I continue with daily graces #547 to #639 out of 1000.
547-549:: Gifts Loved: Hubby, The Lord, thy God, Life lived daily.
550-552:: Gifts Read:
553-555:: Gifts in Faith: freely giving my life to God; Family: strong community living miles apart;
Freedom: to worship as I choose.
556-558:: Gifts Red: Blood shed for our freedom to worship; White: Purity of Saints who have gone before me; Blue: The vast expanse above me.
Red, White and Blue: Our Flag that reminds us of this great country, the USA.
559-561:: Gifts of Persistence: in Prayer, in seeking God's best for me, in claiming God's promises for my life . . . daily.
562-564:: Gifts of Enthusiasm: Kids running through the sprinkler, Teens conquering a rope course, my choice of positive gifts of JOY each day.
565-567:: Gifts of Challenge: seeing life beyond difficulties; Conflict: choosing affirming words; Change: seeing a fresh start with something different.
568-570:: Gifts of water: digging new wells in Haiti and Africa; rain that quenches persistent fires; a stream trickling through parched land.
571-573:: Gifts of Rhythm: flow of a good day; Rhyme: writing a poem like "Two Chairs" lingerlongerwithgail.blogspot.com Reason: Ravi Zacharias' International Ministries.
574-576:: Gifts in weakness: Reliance on God to give me strength; realization that when I am weak, He is strong; affirmation that I am a mere mortal.
577-579:: Gifts in jars: Olives; spices; our stash of oatmeal.
580-582:: Gifts in life: daily challenges; Growth: resilience; Decline: Realization that when the body is weak the spirit is strong.
586-588:: Gifts Yellow: Black-eyed Susans, Day Lilies, my favorite t-shirt.
589-591:: Gifts of Stone: statues in big cities, my garden path, the wall that holds back dirt and provides a quiet niche in our yard.
592-594:: Gifts Hanging Down: Flower baskets, drying herbs, porch curtains.
595-597:: Gifts Learned: Contemplative prayer, silence, computer skills.
598-600:: Gifts Musical: Singing hymns, Taize, listening to my husband sing (off key but with gusto).
601-603:: Gifts Baked: Apples, 1-2-3 cakes, Chicken.
607-609:: Gifts of Story: Wonder, Imagination, Journey away from self.
610-612:: Gifts understated: God's Grace, God's Forgiveness, God's Promises.
616-618:: Gifts of Sand: Gulf beach; child's sandbox; desert.
619-621:: Gifts of Endings: quenched thirst; quelled pain; Frustrations overcome.
622-624:: Gifts Fresh: Eggs; Vegetables; Morning dew.
at home: my back porch; in relaxation: drinking in God's wondrous beauty.
628-630:: Gifts of Beginnings: Anticipation; Excitement; Wonder.
631-633:: Gifts Together: Holding hands with hubby; enjoying conversation with friends; Worshipping the Lord.
634-636:: Gifts Heard: Laughter, Music, Chirping Birds.
637-639:: Gifts Difficult: Waiting for God's clear voice saying, "Go Girl"; Forgiving humanness; Seeing clearly through a filmy frame of life.