#1188-1190 Gifts RED:: Wearing a red sweater to remind me to take care of my heart, Pasta sauce for our meal tonight, the farmer's barn I love to look at beyond our back yard.
#1191-1193 Gifts on paper:: Daily graces from God; A watercolor bouquet of flowers; A card my 100 year old aunt made on her computer just for me.
#1194-1196 Gifts found in writing:: Creativity seeping out of my soul; Confession from the dark places I choose to cleanse; JOY in reflecting daily thanksgivings.
#1197-1199 Gifts found when bent down:: Discovering dust that always returns; nurturing plants that love inside warmth; listening eye-to-eye to a small child as she rambles in happiness.
#1203-1205 Gifts Found Outside:: Bunny tracks in the snow; My favorite farm now seen through tree skeletons; Hawks swirling empty fields searching for food.
#1206-1208 Gifts at 11:30:: A few minutes giving THANKS to God 2:30:: Loving my hubby through a hearing test and evaluation
6:30:: A nice meal at home near the warmth of the fireplace.
#1209-1211 Gifts Broken:: A few promises I made to myself in the new year. Fixed:: Hummel figures that broke in our last move Thrifted:: Scads of clothes I love, in good condition, but I do not need anymore since I no longer work in a big city.
#1212-1214 Surprise Gifts, Unexpected Grace:: An early valentine note from my hubby this morning; only a sprinkle of snow that glistens in the SUN; A crisp day with sparkle and shadows.
#1215-1217 Gifts of Laughter:: Chuckle at ourselves when the sermon hits hard; Sharing JOY at coffee hour; Enjoying a relatively balmy and sunny day as hubby and I walk and talk.
#1218-1220 Gifts in Working:: Serving another, knowing my purpose for each day, stimulus that permeates other areas of my life.

#1224-1226 Gifts behind a door:: Christmas Wreaths I hang until next year; A big bag of items I am taking on my trip; A room filled with memories.

#1227-1229 Ways I feel the love of God:: Sharing my heart-felt thanks to my hubby as we share words of love and assurance with each other; Memorizing God's Word in Romans as I empathize with the Apostle Paul; Claiming God's promises as I abide with my Lord daily.
#1230-1232 Gifts in Shadows:: An anonymous gift at the door; A cut-down tree releasing light from a shadowy place; Sun streaking through shutters showing a 'ladder' on the rug.
#1233-1235 Gifts found giving/serving:: Returning to my old church and giving God thanks for renewed inspiration; Giving hugs too numerous to count as friends touched my heart with gifts of encouraging words.
#1236-1238 Gifts on paper:: Words to Zesty songs as we celebrated at Ultreya; Sharing a liturgy of new words for people new to Cursillo; Writing notes for further study as new ideas were shared.
#1239- 1241 Gifts of Plan B:: Changed gears to a longer stay as I visited with my sister; Drove longer than planned to the next destination; The need for sleep curtailed conversation as I went to bed early.
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My hostess drank coffee from her favorite cup this morning. I love it! |
Lunch:: Impromptu snack as our original lunch plans cancelled; Dinner:: Mid-afternoon dinner of pasta and veges.
#1245- #1247 Gifts White:: Bright sun piercing the glass-like lake; Down comforter keeping me warm as windows are open and cold air creeps in; The clean look of my sister's Florida home.
#1248-#1250 Gifts that changed today:: A surprise visit with my old women's affirmation group; Purchase of items to help renew my dad's abode; Unscheduled extra time to clean and organize.
#1251-1253 Gifts of Tin:: A lovely Christmas tin I found in a corner is now in a pretty spot; Glass:: Lovely candlesticks sparkling clean; Wood:: Dad's little ship he made years ago is now sitting out for all to see.
#1254-1256 Gifts before 11AM:: A cup of tea and God's Word; A ride to my old church; A wonderful Holy Eucharist.
New:: This day! Warm, cloudy, nice.
Made-Do:: Circumstances that pop into the day unexpectedly. I am grateful that I can think of a 'plan B' or even a 'plan C.'
I loved taking off my flip-flops and squishing my feet in the sand. |
#1263- 1265 Gifts Ugly Beautiful:: My life; A pile of dirt with a path popping from it; feet seen in flip-flops.
#1266-1268 Gifts from the past that help me trust the future:: Salvation in Christ Jesus; A step-mother who prayed nine years for my salvation, then nine more years for marriage then lost her battle with cancer; Family and friends who provide words of encouragement periodically.
I built a path from old pavers. Now those who love to plant can enjoy circling it with foliage. A path over the dirt, onto green grass, leading to the waterway. . . just like life. |